Speaking up.Today is really a good day for Zhang Fan.No.It can be said that since he came to Sichuan.Best day yet.Speaking up.The hypocrite Zhang Fan has done too much.Even Zhang Fan is familiar with the books of sages.Also understand a lot of truth.But once you enter the official career.There is no way to avoid many things.Even if it doesn't look like it can't be done.

But there is one thing.But Zhang Fan didn't hide it at all.It is the famous saying in the "Book of Songs". "My fair lady, a gentleman is so good".certainly.Actually changing with the times.The meaning of the phrase has also changed considerably.Obviously before.This is a beautiful love poem.But now.But it was used as a joke.

But this.No one thought there was anything wrong with it.Whether it is appropriate or not, put it aside.But can you express yourself accurately?Let the other party understand is the most important.up to now.Even those who care more.There will be no objection to the indiscriminate use of this sentence.

only.It was originally a very beautiful sentence.But actually use it again now.There is only one meaning it represents.Put it nicely.That is the heart of beauty.Everyone has it; but if you put it in a bad way.That is the lust of men for women.Although it sounds like these are two completely different words.But actually.Both explanations are correct.

In short.Anyway.Zhang Fan has never deliberately concealed anything about this matter.If he really wanted to save face.Or something to avoid suspicion.Then Luo Linger and Chen Zhaoxue.It is impossible to enter the gate of the Zhang family.

think about it.Although no one ever asked.No one ever mentioned it here either.Moreover.Zhang Fan has never had a golden house.Let outsiders not see her thoughts.But Luo Linger's age is there.As long as someone sees her.I'm afraid I can guess all kinds of things.And this.Zhang Fan didn't care.

Let's talk about Chen Zhaoxue.She is Chen Ruxue's twin sister.Although it is said that the Ming Dynasty did not have any regulations.It is said that two biological sisters cannot marry a man at the same time.But obviously.If this kind of thing happens.At that time, I will definitely be gossiped by others.But Zhang Fan didn't care.

True love naturally exists.But if Zhang Fan replied that there is really no lust at all.Then he is totally lying.In short.Love and lust are all contained in it.

Of course.It's a bit too blunt to say that.Or it can be said to be degrading.But actually.But there is nothing wrong with it.Of course.Naturally, no one would say that.

but.Today's Zhang Fan is also very happy.Joanna's hint to him was already very clear.Thinking of being able to kiss Fangze tonight.Zhang Fan naturally felt happy in his heart.

Speaking up.Originally, this matter was not going to go so smoothly.after all.Joanna is a Christian.Even if she was once abandoned by her country.She prayed to God for so many days but no one answered her.But she has no intention of changing her beliefs.

But for a Christian.Pregnancy out of wedlock is naturally a heinous thing.but.Joanna is clearly not a devout believer.Otherwise, she would not have joined the army as a woman.so.The reason she told Zhang Fan was that.This matter has nothing to do with it.A little twist will do the trick.As for how to work around it.Then I won't repeat it.

In short.Zhang Fan is in a good mood today.but.he's in a good mood.It didn't last long.Actually.He hadn't waited until he saw Joanna's face.His good mood also disappeared.The reason is this person who is blocking his way now.Zhu Xuanluo.

To this.Zhang Fan was naturally very angry.So much so that even in the Shu Palace.Obviously knowing that the relationship with Zhu Xuanluo cannot be exposed.But Zhang Fan still frowned.He said to him in a not-so-good language: "Zhao Huwei. What's the matter with you? Why are you still blocking me at this time. If you have anything to say, you can't say it tomorrow."

But it's no wonder that Zhang Fan expressed such dissatisfaction with Zhu Xuanluo's appearance.Think about it too.As soon as this matter has been settled.Everything has been concluded.That is.Zhu Xuanluo will be very useful to Queen Mother Li in the future.But actually for Zhang Fan.He can already be said to be useless.so.Even Zhang Fan doesn't seem to be trying to break skin with him.After all, you still have to speak nicely now.But actually.In his heart, Zhang Fan didn't care much about him anymore.

Of course.Naturally, it is impossible to show this kind of thing to let him see something.

And that's it.He, Zhu Xuanluo, doesn't come sooner or later.But it just happened to come at such a time.Zhang Fan's good deed was delayed.Speaking of encountering such a thing.No matter who it is.They won't look good on him.

But Zhang Fan didn't intend to do anything hidden in front of him.after all.Zhang Fan now.Feeling very upset.

Zhu Xuanluo is naturally not a person of unremitting style.He naturally understood the relationship between Zhang Fan and Joanna.Plus now when Zhang Fan returns to his room.Such a proud look.As long as you are a man, you know what is going to happen.And he disturbed Zhang Fan at this time.Naturally, it would make Zhang Fan unhappy.Zhu Xuanluo had already expected this kind of thing.

but.For Zhu Xuanluo.He also had to talk to Zhang Fan.There is something.If Zhu Xuanluo doesn't figure it out.He was really worried.What's more, now he is approaching the day to go to the capital.So he wanted to figure it out even more.therefore.Even if he already knew.Now let's interrupt Zhang Fan's words.It will definitely make him unhappy.But he still wanted to bother.

"Master Zhang. I know that now is indeed not a good time." Since it is in the palace.Zhu Xuanluo would naturally be more careful.Don't reveal your identity. "But the villain has something to do. You must talk to Mr. Zhang. Otherwise, you can't rest assured. I wonder if you can delay Mr. Zhang for some time."

Hear what Zhu Xuanluo said.Zhang Fan felt uncomfortable for being disturbed by him.It is already much better.Although I was still angry with Zhu Xuanluo in my heart.But it is already much better.Look at Zhu Xuanluo.Seeing that he really looked worried.Zhang Fan also nodded.I plan to listen to what he has to say first and then worry about it.

"That's it. Please also invite Master Zhang." Seeing Zhang Fan, he agreed to his request.Zhu Xuanluo is naturally happy.He hurriedly took Zhang Fan to a corner where there was no one around.This is what he said to him. "Master Zhang, I already know your plan. Even if you are in the capital, what the Empress Dowager wants to do. I have thought about it a bit.

"However. I still have no idea in my heart. Master Zhang, let me tell you the truth. I am already prepared in my heart. I have also thought about how the empress dowager will deal with my affairs. I also I already have a bottom line. I have already calculated it. As long as I can make Zhu Xuanqi pay the price, I am not afraid of anything."

"Since you have already figured it out, then it would be best." After Zhang Fan heard Zhu Xuanluo's words.nodded.Said to him. "It's just. Since you have already figured out these things, why do you still have to say something to me now. You will understand everything soon after you go to the capital."

"That's right. I understand everything. Except for one thing." Zhu Xuanluo said. "And that thing. Not only did I not understand. I was a little scared."

"Scared." Zhang Fan suddenly had a feeling that he had misheard.Can't help but ask. "It's not what I said. It's just that things have come to this point. But I really can't figure it out. You have nothing to be afraid of."

"I'm afraid of death." Facing Zhang Fan's question.Zhu Xuanluo didn't hesitate at all.He spoke up right away.And these words.What he said was candid.Not at all shy.

"Afraid of death." Tell the truth.Zhang Fan really never thought that Zhu Xuanluo would say such a thing. "I don't understand this. If you are really afraid of death, why would you want to sneak into the Shu Palace? You want revenge. With your own ability, even in the Jianghu, you can get away with it." It was a boom. And you did choose revenge.

"This is what I don't understand. If you choose such a path, why are you still afraid of death?"

"Maybe Mr. Zhang doesn't understand." Regarding Zhang Fan's words.Zhu Xuanluo smiled.Said. "But there is a reason for me to do this. Think about it, Mr. Zhang. If I really did it for revenge. I have been his personal bodyguard for so long. I have been able to do it long ago. But I have never been. Why.

"I have an idea in my heart. It is not only to seek revenge from Zhu Xuanqi, but also to get back those things that should belong to me. If not, I will not take the risk to do this matter.

"It's just. In the middle, Mr. Zhang came out. There is even the empress dowager behind him. And I have no choice. I can only do it according to Mr. Zhang's idea. Although I said it, it made my revenge a lot shorter. ...but it also made it almost impossible for me to get back my identity and those things.

"However. I'm not a greedy person. Things have reached this point. There is no way. But. I just hope. Even if I can only remain anonymous from now on, I don't want to lose my life.

"I'm here to find Mr. Zhang now. I just hope Mr. Zhang can give me a letter of approval. Tell me what will happen after I arrive in the capital."

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