The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1308 Each has a dispute

After casually eating dry food, Zhang Fan and his party set out on the road.

Now that he already knows the location of the Five Poison Sect, Zhang Fan has no other questions. As for the remaining matters, he will ask Fang Zhenqian now, and obviously he will not answer. What kind of idea is there? I will understand after I get there, so now Zhang Fan has calmed down.

After the group of people set off, they headed south. The mountains that were only vaguely visible just now are not far from here, only a dozen miles away, but Fang Zhenqian told Zhang Fan that the Five Poisons Sect Although it is in the mountains, it is not where Zhang Fan can see. In fact, Fang Zhenqian said that the mountains were piles of earth and rocks, which is really too much. The mountain area is very large. When Zhang Fan followed Liu Xian's army to Yongning Mansion, he saw these mountains all the way to Sichuan Xingdusi, and even passed Sichuan Xingdusi. When he went to Yongning Mansion, he couldn't turn his head. You can see this mountain.

According to what Fang Zhenqian said, the Five Poisons Sect is located in such a large group of mountains, almost near the center, and there is a distance of more than 100 miles to go.

Originally, if there were only so many people, it would be easy to say, if you ride a horse, you can almost arrive in the evening, but now there are more than 200 people, and not all of them have horses, so the road is slow Quite a few, plus, when you get to the mountain pass, you are about to enter the mountain, and even if Fang Zhenqian doesn't tell Zhang Fan about the road inside the mountain, Zhang Fan knows that the road inside the mountain will never be easy to walk, so At first, Zhang Fan figured out after a little calculation that it would take nearly two days to get to the Five Poison Sect.

That is to say, tonight, they will have to spend the night in the mountains and forests. Fortunately, Zhang Fan has made preparations. The preparations of this group of people are quite sufficient. The tents were not forgotten either. Speaking of which, Zhang Fan and his group were basically no different from the marching army, except that they were not setting out to fight.

Of course, whether there will be a fight in the end is still open to discussion.

In short, along the way, Zhang Fan and Fang Zhenqian talked a lot, but basically, it was Fang Zhenqian who was talking, while Zhang Fan was listening. Fang Zhenqian was actually introducing Zhang Fan to the Five Poisons Sect. It is said that Zhang Fan will be there soon, and it is very convenient to know anything, but Fang Zhenqian will still tell him some of the most basic things.

One thing, Zhang Fan understood why the Five Poisons Sect was here, but no one had discovered the reason why it took hundreds of years. It is true that the people of the Five Poisons Sect did not tell the outside world where their teaching site was. Where is it? However, firstly, this place is too close to Chengdu, and it is not the territory of the Miao family; No one knows.

It turned out that the members of the Five Poisons Sect came out from the sect, no matter whether they were walking in the rivers and lakes or going out to do errands, they would not wear the clothes of the Miao family. Yes, only a very small number of people will wear the unique costumes of the Miao family to go out, and most people will almost choose the costumes of the Han people or other ethnic groups.

This is also a means of self-protection of the Five Poisons Sect. After all, this is not the territory of the Miao people, and the Five Poisons Sect was established here. trouble.

Of course, Fang Zhenqian also told Zhang Fan that not only Fang Zhenqian, but even the previous leaders of the Five Poison Sect, wanted to relocate. After all, although the place is well hidden, the location is not good. , In addition, the Five Poison Sect, a gang established by the Miao people, is not on the territory of the Miao people, which indeed makes them somewhat objectionable.

However, in the end, no one did this. Fang Zhenqian told Zhang Fan that he also had this plan at the beginning, and at that time the people under him had already agreed to his plan to relocate, and even started preparations. The place to move to has also been selected, but in the end, it still didn't work out.

Not because of anything that happened, but because of the various problems that came with the imminent relocation.

First of all, this is the place where the Five Poison Sect has been operating for so many years. People from all generations of the Five Poison Sect are very familiar with this place. Many people were even born here and grew up here since they were young. People suddenly moved and changed the environment, and many people would not be able to adapt.

Perhaps, this is not a big problem, even if some people are not used to it, but since they have decided to move, it will be fine to slowly adapt to the new place. Even if this problem is a little difficult, it is not Intractable.

However, this is not the fundamental reason for obstructing the relocation, there is a second point.

Secondly, it is about the Five Poison Sect itself, why the Five Poison Sect has gained a foothold in the Jianghu, and why it has become famous in the Jianghu. The most important thing is that the Five Poison Sect has its own unique characteristics. That is to use poison. Whether it is the "Five Poisons Sect" called by outsiders, or the "Five Immortals Sect" called by the Miao people, or their own people, they all focus on one point, that is poison, and the characteristic of the Five Poisons Sect is Use poison, and it is a strange poison, an uncommon poison.

The so-called five poisons include five kinds of toads, scorpions, centipedes, poisonous snakes, and spiders. These five creatures are all highly toxic. Among the poisons refined by the Five Poisons, although there are many herbs, or Mixed poisons and the like, but these five poisons are the most fundamental things. Therefore, for the Five Poisons Sect, these five creatures must be used, and the dosage is not small. Maybe it's easy to find, but those that don't need to be cultivated at all, and are inherently extremely poisonous, are very difficult to find, and all of them are extremely precious.

But among these five poisons, there are mutual constraints, but it is difficult to find them all in a relatively small range.

However, this place is different, because it is a mountain group, and the range of the mountain group is very large. In other words, this is a place they are very familiar with, and it is not a troublesome thing. More importantly, in such a large mountain group, all the five poisons can be found, although there are more or less in number. , but all of them can be found, even some of the more cherished varieties, there is no shortage here.

And it is for this reason that Fang Zhenqian's original plan to relocate was dispelled. After all, although the place he moved to did not lack these things, it was indeed not as rich as here, and this matter was the most important thing for the Five Poison Sect. The fundamental thing, therefore, is the final decision not to relocate.

"Thinking about it now, this old man has some ideas," Fang Zhenqian said to Zhang Fan, "I don't know the name of the person who founded my teaching at the beginning, why he chose here in the first place has always been a mystery in my teaching. After so many years, no one knows. Many people think that maybe it was because of something happened in his tribe at that time, which forced him to come out to find a place.

"But after that incident, the old man suddenly felt that things didn't seem to be like this anymore. It really made sense to choose this place. At least, I don't have to worry about not finding a poisonous snake thing,"

"It seems that your religion has many stories," Zhang Fan sighed after hearing Fang Zhenqian's words, and said, "But speaking of it, every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, so what's the matter with your religion? I won't ask any more questions, by the way, I don't know if Old Master Fang has anything to explain, "

"There are some other things," Fang Zhenqian nodded, and said, "There are also some disputes in the church. Although the old man has just been rescued, I don't know much about the details, but Yueling also said some things. , In addition, the old man already knew it, and he knew it almost, so tell Mr. Zhang.

"Because Li Yang was the left protector before, and now Li Yang has gone to Mr. Zhang's side, so the current left protector is still the original one, named You Xuguang, and he and the current right protector, You Shixuan, They are relatives, but although they are relatives, they are deadly rivals, and they are the kind of deadly rivals who want to put each other to death. There is no way to deal with them. Although their two grades are old now, they are still fighting each other. Although Yue Ling said it was nothing, the old man knew in his heart that just these two people were enough for her to keep busy for a while .

"Others, such as Tianlongtang and Jinwentang, have always been deadly rivals, and Yimangtang and Bositang are not against each other, and finally there is Kulangtang, which seems to be alone, but in fact, Kulangtang is the most It will be messed up, and you have to intervene in everything in the teaching, but if something really happens, it is the most troublesome to be able to separate the responsibilities.

"Of course, there is no need for Mr. Zhang to ask too much about these matters. The old man just told Mr. Zhang. After Mr. Zhang arrives, I am afraid they will find someone to talk to Mr. Zhang. Please understand Mr. Zhang. Just do it,"

"Old Hierarch Fang, please rest assured," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "I understand, and I have remembered everything that Old Hierarch Fang told me, so I will naturally be careful when the time comes."

"That's good," Fang Zhenqian nodded,

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