The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1421 just don't believe

Ru Xue believed Zhang Fan's words very easily. Of course, this was not because Ru Xue believed Zhang Fan blindly. Ru Xue was a rational person. Even if it was what Zhang Fan said, she said she believed it at the top, but She wasn't sure what she was thinking in her heart. Of course, on this matter, Ru Xue did believe Zhang Fan's words.

It wasn't because of anything else, but there was no need for Zhang Fan to deceive her about this matter. Of course, Ru Xue also wanted to know that there was indeed something going on, and Zhang Fan concealed it from herself, but Ru Xue didn't ask.

Secondly, what Zhang Fan said was indeed the truth. Although he was hiding something, what he told Ru Xue was all the truth. Ru Xue is very smart, and her understanding of Zhang Fan is amazing. It wasn't just a single star, she could tell whether Zhang Fan was telling the truth or not, so Ru Xue believed Zhang Fan's words.

Of course, Ru Xue herself has a lot of doubts. For example, Zhang Fan said that Fang Yueling basically didn't talk much at home. This is true, but for Ru Xue, she understood it as Fang Yueling. She is a boudoir lady who does not go out of the door and does not go out of the door. In this case, how did Zhang Fan know Fang Yueling, and how did he get into this relationship with her in such a short period of time? This really made Ru What Xue couldn't understand, but since Zhang Fan didn't want to talk about it, she didn't have any intention of asking.

In short, now that there is an extra person in the family, this matter can be big or small. Some people think it is important, but some people think it is not important. She got an extra sister back, which really made her a little depressed, but it was not to the point of being angry. Besides, although Yue Ling was a little reluctant to talk, Ru Xue could tell that Fang Yueling was very fond of Zhang. Fan is also extremely concerned.

Speaking of it, what Ru Xue cares most about is really not how harmonious the family is. Although this is important, for Ru Xue, as long as there is no intrigue, that is enough, but the most important thing is that no matter how However, the feelings for Zhang Fan are the most important. If you don't even have this foundation, it means that this woman came into this house with other purposes. If this is the case, it is Ru Xue The last thing I want to see, but now, Ru Xue's feeling towards Fang Yueling is quite good.

"If that's the case, that's fine," Ru Xue nodded, "My husband was busy yesterday, so there's nothing I can do about it, but since I've been free for the past few days, I should rest at home. I have been thinking about my husband for a long time, and now that my husband is back, I have to accompany her well, and sister Yueling has just entered the house, so it is not good if my husband just ignores her, "

"Don't worry, I still know how to do it," Zhang Fan nodded, and then looked at Ru Xue with some changes in his eyes, "During this time, I'm not at home, and the things at home also require you to work hard. Thanks a lot,"

"What is Xianggong talking about? This is what a concubine should do," Ru Xue said with a gentle smile, "Besides, things at home are not too troublesome, and you don't have to worry too much, Xianggong."

It was noon in Zhang's house, after lunch, and Zhang Fan was talking in Ruxue's room, but not everyone except the two of them was resting, there were two other people talking, It's just that the atmosphere in which these two people talked was not as relaxed as that of Zhang Fan and Ru Xue.

That's right, they were Yingyue and Fang Yueling.

Early yesterday morning, I saw Fang Yueling come back with Zhang Fan as Zhang Fan's concubine. This had a great impact on Yingyue. Fan's understanding is not necessarily less than the other women in the mansion. As a man with his current status, it is really normal for Zhang Fan to have several beautiful wives and beautiful concubines. Concubine, Yingyue doesn't feel anything.

But the problem is that it was Fang Yueling who came back this time. Speaking of which, no matter how much Yingyue thought about it, Fang Yueling didn't seem like the kind of person who would marry Zhang Fan as a concubine. People, that's right, Fang Yueling and Zhang Fan did have a lot of intersections before, but this kind of intersection is not a good thing, not to mention that the two are still in a hostile relationship, but now, Fang Yueling is actually Marrying Zhang Fan as a concubine was something that Yingyue couldn't even imagine.

Why did it happen like this, Yingyue couldn't figure it out at all, but the matter was clearly placed in front of her eyes, and it was already done.

In this way, Yingyue couldn't help but not think about it. Maybe Fang Yueling did it for some other purpose. After all, the leader of the Five Poisons Sect let go of the responsibility of the leader, but went to be a concubine for others, regardless of the other party. It would not be a simple matter to think about what identity it was, and the higher Zhang Fan's identity was, it meant that there must be something tricky about it.

Yingyue didn't know what the reason was, but she was sure that there must be a reason for it. Therefore, Zhang Fan just came back yesterday and went out to have something to do, and he didn't come back until noon today. During this time, Yingyue has been spending all her time on Fang Yueling, asking her what kind of conspiracy she has, but since she is still asking today, it means that she has nothing to gain from the previous one.

And today, Zhang Fan has already returned, but she still came to ask Fang Yueling about this matter. Obviously, Yingyue is not afraid of Zhang Fan knowing. All grievances and grievances are understood, and it's okay to let Zhang Fan know.

Speaking of which, for Yingyue, she also thought about it. Compared with asking Fang Yuelin about this matter, it is actually better to ask Zhang Fan. As the person involved, Zhang Fan must know what is going on. It would be more convenient for Yingyue to ask Zhang Fan in her own capacity, but Yingyue still wanted to ask Fang Yueling first.

Of course, Fang Yueling didn't keep her mouth shut and didn't tell her anything. As early as yesterday when she asked Fang Yueling for the first time, Fang Yueling told her clearly that the reason why she married Zhang Fan was entirely because of the five poisons. The alliance between Jiao and Jin Yiwei, and the marriage of the two, even if Fang Yueling is just a concubine for Zhang Fan, it can be regarded as a kind of guarantee.

However, although Fang Yueling told Yingyue the reason immediately, Yingyue didn't believe it. No, it should be said that she couldn't believe it completely. If it was about forming an alliance, Yingyue could understand it clearly. , although I don't know what's going on, but this kind of thing is easy to understand, and if Fang Yueling became Zhang Fan's concubine for this reason, it is not incomprehensible.

But if it's just that, it's obvious that Fang Yueling shouldn't have such a huge change, and it's not that Yingyue can't understand that Fang Yueling's feelings for Zhang Fan are not fake. What is the reason that makes Fang Yueling Yingyue couldn't understand Zhang Fan's change.

Of course, the most important thing that Yingyue can't figure out is what purpose Fang Yueling has in mind. Obviously, Yingyue won't believe the words of forming an alliance. She always feels that Fang Yueling is here with other things. For what purpose, even if it is how much affection she shows for Zhang Fan, to Yingyue, these are illusions, even if these are true, but in Yingyue's view, Fang Yueling also has For other purposes, there are more important purposes such as this alliance.

What it was, Yingyue couldn't think of it for a while, but the more she couldn't think of it, the more she felt that this matter was not a trivial matter, and the more she thought about it, the more she couldn't feel at ease.

Yingyue cherishes everything today, whether it is Zhang Fan or the people in this mansion, she cherishes it very much. It is precisely because she has suffered too much in the past that she cherishes everything now. And in this way, she absolutely cannot allow anyone to destroy all this.

The arrival of Fang Yueling gave Yingyue such a sense of crisis, so it was impossible for Yingyue to ignore it.

But in these two days, Yingyue obviously didn't get any useful news from Fang Yueling, and the more so, Yingyue became more worried about it.

So today, even though Zhang Fan has come back, Yingyue still came to Fang Yueling, wanting to ask something. Speaking of which, for the past two days, Yingyue has been staring at Fang Yueling without letting go, and has been watching her. Others noticed this situation, but they didn't pay much attention to it. After all, Yingyue had already said that she and Fang Yueling had known each other before. Moreover, they will live together in the future, it will indeed seem a little weird at the beginning, so no one cares about it, just think that this is Yingyue's weird feeling.

And Fang Yueling didn't care about it, and she always looked relaxed, which made others less suspicious.

And now, Yingyue found Fang Yueling again.

Seeing Yingyue coming over, Fang Yueling naturally understood what she was here for, but even in the face of Yingyue's repeated pestering, Fang Yueling still had such a relaxed look, which was not interesting at all. Worry is on the face.

"Why, you're here again today." Seeing that Yingyue didn't speak, Fang Yueling took the initiative to speak. "What are you doing standing at the door? Come in and talk."

Fang Yueling was very enthusiastic, but Yingyue didn't appreciate Fang Yueling's enthusiasm at all. Although she followed her into the room, she still had a cold expression on her face look like.

Even so, Fang Yueling didn't care.

She sat down unceremoniously, looked at Fang Yueling for a while, and then Yingyue asked, "Quickly tell me, what is your purpose for coming here?"

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