The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1311 Walking into the Mountains

It's not that Zhang Fan has no experience of spending the night in the wild.Actually.When he followed Wang Chonggu's army to attack Hetao.the environment there.But it's much harder than it is now.But even so.Apart from Zhang Fan feeling a little uncomfortable.He didn't say he couldn't make it through.

And now.Even though it's only February.But this is the Southwest after all.Not to mention the climate.The temperature is much better than in the north.Moreover.This is not a sky full of loess and sand.Although it can't be called a beautiful place.But at least.There's nothing uncomfortable about it compare.Even if it is said to be the gap between hell and heaven.It is no exaggeration.

Again.It was a rush march back then.Under military emergency.Even if you are not well prepared.But they still have to go.But this time it was different.No matter the size of the matter.Still important.All are incomparable.and.This matter also required Zhang Fan to make a lot of preparations.Now that it is ready.Then prepare for this kind of thing by the way.Even if it's not necessary.But people want to make themselves more comfortable.But it is also true.

In short.this night.Zhang Fan and the others had rested.And the next morning.When Zhang Fan got up.It's just when the time of day arrives.And he gets up.After walking out of the tent.Be the first to hear.It's the crisp sound of birdsong.It's a feeling again.To know.Zhang Fan lives in the north.In the morning of this season.But no birdsong could be heard.Even domesticated this time.Most of them are very lazy.Where there is time to tweet.

And the scene in the Shu Palace.It's different again.after all.The layout in the Shu Palace.That's different.There is that kind of environment.There will be such a scene.And it should be.

but.What Zhang Fan heard now was not the case.This is completely a mountain forest.Although Zhang Fan has not yet entered.But he's right there now.And here.It really makes people feel a bit of wild fun.Such a natural sight.It really was the first time Zhang Fan saw it.

"Master Zhang, you got up early." Fang Zhenqian got up early.But he didn't disturb Zhang Fan's rest.Instead, they waited until Zhang Fan woke up.This is coming.He saw Zhang Fan's expression of enjoyment.It was a bit confusing at first.But in the blink of an eye.He also understood.said with a smile. "Oh. This scene. At this time, you can't see it in the capital."

"Old leader Fang is right." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "What year was this time. In the capital. It was still freezing. Some days. It was still snowing at this time. It was so early in the morning. Not to mention the singing of birds. I couldn't even see anything green. Here. It's really good."

"Hehehe." Zhang Fan said.Fang Zhenqian laughed. "Master Zhang's words are not wrong at all. This is also one of the reasons why the old man didn't want to move. To be honest, the place I was looking for was not bad. But the scenery is much worse than here. There are many. Now here. There are mountains and waters. There are flowers and birds. The old man has already planned. For the rest of my life, I will stay here. I will not go out. I will die in the future. I will also be buried here. That’s right. In the future Zhang Your Excellency is free. You can also live here. I’m not boasting. Living here. It’s really good. It’s also good for your health.”

"Oh." Fang Zhenqian said.Let Zhang Fan use a pair of eyes with special meaning.looked at him.But in Zhang Fan's eyes.Fang Zhenqian didn't respond at all.It's completely normal.It's quite natural.This was also what made Zhang Fan suspicious.Put it down for now.

"Since Old Master Fang said so..." Zhang Fan thought for a while.I intend to follow his will.Said. "Then I will agree. When I have time in the future, I will definitely come here."

"Haha. Good." Fang Zhenqian heard what Zhang Fan said.Also laughed. "Since Mr. Zhang has already said this, the old man has to say something. Although Mr. Zhang said it will be later. But I don't know how long it will be. If I wait until that time, if the old man is still here, I just want to drink with Mr. Zhang Just do it."

"Old leader Fang is so interested. It's really good." Regarding Fang Zhenqian's words.Naturally, Zhang Fan would not say anything to refuse. "Since that's the case. Then I agree to come down. When the time comes, I must bring a few jars of fine wine."

"Old leader, Mr. Zhang." Just as Zhang Fan and Fang Zhenqian were imagining a bright future.Yu'er came over.Said to the two. "It's not too early now. After entering the mountain, there is still a lot of road to go. This road is not easy to walk. It's time to leave."

"Not bad." Fang Zhenqian also nodded.Said. "Go from here. There is still some way to go. Although there are shortcuts, it is also a mountain road. And it is more difficult to walk than ordinary mountain roads. At the very least, it will take several hours to get there. In addition, Master Zhang brought There are so many people. It’s better to leave earlier.”

Fang Zhenqian had just finished speaking.Zhang Fan hasn't spoken yet.Liang Chao rushed up behind him.Said: "My lord. The brothers have packed up. You can leave at any time."

"In that case." Zhang Fan faced Fang Zhenqian. "Then. Old Master Fang. Let's go."

And Fang Zhenqian this time.But he didn't respond right away.There is no action.Instead, he looked behind Zhang Fan.Behind Zhang Fan.This is where they camped last night.It was full of tents before.And now.This is the time for a while.It's all tidied up.

Fang Zhenqian saw this scene.Can't help but sighed.Some lost and said: "Oh. I saw Master Zhang's subordinates. I have something to say in my heart. If this is replaced by people from my Five Immortals, let alone 200 people. Even if it is 20 people. You Tell them to leave now. At least it will take an hour. Master Zhang's men, this is really fast. Sigh..."

"Master Fang, don't sigh like that," Zhang Fan said. "I am Jin Yiwei. In the final analysis, I eat the emperor's rations. To say something outrageous. Since it has been sold to the royal family, it is natural to obey orders. Otherwise, there will be a lot of trouble in the future.

"However, your teaching is different. Your teaching is a Jianghu gang. But it is not attached to anyone. Your teaching can get to where it is today. It also relies on its own step by step. Therefore, it is natural to treat yourself better. But. It doesn't matter if you move fast or not. The most important thing is to see. Whether things can be done. Is it."

"Master Zhang's words are good." Fang Zhengan was also because of Zhang Fan's words.There was a smile on his face. "Although the old man knows what Mr. Zhang means. But the old man said these words with joy in his heart. Okay. It's getting late. Let's hurry up and get on the road."

After getting ready.A group of people entered this large mountain group.

along the way.walk aside.Fang Zhenqian and Yu'er also introduced this place to Zhang Fan.Don't listen and don't know.After listening to their explanation.Zhang Fan also understood.It seems that the Five Poisons Sect is here.Really time is not short.

The most obvious point.When I just walked in.You will find a trail.Although the road is not wide.It's not too flat either.But for this place.It will undoubtedly become the first choice of those who walk in.

but.After Fang Zhenqian's introduction.Only then did Zhang Fan understand.This trail.It was deliberately made by the people of the Five Poisons Sect.The purpose is to prevent outsiders.Walked in by accident.So that they can go down this road.If you keep going.It didn't do any harm.It's just going out from the south side of the mountains.

visible.The Five Poisons taught to protect themselves.It really took a lot of effort.

I heard Fang Zhenqian mention it before.The materials needed by the Five Poisons to practice poison.Whether it is flowers and plants.Or the five poisons they need most.You can find them all here.But after walking in.Zhang Fan did not see these things.Just some common birds.

Fang Zhenqian also told Zhang Fan.This is the most special place here.Although in the middle of the mountains.And in the middle of the surrounding area.Five poisons.Including some poisonous flowers and plants.All can be found.But when I just walked in.These things are invisible.

This is not intentional by the Five Poisons Sect.It's just the way it is here.This also made Zhang Fan feel.This place is really suitable for the Five Poisons Sect.If those things are not on the periphery.People who walk in by accident will not be hurt.No word of anyone getting hurt from poisoning.It won't get any attention here.And the Five Poison Sect wants to continue to keep the secret built here.It is very simple.

It seems.The Five Poisons Sect can be maintained for hundreds of years.But no one knows where the teaching site is.It seems that it is not just because the people they teach are deliberately conservative.Such a unique environment.It is also the reason why they have been able to keep away from outsiders for so long.

And now.There is no need for the Five Poisons Sect to keep this secret from outsiders anymore.As long as Jin Yiwei forms an alliance with them.They have nothing to fear at all.That's why.The reason why they would just bring Zhang Fan here now.

Under the leadership of Fang Zhengan and the others.Zhang Fan and his party.Walked along that path for a while.Arrived at a place with no signs at all.Fang Zhenqian and the others walked southwest.

This made Zhang Fan and the others somewhat confused.Indeed.The southwest is the center of the mountains.But the bare minimum.Zhang Fan didn't see any way in front of him.

But before.Fang Zhenqian said.There are shortcuts.Thinking about it, that's it.It seems.This concealment is also serious.Even if someone entered by mistake.I'm afraid I can't imagine that there seems to be no way to go in this kind of place.But it can reach the Five Poisons Sect.

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