Zhang Fan admitted in front of Fang Zhenqian that he was indeed enlightened, and Zhang Fan's admission also made Fang Zhenqian laugh, but it was true after thinking about it, the intersection between Zhang Fan and Fang Zhenqian is not too much, But the confrontation between the two has already started since the first meeting, but this kind of confrontation between the two has always been an invincible result. Sometimes, Zhang Fan will suffer a little bit. Some, sometimes, Fang Zhenqian would feel a little depressed, but there was not much deviation in the fundamental things.

Even Zhang Fan agreed to the alliance under the coercion of Fang Zhenqian, but this matter is not without benefits for Zhang Fan, so this cannot be said to be Fang Zhenqian's victory.

However, things are a little different this time. This time, it can be said that Zhang Fan completely walked into the trap set by Fang Zhenqian. Therefore, Zhang Fan admitted that he was in the right place, which is not wrong at all. Yes, and Fang Zhenqian would laugh, which is easy to explain. After all, Fang Zhenqian has completely won this time, and it is normal to smile, but Zhang Fan doesn't think so.

"It's just..." Zhang Fan looked at Fang Zhenqian with a very puzzled look, and said, "Master Fang, what is there to be so happy about? You know the truth, but I don’t think Elder Fang should be so happy, this time I am enlightened, but Elder Fang doesn’t want to think about how much you paid for it,”

"The price," Fang Zhenqian couldn't help laughing when he heard Zhang Fan say these two words, and said, "Master Zhang, please forgive me for being unclear. I don't know what price I paid this time."

This time, Zhang Fan didn't know why, he didn't expect Fang Zhenqian to say that, he couldn't see such an obvious thing: "I'm a man, it doesn't matter, but Ling Qianjin is a woman after all, ruining her life Innocent, is it possible that the old leader Fang doesn't think the price is a bit too high?"

"Indeed, Yueling's innocence is given to you," Fang Zhenqian faced this question very calmly, obviously he had already made up his mind, "but this price, I don't think it's too big. After all, Yueling Ling can be regarded as getting a backer, so the old man can feel at ease, and even if Yue Ling may not be willing to do this kind of thing in her heart, these old men can understand, but the old man knows that doing this is not good for her. There are only benefits. In this case, the old man doesn't think there is anything uneconomical in this matter.

"If it comes to those romantic things, maybe Mr. Zhang can tell his wives and concubines, but for us people in Jianghu, those things are simply extravagant hopes.

"To put it another way, Yue Ling is unparalleled in appearance, so it's possible that Master Zhang won't fall in love with her,"

"It's a lie to say you're not tempted," Zhang Fan didn't hesitate because Fang Zhenqian was Fang Yueling's father on this issue, and said frankly, "However, in this way, Old Hierarch Fang doesn't think that I only have desire for Ling Qianjin, but I have no love for her. If she spends the rest of her life like this, Old Hierarch Fang thinks it's okay, "

"Hahaha..." Unexpectedly, Zhang Fan's words not only did not make Fang Zhengan reflect, but made him laugh out loud, "Master Zhang, you can say that, and the old man is already at ease. What's more, the old man has lived for more than 60 years, and he can see and think clearly about many things.

"Compared to the future, let Yueling find a man who loves her but has no power and power to spend her life with, but he will have to overcome countless difficulties in the future. In the face of countless troubles, the old man is more willing , let her find someone who is only interested in her appearance, but has power in his hands, even if Master Zhang doesn't really treat Yue Ling, but even if he pretends to be nice to her, that's enough. Life, dozens of years in a hurry, can be spent like this, I can thank God, "

Fang Zhenqian's words made Zhang Fan silent. Indeed, Zhang Fan understood all the reasons he said in his heart, and his reason told himself that what Fang Zhenqian said was completely correct, but Zhang Fan never I never thought that Fang Zhenqian, living in this era, can actually think about these things, and the more important thing is not that Fang Zhenqian can think about it, but that he really did it. Maverick.

Moreover, what Fang Zhenqian said before was not wrong at all. He was completely at ease with Zhang Fan, because Zhang Fan was able to say these words, although what Zhang Fan said could not be said to be about Fang Yueling. But since Zhang Fan can say that, it means that he will never treat Fang Yueling badly in the future.

In fact, when Fang Zhenqian planned to do this, one of the most important reasons was that he felt that Zhang Fan should not be that kind of heartless person. Of course, Fang Zhenqian had too little contact with Zhang Fan. Such a person, but there is no guarantee that Zhang Fan will change Fang Yueling's attitude. Therefore, it is impossible to say that Fang Zhenqian really does not have a little worry in his heart.

And before, after Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling opened the door together, Fang Zhenqian already understood that he had made the right bet, and after that, Fang Yueling took off her veil to show others, and she stopped herself from continuing to attack Zhang Fan All these things made Fang Zhenqian even more convinced of this.

It can be said that Fang Zhenqian is completely at ease when the matter is here, and it is precisely because of this that Fang Zhenqian is not in a hurry to say this to Zhang Fan now, and it can even be said that Zhang Fan said more about Fang Yueling. Facing the unfavorable possibility, Fang Zhenqian felt more at ease in his heart. This is not a strange thing, but just a normal reverse thinking.

This time, Zhang Fan didn't say anything more. He also noticed the problem. As long as he said more, Fang Zhenqian would feel more at ease. However, Fan knew that if Fang Zhenqian was more at ease, it would be even more unfavorable to him at that time. Although what to do at that time will be discussed later, but now, Zhang Fan can't show that Fang Yueling cares too much. Otherwise, it will be difficult to say later.

But in fact, it was too late for Zhang Fan to stop talking just now when he discovered this problem, because Fang Zhenqian had already understood this point, and knew that he could not be indifferent to Fang Yueling, and even to Fang Yueling, Zhang Fan For Fang Zhenqian, as long as he knew this, it would be enough for Fan to be more concerned. In this way, he would have a lot of things to say to Zhang Fan in the next conversation.

In fact, now Zhang Fan has begun to regret a little, why can't his previous performance be tougher, so that the next words will be easier to say.

However, I'm afraid even Zhang Fan himself didn't realize the reason for this. In the end, it wasn't because of what he said to Fang Yueling earlier that he had already lifted his guard, and now facing Fang Zhengan, since he had already said Having said these words, it is impossible to take them back.

"Let's not talk about this," Zhang Fan thought for a while, and he didn't intend to regret anything. He opened his mouth and said to Fang Zhenqian, "Now, what is the old master Fang planning to do with this matter? The leader should have already prepared for it, "

"That's right," Fang Zhenqian nodded, and said, "This old man has already prepared for this matter. What to do in the future is not in a hurry now. Besides, since you have this relationship with Yue Ling, this old man will not worry about it." Don't worry about anything anymore. When the time comes, even if the old man doesn't make it clear in advance, you will still help, so I don't take those things to heart.

"The key lies in Yue Ling. If the so-called name is not correct, the words will not be right, so I want you to give Yue Ling an identity,"

"Identity," Zhang Fan had thought about this matter a long time ago, but to be honest, Zhang Fan didn't quite understand what this identity was and how to give it. "Please explain more clearly."

"It's very simple," Fang Zhenqian explained, "This old man has already prepared for this matter, so the next time, I want you to get married,"

"Get married," Zhang Fan was a little surprised. He had also considered this situation, but Zhang Fan was not sure about this matter.

After all, Zhang Fan is a married man, no matter how many concubines he has in his family, but Ru Xue is the only official wife, and Zhang Fan's feelings for Ru Xue are not ordinary, so even if Fang Yueling becomes Zhang Fan's woman can only be a concubine even after entering the Zhang family's gate.

Of course, if you marry a concubine, the ceremony can barely be called a marriage, but this is the Five Poison Sect, and Fang Yueling is the leader of the Five Poison Sect. For those who are married, if the leader of the Five Poison Sect gets married on his own territory, it will naturally be done in a prosperous manner. Even if the time is rushed and the preparations are a bit crude, the ostentation will definitely not be small, not to mention that not only There are more than 200 members of the Five Poisons Sect, Zhang Fan also brought [-] members here.

Zhang Fan was thinking about whether it would be unfair to Fang Yueling to be a concubine for such a grand occasion.

Originally, although there was no need to conceal this kind of thing, there was no need to publicize it, and it was enough to do it calmly, but in order to achieve his goal, Fang Zhenqian would definitely make a big splash. At the very least, the five poisons sect People, absolutely know everything.

Now, Zhang Fan started to worry about Fang Yueling before he married Fang Yueling. This is Zhang Fan's habit, right?

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