The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1428 It's Abnormal

Although Sichuan is thousands of miles away from the capital.But even so.The words of the imperial court.One back and forth.More than ten days is enough.Zhang Fan rested at home for ten days.Go to court again.It's only the second day.I heard that the people who went to Sichuan to pass the decree had returned.

Zhang Fan who heard the news.Not to mention how happy I am.Although Zhang Fan didn't know what was going on at all.But since the eunuch sent to pass the decree has returned safely.That is to say.It is very likely that Zhu Xuanqi agreed to come to the capital.certainly.This is only a possibility.Perhaps Zhu Xuanqi did this to make the court paralyzed.Then what to do.But Zhang Fan thinks so.Zhu Xuanqi probably wouldn't do that.It is very likely that Zhu Xuanqi will come to the capital.

But now.How in the end do not know.I heard that the person came back early this morning.But now it is natural to go to the palace to report this matter to the Queen Mother.But people haven't come out yet.Even Feng Bao can follow Queen Mother Li.Know what's going on right away.But Feng Baoren is not here now.However, this did not prevent Zhang Fan from having great confidence in this.

and.Now it's not just Zhang Fan.Even other people.There is also endless discussion on this matter.Now it is above the palace.Although the little emperor Zhu Yijun is already sitting here.But because Feng Bao, the handprint eunuch of the ceremonial supervisor, was not there.So this early court can't start yet.And Zhu Yijun is obviously not dissatisfied with the situation that Feng Bao's absence means that he can't go to court early.So the following ministers.That's how we discussed this matter in front of the emperor.

And among these people.Naturally there is no concern.But such people are only a minority after all.After all this matter.Even those who have nothing to do with those princes.But I will also be concerned about the impact this matter will have.And others.That's who cares about it.And these people naturally formed two possible guesses about this matter.One kind of nature is that Zhu Xuanqi did it because of some kind of conspiracy.The other is that Zhu Xuanqi has no malicious intentions.I really want to come to Beijing.certainly.Either way.All these people have some connection with this matter behind the scenes.

And Zhang Fan and several members of the cabinet.All in the hope that nothing happens.Speaking up.The current cabinet is really good.Although the people in the cabinet.Most of them were selected by Zhang Juzheng.Or Zhang Fan's recommendation.This is what comes in.And among these people.Some people look forward to Zhang Juzheng's leadership.For example, like Gao Yi; and there are also those who don't listen to everything Zhang Juzheng has to say.For example, like Zhang Siwei.But one thing has not changed.That's what these people do anyway.Regarding what Zhang Juzheng planned to do.All agreed.So whether they like Zhang Juzheng's way of doing things or not.Do the bare minimum.They don't mess around.Will also help.This also makes today's cabinet.Very smooth and peaceful.

certainly.Of course, these words are only good words.If you think about it from another angle.This means that the current cabinet is controlled by Zhang Juzheng alone.And Zhang Juzheng, who took control of the cabinet.He and Feng Bao are in perfect harmony.That is.Today's Zhang Ju is in control of the entire court.It's okay to say that.

certainly.This kind of thing sounds naturally not a good thing.But actually think about it.Zhang Juzheng has not done anything bad now.On the contrary, everything they do is good for the court.Even for some people in the DPRK.This kind of good thing is not what they hoped for.But at least Zhang Juzheng did not harm the country and the people for his own selfish desires.

Now is not the time to talk about this.It's just that.That is to say.At least Zhang Juzheng's views on the affairs of the DPRK and China.And in this way.In fact, the entire cabinet has the same attitude towards this matter.None of them hoped that anything would happen to Zhu Xuanqi.And for them.If Zhu Xuanqi can accept the imperial edict and come to the capital.This is the best thing.

so now.Several members of the cabinet were discussing this matter with Zhang Fan.It's all about thinking on the bright side.And not only that.They also took into account the bad aspects.For example, as some people say today.Perhaps Zhu Xuanqi did this.Apparently agreed.It is to let the people in the court let down their vigilance.So there is no way to make any other plans.

But speaking of it.This is the case after all.Now I want to tell you how it is.It's impossible for anyone.It is not that there are no people in the court who have met Zhu Xuanqi.But he has a deeper understanding of Zhu Xuanqi.In fact, there was only one Zhang Fan.After all, Zhang Fan had the longest contact time with him.But now.Even Zhang Fan is only on this kind of thing.Feel very likely.And it's not [-]% sure.If so.How will it be.Not really sure.

But even so.Zhang Fan had hopeful confidence in this matter.Also very huge.If you want to ask why Zhang Fan can be so sure.After all, he himself couldn't tell.Even if he had to give an answer.At most, it's just a feeling.Such a very unreliable answer.But Zhang Fan can only say so now.

Nothing but all of this.It all depends on the future.Let's see what Zhu Xuanqi's plan is.But even so.Again.The scene of Zhang Fan and others regarding this matter.Still very optimistic.Although the current situation.Looks like it's still unknown.But still optimistic.

But while optimistic.There was one thing that Zhang Fan and the others didn't understand.Before.Whether it is Zhang Juzheng or Zhang Fan.All are to persuade Queen Mother Li not to be too strict with Zhu Xuanqi.Not to mention Zhang Fan.Just say Zhang Juzheng.Zhang Juzheng knew about this matter.His persuasion to Queen Mother Li did not make Queen Mother Li change her mind.So Zhang Juzheng's plan at the beginning.In fact, it is to ask Mrs. Li to wait.Wait until Zhang Fan comes back before making a decision.The reason for saying this.It's all because of being in the middle of the court now.He knows Zhu Xuanqi best.There is only one Zhang Fan.

And Queen Mother Li.Even if it is to give Zhang Ju a face.Or maybe she really understood Zhang Juzheng's words.all in all.This imperial decree came after Zhang Fan came back.I sent it after I asked him to understand the matter.That is.No matter how.Empress Dowager Li has also agreed with Zhang Fan on this matter.The person who knows Zhu Xuanqi best.

And now.The person who sent this edict has returned.It also brought back the news that Queen Mother Li needed to know.But Zhang Fan and the others didn't think so.Zhu Xuanqi would tell this little eunuch what he was thinking in his heart.therefore.The real plan in Zhu Xuanqi's heart now.It should be said that no one knows.

But in this way.It will also make them feel strange.Since Zhu Xuanqi's real thoughts.Empress Dowager Li didn't know.Why not let Zhang Fan, who knows Zhu Xuanqi somewhat well, go and have a look together.

This situation.Could it be said that Zhu Xuanqi really did or said something that could really convince Queen Mother Li.Or some kind of guarantee.Let Queen Mother Li fully trust him.Or maybe Zhu Xuanqi let the little eunuch come back.But he has also expressed his thoughts.Absolutely will not come to Beijing.

If it is the case of these two.So obviously Empress Dowager Li didn't need Zhang Fan to help him guess what Zhu Xuanqi was thinking.I am afraid that Empress Dowager Li will directly order Liu Xian to tie Zhu Xuanqi up.Sent to the capital.

But now Queen Mother Li did not do so.In other words, Empress Dowager Li still doesn't know what Zhu Xuanqi's real thoughts are.But Empress Dowager Li also didn't intend to let Zhang Fan go over to help her make a detailed analysis.If so.What news did they bring back.What is Queen Mother Li thinking in her heart?Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng really didn't think about it at all.I just can't figure it out.

And now.what's going on.No matter how smart they are.But I can't guess it.Everything can only wait until Feng Bao comes back.Ask him again.

Say Cao Cao and Cao Cao will arrive.Just when Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng couldn't make up their minds.Prepare to put this thing aside for now.Let's talk about it after Feng Bao arrives.Feng Bao came back at this time.

Speaking up.Feng Bao was a big celebrity in court.Said that no one knew him.It is not too much to know that no one knows.And no matter where Feng Bao went.They are also very eye-catching.But no matter when.Feng Bao has never been as eye-catching as he is now.Almost above the palace.Go up to the little emperor Zhu Yijun sitting on the dragon chair.Those who have just come down to the early dynasty are eligible to enter here.Even the guard standing by the door.certainly.Perhaps these guards are unaware of what is happening today.Even if you know it, you don't care too much about it.all in all.No matter who has anything to do with it or not.Now everyone is staring at Feng Bao.

Feng Bao was also different this time.If in the past.When being stared at by so many people.Feng Bao will definitely not look a little uncomfortable.Instead, hold your head high.Showing a very confident look.

But now Feng Bao doesn't care about these things.It was as if he didn't feel that anyone was watching him at all.This is for Feng Bao.It is indeed a very unusual phenomenon.certainly.If you look at it in relation to what is happening today.This is not normal.It is not incomprehensible.all in all.this matter.There are just too many weirdnesses.

And Feng Bao's abnormal situation.It is indeed very appropriate.

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