The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1434 Not Appropriate

Feng Bao's worry was not without reason. In fact, what Feng Bao was worried about was also what Zhang Fan was worried about. It's just that at that time, no matter how Zhang Fan looked at it, he couldn't tell what Yu'er was really like. If there is any problem, ambition must be there. Although it is really strange to say that such a young girl has ambition, but for Zhang Fan, he does not think so.

For Zhang Fan, being ambitious is not a bad thing. What's more, this kind of ambition, as I said before, is completely used in the harem. Zhang Fan doesn't want to, and has no right to ask about such things. Zhang Fan never planned to ask too many questions.

But now, even Feng Bao raised the same question, regardless of other things, the most basic point is that Zhang Fan knows that his intuition is not wrong, and it is not a mistake to have that kind of doubt about Yu'er before. After all, Feng Bao feels it now, but the problem is that no matter whether it is himself or Feng Bao, in short, even the two of them have all figured out this problem, but relying on the two of them, there is still no way to determine whether Yu What kind of plan does the son have.

But in the end, although the two still haven't figured it out, this matter is irrelevant now. After all, although the two of them haven't figured it out, they have already figured out what to do. Anyway, even if Zhu Yijun takes charge At least there are still six or seven years of work, and during these six or seven years, not only will they figure out what kind of thoughts this Yu'er is harboring, but at that time, as long as they think, they will There are still many ways to deal with this Yu'er.

"But speaking of it, there is someone in our family who thinks it's good." Now that this matter has been figured out, no matter what Zhang Fan does, Feng Bao has become a little more relaxed, and said to Zhang Fan with a smile, "It was also last year. During the draft, the maid who just entered the palace, in terms of age, is about the same as the Yuer we just mentioned, "

"Oh." Hearing Feng Bao say this again, Zhang Fan was really interested this time, and couldn't help asking Feng Bao with a smile, "What's the matter with your father-in-law recently? Is it true that you have nothing to do and you are so interested in me?" The maids in the palace became interested, "Although there are many eunuchs and maids in the palace, there is indeed that kind of relationship, anyway, it's just for fun, but Zhang Fanke never knew that Feng Bao also had this hobby Of course, what Zhang Fan said was just to tease Feng Bao. After all, Feng Bao had already said that the other party was as old as that Yu'er.

But speaking of it, Zhang Fan was the only one who dared to tease Feng Baolai like this. Of course Zhang Juzheng could do it too, but obviously Zhang Juzheng would not dare to do such a thing.

"Master Zhang was joking." Sure enough, Feng Bao was not angry when he heard Zhang Fan's teasing. Don't do that kind of thing, but what our family said is true, this girl, our family really likes it, "

"I don't know who the father-in-law is talking about," Zhang Fan also came to be curious, "It's not easy to be so respected by the father-in-law."

"Simple and not simple, our family won't say it," Feng Bao nodded and said, "It's just that our family can always see her during this time. Our family thinks that this girl knows the rules very well, and she is a little She's not perverse, she's very well-behaved, our family has also inquired around, and her family background is not bad, but it's a pity that she entered the palace too early, if not, she will be a good candidate for the empress in the future."

Zhang Fan really didn't expect Feng Bao to have thought so far, and began to consider Zhu Yijun's queen candidate, but speaking of it, although there are still four or five years before Zhu Yijun gets married, in fact In other words, these four or five years are also fleeting, even if you think about it from now on, there is nothing wrong with it.

Of course, the emperor's big marriage is naturally extremely important. With Feng Bao as an eunuch, even if he is a great eunuch, he can't do this kind of thing in his own right. However, although he does this kind of thing It's irrelevant, but it doesn't mean that he has no influence on this matter. In fact, speaking of it, Zhu Yijun's wedding partner, that is, the queen's candidate, Feng Bao definitely has a decisive influence .

Why, I don't even think about it, who will decide this matter in the end, it is naturally the Queen Mother Li, and when the time comes, there must be a lot of candidates in front of the Queen Mother Li, let her choose, and at this time, Even if it was intentional or unintentional, it would not be surprising for Empress Dowager Li to ask Feng Bao, or even if Feng Bao spoke up on his own initiative without Empress Dowager Li asking. At this time, Feng Bao's words are entirely possible Changing Queen Mother Li's mind will ultimately affect the selection of the queen.

Of course, this matter sounds really evil. If you say it this way, when the time comes to choose a queen for the emperor, as long as Feng Bao is bribed, then everything will be easy to talk about, but in fact, this kind of thing In the final analysis, even if he has a great influence, it is still wired.

In short, Feng Bao's thoughts are very important, but they are not all. Now, before the day that is still four or five years away, Feng Bao has already begun to think about this matter, that is, Said, no matter how I think about it, it seems that the girl is really good, and Feng Bao can praise her so much.

"Elder-in-law don't want to be a fool anymore," Zhang Fan said, "Hearing what Eunuch said, I am also very curious, who is Eunuch looking for?"

"Speaking of this person, Mr. Zhang should be very familiar with him, no, he should be very familiar with her father," Feng Bao said with a smile, "If our family remembers correctly, Mr. Zhang has a It’s called the commander of Wang Chaoqi, and our family is talking about his daughter Wang Shuyuan.”

When Feng Bao said the name, Zhang Fan immediately understood that it was Wang Shuyuan.

"It seems that Mr. Zhang knows it." Seeing Zhang Fan's expression, Feng Bao understood, and suddenly Feng Bao raised his head and said, "Look at our family's memory. People in the palace mentioned that the reason why the Empress Dowager put a beautiful girl who has not passed the draft by her side is because she heard Master Zhang said about Wang Shuyuan, it seems that Master Zhang has indeed seen her before."

"That's natural," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "I haven't seen that girl much, but I have seen it, and after just a few meetings, I have the same opinion as my father-in-law. It's very clear, although I still don't know it very clearly, but hearing what my father-in-law said, I think she did nothing wrong in the Palace of Compassion and Ning during this time, "

"It's not just that there are no mistakes, this girl is very stable in doing things," Feng Bao said with a smile, "and she doesn't have any arrogance at all. Whenever she encounters something she doesn't understand, she is willing to ask. She also has a very good temper, and the most important thing is that our family has seen her for a while, and found that this girl really has no thoughts at all. The so-called three-year-old looks old, and at her age, she is in the palace again. The queen mother has been here for half a year, and she has no other thoughts. It is really not easy. If she is allowed to be His Majesty's queen, the harem will be much more stable in the future."

"Yes," Zhang Fan nodded following Feng Bao's words, but although Zhang Fan said so, he didn't think so in his heart. Why, because Wang Shuyuan and Zhu Yijun's tempers are too bad. It's too much, it's completely different. Wang Shuyuan is indeed very stable and has no noisy nature, but Zhu Yijun is not like that.

If Wang Shuyuan really became Zhu Yijun's queen, Wang Shuyuan would not be able to restrain Zhu Yijun at all, and even the harem would not be able to manage it well. After all, the palace is not a place where you keep faith and I don't do anything. , or even the other way around, when you see you are easy to bully, you will go up.

But Zhang Fan didn't intend to remind Feng Bao anything, anyway, this matter is still very early, so let's do it now.

In short, this matter can be regarded as being on the mind first. As for what to do in the future, there is no need to think about it for the time being. After chatting with Feng Bao again, Zhang Fan bid farewell to Feng Bao and went to work. Going to the Qing Palace, although I have already made up my mind not to think about Yu'er for the time being, but the matter has already been said, how can I not go back and think about it now, maybe Feng Bao also has the same idea as Zhang Fan Bar.

Originally, there was a sutra banquet today, which was given by Zhang Siwei. Naturally, Zhang Fan would not disturb the sutra feast, so he planned to wait outside the Qianqing Palace, and then enter after the sutra feast was over.

However, due to the delay in chatting with Feng Bao about Yu'er, by the time Zhang Fan came to Qianqing Palace, a lot of time had passed, and the sutra feast was almost over, but For a while, Zhang Fan stood in front of the palace gate, planning to wait for Zhang Siwei to come out before entering.

And during this period of time, while Zhang Fan was doing nothing, he couldn't help thinking about Yu'er again. The figure of my son is gone.

When Yu'er saw Zhang Fan, she also went to him, saluted very politely, and called out: "Master Zhang,"

Looking at Yu'er in front of him, Zhang Fan didn't know what to say for a while,

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