Today's Northeast.That was really messy.Long before Zhang Fan went to Sichuan.That's it.Ever since Zhang Fan came into contact with Nurhachi.He also began to formally care about things about the Northeast.Just so concerned.Zhang Fan immediately discovered the problem.

Zhang Fan was not familiar with history.At that time it was not known what would happen in the future.But even without knowing what will happen in the future.But it doesn't mean that after knowing the situation in front of you.Zhang Fan couldn't predict what would happen in the future.

After meeting the Nurhachi family.through them.Zhang Fan also understood what was going on in Northeast China at that time.And after knowing these.Zhang Fan also vaguely understood.Obviously, the Northeast is inevitable from World War I.

Wang Gao was at that time.It's already showing arrogance.And plus that time.The problem in northern Xinjiang has not been resolved.There is still a lot of friction between Daming and I Da.Compared with I Da and Wang Gao.How could the people in the Ming court not know which is more important?So that time.The imperial court still focused most of its attention on northern Xinjiang.And the northeast.Although there are concerns.But not too much after all.Moreover.Li Chengliang was also guarding over there.So the court is not too worried.

And now.The situation is different again.Things in northern Xinjiang have now settled down.Although small friction still occurs constantly.But that's just some disobedient Mongols.Want to get something cheap.This is what will come to constantly harass the frontier.And these.For Ming Ting and Al Da.It's not a problem.It will not cause any conflicts.

If so.The court also relaxed a lot.After free time.It is also possible to turn redundant gazes.Turned northeast.

Li Chengliang had always wanted to rebuild the Six Forts in the Northeast before.It is used to resist Wang Gao's possible attack.But people in the DPRK have not agreed.Some people think that Li Chengliang's words are alarmist.A mere Jurchen is not enough evidence.They dare not rebel and attack Daming at all; but some people think it is possible.But these people are because of the money.But he still refused to let go.

Fortunately, Zhang Fan was at that time.It can be regarded as understanding the situation in the Northeast.So on that front.Zhang Fan supported Li Chengliang.Plus that time.Daming's sea ban has been completely abolished.Merchant ships can sail to the west to do business.It brought countless wealth to Daming.even though.This is the business tax.It was true that there was a lot of resistance.Whether it is an official in the court.Or those sea merchants.All are dissatisfied with this.But then.It is also because the imperial court can send ships to guard.Even for the sake of allowing artillery to be installed on merchant ships.These sea merchants have also settled down.

And this thing.The huge benefit is that.The annual income of the imperial court.They are all doubled upwards.

Daming's treasury was no longer short of money.And Zhang Juzheng implemented the "Testing Method".There has been an increase in the income of officials.It also sharply reduces the level of corruption and bribery.In this way.Daming really became rich.

all in all.The imperial court agreed to Li Chengliang's method.He was given silver to build six forts.In this way.Li Chengliang was also more at ease and prepared to resist Wang Gao's attack.

Logically speaking.The imperial court has already made preparations for this.Wang Gao should have self-knowledge.Since then, it has shrunk.Be secure as his leader.Or simply loyally submit to the Ming Dynasty.If so.Perhaps he will always be subject to Daming.But at least.There is no danger in what the chief is doing.Still at ease.

But obviously.Wang Gao is not a person who can endure loneliness.Even the preparations of the Ming Dynasty have been so full and obvious.But he is still acting perversely.Do not ask right and wrong.

Speaking up.Wang Gao is not a fool.idea.He was born smart and quick-witted.The understanding of things is extremely fast and thorough.And proficient in multiple languages ​​and scripts.Logically speaking.He shouldn't be the kind of person who can't see the situation clearly and make random moves.

But since he became the leader of the Jurchen clan.It was found that the Ming Dynasty was really rich.And the Ming Dynasty was also disturbed for so long by the Yuanmeng remnants in northern Xinjiang.Let them have no time to take care of this side.So Wang Gao had the heart of a robber.Want to take advantage of Daming Duoduo.

After so many years.Wang Gao did many things.In the 36th year of Jiajing.Wang Gao then attacked Fushun.Kill the guard Peng Wenzhu.Looted a lot.And that time.It can only be regarded as Wang Gao's first test of skill.He did though.But also a little scared.So Wang Gao's time.come fast.It goes fast too.After looting, he retreated immediately.

But this thing.Did not let the court let go.It is the 41st year of Jiajing.Hei Chun, the deputy commander in chief, was ordered to clear Wang Gao's army.The result was that he was captured alive by Wang Gao's design and then executed.

This time Wang Gao won.It really caught the court by surprise.They never thought of it.Wang Gao actually won so easily.And it was because of such a negligence of the court.Wang Gao took advantage of the victory and pursued him.

after that.Wang Gao invaded Liaoyang, robbed Gushan, and plundered Fushun, Tangzhan and other places again.Only the generals who can write their names on the file.Dozens of people were killed by Wang Gao.It is precisely because northern Xinjiang has not yet settled down.So several times of encirclement and suppression are not good.Let Wang Gao's power gradually grow.

after.Wang Gao grew stronger.Although there were many frictions with Hada Kingdom, which also grew stronger at that time.But the two finally formed an alliance under Fushun Pass.This is what made the two give up the fight.And what follows.That is, the two continue to grow.

after that.Daming still suffers from the harassment from the north.No time to take care of.Although Wang Gao killed dozens of generals of Ming Dynasty.But there is no way for a while.Therefore, the imperial court also paid tribute to each other with Wang Gao.for peace.That is.Wang Gao is now nominally surrendering to Daming.And he surrendered.Not sincere.What's more, he still kept a lot of evil intentions.

And now.The northern border of the Ming Dynasty has been determined.It stands to reason that Wang Gao should give up his naive idea.But obviously.ingenuity.Can't beat a person's habit.Wang Gao was dazzled by this victory.I feel that Daming is vulnerable.Want to get more oil and water.therefore.Today's Wang Gao is not only ignorant of restraint.Instead, it showed everywhere that he wanted to attack Daming.

last year.Zhang Fan also saw this trend.But at that time.Is it really possible to start playing?It has only been more than a year since the new emperor of Ming Dynasty ascended the throne.The reform of official administration in the DPRK has just started.If this is the time, Wang Gao will call.Even Li Chengliang is already ready.The DPRK and China are bound to become chaotic.

So last year.Zhang Fan ordered Wang Degui to lead a group of desperadoes.Go to the northeast to assassinate the generals under Wang Gao.The purpose is to delay the day of Wang Gao's attack.

And Zhang Fan did this.It is indeed effective.To matter where.compared to something else.A general is definitely very rare.And what Wang Degui and the others did.It is to assassinate these generals under Wang Gao.

and.Wang Gao is the leader of the Jurchen tribe.And his generals.In fact, it is the leaders of the various tribes who surrendered to him.These generals were assassinated.It will not only make Wang Gao lose his manpower.And those tribes below him.Also because of the loss of the leader.Start fighting for the position of the leader.

all in all.Wang Degui et al.He assassinated many of Wang Gao's generals.Until Wang Gao really realized how serious this matter was.Talented people like Wang Degui couldn't get away with it.This is the end.

this matter.It has been a long time since Wang Gao was in chaos.

But obviously.Wang Gao is very powerful.And even if a lot of manpower is lost.All the tribes below were uproarious.But with his strength.It's still easy to settle these things down.

Besides.Wang Gao lost so many generals.It was indeed something that made him very heartbroken.But actually speaking.The leaders of the Jurchen tribe.Most of them are also ignorant.It's just that these people are slightly better than those ordinary people.

so.Although Wang Gao was indeed heartbroken at the loss of so many generals.But soon.He killed a group of people again.And even this group of people is not as good as the previous group.But for Wang Gao.The difference is not that great after all.And this group of people is very loyal to Wang Gao.

That is.Wang Gao today.Once again, they have the conditions and strength to attack Daming.

But judging from the dossier that Zhang Fan saw.During this period of time, Li Chengliang paid more and more attention to that side.Although Wang Gao didn't make much movement during this time.But it is okay to say that this is Wang Gao's secret preparation.

And what attracted Zhang Fan's attention even more.These are some of the things Jin Yiwei discovered during this period.over there.Although inquiring about news.And then send the message out.It is really difficult.But since Zhang Fan gave the order.Then Jin Yiwei will naturally investigate.But as long as it is an investigation.Then it is natural to inquire about some news.

And now.It was written on the message in front of Zhang Fan.Wang Gao during this time.Not just continuing to harass Daming.stir up trouble.And also killed officials and people of Ming Dynasty.What's more, Wang Gao seems to be in secret contact with Tumed, Taining and other tribes now.

And these tribes.It is also very dissatisfied with the Ming Dynasty.Or a troubled tribe.

If so.What does Wang Gao want to do.It's already very obvious.

Zhang Fan who saw the news.The heart sank involuntarily.This incidates that.Wang Gao has now begun to unite with other tribes.And what to do next.This is already obvious.

Zhang Fan didn't expect it.I have just experienced a war in Sichuan.This is just returning to the capital.Another battle is about to start.

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