The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1422 Useless means

"Yingyue, for the past two days, you've been asking me several times a day, don't you have anything else to do?" Although Fang Yueling said these words, her expression was not necessarily clear. Helpless or troubled, but with a smiling face, it seems that she doesn't care that Yingyue will use this attitude against her, "Besides, didn't I tell you these things a long time ago?"

"Do you think I will believe what you said?" Yingyue said the most frequently spoken words in the past few days, "You are the leader of the Five Poison Sect. If someone in the teaching succeeds the leader, If you go to marry again and choose a husband-in-law, I am not surprised at all, but now, you are still holding the position of the leader, but you have lent it to the husband-in-law, and you are still a concubine. And who would believe it, unless you have some purpose, you will do this. As for the alliance, I do believe it, but I think this cannot be the main reason. What is your purpose here? Say it quickly,"

"Speaking of which, you are really rude." Since it was Yingyue's tone that was already so unfriendly, Fang Yueling still did not show the slightest sign of getting angry, and she was still calm and gentle, speaking softly Said, "I think back when you were sent to the Five Poisons Sect, if I hadn't protected you, you wouldn't be where you are today. Now we are under the same roof. Speaking of which, you would have arrived before me and didn't take care of me." Forget it, why do you still doubt me so much?"

This is Fang Yueling's most uttered words in the past two days, and these words also silenced Yingyue. Speaking of which, what Fang Yueling said was not wrong at all. , was sent to the Five Poison Sect, it was like a dead person, and the Five Poison Sect is not a good person who is chivalrous and righteous, and there are many people who want to bully her. Similar things happened during the Poison Sect, Yingyue also heard about it.

And Fang Yueling really helped him a lot. If it wasn't for Fang Yueling, Yingyue might not be able to see Zhang Fan alive. Moreover, Fang Yueling's words also made Yingyue think carefully about another matter. Speaking of it, She had always preconceived that Fang Yueling would have some purpose in making Zhang Fan a concubine, and no matter what Fang Yueling's purpose was, in Yingyue's view, this purpose would definitely bring some trouble to Zhang Fan.

But now, after thinking about it carefully, she found that what Fang Yueling said was indeed correct. When she was in the Five Poison Sect, if it wasn't for Fang Yueling, she would have been in real danger, and more importantly, Now that Yingyue thinks about it carefully, Fang Yueling really didn't do anything bad. Even though Zhang Fan was kidnapped that time, and Zhang Fan was almost killed, in the end, Fang Yueling saved Zhang Fan, and Fang Yueling was so innocent. After all, the purpose of doing it is to save his father.

If you look at it this way, it feels that Fang Yueling has indeed done nothing bad, and her words are not unbelievable. However, Yingyue thinks about it, but she still has no way to completely believe Fang Yueling. After all, the current situation, It's not that simple, and more importantly, Fang Yueling is Zhang Fan's concubine. If you talk about being a wife, you can still think about it a little bit, but being a concubine obviously has a purpose.

Of course, Yingyue didn't know what was going on, but what she said was actually not wrong. Fang Yueling married Zhang Fan as a concubine for a purpose, but the purpose was also It's not as troublesome as she thought, and it's not a conspiracy, or it's really bad for Zhang Fan. After all, it's just Fang Zhenqian's protection for his daughter from the beginning to the end. Well, speaking of it, if this matter is really counted, Zhang Fan hasn't suffered a loss yet.

However, it is impossible for Fang Yueling to tell Yingyue these words now. After all, as a woman, it is really hard for her to say such a thing. Thinking about it, even if Fang Yueling really said it, I'm afraid the current Yingyue might not believe it. All in all, the current Yingyue doesn't believe Fang Yueling at all.

"Two days ago, my husband was not at home," Yingyue seemed to want to understand, even if she pressed Fang Yueling now, she would not say anything, and said simply, "Today, my husband is back, and I have been busy these few days." Come down, but I will keep an eye on you, if you dare to do something, I..."

"What will happen to you?" Fang Yueling didn't care about Yingyue's threat. When it came to Yingyue's threat, she really thought it was nothing. what would you do,

Indeed, Fang Yueling also questioned Yingyue back. If she really did something to threaten Zhang Fan or the Zhang family, it seems that Yingyue has nothing to stop Fang Yueling. The leader of the Five Poison Sect, even if his skill is not very good, at least he is pretty good, and Yingyue knows exactly what Fang Yueling's skill is. I was very scared, not to mention, in this mansion, she was actually the only person who knew some martial arts before, and her martial arts, it is not wrong to say that she is a three-legged cat's kung fu, but The others are all unarmed, and they don't know any martial arts at all.

In the past, this was nothing. After all, the home is very stable, and there are Jinyiwei guards outside the house. No matter how you think about it, it is impossible for anything to go wrong. But now, this situation has also changed.

Today, there are still Jinyiwei guards outside the mansion. You don’t have to worry about any threats from outside, but the outside is the outside, and the inside is the inside. Inside, they had no choice but to put a few people in the house, except for the women, Zhao was unwilling, and those women were just in case.

But now, everything is different. After all, Fang Yueling, who seemed to be the biggest threat to Yingyue, had already successfully broken through the guards outside Zhang's mansion, and entered the mansion in such a grandiose manner.

In other words, if there is Fang Yueling in the Zhang Mansion, other people are not her opponents at all. Even if all the people in the mansion who know martial arts are gathered together, they may not be Fang Yueling's opponents. This is the case in terms of martial arts, not to mention Fang Yueling's ability to use poison.

All in all, that is to say, if Fang Yueling really intends to be tough, there is no one here who can stop her.

This time, Yingyue became even more vigilant. She seemed to be thinking of something bad, her complexion became extremely pale, and she looked at Fang Yueling with a lot of fear in her guarded eyes. of.

Fang Yueling naturally saw the changes in Yingyue caused by her own words. Seeing Yingyue like this, Fang Yueling felt a little sorry: "You don't have to worry so much, I just said so, besides, I never I didn’t think about it when I came here, I said this to make things clear, and I really didn’t mean it that way,”

"It might be." The fear in Yingyue's eyes looking at Fang Yueling has disappeared, but her guard is still so strong, "Who knows what you plan, if you do that..."

"Absolutely not, I can swear to God," no matter how much Yingyue didn't believe her, but Fang Yueling never showed a look of blame, she still had such a soft look, and said with a smile, "Let's talk , you said it before, and I don't believe you can't tell whether my feelings for my husband are true or not,"

"This is another question I want to ask," Yingyue asked immediately when she heard Fang Yueling mentioning this matter, "Why does Mr. Xiang have such a close relationship with you after only going to Sichuan for a few months?" You must know that your husband didn't have any good feelings for you before, and even if you got there, what happened, even though it lasted for a few months, it may not necessarily reach this point.

"If it is said that you are pretending, maybe I may not be able to see it, but what is going on with Xianggong, why does Xianggong treat you like this, if Xianggong doesn't like you, even if you use some conspiracy, Forced my husband to accept you, but my husband shouldn't be like this to you, you have to tell me about this matter, what's going on, could it be, what methods did you use to fail?"

Although what Yingyue said was very general, and she didn't explain what the method was, in fact, this is already very clear. For the Five Poison Sect, the only so-called method is the use of poison. up.

However, Yingyue has no way to be sure. She has heard of a lot of poisons that can change people's minds, but she has never seen one that can make poisoned people have no side effects. Now that Zhang Fan is like this, Although he has deep feelings for Fang Yueling, it was only when she was with Fang Yueling. In other respects, Zhang Fan was exactly the same as before, and there was no change. Although Zhang Fan went out to do errands after returning yesterday, Yingyue didn't observe carefully, but based on her understanding of Zhang Fan, she felt that Zhang Fan hadn't changed.

That's why Yingyue didn't directly say what kind of poison they used, but asked Fang Yueling what method they used.

In fact, poison is really used, but it is not a poison that can change people's minds. However, this is only what Fang Yueling knows. In what Fang Yueling doesn't know, there is Fang Zhenqian, in order to ensure this matter Fang Zhenqian will definitely spend a lot of money on his success, but this is not what Fang Yueling knows.

Therefore, facing Yingyue today, Fang Yueling didn't feel guilty, not because she hadn't done it, but because she didn't know she had done it.

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