The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1417 Be More Vigilant

Zhu Yijun was able to say such a thing, so he knew the general idea. Yes, Nurhachi, as a friend he finally found, a friend who was actually more suitable for him than Zhang Fan, he naturally did not I hope to lose this friend because of this kind of thing. Therefore, after Zhu Yijun heard what was about to happen in the Northeast, his first thought was actually to let Nurhachi come back. Besides.

But Zhu Yijun definitely thought of more than that. After thinking about Nurhachi's safety, he also considered Nurhachi's own feelings. During the time he was playing with Nurhachi, he also heard about Nurhachi and knew Wang Gao Although he is Nurhachi's grandfather, he has a feud with him for killing his father and brother, and now the Northeast is about to start a fight, and the opponent is Wang Gao, that is to say, Nurhachi has to face his relatives, but also his own enemy.

Perhaps, this is something that will make Nurhachi extremely entangled. Perhaps he will not know what he should do. Perhaps it is also a good choice for him to retreat temporarily and wait in the capital until the war in the northeast is over, but After Zhu Yijun considered for a long time, he decided to let Nurhachi decide by himself.

But although Zhu Yijun has already considered this way, he still needs to care about Nurhachi's own thoughts. Therefore, Zhu Yijun did not help Nurhachi decide what to do, but asked Zhang Fan to give him a sentence when he went to the northeast. , let him make his own decision.

Don't talk about what Zhu Yijun thinks, but Zhang Fan agrees with Zhu Yijun's approach very much. If you can think about it like this, don't impose your own ideas on others. In this matter, no matter whether Zhu Yijun is the emperor or not, they are actually the same. What's more, the Nurhachi he faced, he didn't regard himself as the emperor, but The other party is regarded as a courtier, and more is regarded as a friend, and now, he is considering this matter by putting himself and Nurhachi on an equal footing.

To be honest, knowing that Zhu Yijun was able to think about things like this, Zhang Fan felt a little relieved in his heart, but to be honest, it was a bit mixed. After all, being able to think about things from the perspective of others is indeed a very good thing. But after all, Zhu Yijun was the emperor, and he would rule the entire empire in the future. At that time, if Zhu Yijun could not be decisive as an emperor, he would just blindly think for others, which would not work.

However, Zhang Fan doesn't intend to change Zhu Yijun about this matter now. Of course, this is only temporary. Although this kind of matter must be changed in the future, it still doesn't matter to Zhu Yijun now, let alone, Zhu Yijun is only so old now, and it will be a long time before he takes office. During this time, Zhang Fan has enough time to do this matter, so there is no need to rush it.

Although Zhang Fan has just returned to the capital for two days, and he had a lot of things to do before, but in fact, Zhang Fan has already done most of the things in these two days. It's over, of course, these things have not yet come to fruition, but at the very least, even if Zhang Fan is in a hurry, there are some things that he can't solve just by being in a hurry, so instead of being so troubled, it's better to let it go temporarily. Well, wait until things have results and then think about it.

Stayed at Zhu Yijun's place until noon, this time Zhang Fan didn't stay here, but went home.

Out of the palace gate, I happened to see Wang Degui waiting for Zhang Fan with someone here. It seems that Wang Degui remembered what he said last night. Speaking of which, Wang Degui has now changed into a brocade suit. Wearing such a suit makes people feel a bit wrong, but if you look carefully, it also makes people feel a little good, but no matter how unworthy Wang Degui's appearance is, this suit has already shown that All in all, no matter what, no one would dare to underestimate him. Jin Yiwei's reputation was definitely not something that was blown out.

Back home, although his family members were waiting for him to eat, Zhang Fan was still reprimanded by Mrs. Zhao. After all, yesterday was the day he just returned to the capital. As a result, Zhang Fan did not go home last night. Of course, Mrs. Zhao's reprimand was not serious. After all, she also heard from Wang Degui yesterday that Zhang Fan was unable to come back because of official business in the yamen. Of course, Mrs. Zhao didn't know that the reason Zhang Fan didn't come back was because he went to If Mrs. Zhao knew about Wei Yuyao's place, she didn't know what else would happen.

All in all, Mrs. Zhao reprimanded Zhang Fan a few words, and of course the tone was not very strong. After all, everyone in the family was there. , and sat down to eat.

Speaking of which, this was the first time Zhang Fan had dinner with his family after returning home. No wonder Mrs. Zhao reprimanded him like this just now. After all, it was not until the next day that he could sit down with his family after finally returning home. Eating, this is really too much, and Zhao Shi should say a few words.

After sitting down, Zhang Fan was just about to move his chopsticks, but he found that there was something wrong with the atmosphere at the dinner table. It wasn't a big deal, but there were two people who didn't deal with it very well. Of course, Fang Yueling and Yingyue were the ones who deserved it. Others were unchanged.

Speaking of which, when Zhang Fan returned home early yesterday morning, he brought Fang Yueling with him, and he had already told his family about Fang Yueling's identity. Naturally, some explanation was needed, but since Zhang Fan really had something to do yesterday, he didn't explain much.

However, Zhang Fan is not at home, but the people at home naturally want to ask Fang Yueling, and Yingyue has already said before that she knows Fang Yueling. I have told Zhang Fan's family, but the Zhao family has nothing to do with it. Speaking of it, the Zhao family's concept is old-fashioned. Although Zhang Fan has taken another concubine, for the cause of the accident, this means, There is nothing wrong with someone spreading branches and leaves for the Zhang family.

Ru Xue didn't say much about this matter, although as Zhang Fan's official wife, she naturally has the right to take care of such matters, but she didn't bother, and the same was true for Luo Linger. Very satisfied, but it was Zhaoxue who had a little temper, but Zhaoxue didn't dare to express it in public, at most she was going to act like a baby with Ruxue. Speaking of which, except Yingyue, the family members actually They weren't too worried about this matter, after all, they gave birth to Zhang Fan's heir early on.

Yingyue was the only one who was extremely dissatisfied with Fang Yueling's arrival. Of course, what Yingyue was dissatisfied with was not because of Fang Yueling's beauty, or the impact she would have on her after entering the Zhang family's gate. She is really worried about Fang Yueling's identity. After all, Fang Yueling is the leader of the Five Poison Sect. She is worried that Fang Yueling and Zhang Fan will have such a relationship. It is because there may be some conspiracy, and this conspiracy makes Yingyue feel that it is definitely not a small matter. After all, it is not a big deal to let a woman like Fang Yueling take advantage of her beauty and chastity. little things.

So yesterday, after Zhang Fan left, she hurriedly looked for another opportunity to find Fa Yueling and asked her about this matter, but what Fang Yueling answered her was that the reason why she married Zhang Fan was that It was entirely because of consideration for the Five Poison Sect, or for her own future. Of course, Fang Yueling did not say that this was actually her father's decision.

But no matter how it is said, Yingyue has no way to believe Fang Yueling. It's not that Yingyue doesn't believe what Fang Yueling said at all, but from Yingyue's point of view, maybe there is really what Fang Yueling said in this matter. This kind of reason, but from Yingyue's point of view, this is absolutely impossible to be Fang Yueling's main reason, she must have some bigger conspiracy in it.

However, no matter how Yingyue asked, no matter what method she used to ask, she even deliberately used some radical words to stimulate Fang Yueling, but no matter what Yingyue did, Fang Yueling always remained so ruthless She seemed to care about it, and would not get angry at all, and even talked to Yingyue in a nice way, so Yingyue had nothing to do with her for a while.

It's just that no matter what, Yingyue will never believe Fang Yueling's words, but when she heard about the dangers Zhang Fan encountered along the way, and the reason why she was able to escape from Sichuan, it was all thanks to During Fang Yueling's time, Yingyue let go of her guard for a while.

Although Fang Yueling said these words herself, Yingyue didn't think that Fang Yueling would deceive herself. After all, this kind of thing is really easy to deceive, and there is no way to deceive people. In this case, most of what Fang Yueling said is true. That's it, and since Fang Yueling was able to do this for Zhang Fan, at least the two of them already had some feelings for each other, otherwise they would risk their lives to help others out of trouble for no reason.

However, this only made Yingyue less hostile towards Fang Yueling, but to be honest, Yingyue still didn't believe Fang Yueling.

It's just that she doesn't believe it belongs to herself, but for the rest of the Zhang family, they don't know Fang Yueling's identity, nor do they know Yingyue's past with Fang Yueling, and it is impossible for Yingyue to tell her about the past. What they heard, all in all, no matter how much Yingyue didn't believe Fang Yueling, only she knew about this matter, and it was precisely because of this reason that Yingyue became more vigilant against Fang Yueling.

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