"That is to say." Zhu Yijun listened to Zhang Fan's explanation.It is understood that what happened in the northeast. "It will take some time for the teacher to go to the Northeast." Zhu Yijun wanted to understand.To be honest, I was a little unhappy in my heart.After all, Zhang Fan also said it.No matter how.This battle is sure to be fought.And obviously.Nurhachi is now in the northeast.Even with Li Chengliang.But once the war comes.Let alone Nurhachi.I'm afraid that even Li Chengliang, who is a general, may not be safe.Not to mention Nurhachi.

In short.What Zhang Fan said.For Zhu Yijun, it was not something he should be happy about.But it is not a negative thing.not to mention.Let's talk about this matter.It's a good thing in comparison.after all.This is the case in the Northeast today.That is.No matter how.Wang Gao's strength has dropped a lot after all.If so.It's time to fight.It's even more beneficial here.And this side is more beneficial.But it can also increase the chances of Nurhachi surviving.That's the main thing.

but.Even so.Zhu Yijun was still worried: "Since the teacher said so, then I won't ask. But since the teacher said, no matter what, there will be a war in the Northeast. Then I have to ask the teacher one more thing. "

"Your Majesty doesn't need to do that," Zhang Fan said. "Sharing Your Majesty's worries is the duty of a humble official as a courtier. Please let Your Majesty just say it."

"If the teacher went to the northeast, I met Nurhachi. Tell him." Zhu Yijun thought for a while.Said. "I'm not asking him to come back. I'm just telling him. Even if it's a fight, let him not be impulsive. He wants to come to Nurhachi. The teacher knows much better than me. In short, please remind him .Don't act impulsively. Even if the enemy is in front of you, you should think twice before acting. Otherwise, you can tell him. If he goes against my will, Li Chengliang will send him back to the capital."

"Wei Chen understands." Zhang Fan looked at Zhu Yijun.He nodded and said.What does Zhu Yijun mean?Zhang Fan naturally couldn't understand it better.After all, Nurhachi's relatives are all dead now.And all of them died at the hands of Wang Gao.certainly.If you really say it.Even the Ming army couldn't get away with that matter.But after all.The cause of that incident was still provoked by Wang Gao.

If it is the original Nurhachi.I didn't meet Zhu Yijun and Zhang Fan's words.I am afraid that even if he understands the responsibility for this matter, it is actually all on Wang Gao.But in the end, he would still take the path that Zhang Fan knew before.But now it is different.Under Zhang Fan's "teaching".He changed his mind.After knowing some things.In addition, he has become friends with Zhu Yijun now.But also because of his relationship with Zhu Yijun.Letting him be by Li Chengliang's side is no longer just as a stable boy.On the contrary, it has become another identity.In short.Today's Nurhachi has changed a lot.his thoughts.

If so.Wait until the war breaks out.What will Nurhachi do.It was not what Zhang Fan could have expected.Although Zhang Fan can be sure of one thing.Nurhachi will never help his grandfather Wang Gao again.He even went to help Li Chengliang.Help Daming here.But to what extent will it help.Zhang Fan didn't know.Although Nurhachi is only slightly older than Zhu Yijun.But the so-called unpredictable.It is not that the difficulty will be reduced according to the age of the person.What's more, Nurhachi has encountered so many things at such an old age.Obviously not easy to predict.

It's just to help with some things.Of course, this is what Zhang Fan and Zhu Yijun hope to see.After all, this is the best way Nurhachi can help.

But the fear is.Nurhachi may not be satisfied with this.Perhaps Nurhachi felt that if it was just that.It's not just that I'm sorry for Zhang Fan and Zhu Yijun's reinvention and friendship; maybe Nurhachi thinks that it's just that.There is still no way to dispel the indignation in his heart; or maybe Nurhachi feels that if it is just that.There is no way to kill the enemy with your own hands.In the future, there will be no way to face relatives who have gone first...

In short.No matter what Nurhachi thinks.Obviously in the eyes of Zhang Fan and Zhu Yijun.It is very likely that he will want to go to the battlefield in person.certainly.This kind of thing is actually very easy to handle.Just talk to Li Chengliang.It is perfectly fine to let him keep a close eye on Nurhachi.

But.Regardless of what Zhu Yijun thinks.Zhang Fan didn't want to do that.It's not because he has any affection for Nurhachi.It was because Zhang Fan considered it from an ordinary point of view.Nurhachi.Although he still doesn't know much about it.But more or less also know some.Nurhachi is young.But the skill is not bad.His temperament has also matured a lot.But he is also a child after all.The mind is not very mature.So it's time.Maybe the more Li Chengliang let him control him.He became more and more unconvinced.And once he.No matter what method he uses.Once he gets to the battlefield.Most likely, life is lost.Zhang Fan started from this angle.That's what thought of this possibility.So I don't want Nurhachi to go to the battlefield in my heart.

And Zhu Yijun.Although he also asked Zhang Fan to make the same request to Nurhachi.But his starting point is different from Zhang Fan's.From the very beginning, Zhu Yijun never thought of asking Li Chengliang to restrain Nurhachi.Not for anything else.Just because the two are friends.In Zhu Yijun's opinion.Friends should understand each other.He and Zhang Fan are like this.So it seems to him.Nurhachi and him should do the same.

And even this thing.Just let Zhang Fan relay it for him.But he also felt that Nurhachi could understand.After all, his identity is the emperor.There is no way to change this.No matter how good the relationship between the two is.It is obviously impossible for Zhu Yijun to go to the northeast to meet him.Let Zhang Fan take the lead.That's a very normal thing.

He felt that Nurhachi would understand him.And understood his intention.He will also agree to his request.Just don't go to the battlefield.Just don't go to war.There will be no life safety.Not to mention this war.Although it hasn't started yet.But after all, Li Chengliang had prepared for so many years.Then go face Wang Gao, that arrogant person.Thinking about it, there should be no problem.So as long as Nurhachi is not impulsive.Do not make any inappropriate actions.You can also survive.

As for the future.Even if it made Nurhachi unhappy with himself.But Zhu Yijun felt that this was not a problem.There will always be a solution in the future.And now don't have to think about it that much.Just focusing on what's in front of you is enough.

"Wei Chen understands." Zhang Fan looked at Zhu Yijun.He nodded solemnly.Said. "I understand what your majesty means. I will definitely take your majesty's words to Nurhachi. And even if he doesn't understand, I will explain to him. As long as he can understand your majesty's intentions, I am willing to listen to your majesty." If so. That's enough."

"Thank you, teacher." Zhu Yijun also nodded. "This matter has to make the teacher worry a lot."

"Since that's the case, then Weichen will go back." Zhang Fan stood up.Said the salute.

"Sigh. The teacher went back so early today." Zhu Yijun felt a little strange.Can't help but ask. "It's already half past time. It will be noon soon. Teacher, why don't you eat here before leaving."

"No, Your Majesty. I still have some things I want to see." Zhang Fan shook his head.Said. "It's about the King of Shu. Although His Majesty said that, I really don't worry too much. But after all, the King of Shu is going to Beijing. We still need to be cautious. It is already five years before the King of Shu received the order." It happened a few days ago. Although the central government has set the time for one month. But if you come from Sichuan, it will not take long. If you think about it, it will be about 20 days. Now there is only half a month left. The King of Shu We are about to arrive in Beijing.

"Although the matters concerning the reception have already been handed over to the Ministry of Rites and the cabinet. However, I am a little concerned. I want to go and have a look."

"In that case, please go, teacher." Zhang Fan said it was about this matter.Zhu Yijun also knew in his heart that Zhang Fan was worried about this matter.I don't intend to keep him anymore.

Zhang Fan left Qianqing Palace.While walking towards the palace gate.Along the way, he was also thinking about what he had said to Zhu Yijun before.About Nurhachi.Obviously.Zhu Yijun really regarded Nurhachi as a good friend.

And what Zhang Fan thought.And it's not just this thing today.It's more about the future.The future Nurhachi.What will happen.More about the relationship between Zhu Yijun.Will it change his life?

certainly.Zhang Fan thought more.It is the future of Nurhachi.What kind of thing will happen to the Jianzhou Jurchen?The future relationship between Daming and Jurchen.What will it be like.

perhaps.It is because of the relationship between Zhu Yijun and Nurhachi.There is no telling what huge changes this will bring about in the future.In short.Zhang Fan was somewhat concerned about this.

Just as Zhang Fan was thinking about these things.Just walked out of the palace gate.He just wanted Wang Degui to escort him to Zhang Juzheng's home.But someone from Jin Yiwei came to find him.

At first Zhang Fan thought that something happened in Weizhong.You have to let him handle it.But after hearing what the person said.Zhang Fan was somewhat interested.

heard.That Zhu Xuanluo.Now I want to see myself.

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