The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1429 Everyone is happy

"Your Majesty, the maidservant was called up by the Queen Mother to talk about something and delayed the court affairs. I only come now. I hope Your Majesty will punish me." Feng Bao didn't care at all about the strange eyes of the people in Chaodian staring at him. Said to Zhu Yijun respectfully.

Zhu Yijun seemed to be a little different because of Feng Bao's different behavior than usual. Obviously, at this time, as an emperor, he should naturally behave like an emperor, but at this moment, Zhu Yijun also felt strange because of Feng Bao, or what happened now, because of Feng Bao's unusual actions. All in all, Zhu Xuanqi was momentarily stunned by Feng Bao's words. Yes, after a while he said: "No need, since the queen mother is looking for you, there must be something very important. Since you have come back, it is naturally the best, hurry up and start the morning court, I want to come to you Ai Qing has been waiting anxiously, too."

"Yes, Your Majesty, this servant girl will start now," and Feng Bao nodded immediately, indicating that he understood.

In fact, today's scene is not necessary. Although Feng Bao, as the eunuch in charge of ceremonies, still needed him in the early court. At present, both the emperor and the ministers have arrived. Even if Feng Bao is not there, the court should start early.

But now, no matter whether it is the emperor or the ministers, they are all waiting for Feng Bao's arrival. In fact, it is not because Feng Bao is already important, but without him, he cannot go to court early, nor is Feng Bao's power so great that everyone All can't ignore his situation, but because of what happened about Zhu Xuanqi now.

Feng Bao was called to the Empress Dowager Li. Even though no news was disclosed, everyone present knew what Feng Bao was there for, and that matter was something that all those present were concerned about. They all wanted to know what happened as soon as possible, so they waited here for Feng Bao's arrival instead of going early.

It's just that Feng Bao came back, but he didn't say anything about the matter they were concerned about, which also disappointed everyone present, and after being disappointed, everyone became even more disappointed. I don't have the mind to go to the morning court again, and everyone is staring at Feng Bao, but Feng Bao is really unusual now, even though so many people are staring at him, he still has no unnatural reaction at all, no You will feel elated, and you don't have that kind of feeling like a light on your back at all. It still looks natural. This can't help but make everyone present have some thoughts. What happened, is it because of the incident that made him like this, or is Feng Bao just playing tricks and pretending to be so natural.

Which kind it is, the people present have no way to see from the current Feng Bao, and if Feng Bao has no intention of revealing it, they will not know, not to mention, it is not a suitable one at all. If there is no chance to ask Feng Bao, even after the morning court, the only people who can take the initiative to ask Feng Bao about this matter without being looked down upon by Feng Bao, and who can still ask questions are only Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng. There are two people.

But there is no way to reassure the ministers present. After all, even if Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng asked Feng Bao for some news, Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng might not tell them the news, so what is it? Although they will always know the situation in the end, at least it will take a while. This kind of thing makes these people very uncomfortable. After all, there are countless people behind them staring at them, asking them to Quickly inquire about this matter, in short, these people are now busy because of this matter that has nothing to do with them.

Of course, the best situation is that there is nothing important in this matter that needs to be kept secret from others, so Feng Bao can say this matter very naturally in the court hall, that would be the best.

However, the current situation is not what they want. Feng Bao didn't mention this matter at all, and what he said was what should be said in the morning court on weekdays. , there is no way to satisfy other people who have strong doubts about these important things.

All in all, this morning court has become more painful for many people, and they always feel that this morning court has become more difficult, but they have no way to change this situation. No matter what, if Feng Bao is not willing to say If it is, they have no way to force Feng Bao to say it, and now, they don't even have the right to ask.

Finally, the things that should be done in daily life are done, and then, it seems that it is time to go to court. Just when everyone feels disappointed, Feng Bao obviously will not let them be so disappointed.

"Your Majesty," Feng Bao suddenly said to Zhu Yijun when he was about to go down to court, "The Queen Mother has explained something to the servant, and I hope that Your Majesty will allow the servant to say it in court."

Zhu Yijun was also stunned by Feng Bao's words, but he also recovered quickly, and immediately said: "Since it is the mother's oral order, naturally there is no need to think about it, you just say it yourself."

As for Feng Bao's words, almost everyone present reacted. After all, what Feng Bao said was very clear. This matter was explained by the Empress Dowager Li. Empress Dowager Li has to explain something, obviously, no matter how you think about it, what Feng Bao wants to say now is only that one thing.

Therefore, when Feng Bao said these words, almost all the people present perked up their ears and stared at Feng Bao, waiting for him to say the next thing.

But at this time, those smart people can almost guess what will happen. Although they are like everyone else, they still have to wait for Feng Bao to confirm what he said, but their hearts are already full of doubts. It's a lot easier.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this truth is not a troublesome thing. If the Empress Dowager Li received any bad news, or the Empress Dowager Li had already learned about it from the people who came back to report, even if it was guessed that Zhu Xuanqi wanted to If something goes wrong, the Empress Dowager Li will immediately take corresponding countermeasures.

If that is the case, no matter what the so-called countermeasure is, it is definitely very unfavorable to Zhu Xuanqi, and it is absolutely impossible for Feng Bao to wait until the court council has finished talking about all the daily things before speaking about this kind of thing. I'll tell you when I get there.

But Feng Bao did not do this. Instead, he waited until all the things that should be said in the court council were finished before talking about this matter. That is to say, this matter is not that important. It's not meant to be first.

In this way, it becomes very easy to guess what kind of situation it is. The easiest thing to think about is that no matter what Zhu Xuanqi said, he obviously accepted the imperial edict and planned to go to the capital, regardless of what Zhu Xuanqi said. No matter how he said it, all in all, Empress Dowager Li believed what he said.

But no matter what it is, at least for Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng, this should be the best ending for this matter.

"I just received the news today," Feng Bao said, "Because His Majesty is grateful for the love of the same clan, he issued an imperial decree to announce that Zhu Xuanqi, the king of Shuduan, has entered the capital. The king of Shuduan has already received the imperial decree and complied with it. This time In a hurry, the king of Shuduan, I think that preparations have already begun, and he should be able to enter Beijing in a month's time, so the ministers in the court also need to make some preparations, especially the lords of the Ministry of Rites. King Shuduan is His Majesty My dear uncle, this matter of etiquette is absolutely indispensable.

"Our family is only passing on the Queen Mother's oral instructions. I think you adults know better than our family what to do in the future. We will not say more about the rest of the matter."

"Your Majesty, I would like to obey the Queen Mother's order," said the people below in unison.

Although the words are loud, these people are thinking different things in their hearts, but no matter how different things they think, they all know the same news, that is, Zhu Xuanqi has accepted After issuing the imperial decree, I intend to go to the capital. This matter is the most important thing. After all, this is equivalent to explaining that no matter what happened before, Zhu Xuanqi obviously has figured it out, and he does not intend to continue to follow The court was right.

This is naturally a good thing, and for these people, they can also have a good explanation for the princes behind them. After all, as long as nothing happens to Zhu Xuanqi, other princes will not because of this matter. And being implicated, you won't become frightened because of this matter.

This is a good thing, whether it is for those who have other ideas, or for Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng, who just hope that this matter will not become a big deal and cause any trouble. Good news, as long as you can get through this matter peacefully, that would be the best.

Today's morning court ended under such an atmosphere, and those who ended the morning court all looked happy.

Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng were equally happy, but they couldn't just leave like this. They had to go to Feng Bao and inquire about it from him. There are some things that need to be clarified, and we can't just settle things so vaguely,

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