The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1309 Some Changes

Although only a dozen miles away.But when Zhang Fan and the others rushed to the place where the mountains were closest to them.It's past the unitary hour.The sky has also darkened.And just when Zhang Fan was planning to let people camp here.spend the night.Wait until the next day to enter the mountain again.But met a person.And it was a person Zhang Fan was very familiar with.

No.Actually not just one person.but a group of of them.With a few people behind.this person.It was the Yu'er that Zhang Fan was very familiar with.Speaking up.In the past, Yu'er had a lot of prejudice against Zhang Fan.even.Once again, he almost killed Zhang Fan.Although Zhang Fan is not a person who does not take revenge.And he also understands that Yu'er really has a lot of unexplained hatred for him.But Zhang Fan has no intention of getting anything back from her now.

only.Even Zhang Fan had this idea of ​​repaying evil with virtue.But I'm afraid of the other party.But it may not be appreciated.and.I'm afraid it seems to Yu'er.Zhang Fan will do this.It must be holding some more conspiratorial idea or something.all in all.Yu'er to Zhang Fan.That was not a good impression at all.

The reason is exactly why.Zhang Fan didn't know at all.And now.Zhang Fan didn't want to know anymore.Anyway.this woman.Even after forming an alliance with the Five Poison Sect.Even if there is a chance to deal with her in the future.But it won't be too much.Zhang Fan didn't need to care about her.

But now.When I saw this woman again.It made Zhang Fan see something different.Zhang Fan found out.Yuer treats him.There was still that hostility.But the hostility is different from what it used to be.It's not the simple hostility like before.Rather, there are other things mixed in.Take her look at Zhang Fan as an example.Zhang Fan felt something was wrong.It's not that kind of simple hostility.There are other looks.certainly.If Zhang Fan were to tell what it was.He also couldn't tell.But can't tell.It doesn't mean Zhang Fan didn't notice it.

Actually.It started from the first sentence Yu'er said to him.Zhang Fan already had this feeling.

I still remember when Zhang Fan and the others just arrived.Getting ready to camp.Yu'er came out from the dark with a few people.Obviously.She has been waiting here for a long time.

After Yu'er came out.Naturally, he would not talk to Zhang Fan first.Instead, he was the first to reach Fang Zhenqian.Say hello to him.That's nothing.After all, Fang Zhenqian was the former leader of the Five Poison Sect.He is also the biological father of the current leader, Fang Yueling.Moreover.Even without saying this.Fang Zhenqian is regarded as Yuer's savior.She went to say hello to Fang Zhenqian first.Of course it should.

And after greeting Fang Zhenqian.It was the time when Zhang Fan felt the biggest change.If it was the previous Yu'er.Absolutely ignore Zhang Fan.She even gave him a cold look.He snorted coldly.That's all for the best.But this time.The way Yu'er treats Zhang Fan is different.

She this time.It was in front of Zhang Fan.While Zhang Fan was still surprised.He actually opened his mouth to speak: "Master Zhang. Welcome to our Five Immortals Sect." Although there was a lot of unwillingness in the tone of the words.But for Yu'er.To be able to say such a thing to Zhang Fan.It's already a very big deal.

And Zhang Fan.That's what she said too.I was completely stunned.It's not even just Zhang Fan.Even Wang Meng and Liang Chao next to Zhang Fan.They were all overwhelmed by her words.

And Yuer.Perhaps self-awareness.Understand what I said.What kind of impact will it have on Zhang Fan?so.She didn't show any confusion at Zhang Fan's surprise.On the contrary, it looked very relaxed.Said to Zhang Fan: "I understand what Mr. Zhang is thinking in his heart. But today is different. Our two families will form an alliance soon. We should let go of the previous grievances."

As soon as Yu'er said these words.Zhang Fan already knew it in his heart.It seems that Yu'er's attitude towards him.There will be such a change.Naturally, it was also because of this time.After all this time.On the surface it seems.It is an alliance between Jinyiwei and the Five Poison Sect.But actually.It was the alliance between Zhang Fan and Fang's father and daughter.That is.Zhang Fan had to support Fang Yueling in the future.

And if so.Yu'er is extremely concerned about Fang Yueling.Also understand.Zhang Fan will become Fang Yueling's biggest support in the future.Once something threatened Fang Yueling in the Five Poison Sect.The role of Zhang Fan's backer will become extremely obvious.

therefore.For Yu'er who cared deeply about Fang Yueling.Zhang Fan suddenly fell in love with someone she disliked very much.He became someone she had to try her best to deal with and please.Even in such a short period of time.There was no way for Yu'er to change Zhang Fan's attitude so much.even.Even now she has started to talk to Zhang Fan on her own initiative.And speak out.Also very polite.But hidden under her words.Dissatisfaction with Zhang Fan.It was still very obvious.

This is for Zhang Fan.Although it is a somewhat weird thing.But it wasn't something he couldn't understand.Actually.In many cases.Even Zhang Fan himself.also had to face this situation.Obviously, I hate it in my heart to death.However, he still had to make false claims with the other party on the surface.this kind of thing.There are too many in the court.

At first.When Zhang Fan encountered this situation for the first time.I have the same idea as Yu'er in my heart.That conflicted state of mind.Zhang Fan naturally felt it.But to really say the difference.That is, Zhang Fan has long been accustomed to this kind of thing.And Yu'er is still not used to it.It's even the first time she's done it.

"Miss Yu'er." Since the other party is already like this.The so-called reach out and don't hit smiling people.That being the case.There was no need for Zhang Fan to put on a distant expression towards her anymore. "What happened in the past. That's all in the past. Don't mention it now. Our two families are now. An alliance is imminent. After that, although it can't be said to be a family. But since there is an alliance, then we should help each other. .In the future. If you are in trouble, just tell me. As long as I can help. I, Zhang Fan, will never say a word."

Zhang Fan also put on this kind of face.Talk to Yu'er.only.Compared to Yu'er's unnaturalness.Zhang Fan said these words.It was all too natural.after all.Zhang Fan can be said to have experienced this kind of thing.Don't know how many times it's been.Let him do it now.Of course there is nothing to say.It is very convenient.

And Yuer.That was the first time doing such a thing.So there's a lot of unnaturalness.

only.Zhang Fan made such a natural movement.It also made Yu'er frowned when she saw it.

And here.Once again, the change of Yu'er was reflected.

If in the past.Such a natural reaction to Zhang Fan.Naturally, Yu'er would be somewhat despised.And the result of contempt is.She wouldn't talk to Zhang Fan at all.but now.But it is different.Yu'er didn't ignore Zhang Fan.Instead, he frowned.He opened his mouth and said to Zhang Fan: "Speaking of it, I have always disliked you. It's not because of your identity. Or something else. It's because you can say such false things so casually. Do such false things. It's just a matter of course. You still take it for granted. It really annoys me."

Compared with keeping this emotion in your heart and not speaking it.Now Yu'er said all these words in front of Zhang Fan.This is indeed a huge shift.It also expresses Yu'er's heart.Start with something.It can be said that Zhang Fan has been accepted.certainly.This acceptance is not his acceptance.No other meaning.

"Oh." And Zhang Fan.After listening to Yu'er's words.Can't help laughing.Said. "Speaking of it this way, Ms. Yu'er actually doesn't want our two families to form an alliance." Zhang Fan said in such a joking tone.Naturally, I don't want to be angry with Yu'er.It's just an interesting expression of her transformation.

"No. Master Zhang is wrong to say that." Yu'er put on a serious face.Said. "Indeed. There are many things. I don't agree with Mr. Zhang. But this matter, I understand. It must be done. I think the old leader has already told Mr. Zhang the true meaning of this alliance. That's the case. I will not say any more.

"However. I heard what Mr. Zhang said just now. Maybe you don't believe it. But what you said just now makes me think. It's really not a wrong choice to form an alliance with you."

"How can I see that?" Zhang Fan didn't expect Yu'er to say such a thing.In fact, Zhang Fan already understood what Yu'er meant.But he still asked.

"It's very simple." Yu'er said. "I hope Master Zhang will forgive me. But I think the more treacherous Master Zhang is, the more beneficial it will be for us. Isn't that the case."

After listening to Yu'er's words.Zhang Fan didn't answer right away.Instead, he looked at her for a while.Zhang Fan found that Yu'er was looking directly at him.Nothing wavered.Not even the slightest change in complexion.Zhang Fan couldn't help but said: "It seems that I also have something to apologize to Miss Yu'er. Besides, Miss Yu'er is really smart. There are some things before. I have done a little too much. I hope Miss Yu'er will forgive me .”

"You don't need Mr. Zhang's forgiveness. I just hope Mr. Zhang doesn't blame Miss for what I did. That's enough." Yu'er said. "If Mr. Zhang still has any dissatisfaction with me, just come at me. Don't implicate the young lady. That's fine."

It seems.This Yu'er is for Fang Yueling.Really something.I can let it go.

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