The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1339 The So-called Feelings

After Zhang Fan opened the door and came out, and after he had such a talk with Fang Yueling, Fang Zhenqian felt that it was almost time for the drama to reach this point, so he went into the room with Zhang Fan to talk, of course, Even so, Fang Zhenqian still put on a look of absolute reluctance, giving people the look of how much he has suffered.

But now, only Zhang Fan and Fang Zhenqian entered the house, and even Fang Yueling was waiting outside the door. I know, but Fang Yueling is a little indifferent to this, and doesn't care too much.

Fang Yueling just stood outside the door like this, but it attracted many people present to stare at her. Everyone wanted to appreciate the beautiful scenery, not to mention Fang Yueling's beautiful appearance. The people on Zhang Fan's side, Wang Meng and the others Although they were surprised by Fang Yueling's appearance, they didn't pay much attention to it. From their point of view, no matter what Zhang Fan and Fang Zhenqian said, or what their relationship with the Five Poison Sect would turn out to be, But there is one thing, that is, Fang Yueling is obviously already a member of Zhang Fan. As a woman who is in charge of her, they, who are subordinates, naturally cannot stare at her so rudely.

But the people of the Five Poisons Sect are different. Most people are looking at Fang Yueling. Of course, some people think it is inappropriate to stare at their leader like this, but these people are still watching secretly. It is strange to say that, after all Jin Yiwei is also an outsider, even if Fang Yueling and Zhang Fan have such a relationship now, but before it is settled, they can only be regarded as outsiders, and these outsiders are not so staring.

On the contrary, the Five Poisons Sect, for Fang Yueling, should be the one standing on the side, but staring at her intently. However, this matter is not difficult to understand, although the Five Poisons Sect is very different from Fang Yueling. Familiarity, we are a family, there are too many opportunities to see her face on weekdays, but relatively, after so many years, they don't even know that Fang Yueling has such a beautiful appearance under the veil, but Now, when Fang Yueling showed them her true colors, they would naturally be so surprised that they wanted to take a second look, which didn't mean anything else, it's just that they couldn't believe it.

As for Fang Yueling, although she doesn't like the feeling of being stared at so much, she has already prepared for this situation, so even if she is stared at by so many people now, But she didn't feel that there was anything wrong. She could still bear this situation.

And Fang Yueling's veil has been taken off by her now, making so many people look at her curiously and amazed, but the people looking at her are not just thinking about her beauty, there are also some smart people in the Five Poison Sect People, or some people who are suspicious, the reason why these people stare at Fang Yueling is not just to see her beauty, they even say that these people don't care about Fang Yueling's beauty, what they really care about is Fang Yueling's beauty. So the reason for taking off the veil, that's what these people care about.

Everyone present already knew what happened last night, and now, their attitude towards Zhang Fan and Fang Zhenqian is not mentioned for the time being, but does it mean that Fang Yueling will take off the veil? This is what these people think Guess.

Naturally, they would not believe what Fang Zhenqian said, saying that Zhang Fan raped Fang Yueling with drugs out of lust, not to mention whether Zhang Fan would do this, just say that Zhang Fan did Not capable of doing so.

Zhang Fan doesn't understand martial arts, but Fang Yueling knows it. Zhang Fan doesn't know how to admit poison, but Fang Yueling knows it. To sum up, even if Zhang Fan has this kind of intention, but relying on him alone, he wants to poison Fang Yueling. It is almost impossible for her to be poisoned. Of course, if Zhang Fan does not do this, it is possible for his subordinates to do it. After all, there are many skilled people under Zhang Fan, but just by With Fang Yueling's status as the leader of the Five Poison Sect, this one will not work.

In addition, the alliance this time has been rumored from the beginning to the end, that is, Zhang Fan agreed to form the alliance because he took a fancy to Fang Yueling. People will understand that this matter will never be like this. Fang Zhenqian must have thought so and spread this kind of news in the Five Poison Sect.

But no matter what it is, now this matter has been completed, and now, Fang Yueling has taken off the veil. Logically speaking, Fang Yueling should have an objection to this matter, regardless of what Fang Zhen did. What is the starting point? Even if it is of great benefit to Fang Yueling's future, Fang Yueling may not agree to this matter. Even if Fang Yueling does not express this point, as long as people who know this You can understand this truth.

But now, after what happened last night, Fang Yueling took off her veil and showed it to others. This seems to mean something. Maybe, after what happened last night, Fang Yueling also developed some feelings for Zhang Fan, even Well, maybe before that, Fang Yueling had this kind of feeling for Zhang Fan.

But these are not the point, the point is that if Fang Yueling has such feelings for Zhang Fan, for these people, it will be another way to deal with it.

If it is just that Fang Zhenqian pushed Fang Yueling to Zhang Fan, perhaps in the future, Zhang Fan will take care of Fang Yueling because of this dewy marriage, and it will be helpful in many places, but as long as the relationship between the two is not deep , then this help is always limited.

And this kind of thing, the most important thing is on the woman's side. If Fang Yueling really has feelings for Zhang Fan, the relationship between Zhang Fan and her will definitely go further. If this is the case In the future, Zhang Fan's help to Fang Yueling will not only be to help when there is a problem, I am afraid that nothing has happened here, and Zhang Fan has already started to ask for warmth.

If this is the case, this is indeed a big trouble for those people of the Five Poisons Sect. If this is the case, then these people can be said to never recover, forever He can only act under the surname of Fang.

This is what these people don't want to see, and now, Fang Yueling has taken off the veil, which seems to be the last thing they want to see.

Regardless of what these people are guessing here, the conversation between Zhang Fan and Fang Zhenqian in the room is still going on.

Right after the two of them entered the room, they sat down at the table. However, after sitting down like this, the two of them stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, but didn't say anything. Outside the room, no one spoke because everyone was amazed by Fang Yueling's appearance.

At this time, no matter whether it was inside or outside the house, it was all quiet, which really made people feel very strange.

Of course, when it comes to the staring side, Fang Zhenqian is actually staring at Zhang Fan, and Zhang Fan is looking at Fang Zhenqian, although it can barely be called staring, but there is still a smile on his face .

The two of them watched like this for a long time, and finally Fang Zhenqian couldn't hold his breath anymore, and said to Zhang Fan: "Master Zhang, now that things have happened, don't you have anything to say to the old man?"

"Say," Zhang Fan was obviously amused by Fang Zhenqian's words, "I think, Old Hierarch Fang must have made a mistake. If you want to say what I said, there is really nothing to say, but come to think of it, Old Hierarch Fang must be You have a lot of things to tell me, right?"

Of course, Fang Zhenqian could understand Zhang Fan's words, but it was precisely because he could understand that Zhang Fan's words now made it impossible for him to reply for a while.

"Actually, if you want to come to the old leader Fang, you should also know." Zhang Fan saw that Fang Zhenqian couldn't speak quickly, so he opened his mouth. I can't understand it in my heart. If I am asked to say sorry now, then I am really sorry. I really don't know how to say it, but if I talk about what to do in the future, then I think We should have a lot to talk about between us,"

It is enough for Zhang Fan to be very clear about this matter, anyway, both of them know it well, it is impossible for Fang Zhenqian not to know what Zhang Fan is talking about.

"Since Mr. Zhang said so, then the old man will no longer hide it." Fang Zhenqian let go after hearing what Zhang Fan said, "However, before talking about those things, the old man wants to ask Mr. Zhang In a word, Mr. Zhang admits that he has become enlightened this time, "

Zhang Fan never imagined that Fang Zhenqian would ask such a question. Just when Zhang Fan thought that Fang Zhenqian was joking, he discovered that Fang Zhenqian looked at him with eyes that were not the kind that wanted to appreciate his victory. It was a very serious look, waiting for Zhang Fan's answer.

Zhang Fan thought about it left and right, and really couldn't figure out what the meaning of this is, but Zhang Fan also couldn't figure out, even if he answered truthfully, there would be no harm, so he nodded and said: "This time , I have to admire the old leader Fang, he is really scheming, I am completely right, "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Fang Zhenqian laughed,

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