The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1412 Not added for now

originally.People in the DPRK did not believe that either Zeng Xingwu or Liu Xian would make a false report on such a matter.To know.Bo people are very difficult to fight.Not to mention the long history of the Bo people.Even if it is only talking about the founding of the Ming Dynasty.until now.In fact, they never got any advantage in the fight against the Bo people.Victory or not.As long as it's against the Bo people.The number of casualties is above.Daming will always be superfluous to Bo people.

And it is for this reason.When the good news from Sichuan came.And said it was the time of great victory.Although many people expressed surprise.But there really isn't much disbelief.Reason to believe.It's not because of Zeng Xingwu and Liu Xian's past style.The main thing is.On the matter of the Bo people.There is no need to lie at all.Even if he paid more sacrifices than the other party.But as long as the Bo people can be wiped out.It's already not can be said that it is precisely because the Bo people are difficult to fight.So report the big victory.That's what makes people believe it.

So it sounds.It is indeed a bit unrecognizable.But that's about it.

all in all.Bo people's affairs.It is now in the past.And after this war.Zeng Xingwu and Liu Xian made great contributions.Naturally, there are many rewards.But that's for later.Let's not mention it for now.As for Zhang Fan trying to get close to the Shu Palace.And the things about Zeng Xingwu that were deliberately made out.Although some people know it too.But since Zhang Fan didn't mention it.No one mentioned it anymore.

But Zhang Fan didn't mention it.It's not because of selfishness.Or some sense of guilt towards Zeng Xingwu.It is because.In Zhang Fan's eyes.Zeng Xingwu is also a good official.If he can be promoted.There will naturally be many benefits to the court in the future.

As for Liu Xian.Zhang Fan really didn't think much about it.Firstly, Zhang Fan was not familiar with military affairs.Secondly, Liu Xian is not a thoughtful person.Even if he has a hot temper.Or it is very hard on the battlefield.But for politics.Obviously Liu Xian is not the kind of person who would speculate.If Liu Xian can come up.The subordinates can control more troops.Maybe it's a good thing too.But this thing.Zhang Fan didn't intend to ask more questions.

After discussing things about the Bo people.Naturally, I want to talk about Zhang Fan's time in Sichuan.Just in time for the rebellion.Speaking of this rebellion.The people in the court were also very surprised when they heard the news that came back.because before.What Zhang Yong and Wang Xin are hiding is too deep.So before this thing happens.People in the court.Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao were excluded because they were closer to Zhang Fan.This is the only one who is on guard against this matter.Others simply don't know.And even those who know a little.Even including Zhang Fan himself.Before he arrived in Sichuan.I didn't know that these two people planned to launch a rebellion during the Chinese New Year.Therefore, the impact of this matter on the court is not small.

When I received the news.It really shocked the people in the court.It was fine before.There was no movement at all.It's almost New Year's Eve.However, such news came suddenly.How can you not surprise these people.certainly.Surprise is surprise.After being surprised.These people still understand what should be done.

Speaking up.People in the court.If something else happens.The efficiency of doing things may be fast and slow.But once you encounter such a rebellious thing.That is another matter.Definitely the first to respond.What's more, this matter is nothing else.It was exactly what Zhang Fan reported.Let's not talk about these ministers.Just talk about the little emperor Zhu Yijun.Even if he is not in charge now.It will definitely be noisy.

That being the case.Then all these things will be easy to talk about.everyone.Up to the Queen Mother.Down to the rookie who has just been able to stand on the court.Everyone is paying attention to this matter.Then the efficiency of this matter will become extremely high.

Even if the following ministers are not due to Zhang Fan's reasons.But because this thing is a rebellion.It is rebellion.So they get things done.It has also become extremely positive.And even if it doesn't matter about these ministers.Still some people.For example, Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao.Because of Zhang Fan.It will also be proposed.

even.Even they are not active.But Zhu Yijun and Queen Mother Li will not ignore it.certainly.Zhu Yijun's reason.It was purely because of Zhang Fan.And Queen Mother Li's side.Some of the reasons are to help Zhang Fan.But more.Empress Dowager Li will never tolerate artificial rebellion on the territory of Ming Dynasty.

all in all.For whatever reason.This matter is settled immediately.Even Zhang Fan's side.It has already been said.He asked Liu Xian to go to meet him without authorization.But the court still needs to pay attention.Let Zhang Fan take full control of this time.That is, the imperial decree was issued.

And Zhang Fan really lived up to his trust.This thing came quickly.It goes fast too.It didn't take long for Zhang Fan to settle the matter.And this time things.Although it is Zhang Yong and Wang Xin.More than 2 people were gathered to rebel.But after finally sorting things out.More than 2000 people died on the side of the rebellion.There were not many casualties on the court's side.There are more or less but for this matter.According to hundreds of people, it is almost negligible.

In this way.Zhang Fan once again made a great contribution.And Liu Xian.Previously, there was a great achievement in conquering the Bo people.Now you have once again made great contributions.Under the reward of these two merits.Liu Xian could say that this time he was lucky.Moreover, Liu Xian was originally a general of the imperial court.He has made countless contributions in a single battle.It was also approved by the DPRK and China to transfer the case.Now with such an attack.It is not wishful thinking to be promoted to the Minister of the Ministry of War.

But no matter what Liu Xian did.But how to reward Zhang Fan.But it is indeed a problem.Now Zhang Fan's status in the court is extremely high.It is already the current Taifu not to mention.He is also the Wei Yuanhou of the imperial court.Not to mention the love of the queen mother.He is also a big celebrity in the court today.No one nods to him.Now Zhang Fan has once again made a contribution.If it is rewarded again.Obviously, there is no way to reward this official position.Otherwise, it would be regarded as really good at attracting wind to the extreme.And something else.Is it possible that at this time, it is impossible to seal the public.Although this title.Honor is greater than utility.But now Zhang Fan is still too young.In addition, there is no precedent in the ancestors.At this time, Zhang Fan will be made public.Whether there will be trouble at that time is also uncertain.

but.If meritorious service is not rewarded.It is really unreasonable.So how should Zhang Fan be rewarded?Now it has become a problem instead.

But fortunately.Empress Dowager Li had already planned for this matter.After Zhang Fan came back yesterday.Immediately went to see Queen Mother Li.However, Queen Mother Li did not mention this matter.But Zhang Fan didn't mention it at all.After all, it was yesterday.Zhang Fan was most concerned about Zhu Xuanqi's affairs.Didn't think about it at all.

But Empress Dowager Li didn't mention it.Zhang Fan himself didn't want to.It does not mean that Queen Mother Li has Dowager Li actually already had plans.After Zhang Fan left the palace yesterday.She also went to Zhu Yijun and Feng Bao.Said this matter.

Originally, what Zhu Yijun meant was.Since Zhang Fan has made great contributions.Naturally, this high-ranking official is indispensable.But it is also because he is too young.He didn't understand many of the problems in it.But Zhu Yijun couldn't understand.Empress Dowager Li and Feng Bao naturally wouldn't fail to understand.They naturally understand the truth of this.

So-called.The final decision is.This time Zhang Fan made the credit.He will no longer give him an official title.Instead, reward something instead.Although it sounds very ordinary.But since the officials are not rewarded.Reward something instead.Naturally, this thing has to be right.Plus today's Ming Dynasty.Whether it is the treasury or the emperor's inner treasury.That's a lot of silver.So it's not a problem at all.

therefore.In this morning morning.After mentioning this matter.The decree was issued immediately.The achievements of Zeng Xingwu and Liu Xian are not included.However, Zhang Fan was credited with presiding over the suppression of the rebellion this time.A reward of 10 taels of silver was awarded.Gold 2000 taels.There are countless other various things.all in all.This reward.It's still a little unfair to change what Zhang Fan deserves.But it is also extremely rich.

But compared to Zhang Fan.This kind of reward is simply dispensable.Compared with the money that Longqing gave him that time.So much more than one hundred thousand taels of silver.It's not worth mentioning at all.But the meaning of this matter is completely different from that matter.There was absolutely no need for Zhang Fan to back down.Thank you for the decree.

And for those ministers in the court.This time even Zhang Fan was only rewarded with these yellow and white things.But he didn't get promoted.But they all understand very well in their hearts.The reason why there is no promotion.It's all because Zhang Fan is still too young now.But not now.Always will come in the future.

therefore.People in the court.He became even more determined to curry favor with Zhang Fan.Even if you can't fawn on it.It is also necessary to improve the relationship with Zhang Fan.certainly.This kind of thing can't be too explicit.It would be bad for Zhang Fan to see something.But what should be done.Although it's a hassle.But it is only to let these people worry about themselves.

And after discussing what Zhang Fan's trip to Sichuan was supposed to do this time.The next thing is the the end.What is the Queen Mother's plan for Zhu Xuanqi's affairs?Now we will see the outcome soon.

After what happened just now.After now.The atmosphere in the hall also became a little tense.

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