"How's it going, teacher." After talking about Zhu Xuanluo.Zhang Fan asked. "What happened this time?"

"It's about this time." Zhang Juzheng paused.This is what he said. "Actually speaking, what happened this time is easy to handle, and difficult to handle.

"Let's make it easy. Although it has been many years since the feudal king entered the capital, it has happened. Besides, the Ministry of Rites has rules for this kind of thing, even if there is no precedent. .In short.As long as this matter is done according to the rules,then there will be no problem.So it is simple.

"But it's hard to say. But it's also very rare. What's going on in this matter. I won't talk about it anymore. Yuande, you know better than me. And it's for this reason. So it's impossible to do this matter. It seems so easy on the surface. Although since the Queen Mother has nothing to say, then we just need to follow the rules. But what the Queen Mother is planning. We still have to guess. Not everything is done according to the rules That's fine. This matter has to be guessed."

"Then..." Zhang Juzheng's words.Let Zhang Fan think about it.Said. "What do the other ministers think about this matter?" Zhang Fan asked casually.But he regretted the words just after he asked them.Helplessly laughed.

And Zhang Juzheng naturally saw Zhang Fan's appearance.Also smiled helplessly.Said: "What else can I do. Although there is no noise inside now. But they each have their own opinions. So this matter is very difficult now."

Although Zhang Juzheng's words were not complete.But how could Zhang Fan not know what he meant.this matter.How many things are involved in it.All people understand.And it is for this reason.So I really want to guess what the outcome of this matter will be.That was really difficult.Not to mention nowadays.Even Zhang Fan, Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao who were the most able to talk to Queen Mother Li.These three people also had no way to ask Queen Mother Li how she planned to treat Zhu Xuanqi.So there is no way to start.

"The teacher didn't tell them what he thinks." Zhang Fan asked.even though.Now Empress Dowager Li refuses to tell them clearly what they plan to do.In other words, I'm afraid that even Queen Mother Li didn't think about it.It is to abide by the agreement made with Zhang Fan and the three of them.Or is it ready to backtrack.But this thing.Zhang Fan and the others had also guessed.And the result of guesswork is.It is very likely that Queen Mother Li will not do it.And this is just the guess of the three of them.But the conditions are justified.Definitely not a fantasy.So this possibility is very high.

"I originally planned to say that too." Zhang Juzheng became helpless again. "It's just. I'm afraid that even if I tell you about this matter, those people inside may not believe it. Maybe Gao Yi and Zhang Siwei will believe it. But other people will not. After all, behind those people You know better than I do. Which has nothing to do with those princes. So. Even if they believe it, the people behind them probably won't let them believe it.

"What's more. Although we have guessed about this matter ourselves. But Yuande, do you think that our guess is [-]% correct. I definitely only have [-]% to [-]%. That is to say. And The probability is [-]% to [-]%. Maybe the Queen Mother wants to attack Zhu Xuanqi.

"That's why this matter is very troublesome. If one is not sure, it will inevitably cause trouble at that time."

"That's true." Zhang Juzheng said.It made Zhang Fan silent.Things are indeed so troublesome.And this thing.It doesn't mean that you can figure it out in a short while.not to mention.Zhang Juzheng also said it just now.Even those inside believe him.But the people behind them will force them to disbelieve.After all, this kind of life-threatening thing.No one has the means to hand over the helm to others so easily. "However. Although it is not easy for them to believe. But this matter can't just be left alone. At that time, I will have to come up with an explanation. Looking at the current situation, Zhu Xuanqi is already on his way. It won’t be long before we arrive at the capital. If we continue to procrastinate, if we don’t prepare well then, there will be more troubles.”

"That's true." Zhang Juzheng nodded.Said. "So I'm just worrying about it now. I don't know what to do."

"Actually, this matter doesn't need to be so troublesome." Zhang Fan suddenly thought of something.Said. "Students have a way."

"Oh." Zhang Juzheng heard Zhang Fan say that there is a way.quickly asked. "Tell me quickly. I'm worrying about it. If you can help me. That's all the better."

"Actually, it's not a solution." Zhang Fan said. "This matter. In fact, the teacher is too concerned about it. Although there are several princes watching behind those people inside. But in the final analysis, it has nothing to do with this matter. After all, this matter It is the queen mother's will. It is also a matter that has been discussed by the court and China. It is not up to those people to dictate. Therefore, I think. No matter what you should do when the teacher discusses it. At most It just made the queen mother dissatisfied. It's not their turn to speak.

"Of course. If you just do this, I'm afraid it will be a troublesome thing at that time. So it's not enough to just do it like this. I think. The teacher should discuss with them a compromise. First of all, we have to make things better Thinking about it. Just thinking that the queen mother will abide by the agreement and will not do anything to Zhu Xuanqi. And there must be no omissions in the greeting etiquette.

"But you can't just think about good things. You have to think about bad things too. What if the queen mother is really cruel. She wants to do something to Zhu Xuanqi. So, teacher, when you are preparing, you have to think about this. Okay. Although we don't know. But when the time comes, we have to act according to the atmosphere. Once things change, we have to change immediately. There must be no procrastination that makes it difficult for the Queen Mother to speak. That’s all right.”

"Hmm..." Zhang Fan's words.It made Zhang Juzheng think about it. "Both sides are ready. When the time comes, if there is a change, it will be changed immediately... If this is the case, it is not bad. When the time comes, the Queen Mother will definitely not embarrass the people in the court. As for the princes, what do they think. Then we have nothing to do with our affairs. But if they think about it, they won’t do anything. Even if the queen mother does something, Zhu Xuanqi will be taken down immediately. Just find a reason quickly, and they will be dismissed.”

"That's the reason." Zhang Fan nodded. "However, this matter is a bit difficult to handle. This matter has to be explained clearly to those people in the house. It is not troublesome to think about it. They are also very smart. There is no need to explain it at all. It's clear. But it's not enough for them to understand. At that time, the people below must understand.

"And this matter. It has to be arranged earlier. Otherwise, it will be too late. However, I am just afraid. Someone will spread the matter in advance. If that is the case, it will be a big deal. Even if At that time, what they will hear is that we have made two-handed preparations. But they will also think that the Queen Mother will do something. Don’t wait until the time. Zhu Xuanqi has not arrived in the capital yet. There will be a ruckus below. That will really be a big trouble.”

"Well. This is indeed a problem." Zhang Juzheng thought again. "Indeed. Those people inside. If you think about it, you won't say it. Even if they took a lot of benefits from those people. But it's impossible to think about it. But they won't. Maybe those people below .The people below don’t know how much is involved in this. If you think about it, you only need to give these people a little money. They will tell the story.”

"This is indeed troublesome." Zhang Fan didn't have much to do for a while.Although he is in charge of Jinyiwei.For things like intelligence.Whether it is to inquire about or keep secret.They are relatively experienced.But even so.Zhang Fan didn't have any good solution to the matter that Zhang Juzheng was worried about.To know.Even Zhang Fan is in charge of Jinyiwei.But even so.Even those people in the Jinyiwei do these things that eat inside and outside.It's hard for Zhang Fan to guarantee that it won't happen.There is no way to detect it in advance.so.Now Zhang Juzheng also encountered this kind of thing.But Zhang Fan still couldn't give him any good suggestions.

"Well. This matter is indeed a bit difficult." Zhang Juzheng said. "Now I can't think of any good solution. But Yuande, your previous suggestion is good. I plan to do it like this. As for whether the people below will disclose the news. I can't think of it for a while. A good way. But there are too many of us. Think together. Even if you can’t be [-]% sure. At least it can make things better. There will always be a way.”

"In that case, that's good." Zhang Fan nodded and said. "Teacher, I also want to go in and have a look."

"There's nothing to say. It's great to have you here." Zhang Juzheng also smiled.Said.

Just when Zhang Fan was about to go in with Zhang Juzheng.But he saw Wang Degui looking for him in a hurry.

Zhang Fan didn't mean to blame him.He knew that although Wang Degui looked very rough.But absolutely very careful.Now this time.If there is nothing important.He will never come to disturb himself.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Fan asked before he could speak.

Wang Degui looked excited.Said: "My lord. They are back."

"I'm back." Zhang Fan was a little confused for a moment. "Who the hell is back?"

"Wang Qianhu." Wang Degui said. "It's Wang Qianhu and the others who are back."

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