The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1315 is about to begin

Along that trail, it didn't take too long. Although Zhang Fan talked to Fang Yueling all the way, he still had the basic sense of direction. Although the road was a bit tortuous, Zhang Fan felt in his heart that This direction should be the side of the mountain I saw before.

There are rocks on both sides of this trail. Although it is not considered a natural danger, it still looks quite steep. If you ambushe the enemy here, it will definitely be more effective. However, the rocks on both sides are also steep Very, it is very difficult to get someone to stand on top of, and obviously, this kind of thing is okay for Jin Yiwei, but the Five Poison Sect probably doesn't have so many skilled people.

Speaking of which, Zhang Fan started to mutter again in his heart at the moment when he had this idea. Obviously, he did not come here this time to find trouble, but to form an alliance, but in his heart, after seeing these things, Sometimes, he would still think of this kind of thing. Thinking of this, Zhang Fan couldn't help laughing at himself in his heart, thinking that he was a little too suspicious now, everyone had already come here, and he chose to trust each other, but in his heart He was still thinking about these things, which made him feel that he was thinking too much.

At the end of this trail, there is a Taniguchi-like appearance, and after walking here, this section of the road is considered to have come to an end, and after going out, after passing this section of the road, it is really refreshing. A sense of enlightenment.

There is an open land in front of me, which is very rare among these mountains. Although the scenery is not as beautiful as what Zhang Fan saw when he walked in just now, it is still green at a glance, but Zhang Fan is Regardless of the scenery, the first thing he saw were wooden houses, and a little further ahead, there was a section of stone steps. On the steps, there were so many small houses that As far as the house is concerned, it is a relatively large building, and there are some houses behind this relatively large building.

There are quite a few houses, dozens of them, and on this open ground, there are quite a few people. These people are all gathered together now. Looking at this side, it is obvious that these people are all members of the Five Poison Sect Well, this is considered to be a welcome for them, but Zhang Fan took a look.

Obviously, it is not wrong to say that these people are members of the Five Poisons Sect. After all, this is the territory of the Five Poisons Sect, and the people here are naturally members of the Five Poisons Sect.

In the past, Fang Zhenqian told Zhang Fan that the Five Poison Sect had about a hundred people in total. On this point, Zhang Fan would not lie to himself, but these people standing in front of him now, Zhang Fan didn't need to count them in detail at all, he just had to take a quick look to know that there were at least two to three hundred people.

But even so, neither Zhang Fan nor Wang Meng and Liang Chao felt that Fang Zhenqian had lied to them before. Among these nearly 300 people, young and middle-aged men only accounted for about [-]%. They are all women and children. Thinking about it, these people are the members of the Five Poison Sect and their families.

If this is the case, Fang Zhenqian did not deceive Zhang Fan before. His Five Poison Sect only had a hundred disciples, but there were quite a few people who would lead his family.

In fact, this is a situation that Zhang Fan and the others did not expect. The reason is not because the Five Poisons Sect was founded by the Miao people, which Han people like them do not understand and are not familiar with.

Jin Yiwei is very familiar with the Jianghu sects in the Central Plains, not to mention other things, there are quite a few of them controlled by Jin Yiwei, and among the Jianghu sects in the Central Plains, there are naturally many disciples. There are also those with hundreds of people.

Of course, since we are human beings, it is inevitable to start a family, marry a wife and have children. Even most of these sects encourage their disciples to try their best to marry men and women in the sect, but the number is limited after all, and those disciples who married or married outsiders , and can't still live in the gate, so, generally speaking, the Jianghu gangs in the Central Plains, after getting married or getting married, most of them go outside.

Therefore, Zhang Fan and the others didn't think too much about it, so they came here. But now, when they came here to take a look, they realized that this was not the case. Here, it seems that the concept of family is, after all, traditional. To put it more realistically, these people, perhaps because of the special geographical environment of the Five Poison Sect, or some other reason, in short, these people are more concerned about this place.

Although Zhang Fan didn't know what channels the disciples of the Five Poison Sect used to seek wives or marry men, it was obvious that these people still lived here after they got married, and this was the reason why It is because of Zhang Fan that he can see this scene now.

Although it was actually nothing, Zhang Fan suddenly had a thought in such a short time. He suddenly felt that it was not enough for him to bring two hundred people here this time.

Although this idea just flashed through Zhang Fan's mind, he still thought of it, but the next moment, he no longer entangled in this issue, even if he had 300 members of the Five Poison Sect What's more, not all of the 300 people can fight, after all, there are those who are old, and women who seem to be powerless, even children, even if Fang Zhenqian is really determined to do something , These people brought by oneself are enough.

After thinking about this, Zhang Fan calmed down again.

"Master Zhang," Fang Yueling, who was standing beside Zhang Fan, said to him, "Master Zhang, please don't worry about it, but we really can't deal with your Han people's tricks, not to mention that even if it is welcome, it is also for respected people." Now that the two families have not yet formed an alliance, if they are asked to bow to Mr. Zhang and his party as a show of courtesy, it may be difficult for some strongmen.

"Hey, what is Fang Jiaozhu talking about?" Zhang Fan said, "I didn't come here this time to let people salute me. There are so many people, I am here this time because I have a serious business to do, Master Fang must not make a mistake."

"Master Zhang said that," Fang Yueling nodded, and led Zhang Fan again, "This way please, please enter the main hall of my teaching, where the food and drink have been prepared, greet Master Zhang and Miss Joanna, oh, I also invite Wang Meng and Liang Chao to come together, and as for what Mr. Zhang brought, they are also guests, and I have prepared for it. Please rest assured, Mr. Zhang."

"Master Fang is well-prepared," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "I will come here today, the guests are at your discretion, and everything is up to your arrangement."

Speaking of it, it seems to be one thing, but it is another thing to actually walk along the way, especially among these Miao people. It is not the first time that Zhang Fan walked through so many people wearing ethnic minority costumes At the beginning, when those people in Yongning Mansion surrendered, there were a total of 2 people, and Zhang Fan also walked over like this.

It's just that the strange feeling given to Zhang Fan that time was different from this time. After all, the people who passed by that time were surrendered. Those people gave Zhang Fan the feeling that there was no vitality at all, a lifeless look. look like.

And now these people, they are not the ones who have lost the battle, and even seriously, they will be able to become Zhang Fan's friends in a short time, and now, what Zhang Fan feels when walking beside them is mostly It was the curious eyes of these people. Thinking of these, Zhang Fan couldn't help but feel a little strange. After all, if you were curious, Zhang Fan's curiosity about them was not bad at all, even deeper than them.

What Fang Yueling said before was already ready. It seems that she was not talking nonsense. When Zhang Fan walked to the center of this open area, he could see that a lot of food had been prepared there. Fan was still thinking about bringing so many people here, which seemed to be a big problem for the Five Poisons, but obviously, Zhang Fan "miscalculated" again.

The same is true when you think about it. After all, the Five Poisons Sect has nearly 300 people anyway, which is considered a large tribe. How could it be impossible to solve the problem of eating? It is absolutely indispensable.

Passing by here, Zhang Fan followed Fang Yueling and walked towards the big building that he saw before, thinking that this is where the people of the Five Poison Sect usually discuss things, although this scale can't be called a hall or the like , but the importance here should be beyond doubt.

But today, this place is not used as a place to discuss important matters in the church, but only as a place to entertain guests. However, today's Five Poison Sect's behavior of entertaining guests is compared to the important things they usually discuss. , is even more important.

Zhang Fan is not very clear about the daily habits of the Miao family, but looking at the appearance in front of him, he doesn't know if they really are like this, or to cater to them, there is a big table here, full of wine and vegetables.

"Fang Hierarch is bothering you," Zhang Fan couldn't help saying to Fang Yueling as he looked at the scene in front of him.

"Where," Fang Yueling naturally wanted to be polite, "These are all prepared at will, and I hope Mr. Zhang will not feel shabby, it is over there."

"Master Fang is really polite," Zhang Fan said with a smile, "In that case, I don't know if I can take the seat now."

"Master Zhang, please go ahead, there are not so many rules here," Fang Yueling nodded, and said, "Master Zhang has been traveling all the way, and the time is already so high, I must be tired, please take a seat."

Hearing what Fang Yueling said, Zhang Fan was no longer so polite, and sat down.

Seeing that Zhang Fan moved, the people next to him naturally sat down together. The meal was about to begin, and Zhang Fan was also waiting, seeing what Di Fang Zhengan was up to,

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