"I heard that Mr. Zhang has a good memory before, but now it seems to be the case," Fang Yueling was not annoyed by Zhang Fan's words, nor did she show the expression that ordinary women would have. Even with these words, people can't tell whether she is exaggerating Fan or hurting him. Of course, looking at the current atmosphere, it is obviously impossible to praise him. I remember things so clearly,"

Fang Yueling's words made Zhang Fan not know what to say for a while. Although she didn't say much, the implication was that since Zhang Fan couldn't even handle the matter of being knocked out last night, What he remembered was clear, but he forgot what happened last night, the most important thing. Of course, the so-called most important thing, if you look at the current situation of the two of you, you will know what it is.

"I figured it out, Master Fang insisted on persuading me to cancel the reason for this alliance." Things have come to this point, if Zhang Fan still doesn't know the reason, he has been defeated for decades "Not only that, but I also know why Master Fang is unwilling to tell me.

"However, when you came to talk to me yesterday afternoon, you clearly said that you would wait until tonight for an answer, but you made up your mind last night, and I have to admire you for being so decisive Now, come to think of it, if it was a different person, this kind of thing would definitely hesitate. After all, this kind of thing is really difficult for women to make up their minds, but Master Fang is different. Not only did he not hesitate, but On the contrary, it’s still a lot earlier.”

"Why, is Master Zhang surprised?" Fang Yueling did not refute Zhang Fan's words, she obviously acquiesced, but she asked another thing, "Or does Master Zhang think that I am also like an ordinary woman, Do you have any worries about these things?"

"Fang Hierarch is definitely worried about this kind of thing," Zhang Fan disagreed with Fang Yueling's opinion and said, "If not, Fang Hierarch would not have come to me yesterday afternoon to persuade me to cancel the alliance. But now it seems that no matter how worried you are, it will not be able to meet your father's orders, "

This time, it was Fang Yueling's turn to be silent.

Seeing Fang Yueling's appearance like this, Zhang Fan realized that he had guessed correctly. No, in fact, this is not a guess. It's amazing to understand. At this time, if Zhang Fan still doesn't know what's going on, it would be strange.

Zhang Fan didn't wait for Fang Yueling to say anything, but he felt that although this incident had already happened, it was still a little awkward, and even when he wanted to get dressed, he would feel a little embarrassed, so Zhang Fan said nothing. It might as well be that they were looking for some topics to divert Fang Yueling's attention.

Quickly put on his underwear, Zhang Fan also calmed down, and while putting on his coat, he continued to say to Fang Yueling who was still sitting on the bed: "What's the matter, Master Fang still wants to say that this matter is not from your father." I can't make up my mind, even though I say that now, if you want to come to the leader, you have to scold me for being shameless, but this time, I really fell, I never thought of it, maybe I thought that my father might make such a move Such an idea, but I never thought that Master Fang would actually agree to it like this, "

"You're right," Fang Yueling followed Zhang Fan's words when she had reached the point, "It's true that Father asked me to do this, but I didn't want to do it either. So, I went to you yesterday, just to take a gamble, to see if you would cancel this alliance just because I said so. In the end, you really are not the kind of person who would be suspicious, but you just refused Let go.

"Although the time Father gave me is until tonight, but seeing you like this, I don't plan to procrastinate any longer,"

"I want to ask you something," Zhang Fan, who was dressed neatly, sat on the chair next to him, looked at Fang Yueling, and asked, "In the end, which is more important between your father and your own affairs? "

"Of course it's at Dad's place," Fang Yueling answered immediately without even thinking about it.

And Zhang Fan, of course, believed Fang Yueling's words, not to mention that she answered so quickly, even judging from past events, for example, Fang Yueling spent so many years. In order to save him; for example, Fang Yueling did not hesitate to put herself in danger in order to save him; for example, this matter is obviously the last thing she wants to do, but just because Fang Zhenqian ordered her to go Done.

It can be seen from this that Fang Yueling really has nothing to say about her father. Although the word "obedience" is not a good meaning, when used in this regard, no one can refute it.

However, Zhang Fan agrees with it, but if this kind of thing is to be calculated on his own head, Zhang Fan has no way to accept it. Although, speaking of this matter, Zhang Fan has won a lot It's cheap, but he always feels a little uncomfortable in his heart, especially, Fang Zhenqian is behind this incident, and he doesn't know what he is planning now.

"You answered neatly," Zhang Fan said with a smile, "It's just that I don't see things like that, right?"

"What do you mean?" Fang Yueling frowned at Zhang Fan's words, and she didn't care about other things, but when it came to this matter, Fang Yueling would never compromise. What happened to her own father? This is one of Fang Yueling's principles, but now, Zhang Fan is saying that this may not be the case, which makes her a little angry.

"If that's the case, then you shouldn't have any doubts at all," Zhang Fan said with a relaxed look, "Not to mention, you came to me before and said you wanted me to cancel this plan." One alliance, it seems that even for your father, you don't listen to what you do, and you still have your own considerations."

"What are you talking about?" This time, Fang Yueling really got angry, "What do you know about the matter between me and my father? This matter... is different after all, even if it was my father's idea , but I also have to hesitate, if not, last night I would never...never..."

Zhang Fan can also see that Fang Yueling's words are getting weaker and weaker. Obviously, no matter how much she refuses to admit what Zhang Fan said now, she still understands in her heart that what Zhang Fan said is true. Yes, but, although she wanted to refute, she couldn't find any way to refute Zhang Fan.

"However, now is not the time to talk about these things," Zhang Fan didn't care about those things, after all, there are more important things to do right now, "I'm a bit confused, what kind of idea is your father having, It’s not that there is any disrespect to the leader of the other party, but it’s just that your father thinks that doing so can tie my hands and feet, isn’t it?”

"Father has naturally considered this point," Fang Yueling said, "He also knows that there is no way to really restrain you by doing this, which is why I have doubts about this method and want to persuade you to give up the alliance plan The reason, but in Dad’s view, even with this method, there is no way to restrain you and completely obey our orders, but at the very least, if you do many things in the future, you will still consider us. side, and these are enough for Father, "

Fang Yueling's words made Zhang Fan silent again. Indeed, what Fang Zhenqian considered was not wrong at all. This method really couldn't allow him to help them completely. There are many places where Zhang Fan still has selfish motives. He absolutely It's not the kind of person who gives up many other important things for a woman, moreover, a woman like Fang Yueling who doesn't have much affection and is just having sex.

But what Fang Zhenqian said later is also right. Even if this method cannot completely restrain Zhang Fan, it can still have a lot of influence on Zhang Fan in some aspects, especially when the matter is related to the Five Poison Sect. Zhang Fan also had to think about it.

"Then I don't know if your father has considered it..." Zhang Fan asked again, "If I am really that kind of heartless person, even if I am now, but I want to break the contract, then wouldn't your father be compensated? Madam broke up again, "

"That's not going to happen," Fang Yueling didn't worry about this matter at all, "For one thing, Dad is pretty good at seeing people. Even though he hasn't met you for a long time, he can still roughly tell that you are in a bad mood. My lord's character, of course, if lord Zhang really does this, dad will definitely publicize your affairs in the Jianghu, and even in the court. It is created out of nothing, I understand that if you just do this, it may not matter to you, but there will always be troubles, and when the time comes, such small troubles will continue, is it possible that Mr. Zhang hopes that this is the case, "

Now, Zhang Fan couldn't refute it anymore. That's right, if there is any big trouble, Zhang Fan is really not afraid. Although big trouble is difficult to deal with, as long as it is settled, there will be no follow-up trouble. But it's different, you can't make a big fuss because of a small matter, and after one small trouble is settled, the second, and then the third, endless small troubles, this is what Zhang Fan hates the most .

"My lord, you are really good at calculating, you know people," Zhang Fan could only say, "However, let alone what will happen in the future, what should we do with this matter now, I think you have already made plans. ,"

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