"My lord," seeing Zhang Fan coming out, naturally Wang Meng, Liang Chao and others who were right in front of him saluted him.

"Well," Zhang Fan nodded, responded, and then looked at Fang Zhenqian, and said, "Old Master Fang, why are you making a lot of noise here this early in the morning, disturbing people's dreams? You are a person from the Jianghu, so you have to abide by these basic rules, right?" Zhang Fan's calm attitude is not ordinary. Of course, Zhang Fan's calmness is also derived from a kind of self-confidence. , he understood everything, so now he is not afraid of Fang Zhenqian at all.

"Rules," Fang Zhenqian immediately put on an appearance as if he had heard some big joke, looked at Zhang Fan, and said through gritted teeth, "You are not as good as pigs and dogs, and you still have the face to say rules to the old man. How dare you act so lowly, rape the old man's daughter with those nasty things, and you are still on the old man's territory, and you dare to tell me the rules," seems to be for the sake of a more realistic performance, after finishing these words After speaking, Fang Zhenqian flew over immediately and grabbed Zhang Fan.

Although everyone had been on guard for a long time, Fang Zhenqian's move was too fast. No one except Wang Meng could react to it. However, it is enough for Wang Meng to react now. , Fang Zhenqian came flying, extremely fast, and the distance was not far, in a flash, he had already rushed in front of Zhang Fan, and his hand was stretched out to Zhang Fan, as if he was ready to strike.

Although Wang Meng understands that Fang Zhenqian is doing all of this for the sake of showing to the people of the Five Poisons Sect, but Wang Meng can't guarantee that Fang Zhenqian will really not attack Zhang Fan. Therefore, Wang Meng's attitude is still Play it safe.

When Fang Zhenqian's hand was about to touch Zhang Fan, Wang Meng, who was standing aside, used the scabbard in his hand to block Fang Zhenqian's hand. Not bad at all, but he didn't dare to take Fang Zhenqian's move seriously, the leader of the five poisons, even if he is not the leader now, Fang Zhenqian is still a master of poisoning, who can guarantee that there is no mystery in his hands , the safest thing is to use something to block it.

The right hand was blocked, Fang Zhenqian was also extremely fast, and immediately stretched out his left hand, avoiding the scabbard in his hand, and attacked Zhang Fan again, but this time, the target was more clear, and Fang Zhenqian's hand was even more direct. Pointing to Zhang Fan's throat, it was obvious that he wanted his life.

Naturally, Wang Meng would not let him succeed, but this time, because the scabbard in his hand was held, it was too late to draw the knife, so this time, Wang Meng immediately kicked Fang Zhenqian, but Wang Meng's kick, The place where Fang Zhenqian kicked was not Zhang Fan's wrist, but Fang Zhenqian's jaw. If Fang Zhenqian gave up the attack, he would naturally be able to avoid it, but if Fang Zhenqian was determined to want Zhang Fan's life, then Wang Meng's If the kick was real, it might kill Fang Zhenqian too.

In just such an instant, the two parties used their killing moves.

In the end, although Fang Zhenqian used a killer move, he didn't really intend to kill Zhang Fan. The reason why he dared to make such a move was because Fang Zhenqian saw that Wang Meng was present and knew that he would stop him. , That's why Fang Zhenqian dared to do this.

Therefore, when Wang Meng kicked over, Fang Zhenqian naturally gave up the attack, retreated, and avoided the kick.

The next moment, the two became confrontational again.

The brief confrontation between the two just now came too suddenly and ended too quickly. Liang Chao only reacted when Fang Zhenqian's hand was blocked by Wang Meng's scabbard, and began to draw the saber. When he pulled out the saber, Feng Zhenqian had already been forced back by Wang Meng.

It's just that, just like that, almost all the people on Zhang Fan's side drew out their knives, and on the side of the Five Poison Sect, everyone immediately put on a posture, ready to charge forward at any time.

"Old Master Fang," Zhang Fan wasn't very scared. Although the shock just now really shocked him, Zhang Fan knew in his heart that Fang Zhenqian would never hurt himself, so after being frightened, Zhang Fan calmed down immediately. Feeling overwhelmed, "Don't be so excited, everything is easy to talk about, besides, if you really take my life, what will Ling Qianjin do?"

Although Zhang Fan's words were short and only a few words, they contained a lot of meaning, and Fang Zhenqian was not a fool, so he knew it right away.

Although the whole thing was planned by him and has not been disclosed to the outside world, he also understands that Zhang Fan is not a confused person. Maybe he didn't know it before it happened, but after it happened, Zhang Fan will definitely be able to understand it immediately. He wanted to understand what was going on, and even Fang Yueling might tell him.

It has to be said that Fang Zhenqian guessed right, the facts are like this, not only Zhang Fan has thought of it, but Fang Yueling has indeed told him all the things. , will have no effect.

However, what Zhang Fan said has another meaning in it. Although Zhang Fan also knows that Fang Zhenqian will not really kill him, but in order to cooperate with Fang Zhenqian, that's why he said that, and what he said , The meaning is to let Fang Zhenqian stop, otherwise Zhang Fan is hurt or even killed by him, what should Fang Yueling do.

In fact, it means that Zhang Fan has already admitted that Fang Zhenqian's method has worked, or in other words, Zhang Fan clearly knows that this is a trap, but he is willing to jump into it.

With Zhang Fan's words, Fang Zhenqian's heart was at ease. Although he originally planned to do this, it seemed that he didn't take Fang Yueling's feelings into consideration in his decision, but Fang Yueling He said that she was Fang Zhenqian's daughter after all, and no matter what the purpose was, Fang Zhenqian would never fail to consider her.

Even, let’s take the current incident as an example. On the surface, it seems that Fang Zhenqian completely disregarded his daughter’s wishes and pushed her into the arms of a man forcibly, but in fact, after careful consideration, you can understand Well, Fang Zhenqian did this for Fang Yueling's benefit, at least Fang Zhenqian felt that he did it for Fang Yueling's benefit.

After all, he had considered Fang Yueling's future, what would happen in the Five Poison Sect, and what kind of things he would encounter in the Jianghu, and Fang Zhenqian understood that Fang Yueling had no way to be able to do well in that situation, and now he He is still there, so he can naturally help Fang Yueling, but he is old now, Fang Zhenqian will always die one day, and when that time comes, what should Fang Yueling do.

Therefore, in comparison, it would be better to find a strong support for Fang Yueling now.

Of course, Fang Zhenqian can make up his mind if he wants to do this, and Fang Yueling is extremely filial to him, so he doesn't need Fang Yueling's consent, he just needs to give orders, so for Fang Zhenqian Well, it was naturally very easy to do this, at least it was easy for him to handle Fang Yueling well, and the most important thing was how to get Zhang Fan into this trap, and now it seems that he has succeeded.

However, Zhang Fan's words told him a more important thing, that is, Zhang Fan didn't care about Fang Yueling, not to mention whether he cared or not, but Zhang Fan definitely agreed with Fang Yueling. What he said just now, It was clear that he was worried about Fang Yueling, otherwise he wouldn't have said what would happen to Fang Yueling if something happened to him.

For Fang Zhenqian, it doesn't matter whether Zhang Fan is sincere or not to Fang Yueling. The most important thing is that Zhang Fan's words let Fang Zhenqian know that Zhang Fan is willing to enter the situation he has set up.

And this is the most important thing for Fang Zhenqian, or in other words, as long as Fang Zhenqian knows this, it is enough

Seeing that Fang Zhenqian stopped making noise after listening to his words, Zhang Fan also laughed.

"Father," at this time, Fang Zhenqian, who had been standing behind Zhang Fan, stood up and said to him, "Master Zhang cannot be blamed for this matter..."

It's just that before Fang Yueling finished speaking, many of the people present could be heard exclaiming.

Why, because the current Fang Yueling appeared in front of everyone without putting on a veil. He had seen Zhang Fan before, not just last night, Zhang Fan had also seen it before, and for the people present The only people who have seen Fang Yueling's true face before are probably Fang Zhenqian and Yu'er. Fang Yueling grew up in the Five Poisons Sect when she was young, but many people have seen her face, but when she grows up After that, she seldom went out, and when she went out, she also wore a veil. Since she became the leader of the Five Poison Sect, she almost always appeared in front of everyone with a veil.

Therefore, almost no one present has seen Fang Yueling's real appearance, and now, Fang Yueling has shown her true appearance in front of them. In addition, her beauty is unparalleled, which naturally makes everyone present. I was surprised.

Obviously, Fang Yueling had already anticipated this situation, so she didn't pay much attention to it, but continued to say to Fang Zhenqian: "Father, it will not help if there is a dispute now, it is better for everyone to sit down and sit down." Let's have a good talk,"

"How about it, old leader Fang," Zhang Fan immediately followed up on Fang Yueling's words, "I don't mean anything else, I just want to have a good talk with old leader Fang."

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