"It's true that I have never used any medicine that can change people's mind." Fang Yueling turned to Yingyue.Said very sincerely. "I can also swear to God on this point. I have never done it." Fang Yueling's words.Although it is very serious.The expression is also very serious.But there was something guilty in her heart.after all.Even if she didn't know what Fang Zhenqian did.But the medicine before.But she fed Zhang Fan herself.How could she not know.so.When she said these words to Yingyue.It is also specifically pointed out.Absolutely never used any mind-altering drugs.

And Yingyue is now.Also worried about a lot of things.So Fang Yueling's obvious slip of the tongue.Should have noticed.But she didn't care.Speaking up.It was also because she was too worried.I'm afraid that Zhang Fan will fall into some tricks.This is what is not checked for a while.At that time, I will not check at this time.But it also made her trust Fang Yueling again.

But for Fang Yueling.That's all she wanted.As long as Yingyue can believe in herself, it will be fine.even.Even Yingyue can't completely believe in herself.It doesn't matter if you always have that kind of half-believing doubt about yourself.after all.Fang Yueling didn't plan to do anything either.And she also didn't want Yingyue to have too much hostility towards her.If only doubt.That's enough.

"If...if that's the best." Obviously.Yingyue believed Fang Yueling's words.But there is still some doubt about her motives.Only now.Now that Fang Yueling has sworn to these two things.Yingyue could feel more at ease.

It's still the same sentence.Yingyue's life today.Really cherish it very much.She will never allow anyone to destroy it.Fang Yueling may have come here with a purpose.But those things.Yingyue didn't have to take care of it either.the most important.It is also the most fundamental principle.No matter what purpose Fang Yueling came with.Can't be against Zhang Fan.Is there any harm to this family?Just be able to do it.Then it's not that Yingyue can't live with Fang Yueling.

certainly.About Fang Yueling's purpose.Since Zhang Fan did not express any doubts about this.Moreover, Fang Yueling was also accepted as a concubine.And the relationship between the two is very good now.That is.No matter what Fang Yueling's purpose is.Presumably Zhang Fan already knew about it.Since Zhang Fan already knew about it.But it will still be so.That is to say.Zhang Fan also felt that Fang Yueling didn't care what she wanted to do.At the very least, there is no harm to yourself and your family.

in this regard.Even Yingyue never discussed it with Zhang Fan.But she also believed in Zhang Fan's plan.Since Zhang Fan is like this.Then Yingyue can feel more at ease.

The two are talking.But he heard the sound of the door being opened.Fang Yueling was fine.Apparently they knew someone was coming.It was Yingyue.Because all my thoughts are here.But he didn't pay attention.After hearing the door open.She turned back in a hurry.But he saw Zhang Fan walking in.

After going to Ruxue's side.Even Ru Xue didn't mention it.Zhang Fan also planned to visit Fang Yueling.After all, he just came home yesterday.Just go out.I didn't come back until noon today.And yesterday.But Fang Yueling came back with him.Now so much time has passed.I don't care about it.Naturally it is not good.

Zhang Fan came to Fang Yueling's room.Before, there was no voice from inside.It's just that I saw it after I opened the door and walked in.Yingyue is also there.

"Yingyue. You're here too." Zhang Fan didn't react for a while.Just a normal greeting.But immediately he remembered. "Speaking of which, Yingyue also knows a lot about Yueling. Thinking about seeing Yueling here now, she must have been surprised for a long time."

"Yeah." Fang Yueling didn't care about Yingyue.He nodded to Zhang Fan.Said. "In the past two days, Yingyue has been talking to me. I was a little worried at first. But thanks to Yingyue, I'm getting used to it now."

"What is this?" It's just that.Such a harmonious scene.Yingyue obviously wouldn't buy it.original.She didn't say a word, but it was nothing.Anyway, Fang Yueling already had a general understanding of her thoughts.As long as she doesn't do anything.But now she heard Zhang Fan say that.I couldn't bear it anymore. "Xianggong. What is going on here? Who is she? You should be very clear in your heart. Why do you still want to take her as a concubine. I heard that she has never let go of the list of the leader of the Five Poison Sect. Even the old The leader is back. But she has no intention of regaining the position of leader. As a result, she is still the leader of the Five Poisons Sect. Mr. Mr. Are you confused? Since she is still the leader now, why did she marry Mrs. Be a concubine. There must be a conspiracy here."

Although before.After Fang Yueling swore again and again.Yingyue already believed her words.No matter what purpose she came here for.At least it will not hurt Zhang Fan and others.Originally here.Yingyue is enough.But after hearing what Fang Yueling said just now.She couldn't help but say those words.

"Yingyue. What's wrong with you." Zhang Fan became so excited about Yingyue.There was no reaction for a while.Can't help but feel a little surprised. "It's so good. It started to quarrel."

"Sir, you have to explain clearly." Yingyue didn't care about Zhang Fan's surprise at all.continued. "This matter must be cleared up. If not. I will not rest."

"Yueling. Didn't you explain the matter to Yingyue?" Zhang Fan looked surprised again.Looking at Fang Yueling.asked.

"I said it." Fang Yueling also showed a somewhat helpless look.Said. "In the past two days, Yingyue has been asking me about this matter. And I told her from the beginning. But she just refused to believe me."

"Your words. I won't believe it." Yingyue glanced at Fang Yueling.Said. "Even if it is true. I am afraid there is something else that has not been said."

"It's really nothing else." This time.It was Zhang Fan who spoke. "It's because of the alliance between the Jinyiwei and the Five Poison Sect. Fang Zhenqian was not at ease. That's why he came up with such an idea. Speaking of it, I didn't agree with it at the beginning. The alliance doesn't matter. But this matter can. I originally wanted to I didn't think so. But obviously, Yue Ling's father was worried. That's why she insisted on doing this.

"As for the other things, I really don't have one. And Yueling is indeed responsible for being the leader. After living here for a while, she still has to go back. So, Yingyue, the things you are worried about will never happen. Yes. Take it easy."

"Seriously." With Zhang Fan's reassurance.In fact, Yingyue already believed it.Just preconceived notions.She still couldn't believe it for a moment.therefore.Still have this question.

But Zhang Fan saw Yingyue's expression.Already knew she believed it.

Speaking up.Zhang Fan is concerned about this matter.It's not that there's anything unpleasant.If you really say it.Zhang Fan was quite happy.After all, Yingyue can do this.All out of love for this home.certainly.The reason why this happened.In the final analysis, it was also because of what happened to Yingyue.Let her encounter this situation.Always involuntarily think of things in the past.And Yingyue's past.That was really not a pleasant thing.No wonder.Yingyuehui was so sensitive about this matter.I can't let go of such pursuit.

This is not a problem either.After all, Yingyue's experience.Both Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling knew about it.Now she faces it.She will.There is nothing strange about it.On the contrary.After Zhang Fan learned that Yingyue was like this.Compassion arose in my heart.

Speaking up.What happened to Yingyue in the past.Zhang Fan knows.but.No matter how clearly you know.Zhang Fan had never seen it before.And not seen words.That is to say, Zhang Fan will never be able to truly understand what Yingyue feels in her heart.

But all the same.It was also because Zhang Fan would never be able to understand what happened to Yingyue.What kind of scene have you seen.And Zhang Fan can only use his imagination on this.But this imagination.The more you think about it.The more Zhang Fan felt that Yingyue was really pitiful.Especially now.Seeing her was just a fear of Fang Yueling's arrival.And there was so much uneasiness.visible.How much damage the previous incidents had done to Yingyue.

Think here.Zhang Fan couldn't help walking to Yingyue's side.Hold her in your arms.He said softly: "Yingyue. Don't worry. Nothing will happen. I can assure you. I will never let anything dangerous happen to this family. Speaking of it. With my current status, if I protect my family If it doesn’t work, I’ve been in court for so many years. I’m a waste of time. You have to trust me.”

Perhaps it was Zhang Fan's gentleness.Or Yingyue is yearning to rely on at this moment.all in all.At this moment she was quiet.

Fang Yueling at the side.Looking at the scene in front of him.There was no change in expression.There was no sign of jealousy either.Speaking up.For the situation of Yingyue.Fang Yueling knew more than Zhang Fan.What happened to Yingyue.Although Fang Yueling hadn't seen it either.But he knew better than Zhang Fan.She understood where Fang Yueling's uneasiness came from.

Speaking up.Fang Yueling saw that Yingyue could find such a good home.It is also very gratifying.

For a while.It seemed that Yingyue just came back to her senses.Leaving the embrace that made her feel safe.This is leaving.

Zhang Fan watched Yingyue leave.There is always some unknown taste in the eyes.The same is true for Fang Yueling.

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