"Speaking of it, why are you here?" Zhang Fan looked at the person in front of him.Some wondered up.

"Hehe. I was also entrusted by my lord's mother. I came to escort you home." The person came with a naive look.Said to Zhang Fan with a smile.That's right.It was Wang Degui who came.

And Zhang Fan.I really didn't think of it.Wang Degui unexpectedly came to the door of Zhang Juzheng's mansion.wait for yourself.Obviously.Zhang Fan just came back.His family is naturally very concerned about him.Especially the Zhao family.The son is away for such a long time.Now this is just coming back.Even knowing that he has something to do.I also understand that those are things that Zhang Fan has to do.But compare.Zhang Fan should have a lot of things in the first place.Zhao is not worried that he is busy.After all, Zhang Fan is the pillar of the family.And ten years of hardship.Now it finally came out.You should be busy too.But it was also because Zhang Fan had just returned to Beijing.Mrs. Zhao was a little worried.What's more, it's so late now.Zhao's heart was really a little uneasy.That's why Wang Degui came to Zhang Juzheng's mansion to have a look.By the way, pick Zhang Fan back.

Zhang Fan smiled.He naturally knew his mother's intentions.It's just that Mrs. Zhao is too worried.It's not that he can't understand Zhao's worry.But now he is already in the capital.This is really unnecessary.

It's not that Zhang Fan is messed up.I don't care about my mother's worries.It is because.this way.In fact, Zhang Fan's heart was always hanging.Start with Sichuan.He is about to break through the siege of Zhu Yijun.And even if you come out of Sichuan.He and Fang Yueling set off on their way back to Beijing.But even if there is no problem along the way.Zhang Fan still couldn't calm down.

And now.Zhang Fan finally returned to the capital.And come back like this.Although there are still many things to do.But after all, this also means that Zhang Fan is already safe.And this sense of gap that is suddenly liberated from tension and becomes safe.Indeed, Zhang Fan's mood underwent a huge change.

So tonight.He did have some thoughts.He wanted to find Wei Yaoyao.Speaking up.This is really something that can't be helped.Just returned to the capital.Let the beautiful wife and concubine at home not go home.But he just wanted to go outside to find a woman.Zhang Fan seemed to be in such an instant.It has already been when I have not returned to the capital.All the thoughts about the family were put aside.

certainly.this kind of thing.Speaking of which, Zhang Fan did something wrong.And it's also extremely unreasonable.But if it is placed on the matter between men and women.This kind of thing has become very reasonable.

and.Although now Mrs. Zhao asked Wang Degui to pick him up.That is.Zhang Fan wanted to talk to Wei Yaoyao.It becomes a bit difficult.But that's how people are.The more you don't let him do it.The more he wants to do it.Just like Zhang Fan now.Obviously the Zhao family has already let Wang Degui come.Logically speaking.Zhang Fan should go home at this time.There is also Wang Degui.There should be nowhere to go.

But the more so.Zhang Fan wanted to go more and more.It's not wrong to call it rebellious.Said he was a jerk.So it is.What's more, this matter may involve another woman.It seems even more correct.In short.Now Zhang Fan is determined.I want to go to Wei Yaoyao.

But now.Wang Degui has already found him.Although Wang Degui has a simple and honest appearance.But his mind was not ambiguous at all.But it's a little better.Even if Zhang Fan told Wang Degui what he was going to do.Obviously Wang Degui would not betray himself either.Tell your family about your whereabouts.It's just that he treats Wang Degui like this.Zhang Fan felt a little bad.So Zhang Fan thought about it.Or when planning to be unconscious.It's good to have fooled Wang Degui.

"No. I can't go back yet." Zhang Fan said. "Maybe I can't go back tonight. There are too many official documents in the yamen. I have to go and finish them. You go back and tell my mother. Just say that I won't go back tonight. Let them rest early." Half of what Zhang Fan said was true.He really wanted to go back to the Yamen.get something.But of course he won't stay in the yamen all night.

"Oh. I understand." Wang Degui didn't think much about it.Listen to what Zhang Fan said.I immediately believed his words. "I also know that my lord has a lot of things to do. During the time when my lord was not in the capital, I also heard from the people in Weizhong. During this time, there are indeed many things that my lord has to review. Since my lord can't go home, then I Just go back and bring a message. But I have to send you to the Yamen first. Otherwise, I won’t be able to explain when I go back.”

To Wang Degui so responsible.Zhang Fan didn't care about anything.nodded.Speaking up.He really liked Wang Degui very much.It's not just because of Wang Degui's high martial arts skills.But more important is Wang Degui.Really didn't have much thought.

If Wang Degui is a little cautious.Back then, he wouldn't have accepted Zhang Fan's sending him to the Northeast to carry out the mission of narrowly escaped death.In this way.He can still be in Jinyiwei.And you can enjoy the blessings in the capital.Isn't that beautiful.But Wang Degui did not.He believed in Zhang Fan.Just listen to Zhang Fan saying that doing so is a good thing.Could save many lives.Wang Degui will do it.

Speaking up.Wang Degui is actually the same as Wang Meng.All born soldiers.Strong martial arts.This is of course the biggest highlight of the two of them.But it is also their most basic thing.But more importantly.These two people don't ask too many questions.As long as there is a task.They will do it.And it did very well.

certainly.Wang Degui and Wang Meng are naturally different.The biggest difference between the two is.One looks cold and cold.And one looks honest and honest.But if you really say it.at some special times.Wang Degui is honest and honest.Compared with Wang Meng's cold appearance at a glance.It might even be more useful.

Although Wang Degui was asked to pick up Zhang Fan.But because Zhang Fan is already in the capital now.So now Wang Degui is here alone.I'm not afraid of anything happening.

From Zhang Juzheng's home to Jinyiwei's yamen.Although not too far.But there is also a distance.It's a bit late now.There was no one on the road.Zhang Fan rode the horse brought by Wang Degui.The two of them just walked leisurely like this.

"By the way. Life in the capital. Are you used to it?" Zhang Fan asked suddenly.After bringing Wang Degui under Jin Yiwei.He was sent to the northeast.And wait until Wang Degui comes back.Zhang Fan was about to leave for Sichuan again.So after Wang Degui entered Jinyiwei.Zhang Fan really didn't know his situation.Although the situation is definitely not bad.But Zhang Fan cared a lot about Wang Degui.Can't help but ask.

"My lord, I'm fine." Wang Degui still put on a naive look. "A year ago. Didn't I bring all the mothers-in-law and babies back to the capital? But our family has never seen the world. We made a lot of jokes at the beginning. Now we are used to it. My mother-in-law can't stay idle. I can't help it either. Later, I heard that there is a shortage of fire cookers in the yamen. My mother-in-law's craftsmanship is still passable. Even if I let her go, I can still get a tael of silver every month .My baby has already attended a private school. That’s right. Speaking of which, the capital is different. Not only does it look good, but the things it sells are also quite expensive. Fortunately, the monthly money given by Weizhong is quite a lot. Otherwise, I would I can't afford it."

Zhang Fan heard Wang Degui's words.I couldn't help laughing out loud.Wang Degui didn't get rid of the temper he gave Zhang Fan back then.It's still the same.But this also made Zhang Fan more optimistic about Wang Degui.If it is someone else.Changed the environment.Changes in one's own identity.But it also changes itself.

But Wang Degui is completely different.No matter what the situation is.He has never changed.It was still the same as Zhang Fan had seen before.Not referring to appearance.It's what's inside him.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with saying that. "Wealth and status cannot change a person. It just magnifies what a person already has."Wang Degui is a perfect example.Now in Jinyiwei.Everyone knows that Wang Degui and Zhang Fan are old.And Zhang Fan admired him very much.And Wang Degui's martial arts are comparable to Wang Meng.In this way.During this period of time, although Wang Degui was guarding the Zhang residence.But there are quite a few people who flatter him.But even so.Wang Degui still didn't change at all.This Northwest man.Nothing has changed.

"I'm back now." Zhang Fan said to him. "Wang Meng and Liang Chao are still in Sichuan. It will take some time before they come back. I have to trouble you during this time."

"What are you talking about, my lord?" Wang Degui quickly waved his hand. "I have entered Jinyiwei now. I belong to the lord. The lord wants to order me around. Just order me as you like. You don't have to be polite to me."

"That's fine." Zhang Fan nodded. "Tomorrow at noon. You will wait for me in front of the palace gate. From the day after tomorrow. You can send me to court."

"I see." Wang Degui nodded.Although what Zhang Fan asked him to do.For Wang Degui.Definitely a great opportunity to step up to the sky.But Wang Degui did not show any surprise.It's still a very normal look.

And this also made Zhang Fan value him even more.

At the gate of the yamen.Zhang Fan looked at Wang Degui's leaving figure.I can't help but think in my heart.I can meet such a person.With his help.It's really a great thing.

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