The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1337 Open the door

"That's right. In a real fight, the old man may not be your opponent." Fang Zhenqian looked at Wang Meng, who had been standing in front of him and didn't move. He gritted his teeth and said, "Maybe it's because all the people from my Five Immortals sect are fighting. It may not be able to defeat you, but the old man has already explained this matter clearly, and he will definitely not let it go. He Zhang Fan can do such a thing. It is possible that he is afraid of seeing people. The officials of the court are really serious. What a big air, even this kind of thing has to be done to this extent, the old man really admires, admires, "

Fang Zhenqian is doing his best now, just to ridicule Zhang Fan, and Wang Meng, maybe Liang Chao and the others are impatient, and they are almost going to make a fuss immediately, but Wang Meng is a person who can For people who can hold their breath, both parties understand what is going on, but no matter what it is now, it is Fang Zhenqian who has the reason. After all, Zhang Fan is really eating Fang Yueling So, Wang Meng understood in his heart that this kind of thing is not clear at all now. If he wants to figure it out now, the final result may be that there will be trouble soon. This is the last thing Wang Meng wants. have witnessed.

Therefore, regarding what Fang Zhenqian is doing now, no matter what he said, no matter how right, Wang Meng ignored Zhang Fan's attack, and because Zhang Fan is not outside now, Wang Meng also ignored Zhang Fan's attack. Now that Jin Yiwei is here, someone who can talk, so since Wang Meng doesn't move anymore, then these people can't move either. No matter how unconvinced they are, they can't start talking if Wang Meng doesn't nod his head .

Although the current situation seems to be that Wang Meng is silent, letting Fang Zhenqian insult Zhang Fan, but Wang Meng understands this truth, and the current him must not speak against each other. It's just that one sentence, everything will be said after Zhang Fan comes out.

It is so noisy outside, but inside the house is very peaceful. Of course, it is not right to say that it is peaceful. After all, Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling have been talking all the time, but the atmosphere is very peaceful and there is no conflict. mean.

"You can let it go," Zhang Fan looked at Fang Yueling, a little playfully, but at the same time said with some appreciation.

The reason why she said this was all because Fang Yueling was wearing clothes right in front of him. Speaking of which, Fang Yueling really didn't have any taboos about this kind of thing. If it was another woman, even with her beloved man Even in front of her husband, she probably wouldn't be so bold to expose her body and change clothes in front of a man, but Fang Yueling didn't care about these things, she was so "magnanimous" in front of Zhang Fan. , showing off his beautiful figure, and wearing clothes in front of him, of course, using the word "big and generous" to describe it is really not very appropriate, but Zhang Fan can't find any other words to describe it. .

Fang Yueling is not a lady from a great family, on the contrary, she is a member of the Jianghu, and she was born in a family of the Jianghu, so even if she is not as careless as a man, she always behaves more casually in some places.

However, under Zhang Fan's observation, this kind of casualness is not included in the present moment. Although Fang Yueling's movements cannot be called elegant scenery, they are extremely graceful, which makes Zhang Fan feel pleasing to the eye.

Not as gentle and quiet as Ruxue, nor as Xiaojiabiyu of Zhaoxue, compared to Yingyue, she is three points more restrained, not as free and easy, but compared to Luo Linger, she seems a bit rude, but, It is precisely because of being different that Zhang Fan feels that Fang Yueling will always give him a very different sense of beauty.

At this moment, Zhang Fan's eyes were on Fang Yueling's body all the time, and he didn't avert his gaze, but Fang Yueling's picture of changing clothes did not arouse any desire in Zhang Fan's heart. It wasn't that she was not beautiful, but that she Apart from making people want to appreciate it calmly, especially for Zhang Fan, it makes him even more curious. This is a side of Fang Yueling that has never been shown to outsiders, not even his father. , but now, Zhang Fan can see clearly.

"What's the matter?" Fang Yueling, who was dressed neatly, couldn't help asking when she saw Zhang Fan staring at her, "I've already explained what I said just now, and now Master Zhang still has any questions to ask."

"It's nothing, it's just..." Zhang Fan finally changed his line of sight, but this time, Zhang Fan's line of sight fell on the bed where the two of them slept last night, and the blush on it was so conspicuous.

Following Zhang Fan's gaze, Fang Yueling also saw it, and when she saw the bright red, for the first time, a little blush rose on Fang Yueling's face, although her expression did not change, but that There was a trace of blush, but it was shown without any concealment.

Thinking about it, this is also a very normal thing. After all, no matter how you say it, Fang Yueling is a woman. Since she is a woman, she naturally has her own self-esteem, no matter whether it is her own wish or Fang Zhenqian Let her do this, but it can't change the essence of this matter, and for Fang Yueling, this will naturally make her feel shy.

But for Zhang Fan, this was the first time he saw Fang Yueling's face like this. The expression did not change at all, but the emergence of the blush made Zhang Fan's eyes brighten up. It was the first time Zhang Fan saw this kind of expression on Fang Yueling's face, and it was this expression that really surprised Zhang Fan. The expression didn't change, but in fact, Fang Yueling didn't need to make any other expressions at all. , which is enough.

What an appearance that turned all sentient beings upside down, just for such a moment, Zhang Fan felt that nothing was calculated or conspired by Shang Yueling's current appearance, and even Zhang Fan felt something in his heart This kind of thinking, I feel that I have been calculated in this way this time, and it is really good.

Since ancient times, the beauty trap has been a time-tested strategy. After thousands of years of work, it is still used by people, and there are still as many people who are recruited by it.

Regarding this incident, although Zhang Fan felt unhappy about being calculated by others, but at the same time, he also felt a little happy. After all, the nature of the incident was in front of him, so he couldn't help but think about it.

But now, Zhang Fan felt so strongly that it was good to be tricked this time, and this was the first time he would think so.

What's more, as long as Zhang Fan thinks that this sinking face in front of him will only belong to him in the future. If it is replaced by any man, I am afraid that he will be excited. Zhang Fan can do what he is now. It is already very, very difficult not to express what is in your heart.

"It's been a long time here," Fang Yueling seemed to avoid her shyness, she couldn't help but said, "I've told you everything I need to say, everything I know, and now it's already noisy outside. It's time to make friends, and you don't want my father to really have any conflicts with your subordinates, since there is nothing else to do, let's go out."

Speaking of this, I discovered a huge change, that is, the mutual address between Fang Yueling and Zhang Fan has changed unconsciously. It was always "Master Zhang" and "Fang Jiaozhu". It is a title, but now it is directly used as you, such a direct title.

This is naturally a huge change, but it seems that neither of these two people noticed it, so they didn't mention it at all, or, the two of them had already noticed this change, but neither of them said anything. come out.

Of course, to put it bluntly, it is quite normal that there will be such a change. After all, such a huge change has taken place between the two of them after last night. With what happened last night, there will be such a change. This kind of change is also a normal thing.

Outside the house, Fang Zhenqian was still yelling angrily, and he was about to make a move, while Wang Meng kept ignoring Fang Zhenqian, and only said a few words when he had to speak, obviously just delaying time.

Finally, Wang Meng heard Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling stop talking in the room behind them, followed by the sound of footsteps, coming towards this side.

Knowing that Zhang Fan was about to come out, Wang Meng ignored Fang Zhenqian's words at all, and turned around to get out of the way. Although Liang Chao next to him was not as good as Wang Meng in martial arts, he still had some hearing.

After letting the door open, the next moment, the door was opened from the inside. After the door was opened, the people outside saw Zhang Fan first, and Fang Yueling was following behind Zhang Fan, but she hadn't shown up yet.

After Zhang Fan opened the door, he didn't come out right away, but looked at the scene outside. Speaking of which, when he was in the house before, he had already heard the noise outside, and the people who heard it were absolutely Not less, but no matter how Zhang Fan thought about it, it couldn't compare to what he looked like.

In front of Zhang Fan were Wang Meng and Liang Chao, and beside them were Zhang Fan's other subordinates.

On the opposite side of these people is a group headed by Fang Zhenqian, but it can be considered that they are all there, although Zhang Fan can't see the scene next to the room, but since the Five Poison Sect is already With such a battle set up, then correspondingly, Wang Meng must have called everyone here.

It seems that the situation is really "serious".

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