The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1333 Confused Morning

Early in the morning, Zhang Fan sat up from the bed in a daze. There was nothing wrong with his body, but he always felt that his mind was in a mess. In Zhang Fan's memory, something beautiful happened last night. Yes, because he still has some residual memories about last night in his mind.

Zhang Fan is no stranger to this kind of memory. After all, he is also a person with wives and concubines. As for that kind of ecstasy memory, Zhang Fan can be said to have a lot of it. The scenes in his mind, he can be very sure, those are definitely not hallucinations or delusions, but what really happened last night.

It's just that Zhang Fan's feeling is a bit different now, because, when he was doing that kind of thing in the past, let alone the physical or psychological feeling, but there is one thing, he woke up the next day. When I came here, I would remember it very clearly, not to mention that Zhang Fan's superb memory was also used in such boring places. Of course, it was not what Zhang Fan wanted to remember on his own initiative.

But now, the appearance in Zhang Fan's mind always makes him feel that although he clearly knows that something like that happened last night, it also makes him feel unreal at the same time.

This feeling is very strange, it can be said that Zhang Fan has never felt it before.

"Could it be that I drank too much wine last night?" Zhang Fan suddenly wondered if this might be the reason. After all, the altar of spring fairy dew that Fang Zhenqian brought out last night was really good wine, but... "No," although Because of those things in his mind, Zhang Fan became unconscious for a while, but Zhang Fan would never forget the things in his memory. He thought of it. Last night, Fang Zhenqian did bring out a jar of good wine. And Zhang Fan did drink a lot.

However, as for what happened last night, Zhang Fan is sure that it was definitely not because of drinking, because halfway through, Zhang Fan left and chased Fang Yueling. As for Fang Yueling's words, Zhang Fan remembered very clearly. When he saw Fang Yueling, he also saw that Fang Yueling was different from usual.

Originally, I wanted to ask Fang Yueling why he wanted him to cancel the alliance plan, but Fang Yueling refused to say it no matter what. Don't tell Zhang Fan the reason.

Moreover, not only did she not tell Zhang Fan the reason, but after Zhang Fan threatened her, saying that she would continue to form an alliance without explaining the reason, Fang Yueling immediately attacked and knocked Zhang Fan unconscious. I just can't remember.

Suddenly, Zhang Fan thought of a very serious problem. Yes, Zhang Fan remembered everything that happened yesterday. From yesterday afternoon, when Fang Yueling looked for her, to drinking by the campfire at night, and finally, Zhang Fan met Fang Yueling behind the main hall of the Five Poison Sect, and Zhang Fan remembered everything from being knocked out by her.

As for the present, what is remembered in his mind, what happened last night, Zhang Fan is sure that it is not his own delusion or something, it is definitely something that happened.

In this way, this is where Zhang Fan felt the problem was. Last night, he had already been knocked out by Fang Yueling, and he hadn't woken up until now. Although the memory of it is a bit vague, Zhang Fan can be sure that the memory that did happen, how did it come about.

It was certain to be flustered, but Zhang Fan was not flustered enough to take any action. Although he was flustered, he still had to figure out what was going on.

It's just that Zhang Fan thinks too highly of himself. If it's something else, I'm afraid he can already figure out the reason. Even if he can't think of the reason, he can at least make some guesses. yes.

But Zhang Fan had no idea at all about this matter. He didn't know what happened at all, and he couldn't imagine what happened after he was knocked out by Fang Yueling last night, let alone the experiences in his mind. How did it come about, and not only that, Zhang Fan didn't even have a clue.

No one wants this kind of feeling, but what Zhang Fan feels now is that it sucks.

But just as Zhang Fan was troubled by not understanding the situation, there was a noise outside the house.

"Get out of the way quickly," this is Fang Zhenqian's voice, Zhang Fan definitely heard it right, but although Zhang Fan didn't understand what was going on, he could clearly hear that there was a lot of anger in Fang Zhenqian's voice .

"Old Hierarch Fang," Zhang Fan was even more surprised this time, because it was Wang Meng's voice, "I have been guarding here since last night. Old Hierarch Fang wanted to go in, but my lord is here Inside, there is also... In short, I absolutely cannot let it go. If the old leader Fang thinks it is inappropriate and wants to forcibly enter, then I will have to offend. In between, for a while, it is also difficult to distinguish between superior and inferior.

"And if Old Master Fang intends to let people from your teaching come with me, there are two hundred brothers brought by my lord this time behind me, but they are not vegetarians either,"

"" Fang Zhenqian obviously gritted his teeth, "You, and your Master Zhang, are all inferior to pigs and dogs. This is the old man's home, why can't the old man enter,"

Although he still doesn't understand what happened outside, Zhang Fan understood what Fang Zhenqian said. That is to say, Zhang Fan is not in the house he should be living in now. Fang Zhenqian's home is average, and Fang Zhenqian wants to come in, but Wang Meng refuses to let him in.

Zhang Fan immediately turned his head to look at the surrounding scene. Indeed, this is not the house he lived in before, not to mention that the furnishings in the house are different from the one he lived in before. Even the layout of the houses is similar, but Zhang Fan can clearly see that this is not where he lives.

Not to mention a lot bigger, and unlike the house where Zhang Fan lived, there was only one bedroom, there are two here, obviously the place where Fang Zhenqian and his daughter lived. Speaking of which, Fang Yueling had already grown up, I heard that he originally moved to live in a nearby house, but because Fang Zhenqian is old now, and after being kidnapped, even though his martial arts have fully recovered, Fang Yueling is still worried My father, so I moved back to take care of my father.

If you talk about it, Fang Yueling is really a filial person, and she really has nothing to say about Fang Zhenqian.

Suddenly, Zhang Fan thought of another question, where did Fang Yueling go?

"What do you mean?" Before Zhang Fan could figure it out, another voice came from outside the house, "This old man wants to enter my house, and I need your consent. Also, what are you adults doing inside?" Hurry up and release Yue Ling. Sure enough, the Han people have nothing good, and the Han people who are officials are even worse than pigs and dogs. The old man sincerely invites you to come and discuss the alliance. To take this opportunity, to rape the old man's daughter, and to have sex with such vile things.

"Maybe this old man really isn't as good as you in martial arts, and maybe my Five Immortals may not be your opponents together, but this matter, this old man must get back an explanation, otherwise, this old man will die!" Don't give up,"

At this moment, Zhang Fan completely understood what was being said outside, but he understood what he heard, but Zhang Fan was completely surprised when he understood this matter.

Zhang Fan is not a fool, even with just a few words, he can understand what's going on, but after understanding, Zhang Fan is completely dumbfounded.

"What's the matter?" At this moment, such a very cold voice came from Zhang Fan's side, which made Zhang Fan shiver.

Zhang Fan heard it right, the voice belonged to Fang Yueling.

He couldn't figure out where Fang Yueling was before, but after hearing Fang Zhenqian's words just now, Zhang Fan was full of surprise, and he was also thinking about Fang Yueling's question. The question of where Fang Yueling was was not considered.

But now, Fang Yueling's voice sounded beside her, how could this not surprise Zhang Fan.

"You..." Zhang Fan turned his head to look at Fang Yueling, but he didn't know what to say. In his eyes, Fang Yueling now covered her body with a quilt, but her pink shoulders were exposed, which was obvious. It's just that I don't have any clothes on, and, on that beautiful face, although it still has that cold expression, it has an expression that makes people feel more beautiful and charming than before.

And it wasn't until this time that Zhang Fan noticed that he and Fang Yueling slept together on the same bed, and he himself was not naked.

In addition to the words that Zhang Fan heard outside the house before, he has fully understood what happened last night. It seems that when he just woke up, the things that were in his mind were not hallucinations. Definitely something that happened.

"Why," Fang Yueling put on a sneering look again, "Master Zhang is so surprised. Last night, I didn't see any surprises from you. Or, Master Zhang wants to admit it."

Although Zhang Fan still had a glimmer of hope in his heart, Fang Yueling's words had already proved what happened last night, and now Zhang Fan had no way to shirk it.

However, if you can't evade it, you can't evade it, and Zhang Fan is not that kind of person. It's just that Zhang Fan has to figure out what happened last night no matter what.

"Master Fang, this shouldn't be the case," Zhang Fan thought for a while, and said, "I should have been knocked out by you last night, why is this happening now? I think Master Fang should be more clear than me." Right,"

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