Now.Zhang Fan came to find Fang Yueling.Just to ask for clarification.Find out why.Only then will she oppose the alliance plan proposed by Fang Zhenqian.But to dissuade myself.Although Zhang Fan guessed the direction correctly.But what's going on here.It was Fang Yueling who had this idea. night.When Zhang Fan saw Fang Yueling, he left early.Understand this is an opportunity.So I bid farewell in advance.followed.Purpose.I just want to ask Fang Yueling to understand.Find out what's going on.It will make such a huge change in Fang Yueling's actions before and after.

only.Unexpectedly.Fang Yueling chatted a lot with Zhang Fan.But she just didn't tell Zhang Fan the reason why she objected to this matter.But speaking of it.As for Fang Yueling, she was unwilling to tell herself.Zhang Fan didn't feel annoyed either.On the contrary, it felt a little strange.Fang Yueling didn't say anything.There must be other reasons.But what is the reason.Zhang Fan just couldn't figure it out.

But anyway.There is one thing.Zhang Fan can be sure.No matter what kind of idea Fang Yueling came from.No matter what happened to her, she had such a change.But Zhang Fan can be sure.Fang Yueling did not want this alliance to be achieved.Although very puzzled.But that is what it is.

so.Fang Yueling was always unwilling to tell the reason.Zhang Fan also used other methods.He told Fang Yueling.If she can't give herself a reasonable explanation.Then it's time.Zhang Fan will not stop this alliance.On the contrary, he will agree.After all, for Zhang Fan.He himself had planned the alliance this time.Alliance with the Five Poison Sect.For Jin Yiwei.Or for himself.It is also beneficial.

And heard what Zhang Fan said.Fang Yueling still didn't tell Zhang Fan the reason.and.Zhang Fan's method.Not only did Fang Yueling not let go.On the contrary, it made her feel.It's like he has no way out.and.Fang Yueling simply changed her tone of voice.And also said the words "offended" to Zhang Fan.

Just in that split second.Zhang Fan hadn't figured out what was going on.I can't figure it out for a while.Why did Fang Yueling suddenly say these three words to him.

Actually.It's obvious.Since he said the three words "offended".It's obviously a sign before doing it.only.Zhang Fan never thought of this happening at all.He hadn't considered it at all before.Fang Yueling would suddenly attack him or something.

Wait until Zhang Fan realizes the seriousness of this problem.He had already discovered Fang Yueling's figure standing quietly in front of him.It's gone this time.This is Zhang Fan's aftertaste.Before the original.Fang Yueling asked him if he had any guards with him.I'm not afraid of her sudden action or something.It turned out that those words were not Fang Yueling's jokes.Rather, she was really looking to see if there was a chance to make a move.

but.Now is obviously not the time to think about these things.After all, Fang Yueling had already made a move.Now Zhang Fan should be thinking about how to avoid Fang Yueling's attack.Instead of thinking about these irrelevant things.

only.Zhang Fan couldn't stop thinking about this matter in his mind.and.Actually speaking.That seems to be the case.After all, Zhang Fan had told Fang Yueling before.He didn't bring any guards.And Zhang Fan really didn't deceive Fang Yueling.That's the way it is.After all.Or Zhang Fan trusted Fang Yueling too much.In other words, he never thought that things would develop like this.

But speaking of it.In fact, it is useless for Zhang Fan to think about anything now.Fang Yueling has already attacked.And Zhang Fan didn't have any guards around him at all.And obviously.Even Fang Yueling's martial arts are not as good as Shangfang Zhenqian or Wang Meng.Even Liang Chao might not be able to defeat him.But for Zhang Fan.Her martial arts are already enough to deal with him.and.Zhang Fan simply had no strength to fight back.

so.Zhang Fan now.No matter what you think about.all the same.

And just when Zhang Fan wanted to turn his head to find Fang Yueling's figure.Fang Yueling's voice came from behind him: "Master Zhang, where are you looking? I'm right behind you."

It's just a few words.Zhang Fan heard Fang Yueling's voice coming from his own ears.He could even feel Fang Yueling's breath when he spoke.The feeling of spraying on the back of my neck.Zhang Fan immediately turned around.He found Fang Yueling standing behind him.Stand very close.

at this time.Even facing Fang Yueling's beautiful face.How could Zhang Fan feel any appreciation.It was simply a cold sweat.

indeed.Zhang Fan didn't know much about things like martial arts.Although I have also seen Na Hill show off his agility.The speed is extremely fast.But I really felt this way.Obviously, the person before was still in front of him.But the next moment.The person came behind him.It still feels a bit too spooky at all.

"Master Fang. I don't understand." Although I don't know what Fang Yueling is going to do.Even if she really intends to harm herself.But Zhang Fan didn't think she would harm him.If not.Fang Yueling didn't need to say anything to him just now.Just do it directly.But Fang Yueling didn't do that.Instead, it reminded Zhang Fan that he was right behind him.Just that.Just let Zhang Fan understand.Fang Yueling didn't mean to harm herself.

only.Although Zhang Fan understood that Fang Yueling would not take his life.But the current situation.It still makes Zhang Fan feel worried.

Why did Fang Yueling do this?Zhang Fan didn't understand at all.Even if you know that you have nothing else to do now.But Zhang Fan still asked: "Why did you say so well just now. Master Fang is going to start now."

"Master Zhang forced me to do this." Fang Yueling's face was not cold.But there were no other ups and downs.Even her voice didn't change. "Originally, if Master Zhang agreed to me, I would tell Dad to cancel the alliance this time. Then I wouldn't do anything to Master Zhang.

"And now. Since Mr. Zhang is determined to form an alliance, then I have no other way. I can only do this."

"Master Fang. Are you making trouble out of no reason?" Although Zhang Fan is currently at a disadvantage.But he faced Fang Yueling.But still able to speak like this. "This matter. It's already been agreed. You can't just cancel it. If that's the case, my Jin Yiwei's reputation in the Jianghu in the future will plummet. This matter is for me. That's a big disadvantage.

"Since Master Fang wants to cancel this alliance, you have to tell me clearly. If you don't give a reason, I have no reason to tell your father to cancel this alliance."

"Then I'll ask Master Zhang one last time." Fang Yueling said. "Of course I have my reasons. But this reason. Please forgive me for not being able to tell Mr. Zhang. I am indeed a little bit unspeakable. I hope Mr. Zhang will understand. But Mr. Zhang is right. As long as I don't say it, then I won't will cancel the alliance."

"Not necessarily." Zhang Fan said. "If you don't explain clearly, Hierarch Fang, I will naturally not cancel the alliance. But even if you said it, Hierarch Fang, I have to see what the reason is. If Hierarch Fang's reason is reasonable, I will naturally I will cancel the alliance. But if the reasons given by the leader Fang are not too important, I will not cancel the alliance."

Even Zhang Fan is in such a disadvantageous situation now.But in the face of the last chance Fang Yueling gave him.He still has not compromised.Still said that.This is not to say that Zhang Fan is a tough guy.Or if you make up your mind, you won't change it.It was because Zhang Fan had already confirmed that Fang Yueling would never hurt him.That's why I dare to say that.

"That is to say. Mr. Zhang has made up his mind." Fang Yueling's expression remained unchanged.But this time.Her tone of voice was visibly colder.

only.In addition to this.Zhang Fan found a problem.Fang Yueling's tone of voice had indeed turned cold.but.When she said these words.There was something different in his eyes.what exactly is it.But it is not clear.But it always makes people feel.This will not be a harbinger of murder.

"That's right. I won't change my mind." Zhang Fan once again said in an affirmative tone.Said.

"If I remember correctly." Fang Yueling asked suddenly. "Master Zhang must have drunk a lot of Spring Fairy Dew just now."

"It's quite a lot. The wine is really delicious. It's normal to drink more." Zhang Fan said. "Listen to what your father said. When this wine was brewed, a variety of poisons were added into it. It seems that the methods of your teaching are also miraculous. It's just that Fang Jiaozhu told me what these are for now. Could it be that spring fairy dew. Seriously It will make people poisoned."

"That's not true." Fang Yueling shook her head.Said. "The wine is indeed just like what Dad said. Not only is it not poisonous, but it is also very beneficial after drinking it.

"It's just that Dad didn't finish the sentence. After drinking the Spring Fairy Dew, there are some things that you can't touch. Otherwise, it would be bad. Of course, ordinary people can't touch those things. Unless someone does it on purpose."

Fang Yueling had just finished speaking.Before Zhang Fan asked.She knocked Zhang Fan out.When just fainted.People still have some consciousness.Zhang Fan just felt that something was stuffed into his mouth.Afterwards, he passed out in a daze.

And Fang Yueling looked at Zhang Fan who was lying at her feet.There was a melancholy in his eyes.But she didn't hesitate either.Once again, he took out a pill from his arms.I also took it myself.

after.Fang Yueling waved her hand.I don't know what flew away.Knock down a distant torch to the ground.Gradually died out.It was to lift Zhang Fan up.out of here.

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