The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1418 Little troubles

After this lunch, the others felt nothing, but Zhang Fan's feeling was not very good. Of course, it was not Zhang Fan who had the weird atmosphere, but Fang Yueling and Yingyue. Even if she saw Zhang Fan's family members in her present capacity, she was not rude, but Yingyue obviously couldn't let go, so Yingyue always treated Fang Yueling in an inexplicable way. Looking at it with eyes, but Zhang Fan understood what Yingyue's eyes meant.

As for the rest of the Zhang family, they didn't pay much attention to it. From their point of view, the reason why Yingyue looked at Zhang Fan like this was because the two of them had known each other for a long time. The woman I knew, after getting married, lives under the same roof and has the same identity. This kind of thing, if you think about it, it will be weird for other people. When Zhaoxue just entered the house, Because of the relationship between her and Ru Xue, the atmosphere in this family was also weird for a while, but after a while, it will naturally get better, so they didn't care about it.

As for Zhang Fan's unnatural appearance, other people did not actually notice it. Although other people didn't think it was strange about the situation between Yingyue and Fang Yueling, even In this way, they still put most of their energy on the two of them, and naturally they had no time to pay attention to Zhang Fan.

As for Fang Yueling and Yingyue, Fang Yueling was natural, but Yingyue was unnatural, but Yingyue was not natural, but even though Fang Yueling was natural, she didn't pay too much attention to Zhang Fan.

This may be the reason why Zhang Fan is more relaxed now. Although the atmosphere does make him a little nervous, at least no one pays attention to him. This is naturally a good thing for him. Of course, in this situation, Zhang Fan Although Fan felt a little uncomfortable now, in fact, he had already thought of this situation a long time ago, so even though he was a little uncomfortable, he did not reach the stage where he could no longer bear it.

And Zhang Fan, who managed to finish the meal, thought it would be easy, but in fact, the situation would not allow him to do this. Zhang Fan, who had just finished eating and planned to leave immediately, was the only one who had just finished eating. Standing up, she heard Mrs. Zhao say: "Fan'er, wait a minute, come to my room later, I have something to ask you,"

Hearing what his mother said, Zhang Fan naturally knew what she wanted to ask him, but although he was very unwilling to go and didn't want to say it, since Mrs. Zhao asked, he couldn't refuse. Of course, In fact, for Zhang Fan, he just came home yesterday because he had something to do and other things. In short, he didn’t come back until today, but in fact, he also had to follow up on the family affairs after he came back. Mrs. Zhao went to talk to Mrs. Zhao, and besides, even if he didn't talk about these things, he had been away for several months, and now he was back home, and he didn't even do a good job with Mrs. Zhao. Come, of course it is indispensable.

"Yes, mother, I understand," Zhang Fan could only reply, "Go back to your room and change your clothes, and then go to mother's place later."

"Well," Zhao nodded, but said nothing more.

Seeing his mother like this, Zhang Fan once again looked at Fang Yueling, who still had a natural face, and also looked at Fang Yueling, Yingyue with an unnatural expression, sighed helplessly in his heart, and turned around. After leaving, although this scene is not too bad, it is still a trouble for Zhang Fan.

Although compared to the things that Zhang Fan encountered outside, these little troubles at home are nothing worth mentioning. It's not bad to use these small troubles to adjust life occasionally.

It's just that once the troubles get bigger, whether it's outside or at home, it will make people feel troublesome, and what Zhang Fan is facing now is this kind of situation, although Zhang Fan doesn't care about these things at home. I don't think there is much trouble, even if it is troublesome, it is nothing.

After going back and changing his clothes, Zhang Fan didn't even drink a sip of water when he saw Xiangmei coming.

"The old lady called you over," Xiangmei said, not disrespectful, but because Xiangmei has been here for too long, and she is too familiar, and Zhang Fan and Zhao also regard her as a My sister and daughter came to look at it, so I didn't particularly care about calling this kind of thing, "Also, I think the old lady always..."

"I know." Seeing Xiangmei's appearance, Zhang Fan already knew it. Although he said it in a nonchalant manner, he felt helpless in his heart.

Thinking in his heart how he would tell Zhao about this later, Zhang Fan didn't pay much attention, but when he came to his senses, he found that Xiangmei was still standing in front of him and hadn't left. Curious: "What's the matter, Xiangmei, is there anything else?"

"'s nothing..." Xiangmei felt a little overwhelmed by Zhang Fan's question, as if she wanted to say something but couldn't say it, "'s nothing,"

How can this be called nothing, it is clear that there is something to do, and coupled with Xiangmei's appearance of having something unspeakable, wanting to say it but not daring to say it, Zhang Fan feels that this is probably not a trivial matter If it's someone else, forget it, but Xiangmei, Zhang Fan is extremely important, and it is absolutely impossible not to let it go. What's more, Xiangmei didn't go to her mother Zhao, but it was so hard to say in front of her, obviously this matter I am afraid that only he can solve the matter.

"Xiangmei, you have been with your mother for many years. We are like a family. There is no need to worry so much," Zhang Fan said. It is written clearly that you have something on your mind, so tell it, what is it, is it your own, or your family's, "

"No, it's not Xiangmei's own business, and her family is fine," Xiangmei finally spoke, "It's just...just..." But she stopped in the middle of her words. Obviously, Xiangmei Mei has admitted that she has something to do, but it is not easy for her to say it.

Zhang Fan didn't blame her when he saw her so hesitant. After all, Xiangmei was a woman and she was not very old. You are very polite, Mrs. Zhao likes it even more, but Xiangmei herself has not undergone any other changes because of this change of status. Speaking of which, Xiangmei is still the same Xiangmei that Zhang Fan saw back then, and she is still the same. Reserved and easily shy.

In this way, it's normal for her to be unable to say some things. After all, not everything can be said to a man by a daughter's family, even if that man is her master.

But think about it the other way around, as Xiangmei said just now, she has nothing to do with herself, and her family has nothing to do, and apart from these, there is nothing that can make a daughter's family want to talk back. It's a matter of men and women, but for Xiangmei's words, this matter of men and women...

"Do you want to ask about Liang Chao?" Zhang Fan was a little helpless, but although he didn't want to, but now that Xiangmei was like this, there was only one thing he could think of.

Hearing Zhang Fan say Liang Chao's name, Xiangmei blushed immediately, but she didn't evade, she nodded very honestly, on this point, although Xiangmei has the reservedness of a normal daughter , She will always be shy when talking about this, but at the same time, she will not pretend to hide her feelings, and dare not say it is the same thing, but since Zhang Fan has already said it, it will naturally be clean Acknowledge it cleanly.

It's just that Xiangmei would put it aside if she didn't admit it, but what she said made Zhang Fan feel helpless.

"Liang Chao, he should still be in Sichuan now," Zhang Fan said, "You don't have to worry about it. I have to rush back because I have something to do. There are too many people, but it is slow. This is what makes them come back." First there, and there are still some things to do there," Zhang Fan naturally dare not say that he encountered those troubles in Sichuan, if he said it, Xiangmei would have to worry to death, and not only Xiangmei, Knowing that she has encountered such a big risk, Mrs. Zhao may be in trouble again.

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Xiangmei felt relieved, but Zhang Fan had already said what he should say, but Xiangmei still didn't want to leave.

How could Zhang Fan not know what she meant, but even if Zhang Fan knew, he didn't know how to tell Xiangmei.

After all, Liang Chao is married, but Zhang Fan doesn't need to remind her of this, she already knows it. Xiangmei was depressed for a while because of this incident, but now, although Xiangmei is She wasn't depressed anymore, but obviously she still hadn't forgotten Liang Chao, and now it seemed that she hadn't forgotten this, and now she wasn't forgetting a little bit, on the contrary, she couldn't forget even more.

This matter is usually not thought about, but it is really a headache for Zhang Fan. How to solve this matter, Zhang Fan has no way to solve it. Moreover, this matter makes Zhang Fan alone. It is obviously not suitable for a big man to enlighten Xiangmei. For other people, what Ru Xue and the others said is good, but they don't know Liang Chao well, so it is obviously not suitable. never thought about.

However, looking at Xiangmei like this, Zhang Fan felt that he couldn't just ignore it. All of a sudden, this matter became troublesome. What to do, Zhang Fan had no idea at all.

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