The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1303 Finally Sending Away

Zhang Fan didn't fall asleep all night until Yinshi arrived.

It was at this time that Liang Chao just received the news. He also knew that Zhang Fan had been waiting for the news, so he didn't delay at all, and immediately rushed over to tell Zhang Fan about it. Knowing that this is the news that Zhang Fan has been anxiously waiting for, Zhang Fan has not slept until now because of this matter.

And when Zhang Fan heard the news, he didn't show any excitement or particularly happy appearance, it's just that the worry on his face disappeared, replaced by a relaxed appearance, indeed, he got Zhang Fan, who received the news, knew in his heart that one matter was a foregone conclusion. Of course, those people involved in it might not be able to get away with it, but at the very least, he now has nothing to worry about.

Of course, what Zhang Fan wants to hear is not only that the matter has been done, Zhu Xuanluo has already been sent out these words, he still needs to know the specific situation. Fan's thoughts were on his mind, so before Zhang Fan could ask a question, he took the initiative to speak up.

Speaking of it, things are very simple. After Zhu Xuanluo and the others arrived in Jiading Prefecture, it was already very late, and they were really tired, so even the governors of Jiading Prefecture were very worried because of their identities, so there was Noisy, but Zhu Xuanluo quickly dismissed them, saying that they are going to rest here.

It is true that he has rested, and after a day's driving, no matter if they are by car or on horseback, even though they are all strong bodyguards, they will still feel very tired after this. Therefore, after sending the Zhizhou away, After eating something casually, these people all rested.

Moreover, during this rest, they really fell asleep very deeply. Although these people are all people with martial arts and have practiced good skills, even if they are in a deep sleep, if there is a sudden noise , will wake up immediately, but the person who wants to avoid them is none other than Zhu Xuanluo.

Even if nothing else is said, just relying on Zhu Xuanluo's own skills, he is absolutely sure that he can leave here quietly without being discovered without disturbing these people, not to mention, come here These people were all chosen by Zhu Xuanluo himself, and Zhu Xuanluo is not very familiar with these people. After all, they are all guards in the Shu Palace. They meet every day, and they have also practiced martial arts together. Said that he is very familiar with these people, so that he wants to avoid the eyes and ears of these people, and with Zhu Xuanluo's own skills, not to mention that all those people are sleeping, that is to say, Zhu Xuanluo wants not to disturb anything It's easy for people to come out.

Afterwards, Zhu Xuanluo really didn't disturb anyone, and came out of the post house without anyone noticing. After Zhu Xuanluo left the post house, someone came to him immediately, and it was Zhang Fan's subordinates who had been there for a long time. The person who entered Jiading Prefecture Middle School and waited during the day was to pick up Zhu Xuanluo.

After the two met, the man immediately took Zhu Xuanluo to the east gate of Jiading Prefecture. At the east gate, three fast horses were already prepared, and there was also Zhang Fan's subordinate. Waiting there, and not only that, even the terracotta warriors guarding the gate have obviously been explained. When they saw that man, they immediately let them go out through the side gate. No one else was alarmed.

Zhu Xuanluo saw all these things in his eyes and kept silent. Although this kind of thing looked very powerful and surprising to people, in fact, Zhu Xuanluo was very clear in his heart. For Jin Yiwei, it was nothing more than a piece of cake, not worth mentioning at all.

The three of them led the horse out of the side door. The one at the beginning immediately got on the horse with Zhu Xuanluo and led him eastward, but the other one did not go eastward with them. People, knowing that their figures disappeared into the night and could no longer be seen, then they got on their horses and rushed towards the northwest, that is, Yazhou. This person was arranged by Zhang Fan for the purpose of When things happen, I can come back and report to him.

After Zhang Fan listened to Liang Chao's words, the expression on his face became more relaxed.

"My lord," Liang Chao couldn't help asking, "Isn't it too unsafe for us to send Zhu Xuanluo to the capital with only one person? If Zhu Xuanluo changes his mind midway, my lord will not be able to fulfill the Queen Mother's orders, okay?" said, I'm afraid we'll have to risk another brother's life,"

"I've also considered this matter," Zhang Fan nodded, expressing his agreement with Liang Chao's words, and said, "But now I have no other way, if too many people go, not only will it be easy to send their The whereabouts are leaked, and more importantly, when there are more people, the speed will slow down. Besides, if there are more people, I am afraid that Zhu Xuanluo will feel uneasy in his heart, and maybe he will do something. Yes, it would be good to have fewer people.

"Of course, what you said is not unreasonable. Even so, Zhu Xuanluo may still change his mind midway, but I think even if it is possible, he may not necessarily do so. You think, he is already useless now. Luke is gone, even if he will not be able to be free in the future, but I have told him that as long as he is obedient, I can at least make him live more comfortably.

"If he really changed his mind halfway this time, then I will never forgive him, let alone me, even the Queen Mother will never let him go, he is a good person, but I will I don't believe that compared to the future days when he can't go out, but still has no worries about food and clothing, he is willing to go to the kind of life that is like wandering and wandering, and he has to worry about it every day. Once he dares to do this, if we If you find him, he will definitely die.

"I don't think Zhu Xuanluo knew this truth. If that's the case, I think he wouldn't do it even if he really had such small thoughts in his heart."

Although Zhang Fan did not give Liang Chao a statement that would definitely make him feel at ease in the end, it is obvious that Zhang Fan's words have already reassured Liang Chao a lot. Yes, judging from Zhang Fan's previous arrangement of things, even if he didn't make all the perfect plans, there was an element of risk in it, but the decisions Zhang Fan made were all right in the end. In this way, Liang Chao's confidence in Zhang Fan naturally increased greatly, so he stopped asking about this matter.

"My lord, since this matter has been settled, please go to rest quickly." At this time, Wang Meng, who had been by Zhang Fan's side, said, "It's already Yin time, after a while , Your Excellency will not rest for twelve hours, how can this be done, "

"It's nothing," Zhang Fan said with a smile, "Speaking of which, it's all thanks to you, Wang Meng, the methods of breathing that you taught me, even if I'm busy every day, I still find time to practice them. Practicing, although it is indeed like what you said, it is impossible to develop skills based on this, but the effect of strengthening the body is really remarkable, let alone one day and one night, I want to come for three days and three days If I don't rest at night, I'm fine.

"Besides, although this matter has been settled now, even if we still have to worry about whether Zhu Xuanluo will change his mind midway, even if he really changes his mind, there is nothing we can do now, so I don't worry about these things anymore.

"I'm still thinking about the matter of the Five Poison Sect. By the way, speaking of the Five Poison Sect, is Fang Zhengan not moving?"

"He didn't move at all," Wang Meng said, "Although the lights in the room next to your lord are on all night, he who wants to live on the opposite side knows it, but I went to check a few times on the way, and found that he was really sleeping. Now, it seems that he is very relieved, "

"Hmph," Zhang Fan said with a smile, "Don't worry, either he really doesn't have any bad intentions, or he has already planned everything out."

"What the hell is it?" Liang Chao said again, "We can't figure it out no matter what we think about it, and even if he has told the reason to the adults, the adults don't think it's bad, but I always feel that things may not be so. Simple,"

"Of course not," Zhang Fan nodded and said, "Although the reason he told me is indeed reasonable and really moved me, but I don't think he's just Thinking about it, naturally, what he said is also reasonable. We all have seen the matter of the Five Poisons Sect and the Fang family's father and daughter. I also understand those reasons. However, apart from these reasons, I am afraid There is something else right, as for what it is, I can't think of it at all now, and I can only figure it out when I go to the Five Poisons Sect."

"Fang Zhenqian said that he would come to inform you in two days. It has been a long time, but there is no news from him at all." Liang Chao frowned and said, "I don't know what's going on. It's like this, and there is no news. I don't know when we have to wait.

"There are still a lot of things going on in the capital, and now in the Northeast, people like Wang Gao are getting more and more restless. There must be a lot of things that the court will ask adults to intervene, although the things about the Five Poisons Sect are indeed It's important, but we can't spend all our time on it, right?"

"You're right," Zhang Fan nodded, "I'll ask Fang Zhenqian again tomorrow to see if this matter can be settled sooner."

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