The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1310 has a plan

I said it before.Zhang Fan and a group of people.When night is about to fall.Came to the side of the mountain.And originally.Zhang Fan planned to camp here first.Take a night off.Wait until the next morning before heading into the mountains.only.Zhang Fan and the others found out.Someone has already been waiting here to welcome them.And this person who came to meet him.But it was someone Zhang Fan knew.It was that Yu'er.

Of course.Since Zhang Fan came to the Five Poisons Sect this time.It's for alliances.Then come.Zhang Fan turned out to be a guest.The guests have arrived at the front of the house.Someone should come out to greet him.This is the minimum courtesy.but.Yu'er came to meet Zhang Fan.But it made Zhang Fan discover something different.That is, although Yu'er still hates Zhang Fan very much.But it was because Zhang Fan was about to form an alliance with them.Or it could be said that Zhang Fan will support Fang Yueling in the future.So even Yu'er still hates Zhang Fan.But you have to be friendly with Zhang Fan.the most important is.Even Zhang Fan wants to take revenge.Yu'er also hopes that Fang Yueling will not be implicated.

In short.For Fang Yueling.Yu'er is going all out.Even if it was Zhang Fan's revenge.She also didn't want Fang Yueling to be implicated because of herself.

Zhang Fan's change towards her.Naturally, I understand it in my heart.I also understand her changes and mood very well.only.After all.Yuer is to Zhang Fan.It doesn't matter at all.Although Zhang Fan is not a dull gourd who keeps silent after suffering a loss.But for Yu'er.If he had to take revenge on her now.But it is also unnecessary.Now the most important thing.Still get ready for what is about to happen at the Five Poison Sect.

"It's just..." Although he had already spoken.But after Yu'er saw the formation of Zhang Fan and his party.But he also became emotional. "I really didn't expect Master Zhang to bring so many people here. There are about 200 people. It's nearly double the number of people I teach. Master Zhang is ready." Yu'er said When speaking these words.His eyes were also looking at the people brought by Zhang Fan.But in her eyes.It always makes people feel that there is no deep meaning.I don't know what is going on in her mind at the moment.

"Isn't this something that can't be helped?" Zhang Fan said.But he didn't show any embarrassment.Said. "Originally. This time. Didn't you ask me to support your lady? Since it is to support the scene, then you have to be prepared. And since I have agreed, I have to do it well. So I am After thinking twice, I decided to bring so many people here. Speaking of this matter, if there are more people, wouldn’t it be a good thing? The so-called more people are easier to do things. If there are so many people, then it will be considered as your teacher Those Dharma protectors and hall masters, even if they want to say something, seeing this situation, I’m afraid they won’t be able to say anything. If this is the case, your young lady’s position as the sect master is secure.”

"Master Zhang is right. It's just..." Although he said.For Zhang Fan's words.Yu'er has no room to refute at all.What's more, Zhang Fan did this to help Fang Yueling.It was even more impossible for her to object.But even so.Zhang Fan made such a battle.It really made her feel a little too much. "There are too many people here. Even if it's just to support the scene, dozens of people are enough. You are good. There are two hundred people. Those who don't know think what you are here for."

"What to do. What can be done." Zhang Fan asked her back. "Could it be that Miss Yu'er thought that I brought so many people here. Is there any special purpose?"

"I dare not say that you don't have one. It's just that I don't think you should be able to do anything." Yu'er said. "However. It doesn't matter what I think. What matters is what other people think. In case those people think that the old leader is leading wolves into the house. Even..."

This is the end of Yu'er's words.stopped.Looked to the side.Seeing Fang Zhenqian was far away from them.She just continued to speak.But the sound is very very small.Said to Zhang Fan: "Even. In case anyone thinks that the reason why you brought so many people is because you colluded with the old leader. You want to kill those disobedient people. If someone thinks so If you think about it, there will be a lot of trouble when it comes."

"Someone would think so." Zhang Fan put on a curious look.asked.But actually.Zhang Fan already knew it in his heart.Someone definitely thinks so.And people who think so.I'm afraid there are not many.But now that Yu'er has spoken out about this issue.Zhang Fan just took this opportunity to ask her.Let's see what the Five Poisons Sect is doing now.

"Of course some people think so." Yu'er said naturally.But this sentence.She spoke very loudly.Many people looked at her.After realizing this problem.Yu'er quickly closed her mouth.Again in a very quiet voice.Said to Zhang Fan. "Of course some people think so. To tell you the truth. Before I came out. Even just a few days ago. When the news of forming an alliance with you just came out in the church. Some people thought so."

"Oh." Zhang Fan asked. "It shouldn't be. I don't think it's your old leader or your lady. It's impossible to tell those people the true meaning of this alliance. If that's the case, they must think it's this alliance. That is to say, my Jinyiwei formed an alliance with your sect. If that’s the case, these people probably won’t say anything. At most, they are planning on their own. How to get close to me. But they probably didn’t think of it. This time Form an alliance. In fact, it’s just related to your lady. If that’s the case, why would they think so.”

"Indeed. As you said. The news hasn't been released yet. People in the church don't know about it." Yu'er said. "However. It's not that no one thinks this way. Although there are not many people who think so. But it's not uncommon. There are still many smart people in the church. And this time the alliance. Speaking of it, the old leader alone You achieved it without discussing it with the people in the church.

"Although most of the people in the lecture didn't think much about it. But some people still saw the alliance this time. In fact, it was just an alliance between you Jinyiwei and the old leader and lady. So this time before I came out, I vaguely heard the teacher Some people are talking about this matter. They are all worried. After forming an alliance in the future, they will be suppressed.

"Now. Although these people say they haven't been sure yet. But many people are already thinking about how to deal with it."

"Looks like the situation of your religion. It's really just like the old leader Fang told me. It's very complicated." Zhang Fan said. "It seems that I want to give those people in your teaching a bad reputation. Just relying on the number of people may not be useful. There must be some way."

"This is natural." Yu'er also nodded.Said. "However. I think that Mr. Zhang doesn't need to worry too much about this matter. If you want to come to this kind of thing, the old leader is already prepared."

"Oh." Zhang Fan heard Yu'er say this.I was a little surprised. "In the past few days, he has never mentioned this matter to me. Although he has talked about the situation in your church, he has never said anything about it. What should we do then. And these days. He hasn't contacted you either. It's hard to say. Before that, you have already made up your mind. What to do."

"Of course the idea is already there." Yu'er nodded.Said. "It's just what the idea is. To be honest, Miss and I don't know at all. The old leader never told us. We never asked.

"I just know. The old leader mentioned this matter before. He didn't say what it is. But he seems to have already made up his mind. The so-called Miss and I didn't ask any more questions. After all, the old The leader doesn't like being asked questions about this and that. It's not good to ask more. Besides, the old leader has always done things very safely. So we don't mean to ask about this kind of thing at all. "

"That is to say. Your old leader has already prepared everything." Zhang Fan said. "Now. Just wait until tomorrow comes. I don't have to say anything. Just wait quietly. Is that so?"

"Although the old leader didn't say it. But I think. I'm afraid that's the case." Yu'er nodded.Agreed with Zhang Fan's words. "I don't know what the idea is. But the old leader does things. He has always been very stable. Even last time. The old leader himself was kidnapped. But it was because someone betrayed him. Other things The old leader has never counted.

"This time, it was entirely planned by the old leader alone. It is absolutely impossible for someone to betray you. Therefore, please rest assured, Mr. Zhang. When the time comes, as long as Mr. Zhang follows the words of the old leader, there will be no What's the problem. Wait until the matter is over. Master Zhang will have something to do in the future. Just ask. As long as my Five Immortals can do it, I will never say anything."

"If so. That would be the best." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "That's right. I heard that you will go to Guijiao from here. There is still a long way to go. Tonight. We will camp here. I don't know if Miss Yu'er is..."

"I'm supposed to be here with you," Yu'er said. "Wait until tomorrow morning. I will lead you like a mountain. However, I thought that there would not be so many people coming. Now there are more than 200 people. I have to let people go back now. Let me know. Let the lady make some preparations Just do it."

"Naturally." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "The trouble. Please forgive me."

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