The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1399 Long time no see

After coming out of the Palace of Compassion and Ning, Zhang Fan was naturally in a bad mood. After all, although he had rushed back before the queen mother made the verdict on Zhu Xuanqi, the queen mother still did not agree to deal with Zhu Xuanqi lightly. The queen mother has indeed made compromises in some places, but no matter how you look at that kind of compromise, Zhu Xuanqi will not agree to it.

If you want Zhu Xuanqi to come to the capital just like this, Zhu Xuanqi will definitely think that this is a trap set by Queen Mother Li and dare not get up, and if he doesn't come, he will just fall into the trap of Queen Mother Li. Not only is there such a handle as Zhu Xuanluo in the hands of the Empress Dowager Li, but there is also a bigger crime of not following the order.

Thinking about it, when Zhu Xuanluo received the imperial decree, he was also in a dilemma. Either he came to the capital, but he had to take great risks; Good reason to deal with him.

It seems that any one of them is a dead end for Zhu Xuanqi, but Zhu Xuanqi himself has no choice at all. In this situation, how can Zhu Xuanqi escape the fate of death.

Of course, just like what Zhang Juzheng said before, when sending someone to preach the decree, you can tell Zhu Xuanqi to let him understand that as long as he comes to the capital, nothing will happen, and the matter can be calmed down.

If this is the case, regardless of whether Zhu Xuanqi believes it or not, even if he believes it and comes to the capital alone, it is not impossible for Queen Mother Li to repent on the spot and take Zhu Xuanqi down. Faith is really a big taboo, but as a woman, Queen Mother Li, plus her thoughts, want to hand over a country without major troubles to the future Zhu Yijun, so if he has such thoughts, it is not bad. Certainly.

Besides, although the Empress Dowager Li is actually the person in power today, she is not her in name, so if she really did this, Zhang Juzheng and the others might complain, but in fact, they did not How to say something to Empress Dowager Li, in the future when Zhu Yijun is in charge and Empress Dowager Li is officially reclusive in the Palace of Compassion and Ning, no one will be able to say anything wrong with her.

All in all, the current situation, from Zhang Fan's point of view, is really not good, and the possibility of Zhu Xuanqi being able to get through this test safely is really slim. Although it is not without a glimmer of hope, this hope is really pitiful.

As for this, Zhang Fan really didn't think it was good, but as he said before, they had already done what they should do now, and they had to resign themselves to fate as to what would happen in the future.

Of course, although he knew in his heart that Zhang Fan himself was helpless in the current situation, no matter how much he worried about this matter in his heart, it would not change the current situation, so instead of worrying about it here Thinking, it’s better to put this matter aside for the time being, anyway, he has already done what he should do now, no matter how much he worries about, no matter how much he thinks about his thoughts, there is nothing he can do, so Zhang Fan now , so I can only wait quietly to see how this matter will end.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan was still walking towards Qianqing Palace, saying that Zhu Yijun hadn't seen him for a few months, and Zhang Fan didn't know how he was doing during this time, and he would become a little nervous when he thought about it. It's boring, after all, there are constant banquets every day, and he was not in the capital at that time, so he couldn't accompany Zhu Yijun to enlighten him, but when he came back today, he didn't hear anything from Zhu Yijun, presumably because of Zhu Xuanqi's current affairs Under pressure, I am afraid that even if something happened, Feng Bao would not be able to remember what to say to him for a while.

When they arrived at Qianqing Palace, Zhang Fan originally wanted someone to inform him, but the guards immediately let Zhang Fan in. Obviously, Zhu Yijun already knew the news of Zhang Fan's return, and he was probably waiting for him to come now.

Thinking about coming to Zhu Yijun, it was indeed a bit lonely during this time. Thinking of this, Zhang Fan couldn't help feeling a little funny, so he walked up the steps.

However, before Zhang Fan saw Zhu Yijun, he saw a familiar face.

"I have seen Master Tai Tu, Your Majesty is waiting for Master Tai Tu,"

Zhang Fan was a little surprised at the sound of such an immature voice. When Zhang Fan looked over, he almost didn't recognize it.

The girl in front of me is exactly what I have seen before, and now Yuer is the daughter of the military governor Zheng Chengxian. Speaking of which, this girl has changed too much, and Zhang Fan has only been here for less than a year. He didn't see her again, but considering Zhang Fan's outstanding memory, he almost didn't recognize Yu'er.

Today's Yu'er is dressed in a well-tailored palace dress, which is slightly different from the ordinary court ladies in the palace, and is much more refined. The most important thing is that although Yu'er is dressed like before, except for her hair bun What a big difference, but even so, the Yu'er in front of Zhang Fan now feels like a completely different person, if it weren't for those eyes, and the old-fashioned person that Zhang Fan still remembers. Zhang Fan really almost didn't recognize his appearance.

"It's Yu'er," Zhang Fan said with a smile, "I didn't expect you to serve His Majesty here after entering the palace. Speaking of which, this kind of thing is very tiring. Could it be that there is no one in the palace? Let you, a person who has just entered the palace, do this, "

"Your Majesty's words are serious," Yu'er said with a smile, "There is no one in the palace, it's just His Majesty's temper. I think His Majesty understands better than your servants, so this is why you have hired your servants to serve His Majesty." , but it is said to serve, in fact, the slaves do not care about His Majesty's daily life, but just chat with His Majesty and relieve His Majesty's boredom."

"So that's the case," Zhang Fan nodded upon hearing Yu'er's words, "That's true, after all, His Majesty's temperament is indeed like this, and in today's palace, only you are suitable for doing these things, but this That's okay, if His Majesty is doing this alone, but you can't get rid of the boredom, you don't know what will happen, I would like to thank you too, "

"What is the Taifu talking about?" Yu'er shook her head and said, "I am not unhappy about this matter. On the contrary, it is also my blessing to be able to relieve His Majesty's boredom. However, I seem to be doing something. Where you can't reach, although His Majesty always smiles in front of your servant, but this servant can tell that His Majesty is not happy and very bored, and this matter is always something that this servant can't do."

"You don't have to worry, you haven't done anything wrong, it's just that His Majesty's thoughts are more difficult to guess," Zhang Fan nodded.

"By the way, Your Majesty is still waiting for the Tai Tuo," Yu'er said, stepping out of the way.

Zhang Fan looked at him again, and this was when he started to walk away, while Yu'er looked at Zhang Fan's walking back, stood there for a long time without moving, seemed to be thinking about something. The smile she was wearing had also disappeared now, but the next moment, Yu'er, who seemed to have figured something out, changed her face back to that smile, and set off to walk in the direction Zhang Fan was going.

Before Zhang Fan entered the room, he could already smell the aroma of the food. Naturally, even if he just looked at the time, it was time for lunch. However, when Zhang Fan walked in, he found that the food was actually prepared. Two copies, Zhang Fan understood when he saw this.

Speaking of which, Zhang Fan came here at about the same time in the past, but for Zhu Yijun, it was very common for Zhu Yijun to leave Zhang Fan for dinner at this time.

For Zhang Fan, no, it should be said that for a courtier, it should be a great honor for the emperor to give the same banquet, but for Zhu Yijun and Zhang Fan. It's a great honor, but it has become so ordinary. After all, when Zhang Fan and Zhu Yijun met, they were neither king nor minister.

"Teacher, you can be regarded as coming back." Zhu Yijun saw Zhang Fan with an extremely happy expression on his face, "I knew that after the teacher went to see the queen mother, he would definitely come to me, and now the hour is almost the same. I asked someone to prepare lunch, and I specially asked the imperial dining room to cook the dishes that the teacher likes, "

Seeing this scene, Zhang Fan still thought it was a bit funny, even though it was something that Zhang Fan had experienced countless times, but if it was funny, it was funny. Now that Zhu Yijun had already spoken, he would naturally not refuse: " I would like to thank Your Majesty, since this is the case, I would rather be respectful than obedient."

"Teacher, you are so polite every time." Although Zhu Xuanqi said reproachful words, his expression was also smiling. "Although I and the teacher are monarchs and ministers, this relationship is not ordinary. If the teacher always That said, I'm going to be unhappy."

"Yes yes yes, I would like to follow His Majesty's instruction," and Zhang Fan said these words with a smile.

Seeing this, Zhu Yijun also laughed.

At this time, Yu'er also came back. Seeing Zhang Fan and Zhu Yijun talking and laughing, her eyes suddenly changed, but although the eyes changed, the smile on her face was It is unchanged, and that change is even more fleeting.

Both Zhang Fan and Zhu Yijun didn't see this, and Zhu Yijun was still asking Zhang Fan something: "Teacher, what does Sichuan look like? I haven't been out of the capital since I was a child. Teacher, tell me quickly."

Although he was still worried about Zhu Xuanqi, Zhang Fan had completely let go of that matter at this time, talking and laughing with Zhu Yijun,

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