The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1393 As a friend

Since Fang Yueling met Zhang Fan's family.Although Zhang Fan also helped her with the introduction.But Fang Yueling never spoke.In the end, he just nodded.certainly.All of Zhang Fan's family came home because of Zhang Fan.There is also Fang Yueling's beauty.With some disorientation.That's all right.

And after that.Yingyue took the initiative to arrange Fang Yueling's residence.And now.Yingyue took Fang Yueling to the backyard.

I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional.all in all.Now she and Fang Yueling were walking in a place where no one else would pass by.Perhaps Yingyue wanted to tell Fang Yueling something.But Fang Yueling is not like this.She was thinking about coming here before.How to get along with Zhang Fan's family.And she also thought of it.Mirroring the Moon is a good place to is also an ideal place for Fang Yueling.

"You still wanted to call me the leader just now, didn't you?" Fang Yueling didn't wait for Yingyue to speak.Just say it first. "That's not okay. We don't care what we used to be. Now we are a family. Since we are a family, then we have to get along well in the future. Besides, I am new here. And you are very familiar with this place .I only know you again. So from now on, I have to count on you."

"You...why are you..." Yingyue didn't actually listen to Fang Yueling's words.She is completely confused now.Everyone is thinking about what is going on. "Aren't you the leader of the Five Poisons Sect? It's hard to say. You can't be the leader now."

"Unless someone makes trouble. Otherwise, the position of leader is inherited from my father. How could I let go." Fang Yueling said. "Now I am newly married to my husband. Naturally, this is to see what the family looks like. I have also met my mother. I will live here for a while. I still want to go back."

"Why?" Yingyue didn't care what Fang Yueling said.She didn't even care about the name that sounded extremely weird to her from Fang Yueling's mouth.asked. "In the end. During the time when Xianggong went to Sichuan. What happened. Why did you marry him. And. Your relationship with Xianggong. Why is it so good?"

"Of course there is something going on here." It seemed that Yingyue's words reminded Fang Yueling of many things.Fang Yueling put on a look that wanted to remember. "A lot of things have happened during this period. Although there is nothing that cannot be said. But what I tell you now is too much trouble. Anyway, I will live here for a while. Wait until I am free. Then Let me tell you slowly."

"You..." Yingyue wanted to refute.But finally stopped.She looked at Fang Yueling.Suddenly thought of a possibility.Open your mouth and say. "You have changed too much. The Fang Yueling I knew before is completely two people. You did this. Is there some conspiracy?"

"Yingyue. I remember you are a very innocent child." Fang Yueling heard Yingyue's words.Can't help laughing. "I still remember when you first came to my teaching. You didn't understand anything. You didn't know how to adapt. And your face was full of resentment. It looked like you wanted revenge and murder. But at that time, you had no scheming at all. No. Wouldn't do these things at all. Wouldn't even think about them.

"But you've changed so fast now. Obviously I haven't said anything yet. But the first thing you think of is whether I have any evil intentions in doing this."

"Hmph." Fang Yueling said.Let Yingyue snort coldly.She looked at Fang Yueling.Said. "This is not forced out by you."

"Although you really shouldn't blame us for all the responsibility. But what you said is a little bit right." Fang Yueling smiled.Said. "But that's not what I want. In fact, I'm really helping you. Although I'm saying this to you now, it's kind of flattering. But I still have to say it. After all, you were killed by Zhang Yong and Wang Xin Even if the two of them didn't do it themselves, they still have something to do with them.

"But those two people and I have a deep hatred. If it weren't because my father was in their hands at the time, I would naturally tear them into pieces. So at that time, how much sympathy I had for you .In my teaching. Even Yuer can be bullied by them. But have you ever been bullied at 01:30?"

"That's it. I also want to thank you." Yingyue said ironically.Looking at Fang Yueling, she said with a smile.

And Fang Yueling.It's really not someone who can hide what's on his mind.and.Even she could see the irony in Yingyue's words.But she wasn't angry at all.Instead, he smiled: "I don't want you to thank me for anything. It's just that it's the way it is. Of course. In this way, I want you to help me here. It makes sense."

Fang Yueling's words.It made Yingyue feel like she was choking.But unluckily.She couldn't say anything.Don't say that what Fang Yueling said is correct.The main thing is.Yingyue also knew that Fang Yueling had really helped her a lot.And she says so now.It was in line with Fang Yueling's usual style.So outspoken.I don't know what to hide.He completely spoke out what was on his mind.

and.Even Fang Yueling spoke like this.But I don't know at all that this kind of words are too straightforward, but it is not a good thing.

But these words were spoken by Fang Yueling.But it makes people feel so normal.It seems that as long as these words come from Fang Yueling's mouth.Then everything will be fine.

"That's right." Although he really didn't want to say that in his heart.But in the face of Fang Yueling's words.Yingyue still said so. "It's just. What exactly do you want me to help you with? I don't know. If you think that the people here have some small thoughts, then you have come to the wrong place. The people in this mansion. There is no dispute. The daily life is very peaceful. If you want to play some tricks, then I will not accompany you."

"Don't be so nervous. I didn't mean that either." Fang Yueling naturally understood what Yingyue wanted to say.But even so.She also didn't mean to blame Yingyue at all. "Actually, before coming here, my husband told me. Not only my husband, but Joanna also told me. He said that you are all very good. You will never do any intrigue. If there is only one person Say. I don't believe it. But if Xianggong and Joanna both said that. I don't think they will lie to me together. So I believe what they say.

"And what you said just now. It seems that this is the case. If this is the case, I feel relieved. After all, I didn't come here to do some boring things. I just went home with my husband. .”

"You..." Yingyue looked at Fang Yueling.want to say something.But in the end it stopped. "Forget it. If you say so. Of course it's good. But don't go back on your word. Then you can save yourself some things."

"You can rest assured about this. I will never take the initiative to cause trouble." Fang Yueling is now acting like Yingyue's what she said.Also totally agree.But if you really care about it.The current situation looks like.She really is Yingyue's back.For her who walked into Zhang's house.

"That's good." Yingyue nodded.It is to lead Fang Yueling to move forward.But she asked as she walked. "But there is one thing. I still can't figure it out. How could Xianggong agree to marry you."

"Maybe you don't know yet." Fang Yueling heard Yingyue mention this matter.Can't help explaining. "Now my Five Immortals sect has formed an alliance with Xianggong's Jinyiwei. And Xianggong will marry me. It is also because of this reason."

"So that's how it is." Hearing what Fang Yueling said.This is Yingyue's appearance of understanding.But then.She began to wonder again. "But this is not right. If it is said that the two families form an alliance, the husband will marry you. It makes sense. But thinking about it, neither the husband nor you should be willing. If this is the case, why is the relationship between you and the husband now? .will get so good."

"Well..." Speaking of this question.But Fang Yueling couldn't answer Yingyue as quickly as before. "It's kind of a secret." Of course.Although Fang Yueling didn't tell Yingyue the reason so readily.But she still had a smile on her face.all in all.Although Fang Yueling refused to say.But obviously her expression told Yingyue.There should be nothing bad about it.

Although it's just that.It already made Yingyue feel a lot better.But even so.Yingyue also couldn't completely dispel the worries in her heart.even.It seems that he thought of something.Yingyue whispered: "Could it be some kind of Gu?"

"What did you say?" Fang Yueling didn't hear Yingyue's words clearly.I couldn't help but ask again.Speaking up.Fang Yueling's martial arts are not weak.Even if someone else said it quietly.She can also hear clearly.What's more, Yingyue is standing in front of her now.But now Fang Yueling.But in my heart, I have been thinking about the days after I am here.He didn't notice what Yingyue said at all.

"No. Nothing." Yingyue shook her head.Said. "There are a lot of vacant rooms in the mansion. And even if you didn't prepare it before, you won't treat your identity badly. Your room is next to mine. If you have anything to do, just come to me."

"Okay, okay." Although Yingyue spoke in such a blunt tone.But Fang Yueling is obviously in a very good mood now.I don't care at all.

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