The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1400 Knowing Mistakes Can Change

Zhang Fan talked to Zhu Yijun a lot.Although Zhu Yijun was asking Zhang Fan about Sichuan.But actually.Whether it is the scenery of Sichuan.Or what is the situation at the Shu Palace.Zhu Yijun didn't even bother to ask.What he really wants to know.It's actually about the war that happened in Sichuan this time.

certainly.As emperor.In court again.In fact, as long as it is any war that takes place within the territory of Ming Dynasty.He can always see the news reported by the people below.all in all.In fact, Zhu Yijun is concerned about what happened in Sichuan.Nature is fully aware.But even so.After all, Zhu Yijun did not witness these things with his own eyes.

And Zhang Fan.He had personally experienced what happened at that time.In short, no matter how detailed the news he saw from Sichuan was.But after all, there is no reality that Zhang Fan saw with his own eyes.Not to mention the cold words.No matter how much you believe it.But for Zhu Yijun.There is no kindness coming from Zhang Fan's mouth.

Plus.Zhang Fan absolutely understood Zhu Yijun's thoughts.Even for the matter of narrative.Which tone would make Zhu Yijun more happy.Zhang Fan understood everything very Zhang Fan said these words.It can be said that Zhu Yijun was completely attracted.

And Zhu Yijun listened attentively.Whether it is demeanor or spirit.It is also changing according to what Zhang Fan said.Sometimes tense, sometimes relaxed, sometimes happy, sometimes depressed...

Speaking up.This is not the first time Zhang Fan has told Zhu Yijun about these things.And it wasn't the first time Zhu Yijun's reaction had appeared.

Zhang Fan every time.They can grasp Zhu Yijun's mind.Even the same sentence.No matter how boring it is.Zhang Fan was also able to speak out in a way that Zhu Yijun was interested in.This has to be said that Zhang Fan's understanding of Zhu Yijun has reached a certain level.

There are two monarchs and ministers.For this kind of way that has already formed a habit among them.I didn't feel anything wrong at all.Even the two of them were immersed in it.

For Zhu Yijun.This is his most happiest time.It's not just because Zhang Fan is his favorite courtier or teacher.The most important thing is that Zhang Fan understands his thoughts.know what he wants.

But for Zhang Fan.He does.Not because Zhu Yijun is the emperor.He wanted to curry favor or something.After all.Zhu Yijun was just a child.Since he is a child, he should naturally have his innocent side.certainly.Zhang Fan didn't have ulterior motives either.Deliberately aiming at this point to please Zhu Yijun.He just felt it.Zhu Yijun as a child.Should have some experience in this area.

therefore.That's why Zhang Fan treated Zhu Yijun like this.And the consequences of his doing so.It was Zhu Yijun who really clung to him.Not only do I like Zhang Fan coming to tell him these things.Even those lectures that bothered him the most.But as long as it is said from Zhang Fan's mouth.Zhu Yijun could readily accept it.

now.Needless to say.These topics that Zhang Fan mentioned.About fighting.This is Zhu Yijun's favorite topic.What's more, it was said by Zhang Fan.This further increased Zhu Yijun's interest by three points.

Only now.Zhu Yijun and Zhang Fan, the two monarchs and ministers, laughed happily when they said so here.And Yu'er sitting on the side.But looking at this side.No sound.Although there is a smile on Yu'er's face.But his eyes never left the faces of Zhu Yijun and Zhang Fan.It wasn't that she was also interested in what Zhang Fan said now.Actually.She for these things.That's really not interesting at all.

But what really interested her.In fact, it was the way of communication between Zhang Fan and Zhu Yijun.She doesn't understand why.Zhu Yijun would like to listen to what Zhang Fan said so much.She thought she already knew Zhu Yijun very well.what was said.Things to do.They are all what Zhu Yijun likes to see and hear.And in this regard.Yu'er felt that she was doing pretty well.At least during this period of time when Zhang Fan was not in the capital.Zhu Yijun was with her.Still very happy.This is also the time when Zhang Fan is not around.Zhu Yijun was not too bored.On the contrary, it's because I feel happy.

only.Yu'er, who originally thought she had done a good job.Then when she saw the conversation between Zhang Fan and Zhu Yijun.And when Zhu Yijun showed a brighter smile than when he was with her.Yu'er felt somewhat defeated.even though.I and Zhu Yijun are still young.But she is a girl after all.No matter what Zhu Yijun said.It should be because she has a better relationship with someone who can chat and laugh with him.But in fact it is not the case.Zhu Yijun is still closer to Zhang Fan.

Actually.Yu'er is just ignoring a problem.After all, Zhu Yijun is still just a boy in his teens.But for Zhu Yijun.Obviously.What Zhang Fan can bring him is more.not to mention.Zhang Fan understood his thoughts.When he knows what he really wants.and.Zhang Fan will not treat ministers like courtiers.Too much respect and flattery; but at the same time not like the other ministers in the court.I think Zhu Yijun is an emperor.And never respect him.

all in all.Zhang Fan's attitude towards Zhu Yijun.That was absolutely spot on.And this is what Zhang Fan can do so easily after he fully understands Zhu Yijun's thoughts.

And Yuer.In the final analysis, it is just a mature mind.And with ambition.And people who want to do that.But she's in it.After all, there is still a lot of difference.the most important is.Yu'er's utilitarianism is really too strong.If so.This kind of thinking will blind her eyes.So she can't understand some things.If so.some things.She always felt that she was doing the right thing.But actually.But still a little worse.

but.Yu'er has an advantage.That is, she is not a person who accepts death.People always do what they want.Of course there are right and wrong.By the way, there is no need to say any more.But wrong words.If some people admit death.But he will die without repentance.Even if it's done wrong.But you still have to do it on your own terms.But some people don't.Doing something wrong.Then find the reason for the failure.Then correct it immediately.

Yu'er is the latter kind of person.She wasn't just one with that kind of ambition.What's more.She also has that wisdom.Since you want to please the future emperor.Then it has to be like this.Not to mention nowadays.Zhu Yijun is still young.And she and Zhu Yijun are the right age.In this way.Yu'er has plenty of correct your mistakes.Find the most suitable topic to discuss with Zhu Yijun.Then find the most suitable expression for yourself.Let Zhu Yijun agree with himself.Get close to yourself.

all in all.Yu'er's idea.Very correct.Also very scary.only.The so-called unfathomable.Zhang Fan couldn't read people's hearts.I didn't know that Yu'er had such an idea.If only he knew.He will definitely try his best to transfer Yu'er away from Zhu Yijun's side.

This can only be said.All of this is arranged by God.future.This kind of thing is bound to happen.But what about the ending.Now it is impossible to say clearly.

Zhang Fan talked to Zhu Yijun a lot.Something about Sichuan.the fighting that took place there.Although Zhu Yijun didn't like to hear it.But Zhang Fan also talked about a lot of things he saw in Sichuan.Including people's livelihood and scenery.It was also because Zhu Yijun was very interested in Zhang Fan's words.Even if it wasn't what he wanted to hear.But from what Zhang Fan said.Zhu Yijun still listened attentively.

original.Zhu Yijun wanted to keep Zhang Fan in the palace.After all, I haven't seen Zhang Fan for such a long time.And now Zhang Fan is back.Zhu Yijun naturally had many things to tell Zhang Fan.But it was also because Zhang Fan had just returned to Beijing.There are also many things on the body.In addition, although Zhu Yijun didn't care much.But it's not that he doesn't know what's going on now.

In short.When the time has just arrived.Zhang Fan left the palace.

In the yamen.There are also a lot of things to do.Although things in Jinyiwei.Not everything needs to be decided by Zhang Fan himself.And even those things.In the past, people would send people to Sichuan to let him handle it himself.Although it is a bit too labor-intensive to do so.But this is also impossible.

And now.After Zhang Fan returned to the capital.These things.Even Wei Zhong has made a very correct decision for him.But Zhang Fan still wanted to take a look.

this time.Not much happened.Although all are big.But for Zhang Fan.He already knew these things.So there is no rush.

first.It's about things in Sichuan.Now it has become more.And these things.Zhang Fan just looked at it hastily and then let it go.after all.He went to Sichuan himself.What happened over there.Of course he knew it well.Compared with what is recorded in this file.That's a lot to understand.not to mention.Now the matter in Sichuan has come to an end.So these things.It was no longer in Zhang Fan's attention.He just needs to know the general situation.

And in the capital.During this time, nothing too big happened.Now there is Zhang Juzheng presiding over the imperial court.In addition, Empress Dowager Li and Feng Bao also supported Zhang Juzheng.So nothing happened.It was a rare peace.

but.What really caught Zhang Fan's attention.It's still a thing in the Northeast.And these dossiers show.Today's Northeast.That was quite unsettling.

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