The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1316 Full and Dissatisfied

People who don't know the Five Poisons Sect either.Or Fang Yueling was trying to cater to Zhang Fan and the others.Or for some other reason.The dishes on this table.Although very delicate.But they were all things that Zhang Fan had seen before.Nothing too rare.But the taste is really good.Listen to Fang Yueling.This was also obtained by people from the Five Poison Sect in this mountain.Be it meat or vegetables.All of them grow in these mountains.The taste is naturally not bad.

but.These did not make Zhang Fan feel that there was anything unusual.Really want to say.That is the wine.Really good.Obviously.People of the Five Poisons Sect living in this place that is almost isolated from the world.want to drink.Naturally, it is impossible to go down the mountain.Bought in bulk.if that is the case.Not just trouble.It will also be eye-catching.the wine they drank.All brewed by themselves.

The brewing thing.different people.Even with the same material.Same method.Brewed wine.The taste is not the same.Zhang Fan also drank a lot of wine.There is bad wine.Good wine is also available.Even the wine that can be called the best.Zhang Fan did not drink less.But nonetheless.Every time Zhang Fan arrived at a new place.It is always possible to taste wines with completely different tastes.Although Zhang Fan is not a person who is addicted to alcohol.But it can.It still made him feel very good.

And today.The wine drunk in the Five Poisons Sect.Another flavor.that taste.Naturally, Zhang Fan had never tasted it before.But it was also different from the ordinary wine he knew.that smell.It is very memorable.But if you really ask him to say what it tastes like.Even Zhang Fan is well-versed in poetry and books.But there is no way to describe it.

to this end.Zhang Fan even made a special the answer.As expected.But it's also a little beyond reason.This wine is brewed by the Five Poisons Sect.Naturally, it is inseparable from the five poisons.The wine they made.The material is still food.But in the process of placing.But it has added a lot even if you don't know it.But just listen to the name.I knew it was extremely poisonous.

Speaking up.Use something like a snake to make wine.Zhang Fan is naturally clear.Not to mention the overwhelming health products that were advertised in the previous life.Even now.In the capital.He has seen it too.even.There are also several jars of wine stored in this way in his home.only.The wine that Zhang Fan drank he had ever drunk before.Still not the same at all.

certainly.Question about alcohol.In fact, it was just a small episode.only.This little episode.It made Zhang Fan and the others pay attention.

here.That is the Five Poisons Sect.Although along the way.Start from the mountain.Until sitting here to eat.Zhang Fan and the others didn't see any poisonous insects or weeds.But the Five Poisons Sect is the Five Poisons Sect.Their housekeeping skills.That is absolutely not negligible.

Before.Zhang Fan and the others have already experienced the brilliant moves of the Five Poison Sect in this regard.And now.They are here.Naturally, some precautions should be taken.It's not just Zhang Fan and the others here.Even the more than 200 people outside.It is also well prepared.before putting something in your mouth to swallow.Try them all.Check to see if it's poisonous.

Although it is said to do so.It's easy to hurt someone's feelings.But compared to things like hurting the other party's feelings.Zhang Fan didn't want to hurt his life even more.

so.this matter.They are also prepared.Naturally, those people outside have already explained.And on this table.The drug test thing.But it was handed over to Wang Meng.

The people sitting at this table.The highest martial arts.It would be Wang Meng and Fang Zhenqian.And if Wang Meng is to do this matter.It is only possible that Fang Zhenqian can see the clues.Other people probably can't see what's wrong.As for Fang Zhenqian.Zhang Fan really wasn't afraid of what he might see.If he really wants to form an alliance.Even if you can see it.He will never say it.If not... anyway.This is also a kind of temptation.

"That's right. Master Fang." Zhang Fan opened his mouth and said to Fang Yueling. "Before. Because of Li Yang's matter. You had to run away from home. Now Li Yang has something to do. I can't come here. I am here. I apologize to everyone on his behalf." Finished.Zhang Fan raised his wine glass.

This is purely polite.What does it mean to have something to do.not to mention.Li Yang was originally a member of the Five Poisons Sect.Now it is not coming.It was obvious that he was afraid of coming back here.

so.As soon as Zhang Fan said these words.The Fang family father and daughter did not respond.After all, they had already discussed this matter with Zhang Fan.There is already a conclusion.It doesn't make any sense to talk about it now.

but.Other members of the Five Poisons Sect reacted differently to this matter.Some people look like they don't care.Very calm.And some people.Although nothing came out of his mouth.But what comes out of the eyes.But it also tastes a little ironic.

Zhang Fan naturally saw all these clearly.And for this look.Zhang Fan didn't think there was anything wrong.Instead, he smiled lightly.Too.this matter.After all.It was originally Jin Yiwei.Or Zhang Fan did something wrong.Now the two are about to form an alliance.The other party has suffered this long as no one says anything against it.That's enough.

"Master Zhang is polite." Fang Yueling also picked up the wine glass.Said to Zhang Fan. "Although Li Yang was originally a member of my Five Immortals Sect, but since he has taken refuge in Mr. Zhang...the so-called each is his master. He will do this. There is no way. This matter cannot be blamed on him. "

"Master Fang can say that. I think Li Yang can feel relieved." Zhang Fan laughed. "Come on. I'll drink this glass of wine first as a respect."He drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Fang Zhenqian and Fang Yueling, father and daughter.He also followed Zhang Fan.One pass drank the wine.

Seeing that the father and daughter of the Fang family have already drunk.Even some people feel uncomfortable.Now I can't say anything.You can only drink the wine in the glass together.

"That's right. I asked Li Yang about this before." Zhang Fan put down his wine glass.Said. "Listen to him. Because of what I ordered. Your church has no choice but to leave temporarily. I still remember. At the beginning, the leader Fang brought many people to Chengdu to look for me. It is estimated that there are dozens of people. But now .That’s how I know. Your teaching is also considered to have a thriving population. There are a total of three hundred people. It’s just that the leader Fang only brought out a few dozen people. Where did the rest go.”

"Of course I hid it. Besides, Mr. Zhang has seen it all along the way." Fang Yueling said. "Our mountains are so big. The original caves alone are enough to hide 200 people without being discovered by others. I want to hide 200 people in these mountains. It's too easy.

"Furthermore, Mr. Zhang also saw them just now. Although there are quite a few people in the church, most of them are old and weak women and children. I can't take them to Chengdu to join Mr. Zhang."

"I see." Zhang Fan nodded.But there are some whispers in my heart.these people.Why are they all virtuous.What happened in Yongning Mansion back then.More than 2 people followed Zhang Yong and Wang Xin to rebel.And the families of those 2 people.They all hid in the mountains near Yongning same is true for the people of the Five Poisons Sect.

It seems.Or the environment in which these people live.It is very convenient for them to escape.Once something goes wrong.Hide in the mountains.want to find them.That's a very difficult thing.Wait until it's over.This comes out again.

"That's right." Zhang Fan thought of something again.Pick up the glass again.But this time.He was facing Fang Zhenqian. "Master Fang. This glass of wine. I have to respect you."

"Hey, Mr. Zhang, wait a minute." Fang Zhenqian stopped Zhang Fan all of a sudden.Said. "It's the so-called reward without merit. Although Mr. Zhang respects the old man's wine, if you don't explain the reason clearly, the old man can't drink it."

"Old Master Fang's respect. That's a matter of course." Zhang Fan said with a smile. "At the beginning in Yongning. If the old leader Fang hadn't agreed to my request and persuaded the elders of those big tribes to go to Yongning to persuade those people. This time, the matter of Yongning Mansion. I don't know how long it will have to be delayed. And .It's not just the long delay. I'm afraid many people will have to die. The old leader Fang's move is a great achievement. It should be a toast. By the way, it's not just me. Wang Meng, Liang Chao .You also hold up the cup for me. Respect the old leader Fang."

Since Zhang Fan has already ordered.Wang Meng and Liang Chao also raised their wine glasses.Toast to Fang Zhenqian.

This time.Fang Zhengan no longer refused.Not only did not refuse.It even got bigger and bigger.I was very happy to drink this glass of wine.

Following Zhang Fan's toast.All of a sudden.The atmosphere at the table really became lively.Toasts and chips staggered.Push the cup and change the cup.This wine really drank a lot.And this wine drank too much.People also talked to each other.Even between people who originally had some this case.They can also talk a lot to each other.

The most obvious.It was at the very beginning that he told Zhang Fan about Li Yang.And those who expressed great dissatisfaction.Now he doesn't care about these.All of them were talking very enthusiastically.Just like a very good friend.

Time passed bit by bit.Drink three rounds.After the five flavors of the dish.Zhang Fan's heart is also very bright.It feels like the time is almost up.His eyes also looked at Fang Zhenqian involuntarily.

I don't know if Fang Zhenqian has the same ideas as Zhang Fan.Or did he see Zhang Fan looking at him.Fang Zhenqian put down the wine glass in his hand.He said loudly: "Everyone, please be quiet first. Listen to what the old man has to say."

Fang Zhenqian's words.Let those present.All fell silent.All eyes were on him.And obviously.Everyone present knew it.What did Fang Zhenqian want to say?That means.thing of the day.We are about to enter the topic.

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