Zhang Fan is now worried about what is about to happen, that is, the marriage between him and Fang Yueling, which will be held soon. First, it happened too suddenly, and second, this event itself brought countless troubles to Zhang Fan. Trouble, now he will naturally think about these things, but now, even if Zhang Fan stays in the house, he still has to take care of Joanna who is very thoughtful about this matter. I couldn't help but walked out, wandering outside, it was a relief.

And Joanna is really worried now, but this time, she is not worried about Zhang Fan, but because of this matter, although the things she is worried about, at best, are not It can only be due to her own small thoughts, or the unique thoughts of women, but no matter what the reason is, it is still an annoyance after all, but at the very least, Joanna is quite rational. Even though she had such troubles in her heart, she didn't tell Zhang Fan, but just worried about herself. This could be regarded as one of Joanna's strengths.

But no matter what it is, one thing is certain, Zhang Fan and Joanna are worrying about these things now, but they are not the only ones who are worrying about this matter , There are too many people who frowned because of this incident, for example, those in the Five Poison Sect, for example, Zhang Fan's Wang Meng and Liang Chao, for example, Fang Yueling's side, all these people I was worrying about this matter, thinking about it, the only one who would be happy because of this matter was Fang Zhenqian.

Not to mention how troubled other people were, nor how happy Fang Zhenqian became because of this incident, just talk about Fang Yueling's side.

What happened last night not only brought about a huge change in Zhang Fan's feelings for Fang Yueling, but also the reverse. Fang Yueling's feelings for Zhang Fan also changed a lot, just like Zhang Fan's feelings for her. Although Fang Yueling had a good impression of Zhang Fan at first, she didn't dislike him, but that was just that, and there was nothing further.

However, after what happened last night, even a man like Zhang Fan has undergone tremendous changes in terms of emotions, not to mention that she is originally a woman who is more emotional than rational. If you ask her now, she will definitely deny it, but after what happened last night, Fang Yueling's feelings for Zhang Fan have really changed.

But now, Fang Yueling is sitting at her home, worrying about these things.

Now, Fang Zhenqian is outside directing the people of the Five Poison Sect to prepare for the marriage, and Fang Yueling, as the bride, naturally has to sit at home and wait quietly. Of course, Fang Yueling is not the only one here, Yu'er is also Here with her.

Speaking of which, Fang Yueling originally thought that she would not pay too much attention to this kind of thing. Although she was born as a woman, but also because the environment in which she was born was somewhat different, so for Fang Yueling, Emotional things, or going a step further, love is something that she doesn't care too much about, but still that sentence, no matter what she says, she is a woman after all, even if she didn't think about it before, but once After it happened, she couldn't stop thinking about it.

Just like now, after what happened last night, Fang Yueling couldn't stop thinking about it, and what's more, all she was thinking about was about Zhang Fan. Naturally fond of fantasy, even Fang Yueling is thinking about these things in her mind now.

Think about it, later today, she is going to get married to Zhang Fan, think about it, it will be like this on the night of the marriage, think about what it will be like after today, now these things keep happening In Fang Yueling's mind, she felt uneasy.

It's just that, although this kind of trouble has been bothering Fang Yueling, she has no intention of abandoning this kind of trouble, and even Fang Yueling feels a little happy about this kind of trouble. Of course, this kind of happy mind, Even she herself didn't realize that now, all kinds of imaginations, even fantasies, are always flashing in Fang Yueling's mind.

Among them, there is a picture of her and Zhang Fan living happily. Of course, there is also an unfortunate picture of two people who are clearly in love but are separated from each other. Not to mention which of these possibilities is more likely Big, but there is one thing that Fang Yueling did not realize, that is, no matter what kind of picture she imagined, but one of them is the same, no matter what the future Fang Yueling imagines will be, in her In the fantasy, the relationship between her and Zhang Fan is all in love with each other, and the degree of their love cannot be explained clearly at 01:30, but is very deep.

Under the subtle influence, this is to say that there is a problem with the command, that is, Fang Yueling is definitely very fond of Zhang Fan now.

It's like a saying only in later generations, but the truth is common in ancient and modern times. Physical relationship is indeed the best bridge to develop feelings. Fang Yueling and Zhang Fan are like this.

Although it is said that what happened between Fang Yueling and Zhang Fan last night was not natural, and it can even be said that the cause of the incident was abnormal, but it was not Zhang Fan's force, but Fang Yueling's initiative. Fang Yueling did this because Fang Zhengan ordered her to do so, but even so, Fang Yueling still felt that it was no different from her own initiative.

It was precisely because of the mistake that even at the beginning, Fang Yueling didn't approve of this matter, but she could only do it this way. What's more, it was not in favor, but it was not in opposition, so After what happened last night, even in such a short period of time, it's really not surprising that she had developed such feelings for Zhang Fan.

All in all, Fang Yueling's heart is very complicated now, and it is precisely because of this complexity that she is worrying about today's affairs, tomorrow's affairs, and even future affairs.

And Fang Yueling is worrying here, but even in this room, the people who are worrying now are not only Fang Yueling, Yu'er who is with her is also worrying.

Speaking of which, the atmosphere here is somewhat similar to Zhang Fan's. As the protagonists of the wedding tonight, Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling are both worried, and of course they are both worried about their own affairs.

And as the people who accompanied them, Joanna and Yu'er were both worried. When they said it, the things they were worried about were somewhat similar, and they were both worried because of Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling. But at the same time, they What worries her is not Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling's affairs, but their own affairs.

These two people originally had no intersection at all, but unfortunately, their situations are so similar now, they both love each other, of course there is something different here, Joanna's feelings towards Zhang Fan Love is aboveboard, everyone knows it, and Zhang Fan has already indicated that he accepts her.

But Yu'er is different, she is also in love with Fang Yueling, and she didn't hide this feeling, she just hesitated because of her and Fang Yueling, even if this kind of feeling is seen by outsiders I don't think about it in that regard, of course, there are still people who know.

However, Fang Yueling didn't know this, or it could be said that Fang Yueling had never thought about it at all.

As for Yu'er, she clearly knew that because she and Fang Yueling were both women, this kind of loving relationship was impossible to bear fruit anyway, but she still couldn't help fantasizing about this kind of thing in her heart. On the other hand, she may not be able to express her feelings to Fang Yueling, and let Fang Yueling accept her.

But Yu'er also has other ideas, and they are not practical ideas. In her opinion, the best ending is that Fang Yueling can't find a man to love in her whole life, and just spends the rest of her life alone. It was not a happy thing for Fang Yueling, but for Yu'er, this gave her the opportunity to stay by Fang Yueling's side forever, and there would be no third party involved.

Therefore, love is selfish, even for the person you love too much, as long as you want to be with him, even if it makes the other person unhappy, you will not hesitate to pay the price.

But now is not the time to talk about this, let's talk about Yu'er, she originally thought so, and looking at Fang Yueling's usual attitude, it seems that the possibility of things turning out like this is very high.

But before, after she heard the rumors about Fang Yueling and Zhang Fan from the Five Poison Sect, she knew it was not good.

Yu'er is also a smart person, and because she is relatively close to Fang Yueling, she also knows some major events in the Five Poison Sect.

And when the rumor just came out, she understood that there must be Fang Zhenqian behind it, plus the ins and outs of the matter, and Fang Zhenqian has always had this kind of faint thought, the answer is ready to come out.

Now, for Yu'er, that is not good news, which means that Fang Yueling is likely to be with Zhang Fan.

Regardless of whether Fang Yueling and Zhang Fan will be together or separated in the future, for Yu'er, this kind of thing is not what she wants to see.

But unfortunately, she is powerless about this matter, and now Yu'er is worrying about this matter,

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