Come out from Zhu Xuanluo.Zhang Fan felt a little emotional.certainly.This feeling.It's not pity or pity for Zhu Xuanluo.In Zhang Fan's opinion.Zhu Xuanluo will fall into this dilemma today.It was entirely his own fault.Who told him to be born in the royal family?

certainly.If you speak up.People can't choose what kind of family they are born into.Regardless of whether it is for people like Zhu Xuanluo and Zhu Yijun who were born in the emperor's family.Or for those who were born into poor families.They don't have a choice.Just accept it all.Say these people are poor.There is nothing wrong with that.

But Zhu Xuanluo is different.After all, Zhu Xuanluo once had a chance to escape from this vicious circle.As long as he doesn't go back to the Shu Palace.He didn't want to take back what should belong to him.These things just don't happen.not to mention.Him at that time.Already has a superb martial arts.You can get along wherever you want.If so.future him.Or need to wander in the rivers and lakes.But there will be no such troubles today.On the contrary.In this way he is free.Even sometimes you have to face the test that endangers your own life.But there is no such sense of restraint.

And now.Zhu Xuanluo had to face the situation in front of him.Although from now on.Live worry-free.To be able to live a life where the clothes can be stretched out to eat and the mouth to be opened.There is no need to go to the rivers and lakes to work hard.It will not endanger your own life at all.But such a day.Is it really what Zhu Xuanluo wants?Perhaps the former him thought that doing so was possible for him to get back what belonged to him.But think about it anyway.Thinking about it, Zhu Xuanluo would feel regretful now.

therefore.What happened to Zhu Xuanluo.Zhang Fan thought clearly.Said he was poor.There are some.But this kind of pathetic.But it is not worthy of sympathy at all.After all, his current situation.All are caused by his own greed.This kind of thing can't be blamed on others.It is definitely not worth making others feel sorry for him.After all.Just four words.It's your own fault.

Organized my mood.Zhang Fan went to Zhang Juzheng's home.I've said it before.Now that the news of Zhu Xuanqi's coming to the capital has been confirmed.Then it is natural to start preparations in the capital.These things are originally the affairs of the Ministry of Rites.And there are other things.People from the cabinet also need to stand up and discuss.Zhang Juzheng is a cabinet minister of the first assistant university.He also holds the official title of Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites.He is naturally indispensable to discuss this matter.Moreover.Even because of Zhu Xuanqi's identity.Involved in matters of the clan mansion.But now the Clan Mansion is also placed under the Ministry of Rites.So this thing.Zhang Juzheng can be said to be responsible from the beginning to the end.

And this thing.Zhang Fan didn't intend to take part in it either.But he had to know what was going on here.certainly.Taboo can not tell whether it is good or bad from these places.What is Queen Mother Li thinking?After all, the previous morning had decided on this matter.But Empress Dowager Li didn't give any special explanation at all.How should the Ministry of Rites arrange it?That is to say, this matter.Prepare now.Just go the most normal route.In short.I want to find out some news from here.Obviously impossible.

certainly.Zhang Fan is here this time.It's not for the purpose of inquiring about any news.After all this matter.Even now, I still don't know the truth.But since I heard what Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao said.Plus Zhang Fan's own guess.all in all.This matter should also be developing in the direction Zhang Fan expected.

Now.Zhang Fan is here.Just wanted to see the situation.

Speaking up.Regardless of the inside story of this matter.Just talking about it.But it is also an incredible thing.That's what I said before.In the Ming Dynasty, there were vassal kings who came to Beijing.That was all many years ago.Most of the people in court today have never met.And like Zhu Xuanqi.Such a powerful vassal king.He actually went to Beijing alone.This kind of thing rarely happens.It can even be said that it is something that none of the ministers today has seen.

Just from this point of view.This matter cannot be underestimated.And Queen Mother Li's side.No matter what she thinks.But since she didn't explain it.Then this matter should be treated as a very grand event.And this pomp.That's really rare.Maybe you will be an official all your life.When you get old and become an official, you can take care of yourself for the rest of your life.Wait until you are buried.I can't see it once in my life.And now this matter is in front of us.Naturally, it is impossible to miss it.

And since Zhang Fan has such convenient conditions.If you can get close to the water, you will get the moon first.That is of course needless to say.I definitely want to see what Zhang Juzheng's plan is.

And Zhang Fan came just in time.Not just a few members of the cabinet are all there.And there are people from the Ministry of Rites and the Clan Mansion.Zhang Fan naturally knew all these people.Plus because of Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao.And Zhang Fan's own relationship.In short, these people are not very familiar with Zhang Fan.But he didn't have any bad thoughts towards Zhang Fan.After seeing Zhang Fan coming in.everyone.At least nods.say hi.

Zhang Juzheng saw Zhang Fan coming.I am very happy.Pull him to your side.Asked: "I thought you would come today. It's just that. Now it's time to apply. I thought you would come here in the future. Where are you at this time?" Zhang Juzheng is not true I want to find out about Zhang Fan.After all, everyone has their own private affairs.It's okay to delay for such an hour.What's more, they didn't make an appointment before.

"Teacher, student, I do have something to do." But Zhang Fan answered Zhang Juzheng's question that didn't need to be answered. "The student originally thought of going to the teacher's place immediately after leaving the palace. But someone invited the student to come over. The student didn't want to go at first. But after thinking about it, I went to see him."

"Oh." I heard Zhang Fan say this.Zhang Juzheng was interested.Not for anything else.Because he knew that Zhang Fan felt that he would not be aimless.Never say something insignificant.And since Zhang Fan said it.That's it.There is indeed something going on here.Maybe it doesn't matter.But at least Zhang Fan felt that he should let himself know. "Who invited you over."

"It's that Zhu Xuanluo." Zhang Fan replied.

Hearing Zhu Xuanluo's name.Zhang Juzheng pondered for a while.He raised his head and said to Zhang Fan, "Did he say anything. Or what did he want you to do for him?" Zhang Juzheng asked what he was worried about.certainly.This so-called worry.It's really nothing.After all, no matter how you look at it.He didn't think that Zhang Fan would agree to any request made by Zhu Xuanluo.

"Not really." Zhang Fan shook his head.Said. "Maybe he knows it himself. Even if he really wants to ask me for help, I won't agree to him. What's more. What he wants to ask me for help. Even if he doesn't say it, I know it in my heart. He's not a fool. That's why he didn't ask.

"But he asked me about some things. It's about Zhu Xuanqi coming to the capital this time."

"I see." Listening to Zhang Fan's words.Zhang Juzheng nodded.Said. "Then how did you say it?"

"Naturally speaking the truth." Zhang Fan said. "There is nothing to hide about this matter. Besides, what is the Queen Mother's plan. Now, except for the Queen Mother herself, no one knows at all. Since they don't know, why should I lie to him. Naturally, I will Tell him the truth.

"It's just. This Zhu Xuanluo is obviously not the kind to let it go. Even if I have told him so, even he believes that I am telling the truth. I really don't know. But he still refuses to let it go. In the end .He asked me a question. He asked me how I guessed about this matter. He didn't ask Queen Mother Li's thoughts. He just asked me what I thought."

"Oh." Zhang Fan said.Zhang Juzheng was a little surprised. "This Zhu Xuanluo. I really asked that." Indeed.Zhu Xuanluo's question was very clever.Since I asked Zhang Fan a question.And Zhang Fan also told the truth.and.It doesn't matter whether Zhu Xuanluo knows it or not.But Zhang Fan really didn't deceive him.And Zhu Xuanluo did not get accurate information.It simply changed a method.Ask Zhang Fan's guess on this matter.

In this way.He didn't want Zhang Fan to give him an accurate answer.It's just asking him about his guess on the matter.If you ask like this.You, Zhang Fan, can't say that you don't know.And even if you really haven't thought about it before.That's okay too.It's too late to think about it now.Even if it's not very good.In short, whatever comes to your mind, just say it.

In short.Zhu Xuanluo's question.Really smart.

"Indeed." Zhang Fan nodded.

"Then what did you say?" Zhang Juzheng asked.

"Tell the truth." Zhang Fan said the same. "After all, before. That's what I said. Now even if I still want to say something good to deceive him. If he stabilizes him, he won't believe it. So I just think of it. I told him about it. It also prevents him from thinking wildly. Don't do something in the end."

"Well. You did a good job in this matter." Zhang Juzheng nodded.Said. "Indeed. Instead of trying to deceive him, then you must deceive him from the beginning. If you don't tell the truth at the beginning, then stop telling lies. Otherwise, it will be worse than before."

Zhang Juzheng's words.Zhang Fan also agrees.Otherwise, he wouldn't have told Zhu Xuanluo that way before.

"In short. This Zhu Xuanluo. If you can't ask in the future, try not to ask." Zhang Juzheng said. "He's not important now. Let's talk about it. As long as Queen Mother Li doesn't do anything, he won't be needed. It's just an extra mouth to eat out of thin air. Just take good care of it."

Zhang Juzheng's words.Zhang Fan felt helpless.This is simply equivalent to treating a living person like Zhu Xuanluo as an object.But also have to admit.This is indeed the case today.

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