After all, he and Zhang Fan were going to get married tonight.And Fang Yueling is a woman.Naturally, it is impossible to do like Zhang Fan.At this time, you can still go out to relax.So she can only be bored in the room.Speaking up.Although it is about the Miao people's marriage.It is even said that people in the Five Poisons Sect get married.The process is a little different.But there is something.It's still the same.

but.If so.Fang Yueling now has as many troubles in her heart as Zhang Fan.But it can only sit like this.Can't go anywhere.A person is bored here.

Of course.her thoughts.It would be wrong to say it was boring.Trouble is about the same.It's just that some of those troubles are just her fantasy.Fang Yueling was thinking about these things by herself.It's not too suffocating.

Only gradually.She thought about it.Always feel what you imagined.Some are not very reliable.thought of things.Although I think I like it very much.But it always feels that this may not be the case in the future.

Just at this time.That's what she found out.I am not sitting here alone and worrying.There is also a Yu'er by her side.This was the first time Fang Yueling would do this.The old her.No matter what the circumstances.Always alert.After all, Fang Yueling at that time understood her mission.I also know the disadvantages I find myself in.Fang Yueling at that time.No matter when.All will be alert.It's even more impossible to forget that there is another person beside me.

And now.Because Fang Zhenqian has come back.Plus what's happening today.It made her alertness drop somewhat.This is why Fang Yueling is now unaware that Yu'er is by her side.certainly.Seriously.What would cause her to let her guard down so much.Not because the current state of affairs has eased her up.What is more important is probably what happened today.

After thinking that Yu'er was by her side.Fang Yueling seemed to have found a way to help her solve her troubles.He immediately spoke to Yu'er and said, "Sister Yu'er."

And Yuer.At this moment, he is still in his own troubles.He even ignored Fang Yueling's words calling her.This is for Yu'er.It was also the first time she ignored Fang Yueling's words.

Seeing that Yu'er didn't answer herself.Fang Yueling was a little surprised.However, he didn't care too much.He just called her again: "Sister Yu'er."

Here.Yu'er came back to her senses.He quickly raised his head to look at Fang Yueling.Asked: "Miss. But what's the matter?"

"Sister Yu'er, what are you thinking about?" Fang Yueling obviously asked about it.

"No. It's nothing." Naturally, Yu'er didn't want to talk about what was on her mind.But she also didn't want to talk to Fang Yueling.I can only say it lightly. "I was just thinking about Miss. After all, today is going to..."

"Yes..." If it was the original Fang Yueling.Naturally, one can feel the insincere taste in Yu'er's words.But now Fang Yueling is troubled by those things.Naturally, it is impossible to think so clearly. "This matter. I've been thinking about it too."

"Then..." Hearing what Fang Yueling said.A thought suddenly popped up in Yu'er's heart.I think now is a good opportunity.Ask Fang Yueling about these things. "What does the lady think about this matter?"

"How else can I look at this matter." When it comes to this matter.Even Fang Yueling already agreed with Zhang Fan in her heart.But there was still some helplessness on her face. "It's all over. I have no other way. What's more, this is Father's idea. As a daughter, I should obey it."

"I understand that." Obviously.Fang Yueling's answer did not answer Yu'er's question. "I understand Miss's difficulties. And I also know. No one can change the decision made by the old leader. What's more, things have reached this point. There is no room for redemption. Otherwise, wouldn't Miss It's too bad."

"Then what exactly is Sister Yu'er asking?" Fang Yueling suddenly became curious. "Isn't that what we want to talk about now?"

"Miss, could it be that you forgot?" Yu'er said. "Compared to this matter, there is no way to change it. So it is meaningless to talk about this matter now. But I want to ask the lady. What do you think about Zhang Fan? The lady will take it seriously. willing to be like him."

After Yu'er mentioned Zhang Fan.Fang Yueling's face suddenly changed.With a little blush.And she also said in a very small voice: "Well. Speaking of it, it can be regarded as Dad's arrangement. I have no choice." The implication is.It was because of Fang Zhenqian's arrangement that this matter happened from beginning to end.It has nothing to do with Fang Yueling.And she wants to refute words.But there is no way.

Of course.Although Fang Yueling said so.But I'm afraid of her words.Plus the expression on her face now.I am afraid that no one would believe her words.Especially Yu'er.Anyway.She is also a married woman.No matter how bad her ex-husband was to her.But she always had her girlhood too.When sweet love.Both are women.Been through this again.Yu'er is concerned about Fang Yueling's current appearance.That couldn't be more clear.

And it was precisely because Yu'er understood the expression on Fang Yueling's face.So Fang Yueling's answer.It made Yu'er even more troubled.It also hurt more.

obviously.I am the one who has been by Fang Yueling's side for so many years.No matter Fang Yueling is happy or not.It doesn't matter if you are unhappy.Even if Fang Yueling encountered a huge problem.All with her.comfort her.Encourage her.But unfortunately.Just because both of them are women.Except that Yu'er was treated like a sister by Fang Yueling.But she didn't get the love she most hoped for.

But at that time.Even so.Yu'er has no complaints or regrets towards Fang Yueling.

But now it is different.A Zhang Fan.completely changed all that.

For this matter.Not to mention how annoyed Yu'er was in her heart.Obviously she was the one who met Fang Yueling first.I don't know how many years earlier than Zhang Fan.And Yu'er met Fang Yueling.It's a relationship of love and being loved.And Zhang Fan met Fang Yueling.It is the hostility and dispute between the two.

but.What Ling Yuer didn't expect was that.Obviously, she should have a better relationship with Fang Yueling.However, Zhang Fan, a latecomer, is about to get there first.Not only got Fang Yueling's body.Even Fang Yueling's heart was about to be taken away.even.Even in terms of name.Just after today.Between Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling.Then there is no obstacle.

These things.No matter which one.It will make Yu'er very angry.But unfortunately.This anger of hers.She can only worry about her slowly in her own heart.But there is no way to show it.This made Yu'er even more uncomfortable.

but.Since Fang Yueling spoke like this.What you say is different from what you think in your heart.Yu'er simply followed her words.Asked rhetorically: "Could it be possible to say. Miss actually doesn't want...doesn't want to marry that Zhang Fan." This time.Yu'er asked so clearly.There is no meaning of beating around the bush at all.Very straightforward.

"This..." Yu'er asked such a straightforward question.It also made Fang Yueling unable to answer.She just faltered and hawed for a long time.It seems that it is because it can't save face.He actually said it to Yu'er seriously. "I...I don't want to either. But... But it's something that can't be helped. Besides, Dad wants me to marry Zhang Fan with all his heart. And last...last night... Now even if I want to go back on my word, there is no way."

even though.What Fang Yueling said may be the truth.She really had no way to object to this matter.But actually.The more she said it.The more it explains.These words were just what she wanted to cover up in front of Yu'er.Insincere words.Actually in her heart.For Zhang Fan.Already recognized.

Seeing Fang Yueling posing as a little girl that she had never seen before.And the words that were obviously not meant to be said.Yu'er hated Zhang Fan in her heart.It also became more and more profound.

But now.Naturally, it was impossible for her to show it in front of Fang Yueling.

He suppressed the anger in his heart.Although she clearly knew what Fang Yueling was thinking in her heart.But Yu'er still followed her words.Open your mouth and say. "In that case, why not, Miss. Let's get out of here."

"What did you say?" Fang Yueling seemed to have misheard.Looking at Yu'er very surprised.

"I mean. If Miss is unwilling, let's leave." Although Yu'er didn't express anything on the surface.But this is her last struggle. "If you leave here, you don't have to worry about these things anymore."

"This..." Yu'er said.Fang Yueling naturally had no way to agree.No matter from Fang Zhenqian's point of view.Still from her own point of view.It's impossible.But because it was Yu'er who said those words.So Fang Yueling hesitated for a while.But no matter how much you hesitate.She had already made a plan in her heart. "No. I can't leave. Not to mention it's Daddy's idea. I can't go against it. Besides. After last night. Do you think I can still leave."

Although she clearly knew that it was absolutely impossible for Fang Yueling to agree with her words.But when Yu'er actually heard what Fang Yueling said.There was still an unreserved look of disappointment and loss on her face.

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