The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1416 Let Him Go

The words of Queen Mother Li, and the decision she made this time, all made Zhang Fan very admired. In fact, Zhang Fan finally understood Queen Mother Li's intentions until here, although before, Empress Dowager Li has always looked like she wanted to put Zhu Xuanqi to death, but now, after what Empress Dowager Li said, Zhang Fan fully understood that Empress Dowager Li didn't really want to kill them all. , Even the Empress Dowager Li thought the same as him, and didn't want to have any chaos. It would be nice if things could be calmed down.

In short, if this matter is considered in this way, then everything will be fine, but now, what should be done has been done, and the birth depends on how Zhu Xuanqi will decide.

Of course, if Empress Dowager Li also had the same thoughts as Zhang Fan, why not just ignore this matter and just let Zhu Xuanqi go.

Naturally, this is also a way, and it is safer to do so, but there is a problem, that is, although Zhang Fan can be sure that Zhu Xuanqi will not do anything by then, Queen Mother Li cannot Sure, that means Empress Dowager Li is not at ease about this matter, and since this is the case, if you can't be at ease, you need to do some temptations to make yourself feel at ease, that is to say, what Empress Dowager Li does is a kind of temptation , but the temptation of Empress Dowager Li is not that simple. Once Zhu Xuanqi fails this temptation, he will immediately lose his life.

Of course, doing this is a necessary process. In fact, even if Zhu Xuanqi is not considered, Queen Mother Li must do this. After all, the cause of this incident was because of that memorial, but that memorial was not Zhu Xuanqi. It was handed over in his own name, but he jointly signed several other vassal kings and handed it in together. Now, although Zhu Xuanqi was the one who started this matter, and he was the only one who had this idea, Queen Mother Li She wouldn't just look at him alone, although she could only deal with Zhu Xuanqi when she punished him, but she didn't intend to just give up on the others.

In other words, this matter was actually not only done for Zhu Xuanqi, but also for the sake of several other vassal kings, letting them know that it is better to give up this unrealistic delusion as soon as possible Otherwise, many things will happen.

Besides, Zhu Xuanqi handed over this kind of memorial. If the Empress Dowager Li already had a handle but still did nothing, wouldn’t it be a sign of weakness? This is not the style of the Empress Dowager Li, let alone his old Zhu way of doing things at home.

"However, don't think too much about it." Seeing Zhang Fan's expression, Empress Dowager Li smiled and said, "Although the Ai family is doing this now, the Ai family has really thought about it. You want to take Zhu Xuanqi down, but Aijia also thought about what you said to Aijia yesterday, Aiqing, and it is indeed right. Since you are so sure, Aiqing, that Zhu Xuanqi will not commit another crime, then Aijia will give him one. There is only one chance, but if he misses it himself, then he can't blame Aijia."

"Empress Dowager Shengming," it has reached this point, this is the best way now, and Zhang Fan has no way to refute it.

"Okay, after such a long time, the Ai family is a little tired," said Queen Mother Li, "Since the Jingyan was delayed because of this incident today, it's just right now that Aiqing is here, so let's forget about today's Jingyan, but still I have to trouble Ai Qing, "

"I understand, I will go back to the palace with His Majesty," Zhang Fan nodded.

Zhang Fan and Zhu Yijun came out of the Palace of Mercy Ning and walked towards the Palace of Qianqing. Regardless of Zhu Yijun along the way, Zhang Fan was very interested. After all, although it is still impossible to define the ending of this matter Bad, but at the very least, there is already a fairly perfect solution. Of course, what the final result is, or that sentence, depends on Zhu Xuanqi's own good luck, but after what Queen Mother Li just said With those words, Zhang Fan also felt that it was not impossible for Zhu Xuanqi to pass the test. Besides, Zhu Xuanqi was not stupid, so he could understand the reason behind it.

"By the way, Your Majesty," Zhang Fan suddenly remembered what happened this morning, and couldn't help turning his head to ask Zhu Yijun, "Your Majesty's words are really good."

"Really?" Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Zhu Yijun immediately became happy, but he didn't know whether it was because Zhang Fan praised him for his good words, or because he was praised by Zhang Fan. Happy.

"I want to ask, who taught His Majesty to say those words," Zhang Fan already understood a little bit in his heart, but since Zhu Yijun is so interested, it's not bad to say it to make him happy.

"Hey," sure enough, upon hearing Zhang Fan's words, Zhu Yijun immediately showed a smug smile, "It's not someone who taught me to say this, but I figured it out myself."

"Really," Zhang Fan immediately cooperated with a look of surprise, "This..." In fact, Zhang Fan had guessed it a long time ago, but he was willing to do it.

"Of course." Seeing Zhang Fan's surprised look, Zhu Yijun was naturally even more proud. "Yesterday, my mother asked me to come over and told me about this matter. My mother said that I want the uncle to come to the capital. If he dares to Come, I won’t ask any more questions, but it’s not easy to use any reason to let the emperor’s uncle come. If you find a reason, I’m afraid it’s not just the king of Shu, but other vassal kings have to be called, so we have to Think of a way, let only the emperor come here alone, but the queen mother didn't explain it to me, but let me think for myself.

"After I went back, I also thought about it for a long time. This is the way I came up with. It doesn't make those people in the court feel that it is intentional, but it is more natural. Speaking of it, if this is the case, even if things will not change, but Those princes will also think that this matter is nothing, right?"

"That's true," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "After His Majesty said that, it wouldn't take long for those princes to know about it, but if they heard His Majesty say that, they wouldn't think so." What's the point of worrying?"

"That's it," Zhu Yijun nodded, but immediately his happy face turned gloomy, "But in the final analysis, they didn't make a fuss about it themselves. It's really cheap to do it now. They are gone, in fact, if I let me tell them, I should teach them a lesson, and now I am doing this, not for the sake of peace, this is really not a happy thing, "

Hearing Zhu Yijun's words, Zhang Fan couldn't help but feel helpless in his heart. It seems that this is really the style of the old Zhu family. Once he suffers any grievances, he will never hold it in his heart, and he must take revenge to enjoy himself, but There is no need to worry too much about the current matter. After all, it is all his own people. Zhu Xuanqi is also a member of the old Zhu family. There is no need to be too harsh. Of course, if it is changed to the external situation, it will be a different matter. If that is the case, the people of the old Zhu family will definitely not calm down, and they will definitely turn him upside down. Ken give up.

As the two of them were talking, they had already arrived at the Qianqing Palace, and this matter had come to an end, so there was no need to say anything more.

Although it is said that the Queen Mother Li asked Zhang Fan to come here because the Jingyan was canceled because of this incident today, and she wanted Zhang Fan to teach Zhu Yijun, but obviously, Zhu Yijun did not intend to do so, and Zhang Fan , I'm afraid even if he wanted it, if Zhu Yijun didn't want it, there was nothing he could do.

In fact, for Zhang Fan, he has a way to make Zhu Yijun interested even if he is not interested, but now, he does not want to make Zhu Yijun too depressed because of this matter. Speaking of it, Zhu Yijun is hard After all, after this month, in fact, Zhu Yijun didn't have a few days to rest at all. Although it was said that there were only one or two hours a day, in comparison, there should be a holiday. Yan, it's okay to just let Zhu Yijun rest for a day.

"By the way, teacher," Zhu Yijun just sat down without even drinking his saliva, and immediately remembered something, and asked immediately, "I heard that the situation in the Northeast is not stable recently, and it seems that a war is about to happen. Get up, but there's something going on."

"Indeed," Zhu Yijun mentioned this matter, which also made Zhang Fan's face darken a little, "The situation in Northeast China can no longer be explained clearly by a word of instability, although it has not been possible to fight in just a few days. , but in another two or three months, no one will know, but fortunately Li Chengliang has already made preparations, even if Wang Gao calls, he can handle it freely if he wants to, but once the war starts, The people in the Northeast will be implicated, and now I am trying to figure out how to allow the people to take refuge, and it is estimated that in another month, I will go to the Northeast to meet Li Chengliang in person."

"Well," Zhu Yijun nodded after hearing what Zhang Fan said about the Northeast, and said, "I know all these things, but it's not what I'm worried about. By the way, teacher, the situation of Nurhachi, the teacher has recently known ,"

It turned out that what Zhu Yijun was concerned about was this matter, and it was not incomprehensible. After all, Nurhachi and Zhu Yijun were about the same age, and they got along quite well. The man had a friend who could play with Zhu Yijun. Zhu Yijun was naturally worried about his safety.

"Recently, I haven't heard anything about it," Zhang Fan said, "But if you think about it, nothing will happen. He is with Li Chengliang, and Li Chengliang also knows his relationship with His Majesty. If you think about it, he will take good care of him. What will happen, just right, when I go next month, I think I can see him, if Your Majesty has something to say to him, I will take it with me."

"I originally wanted him to come back," Zhu Yijun said, "but it seems that with the current situation in Northeast China, I'm afraid he won't come back. went,"

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