The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1293 Please rest assured

Faced with Zhu Xuanluo's words, Zhang Fan couldn't help laughing, and Zhang Fan didn't just laugh, there was more interest and curiosity in his smile.

"You are very interesting," Zhang Fan looked at Zhu Xuanluo with a smile, and said, "I have said this to other people too many times, but after hearing your answer, to be honest, I still want to For the first time, if it was someone else, no matter how you say it, I’m afraid you want to hear the truth, but you say it’s different, you actually want to hear lies.”

"Master Zhang, I know that I am a bit too deceitful when I say this," Zhu Xuanluo smiled self-deprecatingly, and said, "But, I would like to ask Master Zhang, whether it is true or false, can you tell the truth?" Change what's going to happen,"

Without even thinking about it, Zhang Fan just shook his head.

"It's over," Zhu Xuanluo said, "Since neither the truth nor the lies can be changed, why should I bother myself and insist on listening to things that make me uncomfortable? It's good to listen to those words that make you feel comfortable and happy, Master Zhang doesn't think this is right, "

"Hehe, it's a pleasure for you to come here," Zhang Fan said with a smile, "It's just that I'm afraid that if I'm happy now, I'm afraid I'll be even more disappointed when the time comes, so you don't have to be afraid of that anymore."

"If this is really the case, it was also arranged by God, and I have nothing to do with it." Zhu Xuanluo once again showed a self-deprecating wry smile, "However, listening to what Master Zhang said, I actually have some preparations in my heart. up,"

"Oh," Zhang Fan once again became curious about what Zhu Xuanluo said, "I don't know where you got it from,"

"It's from what Mr. Zhang said to me," Zhu Xuanluo looked at Zhang Fan and said with a smile. Seeing Zhang Fan's curiosity, he explained, "Actually, it's easy to see. In the past, Mr. Zhang didn't know who I was, so there was no need to say anything, but after Mr. Zhang understood my identity, he still used this name.

"It's not that I care anything about Mr. Zhang calling me that, but it also made me want to understand. I'm afraid Mr. Zhang has already known what will happen to me in his heart, so that's why it happened."

"You're a smart person," Zhang Fan looked at Zhu Xuanluo meaningfully, and said, "But since you said that, I have to explain it to you. If it's really what you think, then I should take it one by one." His Royal Highness" addressing you, in this way, if you are not on guard, it will be easy for me to do things here.

"But if I say this, you shouldn't think in a bad direction. Moreover, if it really gets better by then, the title of 'Prince' will definitely be indispensable."

"Master Zhang, please don't say good things to me," Zhu Xuanluo waved his hand at Zhang Fan, and said, "I think Mr. Zhang has more in his heart than I do, so don't say such impossible things anymore."

"Oh, you're wrong about that," Zhang Fan smiled, and didn't agree with Zhu Xuanluo's words, "I didn't intend to deceive you either, but if you think about it carefully, you'll know that I didn't deceive you at all. Well, think about it, if the Empress Dowager really has no affection for Zhu Xuanqi at all, and she really doesn't want him to continue sitting on the throne of the King of Shu, what will she do?"

"Do you still need to ask?" Zhu Xuanluo couldn't understand Zhang Fan's words for a while, "The genealogy has already been sent to the palace, and it has already been in the hands of the Queen Mother by now. , and after two too difficult efforts, I will follow to the capital, and when the time comes, the empress dowager will have all the evidence of this person in her hands, and if the empress dowager wants to deal with him, it will be easy, right?"

"However, that's the way it is," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "But, have you ever thought about one thing? Naturally, Empress Dowager Li will use your matter to punish Zhu Xuanqi. If Zhu Xuanqi If he is not removed from the throne, then that is another matter, but as long as he is removed from the throne, then the only one who inherits the throne will be you."

"Master Zhang, what do you mean?" Zhu Xuanluo couldn't understand Zhang Fan's words, "Master Zhang is so sure, you can't lie to me again, right?"

"Maybe I did say something to deceive you before." Zhang Fan looked at Zhu Xuanluo and said to him with a very serious expression, "If you think about it carefully, if Zhu Xuanqi really went down, it would be because This matter of yours will be like this. In this way, your name and identity will appear in front of those people in the court and the royal family. More importantly, in this way, even the Queen Mother Everyone has recognized your identity. If this is the case, when Zhu Xuanqi goes away, you will be the most suitable person to inherit the throne. If this is the case, even if it is the empress dowager, she will But there is no other way but to let you inherit the throne, "

Zhang Fan's words made Zhu Xuanluo silent for a long time. After careful consideration of what Zhang Fan said, he found that it was indeed the case. If things really developed as Zhang Fan said, then As Zhang Fan said, he can only be used to inherit the throne of King Shu.

However, Zhu Xuanluo didn't just think about these things, he also thought of other things, or it was forced to be possible.

"Master Zhang, I'm afraid things may not be as simple as you think," Zhu Xuanluo suddenly raised his head and said to Zhang Fan, "I thought of another possibility."

"Oh, what did you think of," Zhang Fan asked.

"Indeed, as Master Zhang said, if Li Tianhou really intends to use my background to force Zhu Xuanqi to step down, or kill him or something, indeed, in this way, I think I can inherit the throne I'm the only one who loves you, and I'm the only one," Zhu Xuanluo nodded, and said, "If that's the case, I naturally have nothing against it. , Master Zhang, have you ever thought about whether Queen Mother Li will trust me?"

"Don't trust you,"

"Yeah," Zhu Xuanluo sighed, and said, "After all, I am a stranger to the empress dowager, and if it wasn't for this time, she would never know me at all. If that is the case, how can the Empress Dowager trust me to hand over the throne of the King of Shu to someone like me? No matter how much I promise, I will definitely be obedient, and I am afraid that the Empress Dowager will not believe it.

"In this way, I am not the only one who has a problem. I am afraid that even my life is in danger. Mr. Zhang, please think carefully. If Empress Dowager Li uses my affairs to pull Zhu Xuanqi from the throne, And she doesn't want me, someone she doesn't know well, to take the throne, but kill me, what else can I do?"

"This..." Zhu Xuanluo's words left Zhang Fan at a loss for what to say. Thinking about it, what Zhu Xuanluo said was not wrong at all. If Queen Mother Li really doesn't want Zhu Xuanluo to sit on the throne, then only Kill him like this.

However, although there is nothing wrong with Zhu Xuanluo thinking this way, Zhang Fan can't just tell him that. After thinking about it, Zhang Fan had no choice but to say: "You think so, but I don't think so. The queen mother really knows how to do this. Although you can imagine some things, you still don’t understand them clearly. There are also some things that you don’t know. There is one thing that you don’t know. I don't know what Queen Mother Li is like.

"Yes, the queen mother can really afford to put it down. If someone really makes her feel uneasy, the queen mother will definitely be able to deal with it. However, the queen mother is not a bloodthirsty person, let alone , You are still from the Zhu family. Even if you are from the emperor Taizu's lineage, the queen mother is the most concerned about this kind of thing. As long as there is another way, she will definitely not choose this way.

"At that time, I'm afraid you will still have to die, but it's not real death, it's just that in this world, I'm afraid there will be no such person as Zhu Xuanluo or Zhao Zijie from now on. You can only live a life of disappearance, these words , I tell you the truth,

"This... Can Mr. Zhang guarantee it?" Zhu Xuanluo asked suddenly.

Hearing Zhu Xuanluo's question like this, Zhang Fan immediately understood. I am afraid that Zhu Xuanluo already agreed with what he said in his heart, but Zhu Xuanluo was still a little worried, worried that what Zhang Fan said was just a In order to comfort him, he was worried that Empress Dowager Li wanted to do something seriously to avoid future troubles.

"I can assure you," Zhang Fan said with certainty this time, with a serious expression on his face, "Besides, even if the Empress Dowager is not at ease, I will dissuade her, and I will accept it." After this job, I will arrange your way out, so I don’t know if you can rest assured," after finishing speaking, Zhang Fan looked at Zhu Xuanluo, waiting for his answer.

"In that case... now that I am in a situation, I can only believe Master Zhang's words," Zhu Xuanluo heard Zhang Fan's words, thought for a while, and felt that there was no other way, and finally he could only agree with Zhang Fan's words.

However, Zhang Fan can also see that even if Zhu Xuanluo said so, he is obviously still a little worried, but for Zhang Fan now, as long as Zhu Xuanluo doesn't make trouble with him, he will be satisfied. What should be done about the matter, that will be discussed at that time.

However, that's what Zhang Fan planned in his heart. Besides, Zhu Xuanluo didn't do anything bad. If Empress Dowager Li really planned to do something to Zhu Xuanluo, Zhang Fan really wanted to stop it.

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