The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1292 True Chapter False Chapter

Zhu Xuanluo at such a time.Standing in front of Zhang Fan.This made Zhang Fan feel very unhappy.only.When I saw that Zhu Xuanluo was really worried.It also made Zhang Fan plan to listen to what he wanted to say first.Then make plans.

And when Zhang Fan finished listening to Zhu Xuanluo's words.He also understood what Zhu Xuanluo wanted to tell him.After all.Zhu Xuanluo was worried about his own life.

Speaking up.Relying on Zhu Xuanluo's martial arts skills.Even if he went to walk the rivers and lakes alone.It is definitely possible to make a career out of it.future days.It won't be sad either.

but.However, Zhu Xuanluo chose to seek revenge from Zhu Xuanqi.Speaking of which, this is really something that is not worth the candle.But actually.The reason why Zhu Xuanluo chose to do this.The idea is unusual.What Zhu Xuanluo thought.It's not just about getting Zhu Xuanqi off the throne of the king of Shu.more important.And at the same time as this matter.Zhu Xuanluo was also able to take back what originally belonged to him.Of course.The so-called things that originally belonged to him.In fact, it refers to the throne of the king of Shu.

Zhu Xuanluo had such a thought.That's why he would rather give up the easy way that he could get it with his hands.Instead, he took such a path that was obviously going to be very difficult.he so called.Isn't it just glory and wealth?

Of course.This path was originally difficult.Speaking up.Zhu Xuanluo was naturally able to prove his identity.After all, others are here.Plus that piece of accessory that couldn't be faked.most important.And of course the family tree.In short.Zhu Xuanluo definitely has a way to prove that he is the most powerful heir to the throne of Shu King.

but.Before that, there is still a problem to consider.It's not just enough for him to prove his identity.What's more.He needs a premise that allows him to reveal his identity.Of course.This is a bit of a stretch.To be more realistic.That means.When Zhu Xuanqi stepped down from the throne of the king of Shu.He can do it.If not.He Zhu Xuanluo did this.It's almost like courting death.

think about it.What if Zhu Xuanqi is still sitting on his current throne.If Zhu Xuanluo revealed his identity at this time.That would be the same as telling Zhu Xuanqi his identity.Some people may think that what Zhu Xuanluo said may be true.But Zhu Xuanqi is absolutely impossible to admit it.and.Although Zhu Xuanqi said that he did not admit it most.But I will definitely think so in my heart.If so.His first reaction.That is of course strongly denied.Not just denied.At that time, Zhu Xuanqi will definitely say that the evidence presented by Zhu Xuanluo is all false.

Actually.It doesn't matter if it's true or not.the most important is.If it happens at that time.Zhu Xuanqi still has status.What he said must be more convincing than Zhu Xuanluo, who suddenly jumped out of nowhere.

so.Once Zhu Xuanluo was so stupid as to start doing this.He will be the first to die then.and.before he died.Maybe some people still believe his words.But once he was killed by Zhu Xuanqi.Then it is absolutely impossible for anyone to believe his words anymore.Even if Zhu Xuanqi attacked him.It is already equivalent to acknowledging Zhu Xuanluo's words.But actually.At that time, it was absolutely impossible for anyone to argue with Zhu Xuanqi about this matter.

but.If Zhu Xuanqi was taken down from the throne of the king of Shu.and.It must also have nothing to do with Zhu Xuanluo.And a little Zhu Xuanqi stepped down from the stage.The throne of the king of Shu was vacated.If so.The throne of the King of Shu must also be inherited by someone.

And if at such a time.At a time when people from the lineage of the King of Shu wanted to compete to be the prince.Once Zhu Xuanluo revealed his identity.Naturally, some people would doubt him.but.Zhu Xuanluo was not afraid.After all, he knew it in his heart.I am real.Even to check.It is absolutely impossible that there will be problems.If so.The throne of the king of Shu.It must belong to him, Zhu Xuanluo.

but.The path Zhu Xuanluo chose.It can be said that it is extremely difficult.Although he sneaked into the Shu Palace.And it was by Zhu Xuanqi's side.But.He confronts his enemies.But he couldn't do it.I can only endure it again and again.It's not easy.He caught Xia Lingbo's handle.Of course.that poison.It was simply impossible for Xia Lingbo, who was born in the Five Poison Sect, to be truly poisoned.But Xia Lingbo wanted to conceal his identity.He could only pretend to be poisoned.

but.Whether it is pretend or not.But the news that Xia Lingbo provided to Zhu Xuanluo.It's all true.even.Xia Lingbo was also helping Zhu Xuanluo investigate his affairs.

but.Even so.H.Still very slow.

and.It is also because the progress of things is very slow.Let this matter go nowhere at all.Drag very slowly.And precisely because progress is very slow.Zhu Xuanluo has just made some progress.But it happened that he had just arrived here.Although the reasons are different.But it was Zhang Fan who basically had the same purpose as him.

It was also because of Zhang Fan's arrival.Let Zhu Xuanluo see it.If he wants to continue like this.It is very likely that his purpose was not achieved.the most important is.It is also possible to drag yourself into the water.

How deep is the water in the imperial court?Zhu Xuanluo is not very clear.But he understood.If you are involved in it.There is absolutely no way to get out easily.

but.If you let Zhu Xuanluo take the initiative to say something to Zhang Fan.It is also impossible for him to do so.

therefore.After Zhang Fan arrived.Zhu Xuanluo was afraid in his heart that Zhang Fan would find out about him.But at the same time.But also with a fluke mentality.I hope Zhang Fan doesn't find anything.

but.The end result is.Obviously on this sort of thing.It's definitely not a fluke.Zhang Fan finally discovered his problem.Moreover, Zhang Fan's whole body is simply influenced by one hair.I just feel that Zhu Xuanluo has a problem.But next.A lot of things have already been found out.

Although not detailed.But those are enough for Zhu Xuanqi to explain his identity clearly.

In short.Zhang Fan's sudden appearance.Disrupted Zhu Xuanluo's plan.It also made him feel helpless.I can only cooperate with Zhang Fan.

And with the cooperation with Zhang Fan.It also made Zhu Xuanqi realize.With Zhang Fan.Or in other words, cooperation with the imperial court.Although it is already something that cannot be reversed.But it made Zhu Xuanluo regret it very much.The more time I spent talking about this matter with Zhang Fan, the more time I spent.The more Zhu Xuanluo felt about it.It has gone far beyond his control.

Obviously just arrived in Sichuan.Live in the Shu Palace.But the problem can be found immediately.And after discovering the problem.Zhang Fan followed closely.I found out that even he, who has been in the Shu Palace for so many years, has worked hard.Xia Lingbo didn't even notice the problem.In fact, it is the eyeliner of the Five Poisons Sect.

Of course.These can only prove that the Jinyiwei people are indeed very effective in obtaining news.But it really made Zhu Xuanluo feel that there was no way to turn back.It was the night of the new year.Jin Yiwei went to annihilate those who had cooperated with him.It was also the one who threatened him.

Dozens of rivers and lakes are at least second-rate players.Even some of them.Even with Zhu Xuanluo's skill.There is no way to confront them one-on-one.but.Then dozens of people.But under Jin Yiwei's hands.Didn't even make it through the night.There is none left.All died.

This also made Zhu Xuanluo who cherished his life very much.Became cautious.he understands.Now he can only cooperate with Zhang Fan.And there is no way out.

But even so.He knew that his future would be very gloomy.But he still wanted to save his life.And now.As the day draws closer.Zhu Xuanluo also became more and more worried.

therefore.tonight.He clearly knew that Zhang Fan had something good to do.But he still had to disturb Zhang Fan.

And Zhang Fan.Look at Zhu Xuanluo.Slowly said: "Since that's the case, it's okay for me to tell you. However, you want to hear the truth. Or is it a lie."

"Master Zhang is really willing to tell me." Zhu Xuanluo asked. "In case. It's a lie. It's all a lie."

"That's not true." Zhang Fan smiled.tell him. "Do you think you are now. Can you turn back?"

Zhang Fan's words.It makes people feel a little chilled.But Zhu Xuanluo is not a superficial person.Zhang Fan's words.It didn't make him feel that there was anything wrong.After all, it is the Xuanluo shook his head at Zhang Fan.

"If that's the case, then do you think it's necessary for me to lie to you?" Zhang Fan said. "The reason why I ask you this is because I want to give you a choice. I want to listen to lies that make me comfortable. Or I want to hear the truth that is not very nice."

"It seems. I'm so pitiful." Zhu Xuanluo smiled self-deprecatingly.But then.He put on a very serious expression.Said to Zhang Fan. "In that case. I want to hear something nice."

Zhu Xuanluo's answer.Zhang Fan was a little unresponsive.Actually.A person who asks such a question.Ninety-nine out of ten want to hear the truth.But Zhu Xuanluo is different from them.Want to hear lies.

"And..." But.Zhu Xuanluo hasn't finished speaking yet. "Those bad words. Master Zhang, please don't tell me."

And this time.Zhang Fan didn't show any surprise.Instead, he used a meaningful expression.He looked at Zhu Xuanluo.

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