The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1437 The time is just right

perhaps.In Zhang Fan's eyes.Zhu Xuanqi's matter is really not trivial.But for Zhu Yijun.This matter is no big deal.It's not that Zhu Yijun doesn't care what kind of situation the chaos and troubles this matter will cause.It's really his age.Even thought of this possibility.But it always makes him think about things on the bright side.

But if you really say it.Zhang Fan felt that Zhu Yijun was right in thinking so.Or.Zhu Yijun would have this idea.This was what Zhang Fan wanted to see.After all, Zhu Yijun is an emperor.And since it is the emperor.Then it is natural to have the demeanor that an emperor can have.The bare minimum.That is, you will never mess yourself up because of this kind of thing.To become irrelevant.Anytime, anywhere.In the case of encountering similar things.All without panic.And a firm belief that things will end smoothly.

certainly.It can't be like this forever.This is the case with any kind of things.But one thing is absolute.Never mess up.And now.Although Zhang Fan couldn't understand Zhu Yijun's self-confidence.The end is blind.Or did he really think about it.will feel irrelevant.But at the very least.Zhu Yijun's performance in dealing with this matter.Zhang Fan really agreed with it.

only.After hearing what Zhu Yijun said.Zhang Fan was also a little helpless.After all, even Zhu Yijun and Queen Mother Li don't care.Don't take it very seriously.Or as a trouble that is easy to solve and the means are neat.But Zhang Fan had no way to do this.

Let's compare it with Zhu Yijun.Even Zhang Fan is so much older than him.But Zhu Yijun is the emperor after all.But no matter what Zhang Fan said, he was just a courtier.There is a huge difference here.Essentially different.And because of that.Zhu Yijun can treat this matter as an insignificant matter.But Zhang Fan couldn't.That's not all he has to think about.

This may be the word of the future. "The leader moved his mouth, and the subordinates broke their legs."certainly.The relationship between Zhang Fan and Zhu Yijun and Queen Mother Li.It's not just as simple as leaders and subordinates.But speaking of words.These two parties really have the same place.

In short.this matter.Now that it has been mentioned to this level by Zhu Yijun.But for Zhang Fan.He also had no way to say anything more.No matter how worried you are.But also can't say anything.

Zhang Fan suddenly felt.It seems that I should visit those temples in the capital during this period of time.Burn incense and pray for blessings.Wish this thing.After Zhu Xuanqi arrived in the able to pass in peace.No trouble at all.But think about it.Zhang Fan started to laugh at himself in his heart.When did I start to become like this.Put your wishes on the body of the gods and Buddhas in the sky.Such an unreliable thing.Replaced with the previous self.Even if you fall into a trap where your life is threatened.But it won't be the case.But now.Such a thought arose in his heart.It's really funny.only.That's funny.Also a helpless wry smile.

"Let's not talk about that. Your Majesty asked the minister to come here today. I don't know why." Zhang Fan seemed to want to temporarily put aside these things in his mind.asked.Speaking up.This was really just what Zhang Fan said in order to change his tone.After all, on weekdays.He will come here.It's not just talking to Zhu Yijun.Or let Zhu Yijun relax.this kind of thing.It is quite a lot.There was absolutely no need for Zhang Fan to ask again.

"That's right. The teacher said that. I remembered it too." Zhu Yijun heard what Zhang Fan said.nodded.Said. "I don't know what news the teacher has received from the Northeast recently. What is the situation there now. I have never been very clear. Ask the people in the palace. Even Feng Bao can't explain it. So I have no choice. I can only Ask the teacher to come and ask to understand."

"So it's about this matter." Zhang Fan heard Zhu Yijun ask about this matter.I also understood.It turned out that Zhu Yijun was still worried about Nurhachi.Think about it too.After Zhang Fan came back.Although I mentioned things about the Northeast to Zhu Yijun.But it doesn't say much.Not to mention that time.There is also the matter of Zhu Xuanqi to consider.So I didn't pay much attention to this matter.At most, it was determined that Zhang Fan would definitely go to the northeast to meet Li Chengliang.

And after that.Zhang Fan took ten days off.Rest at home.Although in these ten days.He also went to the palace to see Zhu Yijun.Talk to him.However, the two did not mention anything about the Northeast.And now those days are over.I think Zhu Yijun is also a little concerned about the situation in the Northeast.I want to ask Zhang Fan to understand.

"Weichen told His Majesty before." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "Originally, I planned to go to the Northeast to meet Li Chengliang in a month. I advised him to prepare to take in the people. But now it seems that this matter will be postponed."

"Postponed." Hearing what Zhang Fan said.Zhu Yijun didn't understand it for a while. "Teacher, what's the delay?" He didn't mean to reprimand Zhang Fan.Because Zhu Yijun knew that Zhang Fan was definitely not the kind of person who didn't know good from bad.He will never do something so ignorant.So since Zhang Fan said so.It must have happened because something happened.therefore.Zhu Yijun just asked that.He didn't intend to reprimand Zhang Fan for anything.He wanted to understand Zhang Fan.What exactly is going on.

"Actually, it happened two days ago." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "Weichen received news from the Northeast. Originally planned to go next month. But now it seems that it will have to be postponed for another month. It's just right. The King of Shu has already replied. He can arrive in the capital in one month. So As soon as I come, Wei Chen will still be in the capital, and I can still meet with the King of Shu. The time is also coming."

"Teacher, tell me what happened in Northeast China." Obviously.Zhu Yijun heard Zhang Fan say this.He also became anxious.

This is Zhu Yijun's appearance.It made Zhang Fan a little funny.Obviously, the affairs of Zhu Xuanqi are compared with the affairs of the Northeast.Should be more.It's what worries him even more.But for Zhu Yijun.Obviously, things in the Northeast are much more important than things in Zhu Xuanqi.Think about it too.After all, he has friends in the Northeast.

"It's not a big deal." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "Your Majesty has heard about it before. In the Northeast, Wang Gao has long thought of rebellion. During this time, he is gathering the tribes of Tumote and Taining. He is planning to rebel. That's why I plan to rebel. In the next month, I will go to the Northeast.

"But now. The situation is different. I don't know who said it before. Or that Wang Gao will kill himself if he does many injustices. In short, he was plotted by the enemy. At the end of last year, it took only one month." There are more than 20 generals under Wang Gao. That is to say, the leaders of various ministries attached to Wang Gao were assassinated and killed.

"Although Wang Gao finally sent someone to protect his other generals. But it was too late. Now, he has also re-appointed generals. But the disputes between the leaders of those tribes. Even if they were suppressed by Wang Gao, they secretly It's also very noisy. As a result, Wang Gao's strength is greatly reduced now. That's why he has to join forces with Tumet and Taining to attack my Ming Dynasty. But it is also because Wang Gao's strength is greatly reduced now. Natumed and Taining are now hesitating. They haven’t agreed to Wang Gao’s plan to unite. If so, when will Wang Gao attack? It’s still a question.”

This news was indeed received by Zhang Fan only two days ago.After Zhang Fan received the news.Really happy for a long time.And happy after.After thinking about it, Zhang Fan also realized that this was inevitable.After all, Wang Gao lost so many manpower before.It will be like this now.It is not difficult to consider.

"That is to say..." Hearing what Zhang Fan said.Zhu Yijun couldn't help being happy. "If things are like this now. Maybe. This battle may not be able to be fought yet." The most important thing for Zhu Yijun is not whether he can fight.It's a question of whether his good friend Nurhachi can be safe.And after listening to Zhang Fan's words.He suddenly had this idea.

"That's not true." Zhang Fan smiled and shook his head.Said. "I'm afraid we still have to fight. The tribes of Tumote and Taining. Although they are now vacillating because of Wang Gao's strength, they refuse to submit to Wang Gao. But Wang Gao is powerful after all. Even those tribes now Not to submit. But wait for a while, but he will submit to him. And until then, there will be a battle. But this time will be delayed a lot. In short, this is a matter for us good thing.

"Besides, Weichen has to postpone going to the Northeast. Although it is said that the war will be fought, but he doesn't know when. And if the omen is not too obvious, Li Chengliang may not agree to Weichen's treatment of him. That's what I said. So Weichen plans to go to the Northeast after a while longer. This way, the confidence will be much greater."

Zhang Fan didn't say anything.That's exactly what he had in mind.Although things in the Northeast are important.But the matter of Zhu Xuanqi is equally important.Originally, Zhang Fan was thinking about it.If Zhu Xuanqi came to the capital and he no longer.So what happened because of it.What will happen then.

Compared to what happened because I was no longer.Zhang Fan would rather be here.Maybe I may not be able to help here.But once able to do what.That would be the best.It's better not to regret it later.

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