Speaking of Wei Weiyao, this period of time really made her feel strange, or there was one thing she couldn't figure out all the time, why did she develop the relationship with Zhang Fan that she has now.

Obviously, she was born in a scholarly family, and her ancestors also had officials. She read female taming since she was a child, and understood the meaning of the word "women's way". Husband dies and obeys son.

Wei Leiyao got married, so she naturally wanted to obey her husband, but her husband was born with a weak life and died early. Although he left a lot of money, it also made Wei Yaoyao sad for a long time. Originally, she Since her husband is dead, her husband's family has no other relatives, and the two of them have no children, logically speaking, she should go back to her natal family and continue to follow her father's teachings. It was such a lonely life for her. No matter what she thought, Wei Yaoyao, who was born in such a family, would never remarry.

But Wei Yaoyao's parents also passed away one after another.

In this way, these three obediences, no matter how much Wei Yaoyao obeys women's morals, the people who should be obedient also no longer exist or have never existed at all.

However, as I said before, Wei Yuyao was born into a family with a scholarly family, and his ancestors also served as officials, and they were officials in Shuntian Mansion. In this way, the education Wei Yuyao received since childhood has been unforgettable. The ground is imprinted on her mind, even now, there is no external cause that can restrain her anymore, but she still binds herself firmly.

Such a Wei Yaoyao, it is hard to be so lonely for a lifetime, after all, she is not very old, and she still has so many decades to live, and even if her family is well-off, it is clear that money cannot eliminate loneliness , even if it is possible, it is only for a while, and then it will bring more loneliness.

Wei Weiyao had thought about it, from now on she would see through the world of mortals and shave off her hair to become a nun, which seemed to be a good idea, but in the end, Wei Yuyao still did not choose such a path, obviously, she still had nostalgia for the world of mortals, but, even It's herself, and she doesn't know what she is nostalgic for.

The relative is gone, although it is very sad, but there is no way to do it, and if there is nothing that can restrain her now, even she once opened her heart, wanting to throw away the shackles on herself, Go to accept another man, but Wei Yaoyao has never succeeded, not because of the old constraints, but because she simply doesn't like her, she is very smart, even if she doesn't go out of the gate, she still doesn't like it. It can be clearly seen that some of the men who want to approach her have good intentions, either because of her beauty, her wealth, or both.

Wei Yaoyao was not so empty and lonely that she would spoil herself at will, so she closed her heart again.

And that "Chunmingxuan" is actually the best portrayal, that is, Wei Yaoyao can't help being lonely, and since another man can't come into her life, at the very least, talk to the same-sex topic. Said that it is still possible to pass the loneliness.

But later, by chance, when she saw those children who were not full enough to eat, not warm enough to wear, and their lives were in danger all the time, Wei Yaoyao seemed to have found what she should do, and she began to help those children. Orphan, she opened a teahouse, even if it was only for female customers, but she also heard a lot of things.

Orphans are innocent, even if their parents are villains, but this has nothing to do with the children, she doesn't want to see these children die without a burial in the future, and she doesn't want them to go astray, so Wei Yaoyao Take out your own money and help these children.

However, although her family is well-off, it is obvious that once she saves more orphans, the money will not be enough, and Wei Yaoyao is not a reckless person, and she also knows that she cannot save them by herself. For the orphans in the whole world, no, let alone the orphans in the capital, she is powerless, but even so, she still wants to save one more child within her ability.

And you can't tell others about this matter. Although it is a good thing, no one may believe it when you say it. After all, the world is like this. Even if someone really does this, if you say it yourself, no one will believe it.

And again, by chance, she met Yingyue and Zhaoxue. How did she reveal her secret in the first place? Both Zhaoxue and Zhaoxue are good people. Although they live in a prosperous life and are married to the imperial concubine as a concubine, they never bully others, but are very kind to others.

After that, Yingyue and Zhaoxue found out about Wei Leiyao, so they naturally volunteered to help her. Of course, this so-called help was about money.

Originally, Wei Leiyao didn't intend to accept it, but in the end, she thought of those poor orphans and accepted the money from the two of them. However, Wei Leiyao never thought of it, but this incident attracted Zhang Fan.

Although Wei Leiyao didn't think much about Yingyue and Zhaoxue, both of them were good people in her eyes, but Zhang Fan was different. The grand tutor is either extremely loyal or cunning and cunning, and in Wei Yaoyao's mind, those who can be the imperial tutor are at least five or sixty years old, but this five or sixty-year-old person , unexpectedly took two women who were under 60 years old as concubines. Obviously, before Wei Maoyao had met Zhang Fan, she had already labeled Zhang Fan as a treacherous minister.

And when she actually met Zhang Fan, she was naturally taken aback, but it didn't change Wei Yaoyao's judgment that Zhang Fan was a treacherous minister. There must be something tricky in it, but she is really right, there is really something tricky, but the trick is not what she imagined.

What really changed Wei Weiyao's view of Zhang Fan was Zhang Fan's help to her. Obviously, it was too weak to rely on her own strength to help those orphans, but for Zhang Fan, This matter was so easy, even with just a word from Zhang Fan, the problem that could worry Wei Yaoyao for a long time in the past was solved.

However, it was not because of this reason that Wei Maoyao had any other thoughts about Zhang Fan. After all, Zhang Fan's identity was there, so it was easy to do so, even in Wei Maoyao's eyes. Come on, maybe Zhang Fan did this because he took a fancy to his beauty and wanted to approach her one by one.

But in fact, at that time, Wei Yaoyao didn't resist Zhang Fan too much. She knew very well in her heart that if Zhang Fan really wanted to use force, she would have no way to resist at all, even if she went to Redressing grievances, in Zhang Fan's capacity, no one would believe her words.

But these are not the main reasons. The most important thing is that in Wei Yaoyao's view, if she really sold her body and saved so many children, she doesn't think there will be anything wrong of.

It's just that Wei Yuyao, who thought of these things, didn't realize that she would actually think so. It was her closed heart that had been reopened to Zhang Fan. It's just that Wei Yuyao had never thought about this kind of thing. .

And what really changed the relationship between the two of them just proved this point. It was one evening when Zhang Fan came to visit Wei Weiyao. Wei Weiyao couldn't remember why, but there was But she will never forget that she took the initiative that day.

All in all, now that this relationship has been crossed, something seemed to be unraveled in Wei Leiyao's heart, and during that time, she and Zhang Fan were like glue, although she also understood that such things could not be seen, But she couldn't stop.

Sometimes, she would also think that the relationship between herself and Yingyue and Zhaoxue is so good, especially after Zhang Fan appeared, the relationship between the three of them became even better, and even Wei Laiyao went to She passed through the Zhang Mansion, but it happened that she had this kind of relationship with Zhang Fan.

Every time in Zhang's mansion, Wei Yaoyao saw Zhang Fan, but the two of them pretended to be just ordinary friends, Wei Yaoyao felt very strange in her heart, and when she saw Yingyue and Zhaoxue again , she will feel extremely guilty in her heart, and feel that she is simply sorry for them by doing so.

But before she finished regretting, Zhang Fan appeared in front of her again, and as a result, Wei Yaoyao once again forgot about those things and threw herself into Zhang Fan's arms.

The relationship between the two lasted for a long time, until Zhang Fan went to Sichuan for a long time because of something, and during this time, Wei Yaoyao also knew about Zhaoxue's pregnancy. She reminded her that when Zhang Fan was not in the capital, she had a plan to sever the relationship with Zhang Fan. Of course, she didn't know what it meant, but she still had the plan.

However, the more she thought about it, the more she thought about Zhang Fan in her heart, and the more she thought about Zhang Fan, the more she couldn't make up her mind. Even this kind of thinking made her miss Zhang Fan even more. Until now, she had no intention of severing the relationship with Zhang Fan at all. Instead, she wanted Zhang Fan to come back as soon as possible and see him as soon as possible.

Today, although the news of Zhang Fan's return to Beijing was not publicized, she already knew about it when she went to Zhang's mansion in the afternoon, which made Wei Leiyao's mood completely unsettled.

She was expecting Zhang Fan to come back to find her, but her rationality told her that Zhang Fan had just returned to Beijing, how could he come back to find her, but even so, she still couldn't fall asleep, as if she was waiting for something.

It's been a while since the third watch, Wei Yaoyao couldn't help laughing at herself, she felt that she was too delusional, but just when she was going to blow on the lamp to sleep, she heard a knock on the door, which made Wei Yaoyao , surprised and a little overwhelmed,

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