The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1413 Seamless Connection

Everything that should have been said has been said.Just those things.Now it's just some trivial things that don't matter.If not for some problems in name.In fact, it's nothing to say or not to say.It took a little while now to get these things sorted out.That's fine too.

And now that these irrelevant things have been done.Then next.Then of course it's time to discuss business.And this is exactly.Although it actually has nothing to do with the people standing here today.But it is also what everyone should pay attention to.

Speaking up.The king of Shu is powerful.But Zhu Xuanqi was in the court.There was really no one there.Although some eyeliner.He also had contact with the ministers in the court.But that's just contact.If it is serious, is there someone in the court who is in collusion with him?Or to help him manage some things in the court.Not at all.

Not to say otherwise.It's not that Zhu Xuanqi can't be a human being.Not even a little benefit to these people.It is really because the people in the court are extremely smart.See the situation clearly.Although Zhu Xuanqi hadn't done this kind of bastard thing before that he wanted to be regent.But Zhu Xuanqi at that time.It's already extremely arrogant.And for these people in the DPRK.This kind of arrogance is definitely not a good thing.Even if nothing happens now.There will definitely be accidents in the future.So these people in the court.In order not to get burned.Will withdraw naturally.So no matter what method Zhu Xuanqi uses.There are not many people who will buy him in the court.

But this is not the reason why these people do not pay attention to this matter now.In fact, this matter is precisely the focus of their concern.As said before.This matter has nothing to do with these people themselves.But the relationship with them will have a major impact.These people have nothing to do with Zhu Xuanqi.But with other princes.That relationship is unusual.

Actually.Just say that it is above the court.A person who acts as the eyeliner of various princes and vassal kings.Zhang Fan alone knew no less than 20 people.certainly.As Jin Yiwei.There is basically nothing to know about this kind of thing.But the so-called world is not absolute.Maybe there really is someone hiding deeply.Maybe even Jin Yiwei didn't find out.But that can only be said.The eyeliner of the prince of North Korea will only increase.

And what needs to be discussed now.About Zhu Xuanqi.Although it was only Zhu Xuanqi who was talking about it.But Zhu Xuanqi is the most representative of all the princes.But now that Zhu Xuanqi has done such a thing.What kind of reaction will the DPRK and China have?And the reaction of the DPRK.Although it was only aimed at Zhu Xuanqi alone.But this reaction actually shows the attitude of the court towards the various princes.

All in all this thing.Zhu Xuanqi is definitely not the only one paying attention.Now the minister in the court.And princes everywhere.All are paying the end.How will the imperial court treat Zhu Xuanqi?

And practically speaking.attention of these people.Some are actually less important.Even if Queen Mother Li did not listen to the advice of Zhang Fan and others.Really punished Zhu Xuanqi severely.The other princes might be worried.But actually they were worried.It's even more like being a man with your tail between your legs.And as long as they don't make trouble.Empress Dowager Li will not touch them either.You must know that Queen Mother Li is not a fool.How could she not know.Although these royal relatives are mortals.But it really moved.But it is also an incredible thing.

all in all.That's waiting for the court to make a decision.

"Teacher." Just when everyone was guessing and waiting.Zhu Yijun who was sitting on the dragon chair spoke. "I heard that you went to Sichuan this time. You lived in the Shu Palace for a while." The one leading this.Of course it was Zhu Yijun.As for why it was him.This is also because of today.No one else is fit to talk about it.As for whether Zhu Yijun can settle this matter.This is not what everyone should worry about.Even Zhang Fan.Even if you don't know.But looking at the situation now.Thinking about it, Queen Mother Li must have asked him to say that yesterday.

"Qizou Your Majesty. Exactly." Zhang Fan stood up and replied. "I'm in Sichuan. I didn't want to disturb the King of Shu at first. I just went to Liu Xian's camp when I was investigating the conquest of the Bo people. But I just happened to meet the guards of the Shu Palace. I know what I said. It turned out that the prince already knew that I was in Sichuan, and wanted to invite me to go. After that, I and several officials from the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of War stayed in the Shu Palace for a while."

What is originally never wanted to bother.Isn't the purpose of your Zhang Fan going there just to "disturb" Zhu Xuanqi?But now it is above the court.Of course, this kind of thing cannot be said.Even if everyone understands.Can't say either.So Zhang Fan said so.Naturally, no one refuted it.But the following things.The people in the court understood it.

indeed.At that time, I went to the Shu Palace with Zhang Fan.And Zhang Fan wasn't the only one who lived there for a while.There are several other ministers.In addition, those few people returned to Beijing earlier than Zhang Fan.So everyone in the court knows about this matter.

"Oh." Zhu Yijun immediately made a very interested expression.Can't help but ask. "Teacher Nai, tell me quickly. Speaking of which, I have never met this emperor's uncle." The question was a bit childish.But also very appropriate.After all, Zhu Yijun's age is here.Speaking up.This is not what Queen Mother Li told him.But Zhu Yijun said so.This is entirely his own addition.only.He added that.It really fits the occasion.That's exactly what a teenager would say.

Zhang Fan didn't care about it either.Since Zhu Yijun asked that.No matter from what point of view.It's normal to answer what he said.At that moment, Zhang Fan talked about what he saw in the Shu Palace.It also includes some things about Zhu Xuanqi.

certainly.Zhu Yijun listened to these things with great interest.But the ministers in the hall didn't find it interesting.Although Zhang Fan was just talking about his own experience.Moreover, these words did not imply praise or criticism for Zhu Xuanqi.But in the ears of these people.There is always something different.They always felt that Zhang Fan was implying something.But what the hell.They couldn't figure it out either.

That's the problem with these people.In fact, what Zhang Fan said was true.And there is no distinction between praise and criticism for Zhu Xuanqi.It's just the current situation.These people have to feel this way.can only say.It's them who are bothering themselves.

As for what Zhang Fan said.showed the most interest.That is naturally Zhu Xuanqi.Zhu Xuanqi really listened with great interest.It's as if he's not in court now.But in the apse.And no one else in the hall exists.It was just him and Zhang Fan.

"Sure enough. It's not just that Sichuan is a good place. The emperor uncle I have never met is also an interesting person." Zhu Xuanqi heard Zhang Fan's words.Can't help but say so. "However. I heard the Taifu say these things. I really want to go to Sichuan to see it with my own eyes."

That's the end of the story.The ministers in the hall did not respond yet.Still take these words as Zhu Yijun's children's words.Only Zhang Fan, Zhang Juzheng, Feng Bao.And a few people in the cabinet who know more about the truth.But he already figured out what would happen next.And Zhang Fan and others.Although I also want to understand.But the way they looked at Zhu Yijun was a little different.

"Your Majesty, Sichuan is indeed a good place." Zhang Fan thought for a while.Hastily opened the mouth to say. "But your majesty is the king of a country. Don't act rashly. What's more, it is thousands of miles away from Sichuan. The journey is too far. If your majesty travels, it is really inappropriate."

"Teacher, don't be so worried. I'm just talking about it." Zhu Yijun had an expression of "Why do you take it seriously".He looked at Zhang Fan and said.But after he finished speaking.But it looked a little disappointed.He tilted his head and said. "But this uncle. I really want to see him."

This time.Not just those people just now.Everyone else wondered what that meant.and.Thought of this matter.There were not a few who looked at Zhu Yijun with strange eyes.

"By the way." Zhu Yijun didn't notice that there were many people looking at him below.He looked like he suddenly thought of something.He raised his head and said. "Although I am the king of a country, I can't leave the capital easily. But the emperor probably has nothing to do. If that's the case, why don't I issue an imperial edict to call the emperor to Beijing. Speaking of which, I have quite a few relatives. But there are really not many people who can meet each other. I heard before that the relationship between the emperor's family is really difficult. I don't want this. It's better to walk more between these relatives."

"This..." Facing Zhu Yijun's words.Zhang Fan looked a little hesitant.But finally he nodded.Said. "Your Majesty's method is not bad. Indeed. The prince has also said this. He wants to come to the capital to face the saint. It's just because of his status. He can't leave Sichuan. If there is an imperial decree from His Majesty, all of this will naturally be impossible. Problem."

"In that case, it's easy to handle." Zhu Yijun also nodded. "However, I can't be the only one to decide this matter. You have to ask the queen mother's opinion. How about it. The Tai Tuo will go back to the palace with me after the court. I will ask the queen mother what she wants. If the mother agrees That’s it. Then draw up the decree immediately. But this imperial decree, it must be written by the Tai Tuo.”

"I would like to obey His Majesty's will." Naturally, Zhang Fan would not object.Answer quickly.

Zhang Fan and Zhu Yijun sang together like this.At that time, the ministers below were stunned.Speaking up.People in the court have always ignored Zhu Yijun.Maybe what will happen in the future is uncertain.But at least Zhu Yijun is still a teenager in his teens.But now.It was this teenager.But it used such a brutal ability.This is indeed what they did not expect.All of a sudden.These people in the court.Most of them are thinking about the same question.Not about Zhu Xuanqi.It's about Zhu Yijun.Zhu Yijun.It's not what it looks like.So easy to deal with.

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