The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1414 Chaos is not chaos

After the morning court here, Zhang Fan looked like he had nothing to do, and he followed Zhu Yijun to meet the queen mother, but there was a lot of trouble here, and everyone was discussing this matter, and among them , the people who were surrounded and questioned were naturally Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao. Zhang Juzheng was okay to say a little bit, but Feng Bao was not an easy person to get along with. Even though Feng Bao was not as aggressive as before, there were still not many people who dared to go up and talk to Feng Bao as if nothing had happened.

But it's different now, maybe because I understand that only Zhang Fan, Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao know the truth of this matter, and now Zhang Fan is dragged away by Zhu Yijun, so now, Only Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao knew about the people here, so now is not the time to be afraid of any harm, and all the people ran to the two of them to ask this and that.

Faced with this situation, even Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao had nothing to do. At the beginning, the two of them put on a majestic appearance, but the result was that other people didn't buy it at all, and kept asking In this way, Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao also understood the current situation. It seems that this group of people will not give up until they ask something.

It's just that in this way, it's not easy for the two of them to answer. Naturally, the truth cannot be told to these people, but if they don't tell the truth, these people are not fools, and naturally they won't just be perfunctory. Therefore, If they just want to be so perfunctory, I'm afraid these people won't just let it go. After all, although these people have nothing to do with Zhu Xuanqi, they have received a lot of benefits from other princes. Because there is still a clue in the hands of those people, so it is no wonder that they are so diligent in asking Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao about this matter. They are actually helping those princes to inquire about the matter.

In the face of these people, Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao could have kept a cold face and ignored these people at ordinary times, but now, none of these people care about these threats, and they all surround them, twittering asking about these things.

The two people saw that the previous method could not get rid of these people at all, and they also began to chatter, but the words they said were all insignificant things, even the kind of "Your Majesty read They are both members of the royal family, but they are not able to see each other and feel very lonely" to dismiss these people. Of course, no one will believe this kind of reason, so the people surrounding the two of them did not disappear at all. The trend is still around the two of them asking non-stop.

Of course, not all people are like this. Since there are related people in the court, and even people who just want to know about this matter, there will naturally be people who don't care much about this matter. However, these Although people didn't gather around Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao to ask questions, they still got together and talked about something.

It's just that what they said was not about this matter, but about Zhu Yijun. To be honest, half of what Zhu Yijun said just now was guessed by the people in the court, but Those words, even if they were guessed out, were perfect, making it impossible for people to jump out of the fault, and it was so unknowingly that they led the matter to Zhu Xuanqi. Without letting people pay attention, he told about Xuanzhu Xuanqi's coming to Beijing.

Speaking of it, if this is put on a 40-year-old, or even younger, a 20-year-old person, it would not surprise people to be able to speak like this, but now that he said these words Zhu Yijun is just a child in his teens, which makes people feel very surprised.

Of course, it is also possible that Zhu Yijun has been confessed by other people long ago, so he can speak like this, but what he said just now, all the people present really heard, Zhu Yijun's words did not parrot at all It's blunt, and it doesn't mean to be artificial, it's completely natural, so smooth, so glazed, it's impossible to find faults.

Perhaps, Zhu Yijun is still good at learning, and he will remember it completely when others teach him, but these people don't think so, they always feel that what Zhu Yijun said just now is what he said. If this is the case, then the way of looking at Zhu Yijun will change.

In the past, the ministers of the court, at most, respected the emperor Zhu Yijun in name only. After all, no matter how young he was, he was still the emperor, and the courtiers naturally had to be respectful, but no matter how respectful these people were , one thing will not change, that is, in fact, these people do not really regard Zhu Yijun as an emperor.

But after today's incident, the concept of these people has changed greatly. Although Zhu Yijun only said such a sentence, what he said was indeed too perfect. Without any flaws, a person who can speak like this is definitely not a mediocre person. As an emperor, even if his level of governing the country in the future may not be much higher, but at the very least, his ability to govern officials is absolutely It won't be low.

That is to say, in the future, these ministers in the court must not take it lightly whether they speak or do things in front of Zhu Yijun, thinking that the other party is just a child and can have no scruples, but they have to think twice before speaking , otherwise, Zhu Xuanqi will definitely see it. If he sees it, who knows if he will hold grudges after he takes over the government in the future? Naturally, such things cannot be taken for granted.

In short, this incident has indeed made some people in the court get to know Zhu Yijun again, while the rest of the people, perhaps because of what happened today, did not pay attention to Zhu Yijun, but this is nothing , After this matter is over, these people will naturally think of it.

For these people, many things happened in today's early court, and even directly changed their views on Zhu Yijun.

As for Zhu Yijun, he never expected that what he said would have such a huge effect. Of course, this effect is naturally a good thing for him.

Regardless of the noise outside, Zhang Fan had already arrived in front of the Empress Dowager Li. Now that the matter had been decided, the Empress Dowager Li didn't make too much fuss and asked Zhang Fan to draw up the order on the spot.

There is no way for Zhang Fan to refuse the queen mother's oral order, no matter how much Zhang Fan does not want to do it in his heart, but since the queen mother has already said the words, he can't violate it, he can only do it, as long as However, Zhang Fan really didn't want to do this in his heart.

And Queen Mother Li didn't intend to force Zhang Fan to do this. In fact, the most important thing is that Queen Mother Li also knew Zhang Fan's thoughts on this matter. She is a very useful person, and she doesn't want to alienate Zhang Fan just because of this incident. In short, it is actually an enlightenment to have Zhang Fan come this time.

Naturally, the imperial decree did not have so many long-winded words. In addition, although this matter is indeed complicated, there is actually not much that needs to be done, so it didn't take long for Zhang Fan to write the imperial decree.

After it was written, the first person to look at it was naturally the Queen Mother. After reading the imperial edict, the Queen Mother was very satisfied, so she wanted to seal it and send it to Sichuan.

As for these, Zhang Fan didn't mean to stop them at all, but he didn't stop them, and he really didn't have anything to say. He just stood motionless and didn't speak.

Seeing Zhang Fan like this, Empress Dowager Li also smiled helplessly, and said, "Zhang Aiqing, you are still dissatisfied with this matter."

"Empress Dowager, I don't dare," Zhang Fan quickly replied, "This matter is decided by the Queen Mother, how dare I be dissatisfied?"

"That is to say..." Empress Dowager Li glanced at Zhang Fan, "You are just because Ai's family is the empress dowager, but you are a courtier, so you don't need to refute Ai's words or decisions made by Ai's family, but in fact, But you still disagree in your heart, don’t you?”

"I am not dissatisfied with the Queen Mother's decision." This has to be said, and Zhang Fan can only say, "There must be a way to do this matter. It is not bad for the Queen Mother to do this, but Weichen felt that this matter might not be the only one way, maybe there are other ways, but it is useless to say these now, since the queen mother's imperial decree has been issued, this matter can only be decided like this ,"

"You don't have to deny it, Aijia can hear the reluctance in your words." In today's occasion, Empress Dowager Li doesn't mean to talk about the scene at all, and she doesn't need it. "Your words are nice, but in reality The boss still disagrees with Ai's family doing this.

"It's not that the Ai family doesn't know what you mean, and also knows what the consequences will be if they really do something to him, Zhu Xuanqi, but the Ai family doesn't care, the Ai family only wants to make Daming's country stable, and now, since they will There will be chaos in the future and now, and the small chaos now will always be better than the big chaos in the future."

"But..." Zhang Fan couldn't help but speak now, "If we don't do anything now, there may be no chaos in the future."

"Indeed," Empress Dowager Li smiled, and said, "If he doesn't do it now, maybe Zhu Xuanqi has figured it out, so there will be no chaos in the future, but if he doesn't understand it, there will still be chaos in the future, and it is Chaos.

"And now that Aijia is doing this, there will be no chaos in the future, but now, there will be a little chaos, but have you ever thought that maybe even if Aijia does this, even now, it is possible won't mess up,"

"This..." Empress Dowager Li's words immediately surprised Zhang Fan, "Queen Mother, what... what does this mean?"

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