The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1392 Sudden Arrival

Although Zhang Fan went home this time.It was too sudden.Not just before.The family has no news at all.Even Zhang Fan has entered the capital.They don't know yet.If it wasn't for the servants of Zhang's mansion who went out to buy some things and met Zhang Fan.Probably not until Zhang Fan knocked on the door of his house.No one will know.

certainly.This kind of surprise was not what Zhang Fan wanted.if allowed.Compared with this unnecessary surprise.Zhang Fan hopes that the family members can keep track of his whereabouts at all times.At least in this way.The family will not worry too much about themselves.certainly.Now it's a special case.It can only be treated like this.

In short.Zhang Fan finally came back.And with his family in mind.Now I can finally relax.Not just Zhang Fan.He just smiled when he saw the family he had missed for so long.The same goes for his family.Especially Zhaoxue.After meeting Zhang Fan.She was really crying with joy.

certainly.I saw Zhang Fan coming home here.All very happy.Only Yingyue was alone.After she saw Fang Yueling coming back with Zhang Fan.But his face darkened.

Actually.Fang Yueling did not hide.No veil was worn either.There is no disguise.Just follow Zhang Fan's side so dignifiedly.And Zhang Fan's family.Ru Xue and the others actually saw Fang Yueling.But for them.Actually this is nothing.Although Zhang Fan brought back another woman.And Fang Yueling's beauty.Compared with Luo Ling'er, it is not bad at all.But for them.Even if it will cause any trouble in the future.But at least for now.They were still immersed in the joy of Zhang Fan's return.

Only Yingyue is the only one.She is the most unhappy.Because she knew that the beautiful woman beside Zhang Fan was Fang Yueling.He is the leader of the Five Poison Sect today.She didn't just have a feud with Zhang Fan.She even almost killed Zhang Fan.

Although there is some deep hatred.It is not appropriate to insist on putting the other party to death.But the bare minimum.Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling talked.It is also on the opposite side.But now.These two people are hostile to each other.Now it's such a beautiful relationship.back together.and.Look at the current situation.It was obviously Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling.I rushed all the way back from Sichuan.

That's all.This shows that the relationship between Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling is already unusual.Although Yingyue didn't know within this period of time.What happened between Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling?But at least.There must be something.And the relationship between the two.Just by looking at it, you can see that there has been a very big change.

Just for a split second.Yingyue thought of many possibilities.But the most likely one.It was what Fang Yueling did to Zhang Fan.This is the reason why Zhang Fan became like this.In addition, Yingyue has also been in the Five Poison Sect for a period of time.So for some things about the Five Poisons.She is also very clear.

And one thing she can think of now.That is, it is very likely that Zhang Fan was poisoned.Or is it using some other means to become like this.

But practically speaking.Yingyue was really right in thinking this way.Just some details.She just doesn't know yet.

"Mother." Zhang Fan walked up to the crowd.The first one came to mother Zhao.Said. "The baby is back. The baby is not filial. I made my mother worry." He was talking.Zhang Fan was about to kneel down.

"Get up quickly." Before Zhang Fan knelt down.Mrs. Zhao helped him up. "It's good to be back. It's good to be back. Mother knows you are busy. It's okay if you don't report back. As long as you can go home, Fan'er, mother is satisfied. Hurry up. Go talk to Ru Xue and the others. Especially Zhao Xue This girl has been thinking about you for the past few days, and she is almost sick."

Listen to what mother said.Zhang Fan hurriedly turned his gaze to Zhaoxue.Originally, he wanted to go straight over.But he turned his attention to Ru Xue and the others.

Ru Xue naturally understood what Zhang Fan meant.She nodded towards Zhang Fan.Zhang Fan also understood.He walked up to Zhaoxue.

Zhaoxue looked at Zhang Fan standing in front of her.A little shy.The person whom I miss day and night is now standing in front of me.But now she is a little afraid to look directly.even.Zhang Fan hadn't come back before.Zhaoxue always felt that there were countless things in her heart that she wanted to say to him.But now.Obviously Zhang Fan was standing in front of her.But she couldn't say a word.Not because they are surrounded by people now.And Zhao Xue couldn't let go.It's because she doesn't know what to say now.

But for Zhang Fan.Why is he not like this.When in Sichuan.After hearing from Feng Bao that Zhao Xue was pregnant.Zhang Fan was extremely happy.It wasn't just Zhaoxue and Yingyue who were troubled by this problem.The most important thing is that Zhang Fan is also worried about this matter.Just as the head of the family.As a man, it is really difficult for him to say this.And Zhaoxue was pregnant with her own flesh and blood.It also made him let go of one thing.

after.After Zhang Fan learned about Yingyue's behavior.It was entirely because of the side effects of taking "Five Immortals Honeydew" before.I also feel relieved.

But after rest assured.Zhang Fan would also involuntarily begin to think of Zhaoxue.Although he is a man.But also experienced this kind of thing.Actually think about it.Whether it's Ru Xue or Luo Ling'er.During the period of pregnancy.They all seem very sticky.It would be fine if Zhang Fan was away from home on weekdays.But as long as he comes home.They will stick to Zhang Fan.Almost to the point of being inseparable.

This is not a problem.Moreover, Zhang Fan could more or less understand some of their thoughts.So that time.Zhang Fan is fine as long as he is in court.Just come back as soon as possible.Be by their side.

And now.When the news that Zhaoxue was pregnant came out.Zhang Fan's people are thousands of miles away in Sichuan.He was happy that Zhaoxue finally had flesh and blood.But at the same time, I was also worried that I would not go back for such a long time.Will it make Zhaoxue feel unhappy?or sad thoughts.

Now he is home.See Zhaoxue's appearance.Zhang Fan understood.And so it was.Zhang Fan suddenly felt.Even if it was not intentional.But he also felt that he was really sorry for Zhaoxue.Actually.No one can blame this incident.I can only blame God for arranging the timing so coincidentally.Obviously, it should have been a very beautiful thing.But it turned out like this.This made Zhang Fan feel something in his heart.I always feel that I am very sorry for Zhaoxue.

therefore.Today Zhang Fan is standing in front of Zhaoxue.Zhaoxue lowered her head and was speechless.Or don't know what to say.But for Zhang Fan.Why not?Zhaoxue may be because of shyness or other reasons.Can't speak.As for Zhang Fan, it was entirely because of guilt.I can't speak.

But two people can't just stand like this.Say nothing.In short.Zhang Fan stood there for a long time.Only then did he say: "Zhaoxue. I'm back. Sorry. I haven't heard from you for so long. Let me worry you."

It seems that Zhang Fan's opening also became the reason for Zhaoxue's opening.After Zhang Fan finished speaking.She also shook her head hastily.I said: "No. I'm fine. I know that my husband must be very busy outside. Although I... I really miss my husband very much. I want you to come back. But if it delays my husband's affairs because of this, then I don't care about it." The solution is stable. But Xianggong is home now. I'm very happy." Zhaoxue didn't say anything too pleasant.It's just keeping your feelings simple.It was revealed to Zhang Fan very truthfully.

And that's it.Zhang Fan felt even more guilty.

"Sanggong, don't talk so much." Suddenly, Zhaoxue put on a very cheerful expression.He raised his head and said. "Come back so early in the morning. You haven't eaten. Go and rest. I'll let someone prepare it."

"En. Okay." Today's Zhang Fan can only agree.

And beside Ru Xue and others.See such a scene.Also laughed.

"That's right." Zhang Fan suddenly remembered.Look at Fang Yueling.Said to the family. "This is Fang Yueling. Mother. The child has already married her. We will talk about this matter later. Let Yueling arrange a..."

"Let me arrange this matter." Before Zhang Fan finished speaking.Yingyue, who had been staring at Fang Yueling, spoke. "Sister Yueling and I are old acquaintances."

"That's right. If that's the case, I'll leave this matter to Yingyue." Zhang Fan nodded.Turning around again, he said to Mrs. Zhao. "Mother. The child is back. There are still things to do. I will go to the palace later. When the child comes back, I will apologize to the mother."

"If you have anything to do, go and get busy. The family is fine." Zhao said.Only now.Whether it's the Zhao family or someone else.They all put their minds on Fang Yueling.Especially what Zhang Fan said.He is already married to Fang Yueling.This made them even more curious.

Perhaps the only one who didn't show much surprise about this matter.I'm afraid there is only Zhaoxue.certainly.It's not like she doesn't care at all.It's just that now her mind is completely on Zhang Fan.For this kind of thing.She didn't care too much about it.

And here.The same is true for Yingyue.When she heard Zhang Fan said that he had married Fang Yueling.In Yingyue's heart, she couldn't be more surprised.

"Teach... Sister Yueling. Please come here. I'll let the servants arrange the room." Yingyue said to Fang Yueling.

But now Fang Yueling didn't look unhappy at all.There is always a smile on his face.

This.It also made Yingyue even more worried.

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