The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1439 So Embarrassing

Speaking up.Zhu Xuanluo has been in the capital for some time.But for Zhang Fan.The last time he saw Zhu Xuanluo was in Sichuan.When he was still in Shu Palace.And after that.Although Zhu Xuanluo can be heard all the time.But Zhang Fan never saw him again.

Speaking up.this time.Although Zhang Fan has been busy with matters related to Zhu Xuanqi.But in fact, he didn't think of Zhu Xuanluo.want to come.If nothing happens.I'm afraid that Zhang Fan might have forgotten Zhu Xuanluo.But now.Someone came to report.Said that Zhu Xuanluo wanted to see himself.This also made Zhang Fan think of Zhu Xuanluo again.

When hearing the news.Zhang Fan didn't make a decision right away.Instead, he thought about it.Speaking up.Zhu Xuanluo came to find him something.Zhang Fan didn't think about it before.But now after hearing the news.Zhang Fan was not surprised at all.think about it.This is indeed how it will become.

Now this matter of Zhu Xuanqi.It's already a riot.It can be said that no one knows, no one knows.Don't say it's in the court.Even the folks seem to know that Shuduan King Zhu Xuanqi is going to Beijing.But this thing.But it wasn't someone who spread it on purpose.But this is not a big problem.After all, the vassal kings from other places came to Beijing.This kind of thing has not happened in a long time.Now Zhu Xuanqi is going to Beijing.Obviously a lot of attention.And if so.No matter how Zhu Xuanluo was locked up.It is no problem to hear this news.

And in this way.It's no wonder Zhu Xuanluo cares about this matter.perhaps.He was worried that Empress Dowager Li was not planning to do anything to Zhu Xuanqi; or he felt that Empress Dowager Li was trying to trick Zhu Xuanqi into the capital.In short.No matter which one.Zhu Xuanluo always felt that he should figure out what was going on.If so.Thinking about it, it's not a bad thing that Zhu Xuanluo would come to beg him.

only.In fact, Zhang Fan knew it in his heart.Even Zhu Xuanluo is from himself in this matter.It is also impossible to get any news.After all, this matter is up to now.Even Zhang Fan himself didn't understand what Empress Dowager Li was thinking.Now Zhu Xuanluo wants to ask something from himself.Obviously impossible.

not to mention.Now let Zhang Fan go to see what Zhu Xuanluo said.It seems that there are some things that are not easy to say to Zhu Xuanluo.Maybe this time.Avoiding it is also a way.Anyway, wait until later.Wait until this matter is really decided.After that, there is no way to change everything.It's okay to see him again.Wait until then.Even Zhu Xuanluo would blame Zhang Fan for something.For Zhang Fan.It doesn't matter anymore.Just find a reason like "this is what the empress dowager meant" and it will be a good way to prevaricate.Even if Zhu Xuanluo was angry, there was nothing he could do.

certainly.Zhang Fan didn't want to do such a terrific thing.Speaking up.Even Zhu Xuanluo came to cooperate with Zhang Fan with many purposes.But at the end of the day.No matter what, Zhu Xuanluo really helped Zhang Fan a lot.And now.Zhu Xuanqi wanted to see himself.Obviously it wasn't because he still wanted Zhang Fan to do something for him.Maybe he just wanted to ask Zhang Fan something.

original.Zhang Fan planned to refuse to see him.But think about it now.It's nothing to go to see Zhu Xuanluo.Anyway, even if Zhu Xuanluo has any requirements.There is nothing I can do.

"Let's go. Go to Zhu Xuanluo's." Zhang Fan figured it out.After giving orders, he got on his horse.

Zhu Xuanluo didn't have a good time during this time.Although it is said that there is no need to worry about food and clothing.And his identity.Although no one would call him son or anything else.But the treatment is not bad at all.Although it can't be called the extremely depraved life of stretching out your clothes to eat and opening your mouth.But compared to his previous days.It's really much better.

Or the only place where you can be a little dissatisfied.This is where he lives now.It's really bad.Although this place.In the capital city, it is also a place that only noble families can afford to live in.but.The surrounding area is really a bit desolate.

Although the scenery inside is not bad.It doesn't make people feel deserted or desolate.There are also many servants who are busy.Just to serve Zhu Xuanluo alone.But all this.But it wasn't what Zhu Xuanluo wanted.even.This gave Zhu Xuanluo a great a child.facing the prison.After arriving at the palace of the king of Shu.Another cage.And now he came to the capital.But he entered such a cage called the royal family again.All in all.Essentially nothing has changed.

And now.Zhu Xuanluo felt quite bad.Obviously I have my own help.I have already grasped the handle of Zhu Xuanqi.Including his own future as well.All were handed over to Zhang Fan and the court.And Empress Dowager Li's hand came up.And wait until he arrives in the capital.However, he did not see the vigorous and resolute actions of Queen Mother Li.On the contrary, after seeing Queen Mother Li again.It became like this.

Even Zhu Xuanluo himself had thought about it.Maybe that's what Empress Dowager Li wanted.It's not to deal with Zhu Xuanqi.Even just to be able to catch Zhu Xuanqi's handle.And wait until it's time to use it.And not now.If so.In other words, his future will only be able to live here.Can't go out.Can't do anything else.Just to wait.Waiting for Queen Mother Li to deal with Zhu Xuanqi.Then pull him out to use.From then on.He exists only as a prop.

Such a thing.Thinking about it, even if it was replaced by anyone, he would not be willing.Let alone Zhu Xuanluo, who once had great ambitions.Zhu Xuanluo will never be reconciled to just go on like this.

But obviously.As long as the court.As long as Queen Mother Li doesn't make any moves.For Zhu Xuanluo, he has no choice.It is impossible for him to meet Queen Mother Li.Even if he wanted to.Even if he said it, no one would help him spread the news.He can't do what he wants to do.His whole being is confined here.This is for Zhu Xuanluo.It's just a prison where he can live very comfortably.

but.Obviously this is not going to go on like this.And Empress Dowager Li is definitely not a character who is only willing to grab other people's handles and leave them alone.After a period of silence.Zhu Xuanluo finally heard the news he wanted.

Actually.It is reported that Zhu Xuanqi went to Beijing.It had already been settled on the second day after Zhang Fan came back.But this matter obviously did not let Zhu Xuanluo know.No one came here to tell him about it.

And Zhu Xuanluo knew about it.Still today.That being said, it's relatively fast.After all this news.It was also just today that it came to the capital.Even the ministers in the court.I didn't even know about this before.It was heard in the morning.Zhu Xuanluo could hear the news today.It's not because someone deliberately revealed this news to him.It can also be regarded as unintentional.

But no matter what.In short, Zhu Xuanluo heard the news.And obviously.After hearing the news, Zhu Xuanluo couldn't calm down at all.Zhu Xuanluo was eager to know what was going on with this matter.All he heard was that Zhu Xuanqi was about to come to Beijing in response to the imperial edict.But what the hell happens after that.He doesn't know.And this matter is related to his future.So he also had to pay attention.

but.Who should he ask about this matter.A person who can be seen and talked to immediately.It is obviously impossible to know the inside story here; and those who know what is going on here.Obviously, it wasn't what Zhu Xuanluo said he could see if he wanted to.Today's Zhu Xuanluo.Even Queen Mother Li has already recognized his identity.It is agreed that he is indeed the direct heir of Zhu Kangwang Zhu Chengyu.But even so.In fact, as long as it is a person with a little relationship.And who doesn't know his current identity.The role of a witness is simply greater than the identity of his son.

at last.Zhu Xuanluo was thinking about it.He had to figure this out.And most importantly.Zhu Xuanluo wanted to give himself hope.Otherwise, just go on like this.Sooner or later he will die.not someone else.Instead, he drove himself crazy.Or maybe the surrounding environment is driving him crazy.

So after careful consideration.Zhu Xuanluo made up his mind.He had to figure out why this matter happened.And who to ask.Zhu Xuanluo thought for a long time.There was only one Zhang Fan who could talk to him.And now it is stationed outside this room.They are also Zhang Fan's people.So think about it anyway.This matter is for him.Now I can only ask Zhang Fan to find out.

so.After thinking about it.Zhu Xuanluo immediately found the people stationed outside.Said that he wanted to see Zhang Fan.And the one who got the news.Did not shirk.He didn't talk to Zhu Xuanluo about anything.He said he understood and left.

For these people.Zhu Xuanluo's request has nothing to do with them.All they have to do is spread the word and protect Zhu Xuanluo.certainly.There is also a responsibility to keep Zhu Xuanluo from disappearing.certainly.There are also restrictions on the so-called transmission of words.There is no problem passing it to Zhang Fan.But it has to be spread to kilometers.As for after the word was passed on.Will Zhang Fan come to see him?It's none of their business.

And Zhu Xuanluo made the right bet this time.Zhang Fan heard the news that Zhu Xuanluo wanted to see him.After thinking for a while.Still planning to meet him.

It's just that Zhang Fan is willing to see him.But after meeting.Will the result make Zhu Xuanluo feel good?This is what anyone can say.But now it seems.When I think about it, all Zhu Xuanluo has is just disappointment.

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