"Master Zhang." Feng Bao after bowing down.Naturally, there was no intention of leaving.After all he knows.What I said just now.Naturally, someone will come to talk to him after the morning.certainly.Feng Bao is not the kind of person who just thinks about such simple things.He also thinks clearly.Someone who will come to him at this time.Actually no one else.There are only Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng.

And the fact turned out to be as he expected.After going down to court.The others either talked directly to each other and left; or they just looked at him.Although it is obvious that there is something to say.But he dared not come over and say anything.And except for these people.Only Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng came to him.

certainly.It is naturally impossible for Feng Bao to think wrong about this kind of thing.And now it was Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng who walked in front of him.

Looking at two people.Feng Bao naturally said hello first: "Speaking of it, you two. Now this matter can have such an ending. Presumably, it is what you two want to see. Since Zhu Xuanqi has already accepted the imperial edict, he also agrees. He is going to come to the capital. And it won’t be a month. He will be there. As long as he waits until then, this matter will be over. In this way, everyone is happy. Wouldn’t it be the best. "

"Elder-in-law's words are right. By then, nothing will happen." Zhang Juzheng naturally agrees with Feng Bao's words.But after these words were spoken.Zhang Juzheng also changed into a pair that was not very pleasant.With some gloomy expression. "It's just that. It would be nice if this matter could really go so smoothly."

Zhang Juzheng's words.Both Zhang Fan and Feng Bao turned their heads to look at him.Speaking up.This really surprised the two of them.After all, this matter has come to this time.And it's all said and done.Obviously, there should be no more problems.But Zhang Juzheng still said such words.This couldn't help but make the two of them feel strange.

"The teacher's words. What do you mean?" Zhang Fan was the first to ask.Although he didn't know what Zhang Juzheng's words meant.But listen to what Zhang Juzheng said just now.Obviously not like a good thing.And this thing.Zhang Juzheng and Zhang Fan had the same idea.They don't want anything to happen.Now Zhang Juzheng has these worries again.Zhang Fan naturally wanted to ask and understand.What is the situation.

For this matter.Consideration from beginning to end.Zhang Fan has much more than Zhang Juzheng.What kind of situation will appear in this.At the same time, some bad situations will arise.Zhang Fan basically considered everything.Of course.this kind of thing.Just relying on one person.I'm afraid it may not be so complete that I can consider it.But at least.Zhang Fan also felt that Zhang Juzheng could imagine the situation.I should have thought of it all.And now.Zhang Juzheng showed such a worried expression again.This really made Zhang Fan a little confused.

"Yes. Master Zhang." It's not just Zhang Fan.Even Feng Bao looked puzzled.asked. "The queen mother has already said it clearly. As long as Zhu Xuanqi can come to the capital, the past will be written off. In this way, there will be no problems. Why is Master Zhang still so worried?"

"That's right. The Empress Dowager said it before." Zhang Juzheng sighed.Said. "It's just that. In the end, it's us who are courtiers. It's just an agreement with the queen mother. What if the queen mother has other ideas. Just in case... just in case after Zhu Xuanqi comes to the capital. After the mother... " Zhang Juzheng said later.It was already spoken with the smallest voice.If Zhang Fan and Feng Bao hadn't listened carefully.I'm afraid it may not be audible.

only.How could this not be heard.Originally what Zhang Juzheng wanted to say.It was enough to make Zhang Fan and Feng Bao curious.And even after that.Zhang Juzheng just vented his anger and kept silent.But what he had to say.The two still understand.And Zhang Juzheng.He couldn't even wait until he had finished speaking.The sleeve was pulled by Zhang Fan and stopped.

"Teacher..." Zhang Fan said this.His eyes were still looking around. "You can't say these words indiscriminately." If there were only three of them.Naturally it doesn't matter.But Zhang Fan was just afraid.Zhang Juzheng's words will be heard by outsiders.After all, this is no small matter.In case anyone finds out.If you want to do something.That can become quite troublesome.

"Yes. Master Zhang." Feng Bao also looked surprised.Said to Zhang Juzheng. "These words must not be said indiscriminately. Let's talk about it. We all know what kind of temper the queen mother has. What's more, since the queen mother has made a promise. As long as Zhu Xuanqi comes to the capital, then naturally nothing will happen. Master Zhang and you need to worry indiscriminately."

"That's right. The queen mother has promised us. As long as Zhu Xuanqi can come to the capital in response to the edict, the past will be forgotten." Zhang Juzheng nodded.So said.But his complexion also became more and more dignified. "But you must never forget. The Empress Dowager is the Empress Dowager. If His Majesty said these words, regardless of His Majesty's age, I will definitely believe it. There is no doubt at all. But now, these words are the Empress Dowager It was said. What's more, it was said to the end. It was only said by the Queen Mother. There was no record. This point. Have you thought about it."

These words of Zhang Juzheng.Both Zhang Fan and Feng Bao were stunned.It's not that they couldn't understand the meaning of Zhang Juzheng's words.In fact, what Zhang Juzheng wanted to say.They couldn't be more clear.

Among Zhang Juzheng's words.Named over and over again.Say these words.It was the Queen Mother who made this promise.And this Queen Mother.It's not just Queen Mother Li.It refers to the word "Queen Dowager".this appellation.and what the title stands for.

The queen mother is not the emperor.And the emperor is the honor of the ninth five.Words spoken.do things.Naturally, it is necessary to keep a promise.But the Queen Mother.Obviously there is no need to do so.It's not that being a queen mother doesn't mean you don't need to walk the talk.You can go back on what she promised at will.And even as the queen mother.When it was done like this.will still be blamed.

But this truth.But it doesn't apply to what's happening today.To know.Empress Dowager Li's hatred for Zhu Xuanqi.That's pretty obvious already.After all, Zhu Xuanqi actually did such a thing.And Queen Mother Li wanted to find a way to punish him.It also paid a lot.Just let him go now.Not to mention Queen Mother Li.I am afraid that anyone else will consider this matter from the perspective of Empress Dowager Li.It may not be easy to nod and agree.

However, although Queen Mother Li was also hesitant about this matter.But she finally made such a promise.But this promise.But it doesn't have to be followed.You can't go back on your word.

just in case.Empress Dowager Li did this.In fact, it is just to let them who are ministers stop worrying.Just gave them a comfort.But wait until Zhu Xuanqi enters Beijing.Immediately send someone to take him down.This kind of thing may not happen.

certainly.What Zhang Fan and Feng Bao were thinking about before was.Now that Queen Mother Li has made that kind of promise.This possibility no longer exists.After all, what if Empress Dowager Li really did this.Naturally someone would blame her.

But if we start from Zhang Juzheng's perspective.This matter is not so difficult to consider.To know.Empress Dowager Li is the empress dowager.And the Queen Mother.Not the emperor.Moreover.The queen mother is a woman.rather than men.It doesn't matter if it's prejudice.Call it a privilege.all in all.Even if the Empress Dowager Li really did this kind of thing that did not keep her promise.Even if someone would accuse her of not keeping her promise.But practically speaking.This is no big deal to Queen Mother Li at all.

Even if she will be accused of not being faithful.so what.To know if she did that.All for the sake of his son being able to have a stable court after he takes charge in the future.A world of peace and prosperity.That's all.Even she would be blamed.So what.It's just my own infidelity.In exchange for a peaceful world for his son.No matter how you think about this kind of thing.All very affordable.

and.Even she would be blamed.so what.It was she who was the mother who was blamed.Do queen mother.And her baby son.Today's emperor.Naturally, no one would accuse him of anything.What's more, after Zhu Yijun takes power in the future.She is the queen mother.Retreat to the deep palace.Even outsiders want to accuse her of something.She can also not care.Just ignore it.

What Zhang Juzheng was thinking about was this aspect.And after Zhang Juzheng's mention.Both Zhang Fan and Feng Bao also wanted to understand the reason behind this.

But although I want to understand.But this matter is not just something that can be done if you want to understand it.even though.This situation has come to the present.It was just Zhang Juzheng's guess.And not with any little basis.It was all Zhang Juzheng's worry alone.

But what Zhang Juzheng said was not without reason.It is even very likely that Queen Mother Li planned it that way.if it is like this.At that time, what if Zhu Xuanqi is really caught.And then...then it would still be a mess.

But even though he clearly understands this truth.But even thought of it.Now they have nothing to do.Although they understand that Queen Mother Li repents, they have nothing to do.But now it is impossible for them to say anything in front of Queen Mother Li.After all this promise.Queen Mother Li has already made it.

It was obvious that things were about to be resolved.And one possibility proposed by Zhang Juzheng.Once again, this matter became difficult to handle.What will the future hold.There is still no conclusion.

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