The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1435 The So-Called Envy

Zhang Fan was still thinking about Yu'er just now.I didn't expect it to take so long.Yu'er stood in front of her.Looking at Yu'er.After all, he was still thinking about her just now.Zhang Fan saw her standing in front of him at this moment.All of a sudden.Zhang Fan felt some strange emotions in his heart.

It also seems to be because of this surprise and weirdness.Zhang Fan felt that he should say something at this time: "Your Majesty, is the sutra banquet over?" Asking such a matter is fundamentally obvious.

"Not yet." But Zhang Fan's panic was only in his heart.On the surface, it didn't show up.So Yu'er didn't notice it either.replied. "Master Zhang is still teaching the scriptures for His Majesty. Today's lecture is "The Great Learning". But it is almost over. Master Zhang, please wait a moment."

"Speaking of which, I saw you after I came back last time. I haven't spoken to you yet." Zhang Fan said suddenly. "I just have time this time. If you have nothing to do, just tell me how you are talking. I just met your father before. He also asked me about your situation in the palace. It seems that you are doing well now. If you want to come, your father can do it too." Don't worry." Of course.The rest of this was made up by Zhang Fan himself.Although it is because of the previous things.The relationship between Zhang Fan and Zheng Seung Heon has become better now.However, it has not yet reached the point where they can meet and talk anytime, anywhere.This time Zhang Fan came back.It has been half a month now.But in fact, Zheng Seung Heon met with Zhang Fan when he just came back.After saying two sentences, he didn't say anything more.Not to mention asking Zhang Fan to help inquire about Yu'er.certainly.Naturally, Yu'er would not know about this kind of thing.That's why Zhang Fan said that.

"It's really bothering Mr. Zhang." No matter how clever Yu'er is.No problem was found in Zhang Fan's words.In fact, Yu'er has no idea what Zhang Fan thinks of him now.I also don't know Zhang Fan's suspicion of her. "My father cares a lot about Yu'er, but he wants to bother Mr. Zhang. Yu'er is really sorry." What's more.Yu'er couldn't think of it at all.Zhang Fan has no reason to doubt and deceive himself.So she was very grateful for Zhang Fan's words.After all, it depends on Zhang Fan's identity.But she will come to care about her, a maid who has just entered the palace.It is indeed not easy.

certainly.This is only limited to Zhang Fan.If it is someone else's words.I'm afraid Yu'er will feel it.This may be those who feel that they can come to clean the palace just after entering the palace.The jealousy of those who follow the emperor.But Zhang Fan.Yu'er doesn't think so.After all, based on the relationship between Zhang Fan and Zhu Yijun.Zhang Fan did not need this at all.

Actually.If you really say it.Yu'er even regarded Zhang Fan as the goal of her own efforts.This is a bit strange to say.After all, there are two of them.Different identities.Even gender is different.But Yu'er is a court lady.But he would envy Zhang Fan.certainly.This sentiment comes down to it.It's just because she has ambition in her heart.

certainly.In Yu'er's view.She is just envious.I just envy the relationship between Zhang Fan and Zhu Yijun.But just envious.She is not jealous.For nothing else.She felt that she had an advantage over Zhang Fan.After all, she is the same age as Zhu Yijun.But Zhang Fan is too much older than Zhu Yijun.Even now the relationship between the two of them is very good.But another ten years.In another 20 years.What will happen then.I'm afraid everything is uncertain.

not to mention.For Yu'er.She has one more important thing.She is a woman.Even though she can only be regarded as a girl now.But after all, she is a woman.It will naturally grow up in the future.And when she grows up...

certainly.Maybe for a child.It is too early to consider these issues now.But even that is too early.But that doesn't mean it's wrong to think so.And actually.Yu'er's thoughts.It couldn't be more true.

And Yu'er's idea.What really matters isn't here yet.The main thing is.Today's Zhang Fan can't see that Yu'er has such thoughts at all.It's not because of how well Yu'er concealed herself.But the main thing is.Even the expression on Yu'er's face.Reflected the thoughts in her heart.But for Zhang Fan.He is absolutely unexpected.Yu'er would have such thoughts at this age.Even Zhang Fan now has doubts about Yu'er in his heart.He is also unexpected.

In short.The current situation has become such a strange appearance.Although Zhang Fan had doubts about Yu'er in his heart.But he couldn't be sure either.Even Zhang Fan felt it.Maybe Yu'er can accompany Zhu Yijun.It might also be a good thing.

And the same.Yu'er didn't know that Zhang Fan was doubting herself.But for Yu'er.Her disadvantage is that she can't see through Zhang Fan's mind at all; of course.Where there are disadvantages, there are naturally advantages.And her advantage is that she is still young.Even if you have any thoughts in your heart.Even on the outside it can't be concealed.But even if it is seen.But he wouldn't doubt her either.

"I'm relieved to hear you say that." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "In that case. I will sue your father about your matter. In this way, your father can rest assured. You don't have to worry about the rest. Your Majesty. Although Your Majesty is indeed a bit stubborn sometimes. But if you want to come, you can also Cope with it. This way, I can relax a lot."

"Thank you, Master Zhang, Yu'er." Yu'er also bowed down to thank Zhang Fan.

While the two were talking.Zhang Siwei walked out of the palace.

"Master Zhang." Zhang Siwei saw Zhang Fan and Yu'er just as he walked out.But he didn't care about Yu'er at all.There are too many maids in this palace.He doesn't need to care.On the contrary, he wanted to say something to Zhang Fan.

"In this case, Yu'er will leave." Naturally, Yu'er will not delay.After saying that, he turned and left.

"Master Zhang. The Jingyan is over." Zhang Fan also let go of Yu'er.Turning to look at Zhang Siwei.Say hello to him. "Today is going well."

Zhang Fan asked if everything went well.This is a sentence that makes Zhang Siwei a little helpless.After all, what kind of temper did Zhu Yijun look like.No one in the court knows now.certainly.It's not that Zhu Yijun is being blamed.Even if he is the emperor.There should also be responsibilities and obligations as an emperor.But now the people in the court are not assholes to the point where they can't tell the difference between adults and children.not to mention.Zhu Yijun was born in such an environment.Even if he is enthroned now.But it can still maintain such an original character.This was originally an easy task.Maybe you should be happy about it.

really.Hearing Zhang Fan's question.Zhang Siwei shook his head helplessly.laughed.Said to Zhang Fan: "Master Zhang, your majesty's temper. I think you are much clearer than me. Speaking of which, your majesty is very smart. Above the scriptures, no matter what you are talking about. Just a little explanation. Your majesty will be able to understand it immediately." Come to understand. It's just His Majesty's temperament. It's not the kind who can sit and listen honestly. This little sutra banquet is fine. It doesn't matter if Your Majesty is dishonest. As long as you can listen to it. Anyway No one else is watching. But if it's time for the banquet, it will be troublesome."

Hearing what Zhang Siwei said.Zhang Fan also couldn't help laughing.The previous few sutra feasts.Whether Zhang Fan is the commander of Jinyiwei or the official title of Taifu.All must be present.And those few times.Although Zhu Xuanqi didn't make any big moves.But there are still many small moves.And every time.There are quite a few times that the lecturer points to it.

original.This kind of thing will naturally damage the majesty of the emperor.Even if it is serious.Maybe someone will play or something later.But Zhu Yijun is very special.Even if he did something wrong.Or there is some redundant action.He was called by the speaker in front of so many civil and military officials.But he is not shy at all.On the contrary, it looks like it doesn't matter.In addition, Zhu Yijun is really young.In this way.Even if he was called and reminded in front of so many courtiers.But this is not a big deal to Zhu Yijun at all.If so.On the contrary, it made these ministers feel embarrassed.

"However, this little Jingyan is also a Jingyan after all." Zhang Fan also smiled helplessly.Said. "It's not easy to come to Mr. Zhang."

"Compared to it. It's going to trouble Mr. Zhang." Zhang Siwei didn't care much. "Speaking of which, His Majesty is willing to get close to Mr. Zhang. His Majesty can listen to what Mr. Zhang said. In this way, it saves a lot of trouble here.

"Oh, by the way. Mr. Zhang has not been easy recently. The matter of King Shuduan has not been settled yet. But this matter, Mr. Zhang knows it well. And I think it's probably nothing. It's a matter of the Northeast After a while, I will trouble Mr. Zhang to go there in person.”

"It seems that the cabinet has already reached a conclusion on these matters." Zhang Fan heard Zhang Siwei's words.Also couldn't help laughing. "If you talk about it, I'm afraid there will be a lot of troubles in the cabinet. At that time, the king of Shu will arrive. No matter what, you will come forward. And what the teacher is planning to do now. Although he is asking for my help. But now the things in the northeast Mr. Zhang also mentioned it just now. It seems that Mr. Zhang and the other cabinet ministers have to take care of it."

"Hey. It's nothing. If it's good for the court, then I, Zhang Siwei, will spare no effort." Zhang Siwei said with a smile. "Okay. I won't delay Mr. Zhang anymore. There are still things in the pavilion."

After saying goodbye to Zhang Fan.Zhang Siwei left.

And Zhang Fan.He looked up at the huge Qianqing Palace.This is what went in.

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