The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1345 Nothing Bad

Now it's time to come to Shen Shi. It has been five hours since Fang Zhenqian announced that Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling were going to get married.

Although the time of five hours is really not short, it seems a bit stretched to spend five hours to prepare for a wedding, especially since the bride and groom of this wedding are not ordinary people, One is the commander of Jin Yiwei, and the other is the leader of the Five Poison Sect. Therefore, even if it is at night, there are six or seven hours, but the preparations are probably not enough.

However, from the beginning of this matter, people have understood that although this scene is to be put on, it is just a show to deal with it. Compared with this kind of ostentation, although the identity of the bride and groom is very important, But after all, there are no outsiders nowadays, they are people from both sides, so things like scenes, even if they are smaller, are not things that will make people laugh.

Besides, this wedding, compared with the scene, what really means behind it is more important, not only the alliance between Jin Yiwei and the Five Poison Sect, but also the true meaning of this alliance That is, Zhang Fan's support for the Five Poisons Sect stems from his love for Fang Yueling or desire, in short, Zhang Fan and his Jin Yiwei will definitely support the Five Poisons Sect and Fang Yueling in the future of.

Now, this news is only known among the people of the Five Poison Sect and the Jinyiwei, but it won't be long, even if the Jinyiwei doesn't publicize it, the people of the Five Poison Sect will probably spread this matter all over the country.

Perhaps this will also bring some troubles to Zhang Fan, after all, Jin Yiwei actually formed an alliance with a Jianghu sect, this kind of thing is unjustifiable in the court, at that time, I am afraid that someone in the court will impeach Zhang Fan.

But Zhang Fan is not worried about this kind of thing. If someone really impeaches him, he will go to the Queen Mother Li and explain it clearly. Most of the time, he will say that the alliance is fake and the marriage is real. , He said that he fell in love with Fang Yueling's beauty, but he couldn't ignore the Five Poison Sect, so he released the news that Jin Yiwei had formed an alliance with the Five Poison Sect, so that the Five Poison Sect would have a better life in the arena in the future. In terms of reasons, it is not difficult to talk about Queen Mother Li, not to mention, Zhang Fan also has to mention the benefits that the Five Poison Sect will bring in the future.

Just based on one point, the Five Poison Sect was able to plant eyeliner in the palace of the Prince of Shu, and Empress Dowager Li would definitely agree to this matter.

What's more, if it is more extreme, the special methods of the Five Poison Sect can stand alone in the world of martial arts, and it may not be useless in the court, in the palace, or in the royal family.

Of course, it is impossible for Zhang Fan to explain this kind of thing to Queen Mother Li too clearly, otherwise he will be in trouble, but he will definitely point this out to Queen Mother Li, and Queen Mother Li is not mediocre For her generation, this kind of thing didn't need Zhang Fan to explain at all, she could understand it.

Therefore, Zhang Fan was not worried about dealing with matters in the court.

Now, although he is not fully ready yet, Zhang Fan walked outside and looked at the small valley where the Five Poison Sect is located. Because of the help of Zhang Fan's subordinates, it was not easy to arrange the place like this in just five hours.

But the most important decoration was the room Zhang Fan lived in now, which was already arranged by someone when Zhang Fan just left the house.

Although the house Zhang Fan lived in was not big, it was very elegant, and it was not troublesome to arrange it, and it was enough for a new house.

It's just that Joanna is going to change places tonight, which makes Joanna feel even more depressed, but she still won't say anything.

But speaking of it, this matter is still too strange. Obviously Zhang Fan brought Joanna here, and Joanna is the woman Zhang Fan has already decided on, but now, Zhang Fan is going to marry another woman , which is naturally strange.

If you want to blame, you can only blame Zhang Fan for not thinking of this in advance, but I am afraid that even if he thought about it, he might not go back to stop it. Of course, you have to blame Fang Zhenqian for having such a plan, and he has put it into action Of course, there is no way around this matter. Fang Zhenqian has made up his mind, and he will definitely do it.

But now, it was no longer the time to think about these things. As time went by, night was coming soon, and Zhang Fan looked at the sun at sunset and knew that it was about to begin.

Those who didn't see here, even though it was still bright today, all of them had smiles on their faces.

This also made Zhang Fan feel a little strange. The family members of the disciples of the Five Poison Sect didn't say anything. After all, there were many things that they didn't know. Many of the disciples of the Five Poisons Sect were faces Zhang Fan had seen after he opened the door in the morning. Obviously at that time, these people all looked filled with righteous indignation, as if he had done something to humiliate them , everyone looked angry at him, although Zhang Fan had indeed done something that humiliated them in some respects.

However, after Fang Zhenqian announced his marriage to Fang Yueling, it was only a few hours until now, and these people have completely changed their appearance. Now that these people have seen Zhang Fan, how can there be any That kind of angry look, there is a friendly smile on every face, especially when they pass by Zhang Fan, this kind of smile is even worse, just like Zhang Fan is their relatives, there is no distance between them. In other words, judging from the current gaffe, these people did nothing wrong, and Zhang Fan will really become a relative of the Five Poison Sect in a short time.

However, although the speed of this transformation was not as fast as that of those people in the court, it was just that the scale was so large and the number of people transformed was so neat that this was the first time Zhang Fan had encountered it.

I don't know whether it should be said that the people of the Five Poisons Sect are too scheming and change their minds very quickly, or should I say that these people are really so innocent, good is good, bad is bad, And even if it is a sudden switch, it is not in conflict with each other, which is very natural.

It is wrong to say that each of them is too scheming. After all, even if the Five Poisons Sect is not big, there are still about a hundred people. If everyone is very smart, the Five Poisons Sect does not need the support of Jin Yiwei at all. , and has long been able to break out in the world and grow stronger, and it is definitely not what it is today.

But if it is said that they are really pure and incomparable, this is even more impossible. After all, the Five Poison Sect is a sect in the Jianghu, and its disciples will also enter the Jianghu, and what kind of place is the Jianghu? Even though Zhang Fan has never really experienced what the Jianghu looks like, he understands that the Jianghu can definitely be called a big dye vat second only to the imperial court. Walking on the Jianghu, let alone a year, even if it is only In just one month's work, all kinds of conspiracies and intrigues can be learned. Therefore, it's okay to talk about others, but all the disciples of the Five Poisons Sect are innocent. Very, that really beat Zhang Fan to death and didn't believe it.

I am afraid that the reason why they have such a large-scale, rapid and orderly transformation is also because someone has secretly told the ins and outs of Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling's marriage this time, or the benefits it will bring to them in the future. For their sake.

In this way, Zhang Fan changed suddenly, from a target that these people should be hostile to, he became a thigh that they can hug in the future. Since this is the case, it is natural to have a good relationship with Zhang Fan now. Basically, even if they don't know that Zhang Fan will remember their faces one by one, but for them, leaving a good impression on Zhang Fan is really the best.

Speaking of it, the human heart is like this, and there is nothing surprising about this.

Just as Zhang Fan was walking here aimlessly, watching the people around him preparing for the wedding at night, and seeing the unusual smiles on their faces, Wang Meng came over.

"My lord," although there are people everywhere now, there are also Jinyiwei people among them, so Wang Meng didn't spend much effort to find Zhang Fan.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Fan asked slowly with the appearance of an old god.

"It's already ready over there," Wang Meng said, "This...they asked the humble officials to ask the adults to go back and prepare,"

"Oh," Zhang Fan didn't have anything to say about it. Since it was already agreed upon, he should be asked to prepare now.

"My lord..." Wang Meng didn't care about Zhang Fan's attitude, but he also wanted to say something, but, now that things had come to an end, even Wang Meng hesitated a bit.

It seems that because of relaxation, Zhang Fan's mood has improved a lot. Although he still has some troubles in his heart, at the very least, he feels that he doesn't need to think so much today.

"This..." Wang Meng thought for a while and said, "My lord, is it really okay to do this?" He was referring to the marriage with Fang Yueling.

"Then what can we do?" Zhang Fan asked rhetorically, "There is no other way when things are at this point. Besides, things in the future are not too bad. Besides, I also think that doing this There's nothing wrong with it." After saying these words, Zhang Fan turned around and walked towards his own room.

Wang Meng, on the other hand, stood in place, looked at Zhang Fan's back and thought for a long time before he heeled up.

That's right, until now, there is no other way, and, perhaps, as Zhang Fan said, there is nothing wrong with doing so, right?

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