"What. You still won't get out of the way. Are you?" Fang Zhenqian is obviously in a hurry now. "Don't think that there are too many of you. Don't think that you can beat this old man. This old man can swallow your anger. There is no need to discuss this matter. Get out of the way quickly. Let this old man go in." Of course.Fang Zhenqian's anxious performance.Of course he pretended it.What happened in the house.I'm afraid he knows best.Again.Even if this matter is not planned by him alone.But things have developed to the point where it is now.If it were someone who didn't know what was going on inside the house.

so.Fang Zhengan's performance now.It is lifelike.decent.Intellectually speaking.Totally unnecessary anger.He performed it vividly.

but.Regardless of how well Fang Zhenqian performed.People who don't ask the Five Poisons Sect were excited by the enthusiasm mobilized by his acting skills.Anyway.Wang Meng really didn't buy it.

"Old Master Fang." Wang Meng still stood in front of the gate.Looking at Fang Zhenqian and others on the opposite side.Said. "I don't need to talk about this matter again. I don't care what your reasons are. I don't care what the matter is. Or whether my adults are right or not. But this door, unless it is opened from the inside. Otherwise, I will It will definitely not get out of the way. If the old leader Fang wants to force in. That's okay. Our side will naturally resist. Speaking of it. Last night. I also fought against the old leader Fang. There is no victory Negative. If the old leader Fang refuses to accept it, just come. Even the people of your teaching. If there is anyone who refuses to accept it, just come forward. I Jinyiwei will take it all." Now Zhang Fan is still in the room.Wang Meng became the Shangguan of Jinyiwei here as a matter of course.He is indeed qualified to say this.

and.What Wang Meng said.The meaning is clear.He didn't ask what was going on at all.Don't ask who is right and who is wrong.He just needs to protect Zhang Fan.Everything is enough.Wang Meng's deeds.It's exactly the attitude a subordinate should have towards a superior.He will never ask Shangguan anything.But once something goes wrong.He is going to be a subordinate.He sacrificed his life for the superior.

This is what Wang Meng is like.not to mention.What is going on with this matter.Although it looks like this on the surface.Everyone knows what's going on inside.only.Although everyone understands what is going on.But absolutely no one will say it.This kind of thing is incomprehensible.And Wang Meng didn't need to know this.He just needs to know.Zhang Fan did nothing wrong.Nor is it enough to do anything to be sorry to the Five Poisons.This strengthened Wang Meng's determination to protect Zhang Fan.

certainly.There is one more thing to figure out here.That's what's in the room now.It was Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling.Regardless of what the two of them are doing.But Zhang Fan has no martial arts.And Fang Yueling did.But Wang Meng and the others were guarding outside the room.In case Fang Yueling wanted to harm Zhang Fan.Zhang Fan was powerless to fight back.And Wang Meng and the others were too late to rescue them.

But whether it is Wang Meng or Liang Chao.Or the people brought by Zhang Fan.No worries about this happening.Because what happened to this matter from beginning to end.Everyone here is well aware.That's why.So Wang Meng understood very well in his heart.It was absolutely impossible for Fang Yueling to do anything to Zhang Fan.This is why Wang Meng is so relieved now.

And when it comes to hands-on things.This has to start from last night.

last night.Fang Yueling knocked Zhang Fan unconscious.And poured the medicine.This is what Fang Zhenqian had already told her.certainly.Originally, Fang Zhenqian gave Fang Yueling time to think about it.to the next night.And Zhang Fan's attitude is very firm.Fang Yueling didn't say the reason.He would not agree to cancel the alliance.And Fang Yueling saw that Zhang Fan was so determined.I no longer intend to wait until the next day to act.Plus yesterday.When Zhang Fan went to find Fang Yueling.Absolutely the perfect time.No one was around.Zhang Fan didn't bring any guards either.Just the two of them.

The Spring Immortal Dew that Zhang Fan drank.Exactly as Fang Zhenqian said.Although several kinds of poisonous insects and weeds are used to make it.But for people.It is definitely beneficial to drink.And for those who possess martial arts.It is also a great tonic that is hard to find.

only.The wine also has a small side effect.After drinking this wine.You can't take something that nourishes qi and nourishes blood.certainly.Even if it is taken, it is not a serious problem for people.But there will be some side effects.Not to mention anything else.The most important point.It just makes people feel unbearably hot.The desire in the heart wants to be released.to be honest.This is a kind of ** in disguise.

And what Fang Yueling herself took.That's the real deal.That spring fairy dew is for women.Although also effective.But it is not strong.But for Fang Yueling.She didn't need to do this in the first place.only.This is her first time.She doesn't understand these things.therefore.Clumsy in comparison.Or let Zhang Fan take the initiative.It's better to make yourself temporarily unconscious.

and.Although the medicine Fang Yueling took was not unique to the Five Poison Sect.But it is also something that is not easy to find in the rivers and lakes.This medicine is beyond that effect.It also makes the whole body soft.Unable to exert force.For people in the rivers and lakes.This thing can make people temporarily lose all martial arts.

This.It is also a deliberate result.After all, it's time.explain.This is also a more plausible reason.Because of what Fang Zhenqian thought.It was Zhang Fan who used tricks to snatch Fang Yueling's body.But one of them knows martial arts.One will not.This is not easy to say.And after using this medicine.There is a reasonable explanation for all this.

certainly.This kind of thing may not be checked by anyone.But this matter is also of great importance to Fang Zhenqian.So he had to be prepared for everything.

Although Fang Zhenqian gave Fang Yueling time to think about it.So she can do it the next night.But Fang Zhengan also told Fang Yueling at the same time.It's better to do this earlier.Lest you have long nights and dreams.And once Fang Yueling planned to do it.Just to inform Fang Zhenqian.Let Fang Zhenqian go to "make trouble" immediately.

So last night.Fang Yueling was beating Zhang Fan unconscious.And after taking the medicine for Zhang Fan and himself.Just knock out a bunch of torches.This.It was the signal that Fang Zhenqian had agreed with her.

Fang Zhenqian who was sitting down drinking.Naturally, I saw this signal.But it wasn't just Fang Zhenqian who saw it.Wang Meng who was sitting beside him also saw it.

He had discussed it with Zhang Fan many times before.I can't figure out what Fang Zhenqian's intentions are.so.Wang Meng has always paid great attention to Fang Zhenqian.Before, Zhang Fan went to find Fang Yueling alone.Wang Meng was originally relieved.But now.When he saw that signal.Although I don't know why in my heart.But I was also worried that something happened.

so.He was even faster than Fang Zhenqian.He told Liang Chao to send Joanna back.And send someone to protect.Then let him take someone to find him.As for where it is.Wang Meng didn't say anything.Needless to say.

Wang Meng started his lightness kung fu.He ran faster than Fang Zhenqian.He rushed to the place where the torch was put out first.But there.He didn't see Zhang Fan or Fang Yueling.therefore.He is looking around.Finally found the house where Fang Yueling lived.There was a voice from inside.

When Wang Meng approached there.Zhang Fan's voice was heard inside.And Fang Yueling's voice.But the next moment.Wang Meng also understood.What came out was a groan.

This time.Even if you don't quite understand the details.But Wang Meng immediately understood what happened.

Because of what's going on inside.Wang Meng is also not easy to disturb.So I stayed outside the door.

And the next moment.That's Fang Zhenqian's arrival.He had obviously heard what was going on inside the house.certainly.He didn't even need to listen to know what was going on inside.But he had to put on a show.

Fang Zhenqian naturally showed a look of fury.want to go in.And Wang Meng naturally blocked the door.Keep him away.

at this time.It was what Wang Meng mentioned before.Two people are hands-on.

Wang Meng and Fang Zhenqian played against each other.This is not the first time.Just last time.The two can only be regarded as a mutual test.Fang Zhenqian did not recover his martial arts at that time.And Wang Meng didn't use all his strength.

But this time.But it is different.Fang Zhenqian over there.Although it is said that this whole thing was arranged by him alone.But at that time, he had to look angry.After all, according to his script.Now his daughter is being fucked by a man.As a father, he naturally had to show great anger.So fight against Wang Meng.Fang Zhenqian can be said to have used all his strength.

But for Wang Meng.He couldn't care what Fang Zhenqian thought.He just needs to protect Zhang Fan.therefore.Fang Zhengan used all his strength to deal with him.Wang Meng could only deal with it with all his strength.

The two are fighting with all their strength.And this fight.It didn't last long.In the end, it ended flat.But in fact, Wang Meng has already faintly gained the upper hand.

after that.It was the sound of two people fighting.Plus Liang Chao, who had been told before.Almost everyone was attracted.

now.Nearly 300 people are all crowded here.It is indeed crowded.But that's not the main thing.The main thing is.Now the smell of gunpowder here.It's just too strong.

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