At night, Zhang Fan and others came to Yazhou to rest.

This Yazhou is very close to Jiading Prefecture, only [-] or [-] miles away. If you have a fast horse, you can get here from Jiading Prefecture in more than two hours. Zhang Fan chose to settle here, naturally there is a reason. His reasoning is that this place is very close to Jiading Prefecture, and he can hear the news from there in time, and although it is very close to Jiading Prefecture, it is not the same place after all. The problem encountered with Zhu Xuanluo and his party, if that is the case, wouldn't it seem too "coincidence".

However, when Zhang Fan and others arrived in Yazhou, it was already night, and the time of Xu was almost past. Compared with Yazhou, Jiading Prefecture was farther away from Chengdu. The speed over there was comparable, but after all, they had to leave earlier, so Zhang Fan reckoned that the time for Zhu Xuanluo and his party to arrive in Jiading Prefecture would probably be after Haishi.

Of course, this kind of time is not important to Zhang Fan, and it is not without benefits that they arrived in Jiading Prefecture later. Thinking about it this way, after walking for a whole day, it must be because people are tired and horses are exhausted. The guards of the Shu Palace of the horse are all very skilled, and they are not tired after riding a horse for a day and a night, but Xia Lingbo's cheap "parents" will not feel full of energy even after a day's ride. Just rest.

In this way, the later they arrive in Jiading Prefecture, the more tired they will be. If they are tired, they will naturally be able to sleep soundly at night. In this way, when they want to send Zhu Xuanluo out, they will not The matter of alarming other people becomes easier, and as long as they can sleep soundly, they can sleep until dawn. If this is the case, then such a time is enough for Zhu Xuanluo and the others to run a long way .

But I want to add a word here. Although Zhang Fan and others choose to rest in Yazhou, there is no other way. So, the place Zhang Fan wanted to come to the most was still here, just to inquire about news.

Now, when Zhang Fan couldn't see it, but was still waiting, in Jiading Prefecture, Zhu Xuanluo and his party took advantage of the night and walked into the north gate of Jiading Prefecture.

When entering the city, it took a lot of effort. Now the major events in the southwest and Yongning Mansion are in the past. All the tribes that are relatively close are not very peaceful, and Liu Xian's army was originally guarding here , but now it is because of the escort of more than 2 people to the northern border, 1 people have left, that is to say, now here, only Liu Xian leads [-] people under his command, but he wants to defend such a large area .

Although Zhang Fan and Liu Xian had discussed it before, the reason why Liu Xian did this was because they both understood that the various tribes are unlikely to cause any troubles, but they understood that other people did not understand, The people below don't understand, even the small officials below don't understand, and now they are all worried about this matter.

It is precisely because of this that although no prefecture or county in Sichuan has issued a statement saying that there is a curfew, once it is night, most of the city gates are closed, and it is not easy to let people into the city at night.

This kind of situation, although it will make people feel a little troublesome, especially for those who drive at night, once the city gate is closed, it is very likely that they will have to sleep in the wild, but this kind of behavior can indeed As understood by people, although the people living in the Southwest now seem to have recovered the stable way of the past, who is not worried in their hearts.

Zhu Xuanluo and his group encountered this situation now. When they arrived at the north gate of Jiading Prefecture, it was already half past Haishi, and the city gate was closed tightly, as if to keep them out.

However, what is the identity of Zhu Xuanluo and his party? Naturally, they will not succumb to this. They have been knocking on the door for a long time. I don't know if the gatekeeper inside is impatient or what. Anyway, the person who opened the side door is a The impatient and alert look on the face.

Zhu Xuanluo said that they were going to enter the city at an oblique angle, but the corporal guard at the gate refused to let them go, and with an impatient look, he urged them to leave quickly.

Speaking of which, even if Zhu Xuanluo is ready to go to the capital with Zhang Fan, even if he has been in Shu Palace for several years, it is all for revenge, but in these few years, he has developed a temper, The most obvious point is that in front of outsiders, you have to be more high-profile.

With one hand, he drew out the knife and put it on the neck of the corporal commander. Zhu Xuanluo was not worried at all about the arrow tip that came out from the tower next to him, shining white light in the cold night. He took out his seal and asked the corporal leader to take it to the magistrate of Yazhou.

Naturally, this corporal leader didn't recognize the official seal of Shu Palace, but he is not a fool. He has been a gatekeeper for so many years, and he has seen many people coming and going. Zhu Xuanluo's arrogant appearance can be seen at a glance. His identity is not simple, not to mention that there are twenty guards behind Zhu Xuanluo, all armed with knives, and there is a carriage that is not affordable for ordinary people. It was immediately clear that they were not simple characters.

So, even though he didn't dare to disturb Zhizhou who was resting, he still took the seal that Zhu Xuanluo gave him and went.

But when Zhizhou of Yazhou saw this seal, he was naturally shocked. He is naturally the seal of the Shu Palace, and now someone who has something to do with the Shu Palace and can still hold the seal came to him However, he was turned away because it was too late, which was very bad for his official career as a five-rank Zhizhou.

He didn't reprimand the corporal leader, the lord Zhizhou hurriedly got up and dressed, and took people to the north gate to meet Zhu Xuanluo and his party in person.

And the corporal leader who came to pass the seal, seeing Zhizhou's solemn appearance, knew that it was a big shot. He was also very afraid, afraid that he would be reprimanded because of himself, but in the end, there was no voice of reprimanding him. Come on, this made him feel lucky, but he never thought that if he was really reprimanded, it would be fine, but if he was not reprimanded, then he would be in danger.

But obviously, this little corporal chief didn't think of so many things at all, and he was still happy for his "luck". Of course, this was just a small episode, this person didn't matter, just It's just a small cutscene in this incident.

And here, Zhu Xuanluo and his party finally entered the city gate of Jiading Prefecture under the personal welcome of the magistrate.

On the way into the city, this little Zhizhou from the fifth grade tried his best to please Zhu Xuanluo, hoping that if Zhu Xuanluo and even Zhu Xuanqi were to pursue it, he would not be implicated. What's more, even if Zhu Xuanluo didn't say anything, he had already decided to shift the responsibility to the corporal guarding the city.

Since Zhu Xuanluo and his party arrived too late, and there was no news that they were coming here, Jiading Prefecture was not prepared for anything.

When the Zhizhou learned that the people who came were the parents of the third concubine of the Shu Palace, he was really shocked. Although the parents of the third concubine are nothing, but this pillow wind is really true. Great, this magistrate doesn't want to offend a woman, especially this kind of woman, so even though it's late, he still wants to get someone to prepare meals and a place to live.

However, Zhu Xuanluo, who obviously had something on his mind, would not do this. He also received a secret message from Zhang Fan's subordinates today, saying that there was a change in the plan and he was asked to leave tonight.

Regarding this, although Zhu Xuanluo said that he could only agree, but he also had some thoughts in his heart. The most important thing was that he also understood what Zhang Fan was worried about, and knew that Zhang Fan was afraid that he would change his mind temporarily.

Regarding Zhang Fan's worries, although Zhu Xuanluo felt in his heart that it was unnecessary, he didn't say anything. Since that was the case, then follow Zhang Fan's plan.

So now, Zhu Xuanluo naturally doesn't want to waste time. Since he is leaving tonight, it's better to go earlier. Zhu Xuanluo also thinks it is a good thing that the chance of Zhu Xuanqi's recovery is so slightly advanced.

So now, how could Zhu Xuanluo let this Zhizhou delay his precious time again? Therefore, even this Zhizhou's enthusiasm has reached the point of perseverance, but Zhu Xuanluo just doesn't buy it.

However, this also shocked the magistrate, he thought that Zhu Xuanluo and the others were unhappy with him, or something, and his expression changed immediately.

It seemed to Zhu Xuanluo that his expression had changed, and he felt a little helpless. If this continues, it will take a lot of time, so he can only say that the whole group is tired, especially the princess' parents, who need to rest early after a day's driving , This is considered to have dismissed this person.

Those guards were indeed tired, so after staying at the station, they just ate something and went to rest, but Zhu Xuanluo couldn't fall asleep, he was still waiting for Zhang Fan's people to give him a signal Well, Zhang Fan's people had already come to Jiading Prefecture one step ahead of them, just to take him away in the middle of the night.

Tonight, as long as there are no major accidents, Zhang Fan's plan will succeed.

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