The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1335 Slowly changing

Although it is already noisy outside.But in this room.Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling didn't feel anxious at all.This sounds like a very weird thing.If you say anything else, forget it.But now.Things are the way they are now.And whether it is Zhang Fan or Fang Yueling.Both of them can hold on.This has to admire them.

If you talk about Zhang Fan directly.That's fine.After all, in this matter.Whether it is the calculation or the person being calculated.No matter how you say it, Zhang Fan is a man.But for a man.No matter how you say this kind of thing.He is also a lucky party.But Fang Yueling was different.Even if she does what her father wants.And this matter can be regarded as designing Zhang Fan.But anyway.She is all one woman.For a woman.No matter how you say this kind of thing.It cannot be avoided so lightly.However, what Fang Yueling is showing now.Much calmer than Zhang Fan.I don't know if it's because Fang Yueling's mind is really clear.Or is she already prepared for this matter.That's why it happened.

but.Anyway.Zhang Fan has now fully figured out what is going on with this matter.And after figuring this out.Zhang Fan has not yet thought of what to do.After all, it's a hassle.Although the other party did design himself.And I also understand.Even Fang Yueling admitted this.But there is a fundamental problem here.That is anyway.Zhang Fan is at a disadvantage in this matter.

That's right.If it's true.Zhang Fan is a person who does not understand martial arts.And in comparison.Fang Yueling is the leader of the Five Poison Sect.Naturally, he is armed with martial arts.In comparison.Obviously, it is absolutely impossible for Zhang Fan to attack Fang Yueling.Forced her to submit.but.Just because of the difference between men and women.Just because Zhang Fan is a man.And Fang Yueling is a woman.So no matter how much Zhang Fan argues.Also powerless.

Besides.last night.Although Zhang Fan didn't know.But he also heard Fang Zhenqian say something before.That's about what happened last night.It seems that something like this has played a huge role in it.And obviously.Zhang Fan couldn't understand it better than himself.It is absolutely impossible for him to have that kind of drug on him.And relatively.This is the Five Poisons Sect.Be it poison or anything else.The people here are definitely experts.And as the leader of the Five Poisons Sect.Even if Fang Yueling is not the top player among them.But it can definitely be regarded as one of the best.

But for Zhang Fan.Although he was knocked out because of the sake.And the memory of what happened last night is not very clear.But think about it now.Plus after listening to what Fang Zhenqian said.Zhang Fan can also understand.I was obviously drugged last night.and.I'm afraid it's not just me who was drugged.Even Fang Yueling did.certainly.Fang Yueling couldn't be called being drugged.She should have taken it herself.

This is also a very strange thing to say.After all, for a woman.Let her take that medicine by herself.It is really something that people can't understand.but.Fang Yueling did just that.Although this is certainly not something that has never been done before or since.But it is definitely very slight.

But.What is the use of knowing these.Even Zhang Fan knows; even Zhang Fan's subordinates.For example, Wang Meng and Liang Chao.Even all his subordinates knew; even Zhang Fan's family knew about it.even.Fang Zhenqian and the others knew what was going on in their hearts.But none of this worked.Because Zhang Fan is a man.But Fang Yueling is a woman.As long as there is a reason for it.No one would believe what Zhang Fan said.

But speaking of it.This matter is for Zhang Fan.But it's no big deal.If he really did not agree to Fang Zhenqian's proposal.If the alliance this time is cancelled.Actually think about it.Whether it is Fang Zhenqian or the Five Poisons Sect.None of them pose any threat to Zhang Fan.

What can they do.On the rivers and lakes.It was even spread in the imperial court.Of course they can.But for Zhang Fan.But it doesn't have much impact.Although small troubles continue.can be annoying.But Zhang Fan can completely ignore these.At that time, even if someone talks about it.At most, Zhang Fan found a woman outside.Such a thing in this day and age.It is nothing more than a normal thing.not to mention.No matter what Fang Yueling said.They are also people in the rivers and lakes.But for the imperial court.They can't get rid of the rivers and lakes.Always plug in.But it doesn't matter.

Even if it was as Fang Yueling said before.Fang Zhenqian will spread some news that never happened.But this is nothing to Zhang Fan.He doesn't need to pay attention to what people from the outside say.And those people in the court.Not a fool.How could they believe such a thing.Even some caring people want to use this matter to deal with Zhang Fan.But they can't get any handle at all.So this is for Zhang Fan.Also irrelevant.

but.These are the situations that are being said now.It all depends on one thing.That was Zhang Fan himself.If Zhang Fan is really heartless and ungrateful.Heartless people.Then all the situations mentioned above can be established.

And obviously.Zhang Fan is not such a person.Speaking up.No matter the education received in the previous life.Or the days we live now.In Zhang Fan's bones.In fact, he is still a very traditional person.Even this dewy love affair.Zhang Fan also had no way to show his ruthlessness.In a blink of an eye, he turned his face.certainly.What I'm talking about here is only in matters of this kind of emotion.for other things.Zhang Fan was still able to kill and make decisions.

And now.this matter.Obviously, it doesn't mean that Zhang Fan can treat things like this.

but.Speaking of this fundamental problem.Actually.Or because it was in Zhang Fan's heart.He treats Fang Yueling.Not without emotion.Not after what happened last night.This feeling began to sprout in Zhang Fan's heart.Not so.

When Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling first met.that time.Fang Yueling always wears a veil.No sound.This.It gave Zhang Fan a sense of mystery.Although the sense of mystery is not what makes Zhang Fan feel emotional.But this mystery.It also made Zhang Fan very interested in Fang Yueling.And this interest arises.It also laid the groundwork for today.

And after that.When Zhang Fan first saw Fang Yueling's true face.This mystery can be regarded as a little unraveled.only.With the unraveling of the mystery.What brought Zhang Fan was not that kind of disappointment and loss.But a surprise.That's right.Because of Fang Yueling's appearance.It is too beautiful.Even Zhang Fan has read so many books.But I can't find a word to describe her accurately.Said she was as beautiful as a fairy.Not right.Heavenly Immortal Zhang Fan has never seen it before.But definitely not as glamorous as Fang Yueling.Say she is beautiful.But it's not right either.It is absolutely impossible for Fang Yueling to let the world watch from that angle.

but.Let's not mention these things for now.After Zhang Fan saw Fang Yueling's true face that time.The mystery before.And not much is gone.Instead, it evolved into another kind of emotion.certainly.That feeling at that time.It's not the same as it is today.But the kind of emotion Zhang Fan felt at that time.But Zhang Fan was forced to stay because of Fang Yueling's current changes.

And recently.Because Fang Yueling needed Zhang Fan's help to rescue Fang Zhenqian.The contacts between her and Zhang Fan also increased.It is precisely because of this.So Zhang Fan's feelings for Fang this time.There has been a change again.certainly.this change.It's not like love.only.Also because of this change in contact.Let Zhang Fan know more about Fang Yueling.

To know.No matter what the feelings are.If you want to deepen it.Obviously mutual understanding is indispensable.And it is precisely because of this understanding.Let Zhang Fan's feelings for Fang Yueling.There have been many changes.

After that.Fang Zhenqian proposed his plan to form an alliance.And Zhang Fan finally agreed.This is a very important thing.Because of the alliance thing.It brought the two sides closer.Plus Fang Yueling's original beauty.And her filial piety that moved Zhang Fan a lot.In short.At this time.Zhang Fan's feelings for Fang Yueling.There is already a tendency to transform in the direction of love.

only.Zhang Fan is also a rational person.he understands.I absolutely can't think about it that way.The two formed an alliance.There are many things involved.And as a representative of the two parties.If there is that kind of love between Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling.Even if it's just Zhang Fan's unilateral thinking.It will also make a huge change in the future.

therefore.Although Zhang Fan had some thoughts in his mind before.But he himself is always restraining himself.

And now.This kind of thing happened.This is not what Zhang Fan wants.It can even be said that this is a kind of calculation against Zhang Fan.But this kind of thing.Zhang Fan wondered what to think.He may not have some desired emotions.

After these changes.How Zhang Fan should deal with this matter.And this matter is no longer what Zhang Fan says to do.Fang Zhenqian was also involved here.He is the mastermind behind this matter.

And now.Zhang Fan already had some thoughts in his heart.But what to do.We have to wait until Fang Zhenqian speaks clearly.

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