"The empress dowager said maybe there will be no chaos now," Zhang Fan was surprised when he heard what the empress dowager Li said, and hurriedly asked, "Empress dowager, please forgive me for not knowing why the empress dowager would say such things," Zhang said. In fact, Fan didn't understand at all, but he didn't know why Queen Mother Li said these words, so he asked this question just to find out.

"Why, Zhang Aiqing couldn't understand what the Ai family said." The Empress Dowager Li said to Zhang Fan with a smile on her face, "The Ai family said that if they did this, there would be no chaos now. If there is no such small chaos, there is no need to mention the future big chaos."

"What the Empress Dowager means..." This time, Zhang Fan really understood it, but just because he understood it, it didn't mean that Zhang Fan fully understood what the Empress Dowager meant. With a firm tone, he asked, "The Empress Dowager said that Zhu Xuanqi probably complied with the imperial decree and came to Beijing to face the saint,"

"Of course that's the case. Could it be that Aiqing thought of something else?" Empress Dowager Li put on such an appearance this time, and said very naturally, "Also, the Ai family also has an appointment with you. If Zhu Xuanqi dares to come to the capital, the Ai family will not move him, and let him go back to be his king of Shu, so that there will be no chaos, small or big."

"Of course I understand the truth that the Queen Mother said," Zhang Fan said, "It's just that I don't understand why the Queen Mother is so sure that Zhu Xuanqi will definitely come here in response to the imperial edict." It's a little incomprehensible, even if Zhang Fan has been to Sichuan, he has seen Zhu Xuanqi with his own eyes, and he has said a lot to him, so he has a general understanding of Zhu Xuanqi, but even so, Zhang Fan dare not He said that he had completely figured out Zhu Xuanqi's temper, and knew whether he would return to the capital or not.

But now, Zhang Fan didn't say that, but the Empress Dowager Li, who had only met Zhu Xuanqi a long time ago, said with such a relaxed and confident appearance that Zhu Xuanqi would definitely come in response to the imperial edict. Of course, the Empress Dowager Li She didn't say the word "definitely" clearly, but from what she said, that's what she meant, and this is what Zhang Fan couldn't figure out.

"Actually, the truth is very simple," Empress Dowager Li said with a smile, "If Aijia had said it, Aiqing would definitely be able to figure it out, but now that Aiqing doesn't know, it's not because of anything else, it's just that Aiqing thinks about the royal affairs too complicated, if Aiqing regards Zhu Xuanqi as just an ordinary courtier, then this matter can be seen clearly."

"This..." Empress Dowager Li's words made Zhang Fan unable to understand what it meant. It was unrealistic to treat Zhu Xuanqi as an ordinary courtier. After all, Zhu Xuanqi was a descendant of his Zhu family, and even the king of Shu. Moreover, he is the most powerful prince under the Ming Dynasty. If it weren't for his special status, it would be impossible for him to ask for regent, and it is absolutely impossible for Empress Dowager Li to spend so much attention on him, "Weichen I still can't figure it out,"

"Hehe," Empress Dowager Li said without any intention of blaming, "It's a very simple matter. When Aiqing was in Sichuan, she was besieged by Zhu Xuanqi's subordinates, but you have a way to come back safely."

"The Empress Dowager is right, there is indeed such a thing," Zhang Fan replied, but he still didn't understand what the Empress Dowager said had anything to do with the current situation.

"That is to say, at that time, Zhu Xuanqi already knew that you found what you were looking for," the Queen Mother Li continued, regardless of Zhang Fan's incomprehensible expression, "that is to say, now he, Zhu Xuanqi, already knew , Aijia has been able to catch him, and can deal with him at will.

"Since he already knows, he must be prepared, but he is probably thinking whether the Ai family will abolish his throne or kill him directly, but if he sees this edict, What do you think he would think,"

"This..." Zhang Fan fully understood what Empress Dowager Li meant at this moment, "I'm afraid he won't understand it." Indeed, this is a very simple and clear truth, but Zhang Fan really didn't think about it before. The reason is exactly as Queen Mother Li said, Zhang Fan has always considered this matter as the matter of the old Zhu family and the royal family. In this way, most of the situations Zhang Fan considered were extremely complicated. Yes, it is simply impossible to think of it in an ordinary way.

But what Queen Mother Li said made Zhang Fan understand that this matter is actually not that complicated.

"That's right, he absolutely can't figure it out," Queen Mother Li continued, "Obviously the Ai family has already taken advantage of him, why didn't the Ai family directly execute him, but still issued such an imperial edict to let him go to Beijing, for the sake of It may not be necessary to get rid of him if there is no chaos. If it is true, he will still make some troubles after seeing the imperial decree.

"The Ai family has seen Zhu Xuanqi. Although he has not seen him for so many years, this person's temperament will not change. Maybe after so many years, he has become perverted, but he is not a stupid person. He still has this little thing. I can see clearly, after seeing this imperial decree, I think he will understand that the Ai family did not want to put him to death, but as long as he goes to Beijing, the Ai family will follow the agreement with Ai Qing, let him live without saying, and will not say anything. It’s all about his throne of the King of Shu, if that’s the case, wouldn’t all this little chaos happen?”

What Empress Dowager Li said is actually very simple. As long as he is a smart person who understands these mysteries in the court, he will not need to spend much effort to understand these things. After Zhang Fan made such a point by Empress Dowager Li, It is also fully understood.

After realizing this, Zhang Fan couldn't help but admire Queen Mother Li's methods in his heart. He knew it before, and I didn't know it was mentioned by Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao once, that Queen Mother Li might not be good at governing the country. , but he is very good at such things, but to be honest, Zhang Fan has never seen those things before, and he doesn't know if this is just a rumor that Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao said, or if it is true. , but now that he himself heard what Empress Dowager Li said, he couldn't help being convinced.

"The empress dowager's thoughtfulness is really meticulous, I admire it," Zhang Fan's words, although there are a lot of compliments in it, but most of them are sincere, he really admires the empress dowager Li's approach , "In this way, there will be no such small disturbances, and there will be no major disturbances in the future. It will be the best,"

"Hehe, that's what Aijia means," said Empress Dowager Li. "Speaking of which, Aijia thought about it for a long time when you went to Sichuan. Seriously speaking, it was not easy for Zhu Xuanqi, even if he did it at the beginning. That incident was actually because he was still young at that time, and he didn't know the importance of good or bad. If it was said that he did it on purpose, the Ai family would not believe it. If this is the case, people are not sages. It's not impossible, what's more, he, the king of Shu, has done a good job, at least in Sichuan, except for those rebels making troubles, no one has anything to say about him as a prince, he can do this, Not to mention that he is a vassal king, even those idle kings who live in the capital may not have this ability. If he can continue to be the king of Shu, the Ai family can feel at ease.

"Now it's time to see if Zhu Xuanqi will get confused. As long as you don't lose your mind, don't follow the imperial decree, and don't come to the capital, then you'll be fine."

"What the Queen Mother said is right." Zhang Fan nodded, but then asked again, "It's just that the Queen Mother is really not worried at all. If he said that Zhu Xuanqi really didn't want to understand, he wouldn't come, and even went to Sichuan immediately. What to do, what to do,"

"If that's the case, then it's no wonder Aijia," Empress Dowager Li's expression turned cold because of Zhang Fan's words, "If he really dares to do this, then Aijia should only be Aijia." done,'

"This..." Zhang Fan was speechless for a while, "If that's the case, why didn't the queen mother let the person who passed the decree remind him? If you don't plan to come, if you really do something in your head, wouldn't it be troublesome?"

"It's Aijia's intention not to remind him. If you do that, there may be big troubles in the future," Queen Mother Li said with a cold snort, "and if he dares to do it, Hmph... It would take several days to travel from the capital to Chengdu, even if it was done at a fast pace, let alone preaching the imperial decree.

"But yesterday, before the imperial decree was written, the Ai family asked someone to take the Ai family's handbook to Sichuan and gave it to Liu Xian. Although Liu Xian's subordinates have sent those people to northern Xinjiang, but now, his subordinates After all, there are still 5000 people. Although Sichuan has just stabilized now, more inspections are still needed, but Aijia also expects that those people will not dare to move again. Aijia has already ordered Liu Xian to gather 5000 people. When the imperial edict arrives in Chengdu, it will be awarded to Zhu Xuanqi After that, if he obediently goes to Beijing, forget it, if he doesn't want to, then don't blame the Ai family for being ruthless."

Empress Dowager Li's words made Zhang Fan break out in a cold sweat. It turned out that Empress Dowager Li had already made plans, and she had already made preparations yesterday, and Liu Xian's 5000 people wanted to come in a few days. Liu Xian will take action after receiving the written order.

If Zhu Xuanqi is really obedient and goes to Beijing, then everything is easy to talk about, but if he is as confused as Empress Dowager Li said, and his mind is not clear, he should not be ordered to come to Beijing, and even intends to break the jar Wow, if something happens in Sichuan, then Liu Xian will definitely send troops immediately to arrest him and send him to the capital. If this happens, there is only a dead end waiting for Zhu Xuanqi.

If this is the case, Zhang Fan may not want to see it, but it will be the only way to do it when the time comes.

Thinking of these, Zhang Fan couldn't help admiring Empress Dowager Li even more. He didn't expect to think of these things. Fortunately, Empress Dowager Li is not a man from the Zhu family. Otherwise, it would be really terrible.

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